Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 10 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bay Area (San Francisco) Camel Pro Series fans who just can't get enough and may want to go to Pontiac, Michigan, for the Final Camel Pro race October 22-23 should contact Bi 11 Spencer at Ml. View Distributing for a tour to the TT. It just might be enough to hold all until the '84 Houston opener, which will take place just 14 weeks after the final. For more info, call 415/969·1682. -(#~MHarley,BSA,Triumph,BMW,Suzuki&more~ By O.vld Wright. The definitive histofy of H8r14ty & ita bikes Is now in print. Special c:ompeny cooperation In p.... !*ing thla authorized tMstory .Iowed elCte, reMarch II'l the Harley erchiYn. As ..... tutl, much MW Information & huncnds of r....1y INn phi> ~h. havre been brought ~a -=t'l modeII. PtuI there . . IpICIaI MCtiona on tN raang 1Cel"Ie. temous Het1ey rid. ., Haney In W. & the future 01 AmerICa" lest cyde tnIk•. The entns/ve chaP*' on Yintage I-tartey re.loratlon will be u..ful to the clauic bill. "*'USCllpt prepataliOl'l by noted cycle writer Roy Bacon (axeept as noted), hdbd•• 7Vt x IIYlJ. 150 ... iI.. _........ --_ ... 1I0TOCOURSE ,uotoc:ou'se, now In its eighth edition, I, aetc.nowMtdged Ie be the authority on motoreyde fOIId racing. All the trnportanl inlematlonal formula rac.., along with U.S. ra.d racing & riClet' profiles. Incredible cotor photography & prateuional reporting make lot one of the finesl books avaMable lot motorcycle rac· ing enthuliasts. "On a scale of one 10 ten, it'l detinhety • len: Cycle NeWs. Hdbd. 91,<2" x 12""'~. 192 pgI., 200 ill. 192 pge, '1',15 103758 The Norton T.IN, 191 pgI 11',15 10M18 VIII..,. SInglet • KENNY IlO8ERTS 10511A CnempionMlp crown thr. . in • row. thIS Item.... dous book c.pture. King Kenny'. con~ per-.onajty tnd.-.stt.,... to trut't . , . IhI rernarttab6e ~ of mil ucliplioNl T'" axcttlng. fat j)IlCed portrayal of a unique WOftd d'IIImpion wi" keep you Ihoroughly engrOIMd. In· cludes ph04a. & ...... 1tI of RotJert.' ~ c........ 197 pgs., 34 III. Our European sources say that 250cc MX World Champion Georges jobe is negotiating with Gilera in hopes of landing a I 25cc GP ride for next year. jobe was left without a ride when Suzuki pulled out of GP racing. 10531A "rwt By Mdr. . MottMCI. AliI c:okw aIIUm of ...... atf'Mt biUa In ~ng condition r-tur· w.g baic 10 10taI amomizinrg o;g _ ..... of incI_ Mytn, .-tide tundkwls of d88ign & handling Ibil" d rtle tndian. A .,...,. to ~. deICl'lpflon "Is ClII the good • bed lWnea 1he Indian factory • Springfield, Mauact'luHtts had. ".". superbly produced,W Old Motor. 335 pgs,. tn. d'lrame • wid pU1I )abe tul l::;~~=~ ......."om ...........", bruehlng. Feeturn modified of candy .",.. .. mufIl airbik. rnMer • I*iod, 128 pga., 120 c:okw 220 III. 10151A 114.15 115.15 CUSTOM IIDTOACYCl£S ~ 11'1_ ewk,I. tion. Captures the ....rve, .... tN.ratlon of .... 1981 S29.95 1_ rndOreycln, !he IndIM, 1M Iton RriadIItt7 bringa ~ tt. memorlea of thole me- c:tunea • o Ing. rICe day, ny_s, *.. , . ,wit hold the intetat of everyone inItre11ed in toed ~ wNther they be a parIieipInt. or a tan." C)dt New&. Hdbd, IIY,~ • 10~_ ZT2 pga•• 120 iI., 20 in c:obr. SI.15 8y Harry Sucher, The story ClII 11'181 rnoet ~ of AIneric:M rM»r. From the lirst day .Roberts di~ aboeId • c~ through ... u Ctlinn. ru.... engines. stwr· Ing.~.trames. tires, c:m"its. rid6ng, pracdca. ~. 1lE IRON REDSKIN ,.,s ..c o Moton:ycle enthusiuta hlY. long needed a comprehensive book of this kind, Produced by the publishers at the worid mOlorcyele racing annual Molooourse, lhis lascInailng book pPIores lhe reuons tor racing success by loolOng at bottl the rider & the rnadli".. Covtlr.d are rklars, ma- By G.,.1d Foster. SpectaCular color album of yintage & modern Harteys bott'l cullom & factory original. AI ate n ahoW'room condition & em· phaaae the ~ry Hartey mystique Ihat surrounds theM lNlChinea, Many one ct a kinds & lOme rMlly inc::redtbte air bru8h wortl. 128 pgs., 120 ii, r--;~::;;;;-l ~ q; THE ART a SCIENCE OF MOTORCYClE ROAD RACING THE CULT OF THE HARLEY DAVIDSON By Barry Coleman. Twic. AMA nIItionat dwnplon. Kenny RobIIrtI ..". QWItfMU *"Ct . . the Eu~... on their coIec:tlve MFS-he took the 500ce Grand Prix Workl _eon, 105368 '" Roy _ . 190 Pll' ...... 10570A O .. ", .. , ... 131.15 __'_Sh_ ,..; background makes this .xclt· ing bOOk very rMdIlble & . cepUonally informallye. .. , •.• ~rylhing y.ou ..... r wan led 10 know", about Suzuki's works road race ""achlnery is in 1he book" Cycle ,..W~. Hdbd.. 7lf1- x 10", 240 pgs" 250 itt T. . . ., 192 POI, ,., ,11',85 113178 Vincent V. . Twin.. .-...,,15.1.... 10412A 1112-13, 192 pga., 00 O"l menaNe racing & IItC:hnical 1010lB AoyeI Enftekf: The , . .• • Mode", HI) POI ,'1',15 103478 Triumph Twl• • Trtpllta, 192 pga.••. 'll,ts a,. Sll.15 By Ray Battersby. A deflNtNe anatysis of Suzukl's fW:tory road racing motorcydes, Rictlly detailed technical & human story

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