Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 02 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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put considerable distance between himself and the pursuit of Jim Cone . and Donnie Elmer. Someone finally beat Jack Ricks in Mini Mini racing, that someone being James Fuller as. he upset the plans of the rising young Kawasaki star [rom Stuttgart, Arkansas. Ricks came back strong in the Mini Junior class, beating Ban Fuller and Brad Wagner [or the big trophy. Jason Schultz topped t~o djvisi~n~ by leading all comes m the Mml Senior and Mini Stock duels. Some o[ the closest racing in the state is taking place in the 125cc Intermediate class whenever BIlly Whitley, Chad Parker and Brent Carrizales get together to tbrow dtrt on one another. Spectators were a[forded the opportunity o[ watching another in their series of closely contested gettogethers today, with Carrizalesgetting the gold and relegatmg WhItley and Parker to second and third place respectively. Brad Mills surprised Rob Springer and Ty Carter to best the 250cc Intermediates and Delbert McDonald continued his mastery over the Open Intermediate class. Results MINI MINI: 1. James Fuller (Kaw); 2. Jack Ricks IKaw); 3. Trey Owens IKaw). MINI JR: 1. Jack Ricks (Kaw); 2. Ban Fuller (Kaw); 3. Brad Wagner (Kaw). MINI SR: 1. Jason SchulU IKaw); 2. Tim Hodes (Kaw); 3. Jon Cross (Kaw). MINI STK: I.Jason Schulu(Kaw); 2. T.J. Mooney (Kaw); 3. Stanley Cromer (Yam). . . MINI BEG: 1. Cliff Donnelly (Yam); 2. Jeff Mull'ns IKaw); 3. Jeff Cross (Yam). MOTORCYCLE BEG: 1. T.J. Mooeny (Kaw); 2. Many Hulsey (Hon); 3. Danny King (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Steye HiIiIKaw); 2. Jeff Bailey(Kaw); 3. Mike Phillip (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. Tony Lasater (Kaw); 2. Arthur Young (Hon); 3. Jay Jostrand (Kaw). OPEN NOV: 1. Mitch Hulsey IHon); 2. Mark Payne IHon); 3. Ben Coffman IHon). .. 125 INT: 1. Brent Carrizales (Kaw); 2. Bolly Wh,tley (Kaw); 3. Chad Parker IKaw). . 250 INT: 1. Brad Mills (Yam); 2. Rob Spronger . (Kaw); 3. Ty Caner (Kaw). OPEN INT: 1. Delben Mcdonald (Hon); 2. DaYod Smith IHonl; 3. Ty Caner (Kaw). OVER 30: 1. TIm McCaskill (Yam); 2. Jackie HUl. sey (Hon); 3. Tommy Hulsey IHon). 125 EX: 1. Carroll Richardson (Kaw); 2. Denn,s Hawthorne (Yam); 3. Wendell Trigg (Yam). 250 EX: 1. Dennis Hawthorne (Yam); 2. Doug Fellers (Kaw); 3. Carroll Richardson (Kaw). OPEN EX: 1. Ma" Bracken (Hon); 2. Jim Cone (Kaw); 3. Donnie Elmer IHon). O'Hagans, Musgrove roost to Interstate wins By Tim Tolleson OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, JAN. 22 The O'Hagan clan raided Inlerstate MX Park today and left the competition red-faced, while track operator Howard Musgrove broke through the Over 30 backfield to score a big win. Bruce O'Hagan powered his YZ80 to a huge boleshot in the first Mini Intermediate moto and pulled out a quarter-lap lead by tbe checkered flag. While O'Hagan cruised to an easy victory, Kawasaki pilot Brell Bowles battled Suzuki-mounted' JoDon Clanton for second. Bowles and Clanton were never more than 20 feet apart; Brett grabbed the advantage on lap one and survived all challenges from Clanton, who kept the pressure on high but came up five feet short at the finish. Moto twO was a carbon-copy of the first, except the Bowles/Clanton feud carried them to within 15 seconds of O'Hagan at the flag. In the first Mini Senior moto, Bruce again bagged the holeshot. In hot pursuit were Clanton and Kawasakimounted Michael Tate. O'Hagan set a pace that carried him out of reach of the Tate/Clanton duel. Tate slipped into second and held off several fran- tic moves by Clanton, who eased o[f late in the moLO, hoping to beller his placing in moLO two, where O'Hagan pulled his fourth holeshOl of tbe day and cruised to another easy win. Tate and Clanton duked it out throughout moLO two; once again the Suzuki pilot fell victim to the superior Kawa punch. Mike O'Hagan carried the gauntlet to the combined 125 cwin, buthe had to work harder than young Bruce [or the victory. Yamaha pilot Jay Malone grabbed the holeshot, while O'Hagan was mired in midpack. Mike dropped his YZ in a particularly greasy V-turn and remounted in last. Mike screamed around the frozen circuit and picked off rider after rider, but time was against him. He worked up to second and was gainingon Jay when the checkered fell. Moto two started in another Malone holeshot with O'Hagan in LOw. MaIone held off the hungry O'Hagan for half the moLO, then crumbled under O'Hagan's constant attacks. At the flag it was· O'Hagan, Malone and Kerry Thomas, whose 5-3 [inisbe netted him fourth overall. Howard Musgrove put together twO spirited rides for the Over 30 combined win. Gerry Morrison holeshot his RM250 ahead o[ Maicomounted Scotty Creed, John Case and Musgrove. John Malsam slipped his uzuki past Musgrove, who kicked in the afterburners. Howard dispatched Malsam then latched Onto Creed and Case. The battle carried them past Morrison. When Case passed Creed, Musgrove freighttrained inLO econd. Case beld on for the win ahead of Musgrove, Creed, Morrison and Malsam. Case holes hot moto two over Gerry Morrison, Creed and Musgrove. Again Malsam passed Howard, and this lit Musgrove's fire. He picked 0[£ the Suzuki riders and Creed. By the white flag Musgrove had reeled in a surprised Case. M\.!sgrave made his move with a halflap to go and heldoHCase [or the overall. - IN SEVEN WINNING SIZES 3:00x21, 100/90, 4:10x18, 4:50x18 4:50x17, 5:00x18, 5:00x17 HI-POINT RACING PRODUCTS 3709 West Ene Avenue, Lorain, Ohio 44053 2650 H Mercantile Dr.. Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 SUZUEJCDUITIT ~ Results MINI MINI: 1. Eddie Cummings IKaw). MINI INT: 1. Bruce O'Hagan .(Yam); 2. Brett Bowles IKawl; 3. Jo-Don Clamon ISuz). MINI SR: 1. Bruce O'Hagan (Yam); 2. Michael Tate (Kawl; 3. Jo-Don Clamon (Suz). BEG: 1. John Farrow (Hon); 2. Robin Oncza IKaw); 3. Terry Tate (Kaw). OVER 30 NOV: 1. Milte O'H_n (Mai); 2. J.D. Fulcher (Mai); 3. John Folley IMai). OVER 3OAM: 1. Howard Musgrove.lMai); 2. John Case (Mai); 3. Gerry Morrison (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. Mike Ables (Suz); 2. Vince Edwards (Suz); 3. Marc Baker lHon). 125 AM: 1. Mike O'Hagan (Yam); 2. Jey Malone (Yam); 3. Emmerson (Hon). 250 NOV; 1. Joel Farrow (Hon); 2. Dan Potier (Kaw). (Suz); 3. James 250 AM: 1. Stan Emmerson (Hon); 2. Joe Hampton (Suz). OPEN NOV: 1. Billy Savage (Mai); 2. Todd Wilson (Vam); 3. Kevin Neal (Suz). OPEN AM: 1. Brian BowteS(M8i); 2. Tim Tolleson (Hus); 3. Jimmy Sa_e (Mai). EX: 1. Cloy HoensheH (Suzt, 2. Paul Stine (Hon). _II Next week: Golden State Series Resume~ ·84 RM's HERE NOW! Replica Of RA-125. RH-250 WORKS BIKES~~~ up.~ ~v.00 '1\9 \t ,J.\ f\Qll:odS ~ f "oe\'. \0 for 5 NO"'c;e oC" 80P;:'tll pt O 2057 N. Hamner Ave. Norco. CA 91760 (714) 734-0640 (714) 359-8546 Tbes.sataa afSanld. MOTORCYClE litE AND WHEEL CENTER 12787 Nutwood This LogO MeanS the Best Being tile leader is not always easy. The leader must constantly develop the qualitY and competitiveness of his product to stay ahead. we at GRAB ON grips have aecomplished just that. Our griPS are made of the toughest most durable material available. When you see the GRAB ON name you know Its the best. NOt only best in quality but best In value. We could charge more for our grIPS...but we dOn·t. AffOrdabIllty to you is Important to us. GRAB ON grips are the best available for the money. Ride With our grips today and see If you don't agree. we're the leader In fOam grips for a reason, to provide you With comfort and satisfaction. SO look fOr the GRAB ON logo today and be assured you've found the best. ©1984 GRAB ON" Grips 100 N, Avery. walla walla, WA 99362 ... Gerda" Grove. CA92640 (714)530-6681 27

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