Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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------------- - Buy a new Husky CR and learn from Tony Do FREE Thny DI Stefano ~ one of AmerIca's most respected motocross champions and he has shared hJs lIlIlllZing sIdIIs with hundreds 01 riders through hJs'llmy D. Motocross Sdloo~ and Seminars. For 1984, Husqvama has ""riled a spedaI arrangemeoI wtIh Thny D., allowIng purthasers 01 the ea:tUng new 1984 Husqvama CR's to attend a '!bny D. Motocross Sdlool-absolutely FREE. This ~ the deal-Just visit your IocaJ Husqvama doaIer and Iakf home a new 1984 Husqvama 125CR, 250CH or 5OOCR. When we receI'" jIlur warranty registration card, we'U aend a certificate dlrect1y to jIlU, good for one free '!bny D. Motocross SdlooJ. \bu can then COlIIa<:l'!bny D. and arrange tel attend the school_ jIlu. ThJs oller includes the lXllll of the school on!}! Central Pipeline 1Iansportalion, meals, lodging and motorcycle wtU be your own ""P"nsibUl~ of cou,,", Whether an am3leUr or ex- pert, you'U find '!bny D:s schoo~ wtU help you 10 beuer Iakf advantage rJ the p.- and handling of your new IIusqwma. Hurry. the winners' drde may only be as far 1IIIa'f as your nearest Husqvama deale: '1iiY Husqvama THE FINAL STEP UP Texas State Championship action gets underway as this group of 125cc riders rounds the first turn, vieing for the top position. Clement claims victory at Texas GNCMX Beitler beats mud for Oklahoma CCwin By Tom Curry and Pete Sullivan OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, MAR. 25 WHITNEY, TX, APR. I Mike Clement rode his Yamaha YZ250 to 2-1 finishes to take the overall in the 250cc Pro division of the Texas G NC Series. American Motocross .Enterprises, Inc. Presents Challenge MUG APRIL 29 Beginners - Juniors - Intermediates Experts - Pros AT INDIAN DUNES GATES OPEN 7. PRACTICE 8 • RACE 9 MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED TEN RIDERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO MAKE A CLASS ALL ENTRIES WILL RECEIVE BUD MUG REGULAR CLASSES: Mail Entry Per Clas. • •••••••••• 81.5.00 Post Entry (Oay of Race) ••••••• , • 820.00 TIDS BUD'S fOR YOU' • PRO CLASS: ~ Mail Enlry Per Pro Class ••••••••• 820.00· • ~ost Entry (Oay of Roca) ••••••••• 125.00 •• - • ~ ~ $1,000 Pro-Purse BEGINNERS RACE: Mail Entry Per Baginners •••••••• 810.00 Post Entry (Day of Race) • • • • • • • • • 815.00 Membership ia not required for Beginners Race. ODYSSEY & THREE·WHEELER ENTRVFEE: REGULAR CLASSES: . Moil Enlry PerCless: •• , •••••••• 815.00 Post Entry (Day of Roce) • • • • • • • • • 820.00 w. .E .. ~ - ~ SANCTIONED PRO CLASS: Mail Entry Per Pro Class ••••••••• 820.00 Post Enlry (Day of Roce) ••••••••• 825.00 . American Motocross Enterprises Inc. P.O. Box 1421, Reseda. CA 91335 For More Info; (213) 881-5778 This event, round two of the series, was conducted at Lake Whitney Cycle Park, and the weather was excellent. In the first 250cc Pro moto, Dennis Hawthorne put his Kawasaki out front early, with Kirk Spencer pressuring for the iirst few laps. Spencer couldn't keep the pace for long, and was soon being challenged by Clement. At the midway point, Clement made his move, sliding past Spencer for second. Clement was charging, but r,1n out of time, and Hawthorne took the win. Spencer remained in third, with Dennis Daft and Rusty Pipes finishing 4-5 for the moto. In moto two, Daft [Jew around the first turn with Clement right behind. Clement was hounding Daft, and on lap five, made his move. Daft remained in second for another three laps, when Dennis Hawthorne got by. Clement received the overall victory due to the second moto win, and Hawthorne was awarded second for his nearly identical 1-2 score. ThiTd overall went to Daft, as he held third for the remainder of the second goaround. The I25cc Pro class was a one man show, performed by Carroll Richardson, on a Kawasaki. From out of the fall-back start gate to the checkered [Jag. Richardson took the first moto win without challenge. Suzukimounted Skipper Beavers appeared to be securely in second, until a fourth lap spill ended his chances. Daft, seeing the downed rider, jumped into second. some 20 seconds behind Richardson. Kit Vick moved up from a sixth place start to claim third. Moto two saw Daft come out of the gate, with Richardson right with him. Daft could only manage about four seconds on Richardson during the first few laps. Near the halfway point, Richardson managed to squeeze by for the lead. Rusty Pipes was not far off the pace, with Vick and Hawthorne rounding out the top five. The overall positions were also filled in the same fashion. Results in Results Section By Kevin Baker Brian Beitler splashed his way through the pack to take the win in the very crowded 250cc Novice class in today's 50 mile Oklahoma Cross County Racing Association-sanctioned cross country race at Interstate Motocross Park. _Beitler, on an Ajax Motorcycles Husqvarna, went through two sets of goggles as the five mile long track had been liberally watered by over two inches of rain the previous week. Phil West led Beitler for the first six laps, but he, like most of the riders, had problems with the muddy conditions which allowed Beitler to take the lead. Clay Hoenshell (Suz) came out for a little practice before the Dallas Supercross, and proceeded to run away with the Pro class. Hoenshell, in his first cross country this year,led after the first half lap had gone by, with Chuck Cooper (KTM) and Trey Jorski (Suz) running second and (hird. Hoenshell and his Suzuki performed flawlessly for the rest of the race to take the class win. Many of the men were surprised by a cute young lady named Mary Borden. Borden not only easily won the Ladies class on a Yamaha, but also showed the guys in the 200cc Novice class the fast way around the track, on her Honda,. Mary had a good race with James Wells for second place behind Lloyd McMartin. She had too many problems in the mud to be able to stay with Wells, who took second behind McMartin. • Results PRo: 1. Clay H_olI (VarnI: 2. Chucl< Cooper (KTM); 3. Tray Jorslti (Suzl. OPEN AMA: 1. Ray MeG. . (Hon); 2. Tony MeGugan (Yam); 3. Steve Woolery (Yilm). 250 AMA: 1. Da.. Fogle (yaml; 2. Jimmy Cooper (Hon); 3. Toby ~aor (KTM). 2ooAMA: 1. Richard callen (Kaw); 2. Tom Rhude (Yam); 3. Bob Norr... (Kaw). 125 AMA: 1. Bobby Soulhard (Yam); 2. Dan COllea (Suz); 3. Mark Sky (Yam). OVER 45: 1. Jerry Morriaon (Suz); 2. Odu. Hill (Hus); 3. Norris Price (Hus). OVER 3B: 1. Lawrence Kelly (KTM); 2. Ray Ingram (Moi); 3. Howard Musgrove (M-S). OVER 30 AMA: 1. Tarry long (Hon); 2. Charles Magness (Mai); 3. John King (Hon). OVER 30 NOV: 1. SIeve Franks (Yom); 2. Gary Orummond (Kaw); 3. Randy Kohl (Vom). OPEN NOV: 1. Greg Cole (Hon); 2. Stave Higgin. (Hon); 3. Rob Harri. (Hus). 250 NOV: 1. Brian Beiller (Hus); 2. Phil West (HuI); 3. Doug Blackwell (Hus). 200 NOV: 1. Lloyd McMartin (Hon); 2. James Walls (Vam); 3. Mary Bordan (Hon). 125 NOV: 1. Brad Black (Suz); 2. Tim Woolen (Suz); 3. Rick Robnett (Vam). WOMEN'S: 1. Mary Borden (Yam); 2. Sissy Baxler (Yam); 3. Eve Shank (Kaw). MINI: 1. Todd HoUer (Hon); 2. Brad Ashford (I(aw); 3. Peter Holcombe (Hon).

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