Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 09 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VINTAGE 250cc Rood Racer•. Ducati Mach I .nd Mont... Impal. aport. Two P.rilla•. (714) (137/NSW) 821-4202. 1982 RM-250 Suz.ukl: Paning out.II par1OlIOod. (131-38) Reasonable (213. 944-8185. YAMAHA 250YZ '82. Shock work. skid pIaM. MX or Da..n tank. Phone (213. 915-2144. doya. (2131 335-4762••her 8 p.m. (137) TZ250H $4,900 16141262-8559. (137-39/E) *** Stand Up America! *** ~ 00 .... 0") *1983 KTM 250 L.C. Ownersl* Z RACING PRODUCTS ;ntroduces the latest for KTM'sl Protect your forks with Z HU8 GUARDS. Pre·cut for easy installation, $20.95. Z Fork Springs. eliminate soft front end with proper spring rates. $49.95. Complete package: $65.50. COD/M.C.Vi... Cont.ct: PRO-CYCLE KTM. 1265 Lincoln. An.heim. CA 92805. (714) n2-8170. (237-38/NSW) Selling Private CollectionI VINTAGE MOTORCYCLES: Some rurining. some not. 1964 HONDA 305 Superh.wk. $1795. 1953 A.J.S .• 500cc baskO! c.... $275. 1958 MAICO 250cc Enduro. $1750. 1963 POINTER 9Occ. $395. 1958 PUCH 250cc $750. 1962 GREEVES 250cc ,,;.Is. $1195. 1.000cc Gale. $2795. 1965 MARUSHO 500ccTwin. $2195.1964 YAMAHA 250cc Ascot Scr.mbler. $1295. 1940 BSA 600cc Single. $3695. 1976 Hercules 300cc W.nkel. NEW. $2175. 1971 TRIUMPH 3 Cyl;nder 75Occ. $1450. 1972 COOPER. 25Occ. S1295. 1964 ROYAL ENFIELD 75Occ. $1895. 1954 MATCHLESS 600cc Typhoon engine and transmission $850. Jim R.thjen. 1909 W. L;ncoln. Y.kima. 98902 (509. 452·3909. (337/NSW) Would you like to ride an American motorcycle that will not vibrate or leak oil? A motorcycle Ihm will compete with any motorcycle in the world? At one time America was strong in producing an 01 its domestic products. but now we buy machines that are made on foreign shores. STAND UP AMEIiIICAI If you would like an American motorcyc:~. let us know. Buy a T-shirt with our logo on it. STAND UP AMERICAI Every T·shirt puts our bike closer to the street I Size S. M. L. Xl. Yellow. black, gold. Sane quantity, size and color. Send check to: JOHNSON ENGINEERING. P.O. Bo. 358. Noble. OK 73068. (337-4Q/NEX) WANTED: 1977 Y.m.h. XT500's(gingar brown). Bikes. undented. spare tanks. or trim. Also XR7SO·s. eng;nes. sp.res. M;k. 1214) 631-8388. (336-37/NE) '80 XR750 H-D 8rand New $7.000/080.(219) 462-2223 or (219.464-8381. 9-6 Monday thru S.turd.y. (128/EOI/42NEX. Two Kwik-Way 80ring 8ars Excellent condition. bores aU sizes .1600/.01' both. (503) 829-7415. (337-38) SexII Forget the sex. Wanted Visor-vus (Visor with mirrors). Coyton 118 E. 4th. McMinnyille. OR 97128. (503) 472-3005. (337) ATC & M/C Cylinder Boring V.lva jobs. porting. _ine building .nd heliarc welding. (213) 421-3418. 1437-4OX) Husky 250 & OSSA Trials 350 '*. 1981 Desen rucly. _ .. skid plate. ProCircuit. $895. Ooaa 1982 350. $1200/080. (213. 370-5552. 1237-38) 1982 and 1983 RM 125's Shell Yamaha Short Tracker Fre.h 250cc motor. lots of extr. perts...11 or tr_ for din bilea. $1300/080.1805.324-1310. 1137) Both: vary clean. low hours. Muat ...I/INJURY. '82/$750. '83/$1000. (213) 833-1867. 11371 '83 HONDA CR-125. ridden 5 times. $11 OO/OBO. (213) 861-9957.12131861-5870. 1137-38. *Ultra Trick Honda 4ooF* One of • kind. Very Comata... Koni. Voah. M~le. Michelin.lmron point. M.uc:h mor•• 8EST OF EVERYTHINGI '2000. (916) 241-8118. 1337-38) * Kawasaki Voyage,. In Stock!* 750 Tu'- We ore taking ordara MW. You con lIyto N_York fr.when you buy.~ oaki from New Vork Moton:ydos. V _ brochures are ovailable for $1. call Whitey O! /212. 479-n n or_ite to: NEW YORK MOTORCYa.ES. 222-02 Jamaic. A.... Qu..... Villoge. NY 11428. (133-37/NSEX. 1982 YZ 260J * $860 Excellent condition. DG Pipe. 8 _ n R - ' _ clutch. ported. poIi.hed. awingarm. MUST SELLI ·1714. 527-1n4 (135/37) ***Summer Salell** ,.....~ 1982 XR200R*12" Suspension Streat licenaad. CR fork•• AI Baker modified _ . Powroll pipe. KSoN Filter. Was 2nd "A" 4-ltroke.t Bad Enduro (Gorman •• $975.(805) 7923426. (137) '83 YZ-250 Purchased/April. Good as new, ridden epprox. ten timas. Aoking $1300.(714) 521-2523. (137) '79 Yamaha XS 1100 Special 24.000 milas••xcellent condition. Run. GREATI '2ooo/0BO. (213.498-2042. 1437) Pro Trac Trailer 18' All New _Is. T.ndem ..... chrome apoka morel Adult owned. '2500. (714) 627-4125.'- 6 p.m. (137) Factory Pipe Products H1 & H2 Pipes Finally, pipe. for Kawasaki tripp... suitable for Itreet orb'ack. They come with rebui_/,emovable lightweight .Iuminum .ilencers. 21'1 dogr. t_red haadp;pes•• nd O! 161bs. per complete 081. you won't find • lighter .., of pipes anywhere' Comes complete with .11 h.rdware for only $210/ set. DEAlERS INVITEDI Write or coli: FACTORY PIPE PRODUCTS. 816·A W.ugh Lane. Uki.h. CA 95482. (707)463-1322. 1237-38) TT-500. STREET UCENSED. 43mm forks. 8 g.uge CB 100. R Replice Kits '* So fairing: "195. ···KAWASAKI Works endurance Fita .11 Hondo 750-9OQF model•. Seat. gao .. '83 Duceti Diana MK 3 260cc twin/light f.iring. fita .11 1000 So 1100 models. S249/plus mounlS So light•. """ V45 INTERCEPTOR R5850 Race f.iring with or without mounts. $399. RICKEY RACER. COSTA MESA. CA (714. 631-0430. (237-38/NSW) 1982 125 Honda All original .nd complete. Show condition. rida it homel Sorna _ r... $1500_ (714) n9-7510. 1137/NSW) 8ored. ported. with lIli racing ga.r 0lCC0pl helmet. $950/080.(619) 375-9516. (137) Wanted: Interceptor Must be lilea will pay Triumph Parts Accessories '83 KX 125 Six month. old. vary fait .nd cl.n. MUST SELlI $1100/0BO.(714) 676-4663. (137) California Superbike School ".thers. Coursef.. includes helmet. boot•• gloves and SuperTrapp equipped GPz Kawasaki. Riding seminar by Keith Code and 40 miles on the track. Rem.ining 1983 School.: Willow Springs - Oct. lat. Rivarside - Oct. 21at/Nov. 12th/Dec. 17th. L.gun. Saco - Oct. 3rd" /Nay. 18th. Adv.nced School" with W.. Cooley. P.O. Bo. 3743. M.nhatt.n 8••ch. CA 90266(213)484-9323. ADVANCED RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. (235/NW/TFN) Mv cost $7.500 in 79-80. I will take .2.500. Been stored since 1980. (618) 395-1757. (137/NE) 12500. Coli or _ita: Bill aor-n. 21115 ae-.ahire .168. Chatsworth. CA 91311.(213.998-1088. 1137-38. Radical CZ 400 _I_a. VOTY _re everythingl Factory tools. Fo. shocks. Maico front .nd. V.mah. MUCH-MUCH MOREl Moving overseas. mUlt ..11. 1495/0BO. (805. 682-1425. eveningo. (137) spok... Sun rims.•11 the finest. 1_ miles. Coli for datail•• $775. 1714) 877-1067. (f36-37) **Cycle News Collectors ** 1968 to pr...nt•• 11 WEST edition. in good shape. Accepting 8EST OFFERI (213) 865-8419. (336-37) '82 CR-480 RHonda Teraflex.prockets. 4 gallon tank.. new tc,p end. ridden 8 times. desert only. Metzeler, blue seet. new ~ondition. MUST SEEI $1150. (213) 431-0lSO. (336-37) Yamaha YZ's 1983 125K.•950. 1983 BOK. $500. 1982 IOJ. $400. 1980 SOG. $225. All e_nly m.intained. (619.663-3865. (136-37) WANTED: '81 250 CR-XC Husky cylinder. atock only. (2131532-1418. (137) '83 Maico 250 '82 & '83 GPZ 550 Seat Kits RG Fork spring. guide. 8ing 55. new sprOCkets. piston ring. 8.rnett clutch spring. 8luepr;nt cylinder. $1500/080. (213) 787-5486. /337-38) provide the perfect feel and appearance for high performance. Super quality foam and seat cover, installs easily on stock pan in minutes. Colors 'fe black with textured panel and brilliant fed stripes. $59.95/COD plus shipp;ng. Cont.ct: MOTOPLEX (213) 438·4107. 21-58th PI.ce. Long CA 90803 (336-37X) Cunningham * Melton * Martin * Kuenzer*Bertram*Hines*Brown All h. . . .witched to the PRO. It i• • MILEAGE COMPUTER thet ch.nge. SPEEDS .utom.tically. h••• built in ENDURO CLOCK••nd will evan _rn of POSSI8LE CHECK LOCATIONS. Modal. from $185 to 1205. Coli or write for full det.i1•. New de.ler proGram Byailable. PEFOAMANCE PRODUCTS. P.O. Bo.1294-W. Lacombe. LA 70445. 1504. B!l2-3107. (233/TFN/NE. '82 HONDA CR-250. formarly owened by Donnie Hansen. Trick shOck. fresh motor. extr....950. 1980 XLSOO. $850. Tim (805) 251-2015 or (805. 255-8585. (137) RACERS T-SHIRT .1-C: 50/50. colored-T. $8.95. '.4 sleeye b...ball-T. $9.95. S. M. L. XL. T-SHIRT COUNTRY. P.O. 80. 826-N. Hewitt. NJ 07421. . (137-38/NEXI '62 Tri Pre-Unit "'11 0 TT Bike 46 Sp8re motor, tr....... wheels, gearing. pans, tools. (618.395-1757. (137/NE) '83 Maico 250 Mint Condo Motocross Clearance Ridden 4 hours. must ..III $1550/0BO. (7141 525-0157. 1137-38) 1982 KTM495 MUST SElLI $900. (714. 772-8170. 1237-38/NSWl • JI J'" 1983 Maico 490 ($500 in air••' 3 _ . nicel $1800. H _ 1983 CR BO. 10 rides. _ to 125 cl.... extros. $750. )(R-2OO MOO. ATC 70. 19711. $200. Hondae_. '150/wiH~II"'''/213. 9lI8-1 QQ. (2131 701-8755. _ngo. (234-37)

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