Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 02 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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" , ..... • ' I LBI SUNDAY FEBRUARY 26th GIl... Open ••••••••••• 8:30 a.m. PrIlct6ce I (1-125)•••••••• 8:00 a.m. PrKtice 11 (260·500) ••••• 8:215 a.m. PrllC1ice III (Vet) • • • • • • • • 8:50 a.m. All Pro•••••••••••••• 9:15 a.m. 0-100'. and Women ••••• 10:15 a.m. Al1250'. • • • • • • • • . • . • 1 :30 p.m. AIIVets •••••••••••• 11:15a.m. All 500'••••••••••••• 2:30 p.m. AU 125'• • • • • • • • • • • • 12:30 p.m. rNm Aece ••••••••••• 3:30 p.m. CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS Silenc.... M.nd8torv Entry Fee ••••..•• 015.011 1 ....,) ••••••••••••••• 022.00 (pool) Toom _ •••• 010.00 {.....) . Must .. no ••••• '12.00 (pon) . entries together 1984 Tenative Grand National Camel Pro Series AVOID THE HASSLE OF RACE DAY ENTERING AND SAVE MONEY IY ENTERING EARLYI Mail Entry & '15.00 10: (chock or money order) P.O. Bo. 38B Corone. CA 91720 5/5 5/6 5/12 5/20 . It under 18, peram'.lignature must be noI8rized or signed in front of R.A.C.E. offk:iel.1I 612 DEADLINE: En_ muet be poetme_ bet.... Feb. 22 or brought to R _ V otIlce by 12 Noon Feb. 24 -----------F'U _. 6/9 6/8-10 6116-17 RESULTS: SoH-Addressed Envelope required for return of r••uhs. CIRCl£ ONE CIRClE ONE SIZE SKILL LEVEL RIDING NUMBER MIM100 ~. Int. e,.. 125 175 Girt. Vets (32+' 250 500 OUTCOMPlETELY'---------CIRCLE ONE R.A.C.E. ICYCLE MAKE ... SILENCER NAME -.- TYPE Non·Membe ""'NT V. . . . G"ls Circle 2 ""'NT PRINT ""'NT CORONA RACEWAY R.A.C.E. GRAND PRIX ENTRY BLANK SPONSOR: AGE--PHONEI _ _ I CC·s 3/4-11 417 4114 or Bring 10 Corona RlIC8W1IY Office . CORONA RACEWAY Calendar listings are a free service for Cycle News readers and race promolers. All information is the responsibilty of the promoter. We suggest calling to confirm details before lraveling to an event. _ AODRESS ----::---.,c-----;::--,-----=----=:-:----=~ Number Street City State Zip REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO ENTER RESTRICTEO AREA, 6/22 6/23-24 6/30 717 7114 7/21-22 7/28 8/5 8/12 8/18-19 8125-26 9/1-2 9/9 9/16 9121 9/22 9129-30 In consideration of my being -elmiUMllo ...... from which the geMr.1 publtc: I, ..Iutted: herebydacla,. th.1 i1 i, my in1an1 while on lha.. pr.mi.., drive.1 high speeds.nd performance of 1ha vehid. I .m drivlng. RR/Oaytona 8th, Fl n /Gardlln•• C. M/Sacramlnto. C. STlSan JOII. CA M/S.n Jose. CA HM/, CA M/Springfield. Il HM/louisvill•• KY HM/Harrington. DE RR/Elkhan laka. WI RR/loudon. NH n IHinsdale, Il RR/Pocono, PA HM/lim•. OH 5T/St. louis, MO HM/Hag.rstown. MO RR/Monterey, CA M/Ou Quoin, Il M/Chieago, It n /Peoria, IL RR/Sonoma, CA M/lndianapolis, IN RR/Brainerd, MN M/Syra,us•• NY MISan JOSI. CA HM/Gardell8, CA SiaM/los Alamitos, CA RR/luington. OH M/Sacramento. CA M/Springfield, Il n /Pontiac, Il I 10 10I t my driving stills.nd 10 check the .. :~~':;~r~;:~~~~ :,;:.~r=.~~~Ju~_=':~~=.~mtZ ~pe~O:r.t propertylher.ln.•nd t ...ume .11 rIsks an.ndIIR'ltMreto. even it injury or damega i, C8ue.d by negligence of .nother p.srty. 10/8 10114 10/20 ~:.:.":. ~'i~j~~,:?,:. ~ ~~-:::r~~':r:;:;::n.W;;~01:~;::~":~~s::~tedo::.~=~~l:::.t,u;.!~~~:;:::~:~ InSport/Wrangler Supercross Series the I affirm that when leR'ler It.... restricted .re." IdOlO . . . YOtunlary p.srricipent In the .ctivW.,conduc:1ad lherein." I.m inlured, prornotIIfS. Of OIhers who .... ..epon~ tor the ectivl1h1, within the rntr~ .,..... On baM" of m.,, my hairs, .lUtCutors, or adminisuaton, I agree 10 hold hermlea.nd indemnlty.11 'rad!. owners, p.srttcipsnts, offlci.I" empIO'fMI. promote,.., or ottMr, rftPO"stbleforth.ectlvitieswithinthe,..rie1ed.r•• s. for .nydlimflgel or injury to my person or propertY. READ CAREFULLY IEFORE SIGNING INTO RESTRICTED AREA I HAVE READ THIS ENTRV BLANK YES NO BLOOD TYPE _ IF UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE. PARENT MUST SIGN ------:PO:A"'.E"'NT"'."'S;;;S1"'G.,NA"'TU;-;... ~-- E RIDER'S SIGNATURE DATE 3/24 4/14 4/2.8-29 5/51 5/1'9 612 7/14 7/28 TBA PRD-FDRM THE UNIQUE MOTORCYCLE STAND WITH A FOLDING HANDLE AND ROLLER DESIGN FOR EASIER LIFTING. --- 3 Different Models! Custom Made! Available In Team Colors! 1 FOR INFORMATION WRITE PRD-FORM 1323 S.E. 17th ST. • FT. LAUDERDALE, Fl33316 (305) 524-4501 • SUPERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS SAT. FEB FULTON COUNTY STADIUM 25th ATLANTA. GA ASTADIUII 1I0TORSPORTS PROOucnOI 'Performance O~1e Works, Inc. P.O. 80x 4OM, ATlANTA, GA 30302 QUESTIONS {-041522-7530 ALL 1914 KTM'. IN STOCK 20% Discount on plIrte snd accessories NATIONAL. REGION ACTIVITIES wi1h every new bike purch.... :a-:-'" PARTS. ACCESSORIES. REPAIRS 7948 Fi_ne Blvd. MINICYCLE MOTORCYCLE . MOTOCROSS Downey. CA 90241 (213)881 -9967 SRA I 28 For SanClioning Info: (714) 261-6116 RIVERSIDE G.P. (714) 828-1358 L..- P.O. lOX ... NORWALK. CA 9oeliO (213) IU-I112 Schedule Feb. 26 - DE ANZA G.P. .r. 2S - SANCTIONS MEMBERSHIPS CONTACT NMA No SRA Points For Viawfindltn G.P. .J 7/8 8/5 T8A T8A Orland~ 4/8 4/15 4/29 5/6 5120 6/3 6117 Pasadana. CA Buffalo. NY foxboro. MA San Francisco 8Iy anla los Angl'es anla San mego. CA AMA 1984 Motocross Schedule 3/4 3110 3/18 411 4/8 5/13 5/27 6/10 6124 711 7/8 7/22 8112 8/19 8126 Gainesville. Fl DaYtona Beach. Fl AL Orange. CA SIIeramenlo. CA Atlanta. GA Mt. Morris. PA San Jose, CA Carlsbad, CA Buckllnen. MI N.w Barlin, NY Binghamton. NY Millville, MN Oenver, CO Washougal. WA 1984 Golden State Series Schedule 2118-19 2/25-26 Sunrise Veney. CA Santa Maria, CA World Championship Endurance Road Race Series 613 6/24 7/29 8118·19 912 9116 9/22-23 Spain Austria Japan Belgium Germany haly France World Championship Road Race Series 3/24 4115 5/6 5/20 5127 6110 6/17 Netherlands Belgium Austria Germ.ny Switzerlend San Marino Franc. Spain SWlden Finland lu••mburg 8/5 8112 250cc France 418 4129 5/6 5113 5120 6/3 6124 718 7/15 7122 8/5 8119 Austria Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia England Spain Germany NEW 8ERLIN. NY Netherlands Belgium Switzerland Japan 500cc 4115 Austria Switzerland Spain France 4129 517 5/13 6/24 711 7/22 8/5 8/26 Sweden Germany Netherlands CARLSBAO. CA Canada England Belgium Italy Switzerland England Neth.rlands France Fmland Belgium Germany Germany Denmant Spain haly World Championship Trial Series 3/4 3/11 3/18 3/24 4/8 4115 8110 6/17 711 7/8 9/2 9/9 Spain Belgium England Ireland France Germany WAT1(INS GLEN. NY Canada Germany Belgium Japan Sweden AMAWestern Region Dirt Track Championship Series Scrambles 7/4-5 817-8 Boyd. TX Gardena, CA Short Track 6/30-7/1 8111-12 5/6 5120 6/3 6117 7/8 8/5 8/19 9/2 9/9 10128 Boyd. TX 6ak.rsfiald. CA Half Mile 7/6-7 Dallas, TX Gardena. CA 8114-15 AMA Amateur Motocross National Finals 8115-18 Hurricane Mills. TN AMA/NATC National Observed Trials Championship Series 6/2-3 6/9-10 7/4 717 8/25-26 Rhoda Island New Yont Colorado Wyoming Selftle Oregon Washington 911 NMRA-NHRA 1984 Drag Race Schedule 3/17-18 4/14-15 5/5-6 New Idria, CA Pelion, SC Ros.lawn. IN Georgetown, CA Hamilton. WA CrlScent City. CA Athens, OH Wellsboro, PA Moorestown, MI Wintefest. IA lynnville. IN Be8r, DE AMA/Hi-Point Grand National Hare Scrambles Championship Gainesville, Fl Atlanta. GA Alco. NJ Gainesville. Fl Columbus. DH East Haddon. CT Columbus. DH Englishtown,NH Washington. DC Braill8fd. MN Indy. IN Atco. NJ Pomona. CA '5119-20 6/9-10 6/23-24 6/30·7/1 7114-15 '8111-12 8118-19 911-3 10/6·7 10120-21 'Oates are Tentative Other Major Events Abroad 6/17 8118 911 AMA National Enduro Championship Series 2/19 411 Tulsa, OK McMinnville, OR ROil City, MI 9/3 Sidecar 4/8 5/6 5/13 5/20 5127 6124 8/12 8/19 8126 9/9 9/16 AMA National Championship Reliablity Trial Series 4/27-29 5/26-28 6/8-10 Italy 7/8 7/15 7/29 5120 fL San Mlrino World Championship MX Series 125cc 6/3 Atlanta. GA Houston, TX Dallas. TX Pontiac, MI Kansas City. MO Sweden 8111-12 912 6117 2/25 Holland Belgium England 6/30 912 . 9/9 9/16 9116 10/1-6 Pairs Speedway Championship finals, longo. Italy Team Speedway World Championship. leuno, Poland Individual Speedway World Championship, Gothenburg, Sweden es Hatlons, Cou; Oalecin.Czechoslovakia Motocross Des Nations, Ruskeasanta (Vanta), Finland Trial Des Nations. MysllnicI,Poland Trophee Des Nations, Vatberg,Sweden ISDE, Assen. Nethettands EVERY WEEK SDuth Africa Italy Spain Austria Germany franca YugosllVla 3/4 4/8 4/15 5120 5113 lak, Wiles. Fl Hurriun Mias, TN Red.... CA Bruceton Mills. WV CarOl'll. CA Thursday WASHINGTON ~

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