Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 02 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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in 8a.m.. prIC. 9·10. r1Cl11t3O. Entry 18 Splsmn. 115 Ex. 14 gIlO. Into 918/428-4533 IMcAIeSllr ~I. CALIFORNIA SUNRISE MX CMC Sunri" V.II.y Cyd. PIItl. AdO' IlnlO. CA. 2 mi. _ of town on Hwy 395. All clo..... 5Il'II MinilV., troph.. 50" cIIll p.b. V.'/b. F DIN ... p.rting. Gill 7:30 I.m.. riel 9:30. Inf. 7T 4/245-7339. '0 CALIFORNIA OEANlA MX O.Ann Cyel. PIItl. Sunnym•• d CA. 10 mi. elst of Rmrlid. on Hwy 60 to Theodore lIit. All clISHS. 30" 11m. dly SplSmn ' ....h.. 100" P•• Wee tToph. [verybody goes 2 motos. Free clmping. PaR open 7 days. Gltt 6 •. m.. pr;tc. 8:30. rice 9'30. Entry S1 gltl! + S10 Sptsmn. S14 Pro: nonm.". add .3 Into 714/653·8068. 5840. 7979. TEXAS AUSTIN MX Austin Motosports Raceway. Aus'in. lX. U.S. 1835 '0 Smith ReI 1.0"'" of M.,... 10 pl.n'l. _ ReI 1Y, A WllCh tor signs. All e1...... 50" 'mph. ItlmUQh 5m. 200% b. p.b. Con· cessions. free clmping 81 fishing. Split schedule: Nov sign up 7 I.m.. prlC. B. rice 9; Int/Ex sign up noon. raee 1:30. Glte 'S adult. under-B frll. Entry .10 Sptsmn. 115 Ex Info 5121443·7827. 327·5254 (Rocky). .. TEXAS LAKE WHITNEY MX L.", Whi'n.y Cycl. R.noh. Whi,· ney. nc. On FM 2980 of Hwy 22. west of Whitney. All c1lua. Troph. through 8th, '1.170 g.ur.....d purse. Split schtd: Nov 9 a.m.. lnt/Er appro.. 1:30 p.m. Camping S2/vehicll. gltl U. En'ry'8 Am, 110 Ex. Info 713/482· 7593.8171894-2901. ARIZONA CANYON MX Conyon RlCIWIy. 1Y, mi, .... of 99ttl Ave A GIrIfrH Hwy. PhOl"" AZ. All e1...... 33" Sp..... Iroph.. 100ll Ex p.b. Inf. 802/934-5027 lBobI. 583-0575 ITOOl). AME CAlIFORNIA MX Indian Dunn Cyd. PIItl. ~ 5'0 Hwy 128, Vllenci.. CA. All c _ . PnI p.b. A 30% Splsmn troph. Gill 7 ..m.• pr... 8..... 9. Entry '12 Splsmn. , 17 Pro 1"5 ,. p.b.); AME m.... req·d. ...illl _ 11201. Amoricon Moto· CIOU EnltIprisI.. Inc.. P.O. 80, 142t. R...d•. CA. 111335. Info 2131 881-5778. March 30 CALIFORNIA MOTORCYCLE SWAPMEET Nltionll OranOI Show Grollids in Sin Blm.nli•. CA. 15 E. Frwy Orlng. Show Rd. Dp.", 6 pm·l Dpm. Fr.. parking. 1000s of p..s and Iccessories. lntlr-Shows. Info 714/495·0515241n. '0 April 1 CRC FAMILY ENOURO R.d M'_ CA. All e1...... 20" Iropt'ls. Stlrts 8 am. Entry $20 mltl. '23 po.tlnf. 714/689·6114. April 15 AMA CALIFORNIA GP HARE SCRAMBlES Shll'. Olm. R.dding. CA. All cllssas.• 1000 SiIVlr Bar for overlll Expen. specill jlCkpot OWIran Nov. .nd AmI. Entry '26 pro. incl", T· shirt. POIt Inlry no T-shirt. Info 9161243·4277IT.ny Ru"I. ROAD RUNS CALIFORNIA ROAO RUN I.e... tnIm Soudll..dCyd. C.nt.., 8141 Gorden Grove 81vd.. Y, mil. tnIm Bllch Blvd.• Glrdln GrOVl. CA. Travel to Santi Berbarl. ani day trip. Frel coHn. Wil '" "sdloduIleI ~ lOin. Info 714/893·5092 (Tom or Bobl. March 3-4 CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY TOUR S,ert 11 Huldlin. HIrIty·O.-1 Yom.... 55405 29 Plim. Hwy. YUCCI VIII.y. CA. Stln 8 om SIt. SIn Felipe· 8Ijo CIlifomill Moxic. RoId T Coli .... or"" for men int•. No ....., t_. U.s. T0.... 1nf. 619/365· 6311 (R. H"""in.). Mo'.rtyd. March 11 AMA·O·J7 HARE ANO HOUIIO Rod M CA. Stili.. Stllion. limed N A S.n 395 botMtn Rid Nhn. Ind Aidoecrllt. All dlsert dlUu. No ATCs. T..... Blgimmlnd tll,imirs welcom.. S,ert 9 om. Entry "6. H8MC. Inf. 714/637·4468 IRon PlprOski). March 18 AMA/O·37 200 MILE RUN Slugus. CA. Stlrt Accessoril1 Unlimiltd. 26057 8ouq..' Cyn. Ad.. S.ugu•. CA 91350.5'." 7:30.m. S7 per ritltr. For men info 8051255· 6522 IBoyc. or Phylli. Wini.m.) or 213/860-6053 (SCMAI. March 25 February 26 AMA/Q.37 CAlIFORNIA 8IllE 110£ Stert II - . 01 P P.· AMA/O·37 POKER RUN S Acctuori•• UnlillliIld. 26057 Bouq CInyon ReI.. Saugus. CA. Fininr pins. trophs Sign-in 7·9:30 1m. Entry S7·in, 18 post P...... M/C Club. Info 818/355·6268, 714/596-5120 or 8181768·5373. ...... CA. Goo UQh Aogeln mil _ on IIId oH of Angela CmtHwy.This ... .... din. St_ pinI. troph.. COIlIingo. ciI•. Stert It 7 . . or 9 ... Entry $12 moil, "5 p.... Into 714/673-6818 (TIny NidloI.1 or 2131258-4944 ISIleryl11 Q.37 oIfic:tl. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VENDRAMINI iOILEPlDIR i Motorcycle Boots $79.95 11.&..1 LISTIIIG 1 • 1.&..1 • Fast Kats • y wear ·em! • New MX Cat • T-Shirts • • • • • • • , 'Ve Accept M/C. VISA, Cashier's Check, Money Orders. W. Ship C.O.D. Deily • I To order yours. check out the Cyde News product order form Event dille: I Calendar listings are a free service. Please type or legi· bly print all information asked for and mail the blank or a fascimile thereof to: Cycle News Calendar, PO Box 49B, Long Beach. CA 9OB01. All listings must be received by noon Thursday 10 appear in the following week's Cycle News. No phone calls. please; we can only accept items in writing, You may include an event flyer in addition to the Calendar blank. Loc;allon/dlfiK1lOns TVP" SUBSCRIBE ORDER DESK 21!)427·74~!(21!)427-74!~21!)427 (213) 331-7663 ~. EXIRUDEf-O\E 8075 Penna. Ave.. Irwin. PA 15642. (412'863-5900 8800 E. Compton Blvd.• Paremount. CA 90723, (213) 531-2767 . 1 0% Off Sale All Parts and Accessories Ad muat be ",..nted tor discount BELLFLOWER YAMAHA 10401 ~1ondrlI • e1Iftower. CA (213) 125-5087 "'" ."."," ~ ~WEB-CAM 32 NEO OIL COMPANY 2885 Gundry, Lona 8Mc:h. CA 90e0e 1213'424-8118 DEAlER INQUIRIES INVITED Ii PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS Send S3 tor cOl1llllele C,11dloq 1663 Superior Ave.• Cosla Meu. CA 92627 . • • I I I = • • • • • • • • • • • • = I I on the Dealer Directory Page. SPECTRa OILS OF CAUFORNIA • • • I SponsorIng club/ptornotet/unctlOn"..h_l.u...· II Adchlional Info. • • • • • • • • • • • • I En.".... : • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I G.I./prllCtic.I'.~ tim••: I Your name: I Phone number tor info (with .r.. codel; •

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