Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 02 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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dollars for motorcycle purchasers, our progress in opening high occupancy vehicle lanes to motorcycles, success in keeping tolls down, efforts to improve the availability of motorcycle credit, successful opposition to no-fault insurance in many states, our influence toward rider education programs in 15 states, the lO-year fight in federal court to keep the public lands open to recreational riders, and on and on. I can't possibly address all of the issues here. As I said above, I hope Mr. Park and others will consider the many, many times they've been helped by the AMA. I believe that anyone who does this will realize how much AMA does in government relations and why it is important for them to support the program through membership. I also believe no good comes to anyone who ignores the big picture and drops out based on a single and separate issue which, in this case, has been acknowledged by all parties as controversial and divisive within the motorcycle industry. ED YOUNGBLOOD President, AMA Westerville, OH WEST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharoa Clayton, Publishtt CarolineGendry. Executive Secretary to the Publishtt Nancy Danger. Advtttising/Editorial Assistant. Editori.1 Dale Brown, Senior Editor. Lance Bryson, Editor. Kit Palmer, Editor. Advertising Skip Johnson, National Sales Manager. Terry Prall, Sales Manager. Mike Spencer. Sales Manager. Linda Brown, Advertising Coordinator. Tina Bowen, Advertising Assistant. Graphics .nd Production Disappointment Gene Rennell. Graphic Artist. Lori Tyson. Graphic Artist. Marion Hatashita, Typography. Sheila Larsen. Typography. Dennts Greene, Laboratory. For the second year in a row I attended the Great American Motorcycle Show in San Francisco, and for the second year in a row, I was greatly disappointed by the content of the show. Last year the failure of any of the more prominent aftermarket suppliers to show up and exhibit their wares was very discouraging. This year was no different. The only reason I decided to attend this year was because of the short track races held in conjuntion with the show. There were only a handful of aftermarket manufacturers in attendance at the show, and they should be commended. One wouJd think that the Big Four's displays would be complete, buttrus year they were very ·dismal in presentation and many of their models were absent. I went to the show because I wanted to see everything for motorcycles underone roof. I do admit thatl enjoyed the racing, but the intermission's length and content which bordered on tedium ruined an otherwise enjoyable racing schedule. If the show is going to continue to bill itself as the Great American Motorcycle Show, maybe they had better get more involvement from the motorcycle industry and present a motorcycle show that would warrant a $12 price tag. CHARLES PRICEFolsom,CA Accounting/D.te Processing Mike Klinger. Controlltt. Donna Bryan, Accounts R~ceivable Coordinator. Geneva Repass, AssistanL Tary Dailey. Credit Manager. Circulation Rheba Smith, Manager. Michelle Hanna, Sarah Taylor, Debbie Walker, Lyna Hood. Assistants. Dealer S.les .nd Service Tim Ryan. Dealer Sales Manager. W.ntAds Lynda Milligan, Want Ad Sales It w.s our pleasure I started to follow Class C racing when Joe Leonard was in his prime. So, I would like to thank you for allowing me and so many others the opportunity to read what's up with the past seventeen Grand National Champions. Keep up the good reporting. TERRY R. McLENNAN East Point, GA Service .nd Support Chris Aiteheson, Receptionist. Gregory Hanson. SlI:S. West 2201 Chary Ave., Long Beach, CA P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801· 0498 (215) 427-7433; L.A. Line 636-8844. East 4190 First Ave.. Tucker. GA. P.O. Box 805, Tucker, GA 30085~5. (404) 934-7850. Cycle News/West (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except the (jrst and last week 01 the calendar year lor $25 ptt year by Cycle News, Inc., 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Second class postage paid at Long Beach, CA. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to Cycle N_. P.O. Box 498. Long Beech. CA 90S01-049S. Subscription rates: One year, second class mail, $25; two years, second class mail, $45; three yean, second class mail, $68; 25 weeks, $14. Foreign rates avail· able on request. Cycle News welcomes unsolicited edi· torial material including slOries, car· toons, phOlOS, etc. Such material, iI published, becomes the exclusive property 01 Cycle News. Such attepted malerial is subject to rnision as is necessary in the sole discretion 01 Cycle News. Unsolicited material which is DOt used will be returned if accompanied by a sell addressed stamped envelope. All unsolicited material will be handled with reasonable care, boweva, Cycle News assumes no responsibility lor the wety, loss or damage to such material. Reprinting in whole or part only by pttmission 01 the publisher. Advertising rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R.D.S. Copyrighte Cycle N_. Inc. 1984. T........rtt Cycle N-. ..III. . . . Correction... Thank you for printing my letter in the Voices seaion two weeks ago. Unfortunately you printed that I earned the most points of any CRC Mini in 1983. My letter said "Mini C," Scott Jacobsen was the overall number one Mini last year. Please print this correction: MICHELLE HOWARD Palm Springs, CA Proven track record ...•nd credit where it's due Upon reading the Voices section of your February 8 paper, we feel we must write and set the record straight on one very important point regarding Michelle Howard's letter. First, we would like to point out that the number one Mini for 1983 is Scott Jacobsen. He is a Mini A rider and the only one to earn the number one plate. Michelle earned enough points to finish at the top of the Mini C division. As you can see, there is a great difference. We feel this should be rectified so that Scott Jacobsen and his sponsors - Suzuki of Van Nuys, Cycle-Am, Jones Goggles and Duralube Oil get the credit they deserve. After all, there is only one number one and Scott worked very hard to get it. THE PROUD JACOBSEN FAMILY Lakewood, CA U.S. p.,.nt Offlc». All rlllhts ... .-..d. My fellow motorcyclists ON THE COVER: Johnny O·M... tDpped.,WnI. . . o.It.... ~ hclo'M wI1h .75.000. H. fin....... 2 ..concI-.IISMu..-v ....... on Sundey ., the s.ttt. KIngcIorN. Photo by KIt~. feel I am the best of three candidates. I can win the primary and the general election, November 6, with your help. As you may know, I am an Expertrated racer and a promoter of ice races. ~ am knowledgeable of all aspects of the motorcycle sport, both pleasure and business. As we approach the latter part of the 20th century, the millions of motorcyclislS should have a voice in the United States Congress, and I can be that voice. But in order to win in November, I must first win the primary on March 20. The motorcyclists are the first group that I am appealing to and with your immediate support, my primary victory can be assured. Please send all contributions to: Committee to Elect Daniel Schmitt, 4646 N. Kilpatrick Ave., Chicago, IL 60630 (3121725-5863 or 725-2115). DANIEL SCHMITT Chicago,IL Asof January 12, my name, Daniel Schmitt, will be on the primary ballot for the o((ice of Representative in Congress for the eleventh Congressional District in Illinois. The primary will be held on March 20, and I Please let me take this opportunity to reply to Mr. Kevin H. Park whose letter appeared in Voices for January 25, 1984. Commenting on my interview, Mr. Park complained that AMA had not taken an appropriate position on the motorcycle tarif( issue, and that consequently he challenges my statement that our Association aggressively confronlS adverse legislation. From AMA's point of view, the ITC issue was a "no win" issue. We have a large number of members in both camps. Whatever position we chose, a substantial number of members could be harmed. Conseq uently, we took no position which, of course, also has incurred criticism. During my interview I did not state that AMA's government relations department would always call the shot that pleases everyone, nor did I claim that we had succeeded in every case. However, our track record as a whole reveals a highly successful program of legislative impact that has, at one time or another, benefitted every motorcycle owner in this nation. Consider our success in keeping the streets of major cities open to motorcycles, our impaa on EPA noise re~ulations that saved hundreds of Publilhed !etten do not necessarily reflect the poaition of Cycle News, Inc. Send letters to Voice., Box 498. Long Buch. CA 90801,

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