Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 09 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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top honors in the 250Cc A class. Open 'A class winner Michael Keen dropped 50 points as did 250cc A rider Jim Stanfield to place seventh and eighth overall. Fritz Kadlec and Ron Ribolzi rounded out the top 10, each dropping !II points. Jerry Griffin had a good day in Indiana. The Lithonia, Georgia, rider. who was competing in the 200cc B class, came away with a !l7-point total for the day. His score took top honors in the B division, advanced him to A rider status and sent him home with a large trophy and his own hu"ge lump of coal, the traditional prize for overall winners. Other B class winners were 125cc B rider Charles Vanway, David Iverson in the 200cc B class, Dale Hulsey in the 250cc class and Lorenz Wilkerson for the Open class. Suzy Barr Fann took top honors in the Women's division again and Emmeu Cox won the Senior for the fifth straight year. John Buffaloe celebrated his 60th birthday by winning the Super Senior class, losing only 59 points in the process. . In addition to their trophies. all class winners carried hom a new pair of Jones Goggles. After Sunday's dust raiser, they were much appreciated. The date of this year's National was advanced three weeks because of the IS DE. With late summer's unrelenting heat and thearea's continuing drought, riders bauled nature's challenges almost as much as Jerry Schuler's "grand design" of tight trails and tricky checks. The sponsoring Indiana-IllinoisKentucky M.e. took extra precautions by adding more resets to give riders a chance to rest a liule and get back on time. Drinking water was available at each of these points. With temperatures well into the 90s, however. the number of riders with sufficient courage to even auempt riding the enduro was noticeably down from previous years. "In the end, I was just hanging on to finish." said Cunningham. "I blacked out for a few seconds after trying too hard to make up some lost time. I felL myself go down and I just had to stop untill could focus a lillie." Cunningham ended up losing eight points in the long section before the finish line. Those who made it [0 the end found Danny Schuler's "grand finale" waiting for them in the last quarter mile. First came a trail through the saplings that was no wider than a snake and lhen about 500 feet through foot-deep sand. Who could ask for more? A rider moaning at the finish line about the dust he'd ballied all day. was asked by a club official if he would have preferred the rain and mud combination which has been offered riders on a few previous occasions. He quickly decided dust was the beuer option. The Black Coal National is always a run for your memory book and this year was no exception. • Results ~~~ITHECHECKERS ~~~32ND ANNUAt~~~ ~~CHECK CHASE~~ C(") 00 0') RIVER RUN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP HARE AND HOUND AMA-DISTRICT 37 SANCTIONED 230! CHECKER MILES SAT. OCT. 8, 1983 LUCERNE VALLEY TO PARKER. ARIZ. - RESCUE 3 TROPHY PRESENTATION SUNDAY -1:00 P.M. SUPER TROPHIESI WILL TROPHY 30-40% OF FINISHERS! GAS PITS AVAILABLE ALL 4 $50.00 GAS. OIL. FOOD 8< DRINK - AMA MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED - 8 A.M. START -MASS START -4GAS PITS SEND TWO LEGAL SIZE SAS.E. WITH DISTRICT AND AMA CARDS OR PHOTOCOPIES; AND AMA ENTRY FORM TO: CHUCK STERNS CHECK CHASE 18941 CEDAR VALLEY WAY NEWHALL, CA 91321 Early postmarks have priority No post entries $35 Entry includes all fees Make checks payable to CHECKERS M.C. INFO: (80S) 252·3858 (80S) 251·1352 ENTRIES CLOSE SEPT. 291 NAME _ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER _ STATE ~----ZIP * NAME OF MOTORCYLE CLUB ENGINE SIZE o o _ _ SENIOR o VET 0 EXPERT DIST. 37 RIDING NUMBER AMA # _ _ CC MAKE OF MOTORCYCLE CODE _ o WOMEN AMATEUR o BEGINNER Cl NOVICE _ _ THE UNDERSIGNED ENTRANT BY AFFIXING HIS INITIALS BELOW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE ASSUMES THE RISK OF ANY LOSS FROM INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE TO HIMSELF OR TO OTHERS, DUE TO HIS PARTICIPATION IN THIS EVENT AND HE HEREWITH SPECIFICALLY HOLDS HARMLESS FROM ANY SAID LOSS THE AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE ASSOClATION. SPORTS COMMITIEE. DISTRICT 37 AMA, INC.• THE SPONSORING CLUB OR ORGANIZATION. AND THE OWNERS OFTHE REAL PROPERTY ON WHICH SAID EVENT SHALL TAKE PLACE. . If en1rant is under 21 and does not have current DistriC137 Card indicating notarized consent is on file. Parent or Guardian must sign here acknowledging his or her consent to the terms of entry, and have signature notarized. _ (ENTRANTS AND/OR PARENT'S SIGNATURE) OVERALL: M;ke Melton (Husl 20. OVERALL 8: Jerry Griffin (Kaw) 37. 20Clcc AA: 1. Fritz Kedlec IKaw) 100. OPEN AA: John Martin (C·AI 24. 125cc A: 1. Bobby Thomas IKTM); 2. Tom McKimmy (HUll. 200cc A; 1. Lee Daley (Kaw); 2. John Bi.sini; 3. Roger Mefford. 250cc A: 1. Jimmy Garmon (HuI); 2. Jim Stan· field; 3. Dwight Rudder (HUll; 4. Rusty Reynaud (Hus); 5. Eddie Keen IHusl. . ,OPEN A: 1. Michael Keen (HusJ; 2. Perry Taylor; 3. Olyid Kerwen. ; 125cc B: 1. Charles Vanwey (Hus); 2. Vergle Young. 200cc B: 1, David Iverson; 2. Jon Dorris; 3. Tony Hendon; 4. Dan Granderson; 5. Duane Williams. 250cc B: 1. Oale Hulsey (Husl; 2. Oale France; 3. Paul Fann; 4. Dennis Garner; 5. Rick Stines. OPEN B: 1. Lorenz Wilkinson (Hon); 2. Chuck Mathis; 3. John McDaniel; 4. Willie Wolfe; S. Tom Brewers. WOMEN: Suzy Barr IYaml. SR: 1. Emmell CoxIKTM); 2. Herold Thome.; 3. Clen Fumell; 4. Chuet< Craig; 5. Charlie Burk. SUPER SR: 1. John Buffaloe (Han); 2. Richard Lenover. 19

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