Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 02 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Poster Special! $10 Value For Only $5 ATV News.. pl...... to offer ..... uciti... li.mll-etIiliooI, ATV Aclioll P_rs ......utely free witllall ••••lIIIscripli-. lift .lIIIscripli_ .... _ _ ATV Ne_."lCIip1i_ •• alr.My • Ir ,aI aI, .5 for 12 uciti.. isun.1IIn _ . tIIa will lie 5 ....rately ,.' _ ...... for JDlIr • ...,1 O..'t tab • c"'ce If ,.r ,_n Pepsi Challenge Team Race Bend. Oregon Feb. 4.1984 Results Overall By Bob Osborn Brad Turnidge/ J.D. Amon Mike Howard/ Bill Dowers Ken Maasl Scott Harden Richard McUne/ Lyle Wollam H-W Ex H·W Ex H-W Ex 30 Ex Joe McCormickl Willis Taylor Jeff Miller/ Daniel Huskev Rick Bozarth/ Doug Smith David Monon/ Clifford Humbard John Holland/ John White L·W Ex L-W Ex H-W Ex H-W Ex H·W Ex Dan Hanel Barren Brown Ron Dillionl Reid Bright Paul Thompson/ Gordon Graham lyle Perkinsl William Perkins Norm Bergsma/ Owen Glaze Vern Brown/ Jerry Young Bob Bushey/ Joe Bushey Joe Uewellen/ Pat Sams David Russell/ Don Christie Mike Mather/ Phil Nordstrom Joe Porter/ Don Moody David Sturner I Lindy Marsh Tom Lillis/ Terry Bennett Kurt MaSlnxle/ Glen Bexter SIeve Doane/ Mike Ritchie MikeR_n/ Micltey McBeth Harry Reid/ Jerry Denly Grey Autry/ Dave Merkin AUen Seymour/ Bruce Coddington Terry William/ Lawrence Zoon Doug McCance/ Mike McCance H-W Ex H-W Ex H-W Ex H·W Ex 30 Ex 30 Ex H-W Ex L-W Ex 30 Ex 30 Ex 30 Ex H-W Ex H-W Ex H-W Ex 30 Ex H-W Ex H-W Ex 30 Ex L-W Ex H-W Am H-W Am Cln.nee Pinsl Bill Tastor Richard Carlson/ Laith Snecltner Steve Sr.mateder/ Dave Pauling Steve Sprague/ Bill Pragor Dave Riam/ Jerry Benson Dan Bolin/ Dennis Rux 40 Ex 30 Ex L-W Ex 30 Ex L-W Ex H-W Ex Darrin Bani Marit Recor Chuck Rice/ Lenny Miller An PoindeXler/ Randy Raid John Phillips/ Jim Keltner Jess Risenmayl Jim Olsen Bud Bernards/ Bob Hamilton Joe Wood/ Curtis Eames Ron Bell/ Doug Hinkle Mike Meddick/ H-W Am Jeff Meddick H-W Am Jim Pam/ Gary Forester Klaus Hohman/ Shawn Hohman Carl Boyle/ Kenneth Boyle Terry Welch/ Ben Grable Jerry Radford/ Danny Quinn Damon Spee/ Dave Evans Greg Stults/ Don Boyd SCott Ohnemusl Marit Creighton James Kiraly/ ;John Wright Bill Copp/ Jerry Morrell Dave Cook! Joe Andrus 40 Ex H-W Ex 30 Am H-W Am H-W Am 30 Am H-W Am 30 Am H-W Ex 30 Am H-W Am H-W Am H-W Am H-W Am loW Am H-W Am H-W Am H-W Am James Green/ Jeff Boone H-W Am Maruin LaFranbeisel Jerry Shields 30 Am Keith Cayton/ Bob Huseh L-W Am James Neffl Roger Norris H-W Am Kevin Zimmermanl Rick Stradler H-W Am Keith Teasdale/ Craig Forner H-W Am Thomas Uding/ Jim Newmon 40 Am Bob Orbornel Tom Pilcher 30 Am Jim Hollipter I Troy Betcher H-W Am Dave McGuire/ Kirt Fausett H-W Am Larry Minor/ 40 Am Don Rathgen Rick Coa/ Nick Anderson H·W Am Darrin Pelosyl Bob Huskey 30 Am Vern McCa1l1 40 Ex Bob Decker Keith Eckleman/ Fred Engleking H-W Am James Jackson/ Charles Harter H-W Am Tim Owen/ Roy laForge Beg Ed Meusec/ Jeff Singer H-W Am Mark Grindstadl WAyne Wilcox H-WAm John Cunningham/ Loyd Westby 40 Ex WallyZoon/ Brad Zoon Beg Bill Ogilvie/ Doug Buchanan 30 Am Kevin Cosgrove/ L-W Am Ken Duncan Rand Graves! Dave Wellam Beg Brian Cobb/ Jeff Hotchkiss H-W Am Frank Schweinforthl Tom Gerald Beg Gary Sears/ Elton Reid 30 Am Walter Wright/ Rick Braun Beg Jim Budmark/ Joe Budmarit Beg Dan McCarthy/ lance Griffin H-W Am Vince Schuster/ Susan Schuster Beg Mike Watkins/ Mike Mole H-W Am Billy Toman/ Jack Carlson 40 Am Larry Cole/ Ron Rice 30 Am M. Alarcon J. Rteci J. Crljenko B.Dunn H. zarth J. Arbogast D. Westhaver J. Caton G. Webb J. Shepp S. Bevilacqua M. Menesini OTMASTER D. Spencer R. Schilling 8. Manley O. Mann R. Lokke B. Collins R. Fay P. Frisbie B. Sturdman B. Wehr H. zarth P. Bostrom G. Hrobsky G. Pruitt K. Yarn G. Cogburn M. Collins E. Cabral C. Ellert O. Baker G. Estes A. Baumann G. Nawman Han Suz Hon Yam Ma' Mai Hus Hus Suz Vam Suz Mai tIMI.,r Yam Han Hon Hus Hon Han Vam C/A Hon Hon Mai Hon Hus Suz Hon Hon Han Suz CIA Vam Suz KTM Hon Kaw Han O.Hau~ann R. Buck SIDECARS P. Whitneyl S. Whitney J. Palfreyman/ V. Palfreyman K. Maler/ R. Harris B. Schnoor/ Langosh P. Palfreyman/ P. PaHreyman R.Whitney/ WSP WSP WSP EML WSP A.~k H/D E. Whitney/ P. Stimson EML J. C.rterl J. McCoy chic. .f t Iy r.nd.r.d 11 x 14 ,rinls D. ~il" qulity steck. Usa til• ....,. CD..... llel_ to .~.r • hili , •• of .xciti.. ATV .etiDa, 11II1 pt. pater free, ATV Acti. ,..,. •• ....... .....rately for .5 .Nlc" *7.58 fer tin, or jlllt $I 0 for ... tIIr••. s,ic... ,.., . . . r _ WSP r-------------------------------------------------------Fill Out Coupon Completely. Name Addrea City o --'- _ State _ _-,-- Zip _ ENTER my subscription/renewal at $5 and send me a FREE posterl I want the 0 Three-Wheeler 0 Odyssey 0 Race Kart poster. 1983 0-36 Final Cross Country Expert Point Standings o Send a gift subscription at $6 to: Dave Wood Duke Dowell Matt Cullins Ken Ramsey Dave Bertram John Haaker Charley Smart Charley Halcomb Greg Martz Oarrol Brown Fred Bellman Pat Brown Dan Nielson Randy Lash Perry Sherman Jeff Irwin Conrad Stitser Ed Marchini Chris Riddle Oon Wilson City _ State Zip _ And with that gift send 0 me/ 0 them e FREE poster I J l'ROPHY PICKUP CMC Golden State/ Skoal Bandit Series Sand Hill Ranch Masters-Sidecars Feb. 5. 1984 VET MASTER '5. Davis J. Miller G.Jones K. Ratzlolf S. Ferroni R. Lewis A. Stidham C. Nelson A. Posey T. Whytal A. Beimam M. Lone J. Dekay W. Broby L Baker H. Pu!yer M. Varn Name Address Hon M.i Han Hon Vam Hus Hon Vam Hon Hon KTM Hon Mai Hon Hon Hon Suz XXX SIMI VAllEY M.C. Dual European Scrambles. July 9 & 10; can be picked up at dese" races in February. Bob Torgerson (818) 786-0457. (105-7) Jackrabbits Hare 'N' Hound trophies may be picked up at deser:t races after Feb. 1 st, or at clubhouse; Monday nights, 8:30 -9:30 p.m. 9143 Compton Blvd.• Bellflower. (106-9) For lisling- in this deparlmenl, pleast' mail inrormalioll with $1.00 per w('ck th.u il is run to: Cycle News Trophy Pick-up, Box 498, Lon~ Beach, CA 90801. I/They went the 0 Three-Wheeler 0 Odyssey 0 Race Kart poster. 0 POSTERS Only. Please. $5 for one. Additional posters $2.50 each. Indicate number of posters desired: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Three-Wheeler Odyssey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Race Kart Note: California residents must additionally. o Payment enclosed add 6'12% sales tax on all posters ordered separately or Charge my 0 MasterCard 0 VISA ~rd#---------------------t Expiration date _ Signature _ The issuer of the card identified on. this item is authorized to pay the amount shown a. TOTAL (together with any other charges due thereon) subject to and in .ccordli nee with the agreement governing the UN of such card. -MAIL TO: ATV News, P.O. Box 1030, Lona BeBeh, CA 90801 OR CALL: (213) S9~7S3for MB.tereBrd/YISA orders! Caned. and Mexico (1 year) 2nd cl....1O. Other for.~n r.tH aV8ilabie upon request. chOck .. Money Oiilers - payabla in funds. .. u.s. l -------------------------------------------------_- : H I ' - 33 _---~ - - - ---- ,111 l.rlJ"

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