Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 09 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TEXAS MOTOCROSS O'-.'IX._IJofti_1IllI SIlo_ Htlind Jldllllmllt Hoodo. All d incliid. ATV. Gat, 8 •• m., IOC. 9 12. EnIry 17.•_on 11 Info 714/483-1814(BiI Jonningsl. CIIC CAlIFORNIA MX Indi.. 0..... Cvct! ~ Voloftci•• CA. 1·5 II Hwy 17t.~~~ eI 1lJ.., lor Spllmn. • ~~. lor Pr... 2 lontl m..... G~ ~"\.m .. pro~ 8..... 9:30. ... ~"', Sptamn. 115 Pro: m.mb. IIq·d.lnfo 213/830-7519. CIIC CALIFORNIA GP S.ddl_k P.rle. Or'''ll'' CA. Frwy 55 to Chipman nil ~st 7 mi. to Santiego Canyon A" ,~"nt to county CMC CALIFORNIA MX Sunri.. V.II.y Cyel. P.... Ado· I.nta. CA. 2 mi. north of town on Hwy 395. All eI...... 50" Mini/VIt troph.. 50% tlsh p.b. 10 Vet Ex. Fre, O/N partl:ing. GI11 7:30 '.m.• Tlet 9:30. Info 7141245·7339. fir. stltion, I,h \),~" fire st.tion. At! e1IU1S. ~~." brass to Sptsmn. cash p.b~~«('rol. 2 mOlDS. Gltt 7 I.m.. ~"•. 8. 'IC' 9:30. Entry .12 S15 Pro; CRe memb. reQ'd. Cllifami. RlCing Club. Info 213/ 830·7519. OKLAHOMA MX MOl...,..1o Roc:owoys. In,. Oklo· . . . City. Ott _ . n 1-40 801·240. IlIit S. OOUllIos .. S.E. 59ttl 80 lum ••t. All dlSIIS. Gltl 9 '.m., prat. 10:30. 'ICOI 1:30 or noon. Info 4051 881·9492 (Tomnty). CMC CAlIFORIlIA MX Corbb.d CA. loS Sto P,lom., Airport Rd••••13 mi. 10 All eI.lH1. 3011 troph. Gat. 7 '.m., sign up 7. ptK. 8. rlCI 9. Entry 11 0 Splsmn. .15 Pro ('1 0 .. p.b-1-lnfo 714/557·3323. Roc_. Cort....... '_II. OKLAHONIA JUNIPER MX Jump., MX. MeAlestlr, OK. Tulu T~pik. (751 nor1tl on 89 (nol Bu•. 69). "" ot Eal 113. All '10..... Troph.lhrougfl8th. 15011 Ex p.b. Sign in 8I.m., Prlc. 9·1 O.I'IC110;JO. Enb'y .8 .15 Ex. 14 pte. Info 919/428-4533 (M'AI.n K_). CALIFORNIA OEANZA MX DoAnu C",I. P.rle. Sunnymood, CA. 10 mi. "" 01 Rivonid. on Hwy 60 to !hloden .at. All dllHl. 30-. ..... doy, SpIImn lTaph.. 101111 P.. W traph. EVIfYbody goo. 2 m..... .. FIft tnlpi"ll. Porll ....n 7 dill. 6Ito 8 •.m.. p0.... 1·40 .ait ..... em. WlIt·bound 1-.40 Ilit Reno_ All eI...... 8 traph.lel.... 15011 Es p.b. Bun.. prIC. 10, rltl noon. Entry .6 Sptsmn, .10 Ex. 14 9111. Info 4051732·0212IH_). CMMC CALIFORNIA MIIII MX Ioron. 0.... RICIWIY. Hlmone. CA. Hwy 67 to ~do. .... on Mapleview, north on Ashwood, up Wildeot Conyan Ad 11 milo.. Now 8IQ. ·eI.... OIN ,_ing 80 '0IlCI" ~an •. Sitn up eI.... 7:30 shorp. Entry '10. Yllrly m.mb. '15. Info 714/581·7344 (G.ry). 447·9348 (Donni'l. TEXAS BURlfSON MX South 01 Fort Worth. TX.I·35 S from Fort Worth 10 HlrdgroWl lane, e..t 2 mi.•nd tum righl .lter bridgo. All eI....,. Troph.1twu 8th. 11.200 puno peid per m"o ..d 0VIfIi1 (200" p.b. ~ los. dI.. 10 ri...../eI...). No pit ridiotl or lot. IOC. Gill 7 '.m. Splil sdIod: Nov proc:. 8·9:30. Mini proc. 9:30-8:45. I.. rICO 9: Int 80 Ex prot. -"I. 12:30 p.m.. rICO 1. Got. 15. """'·10 & ....·80 fr•. EnIry 110 SpIImn•• 20 E Info 817/295·9908. •. 295-1760. ARIZONA OEER VAllEY Mll p.... 0. . V.1Ioy Cydo PIloonia. AZ. 7th Sl & Onr VoIIoy Rd. AI d _ . 33" ......... 100" Pro p.b. No pit riding. Got. 8:30 '.m. IOC. 9. roc. 9. Entry .10 Sptamn. .15 Pro. W_ '4-'"2 ...""·12. _ Sopor. croas ~ Inc. Info 802/887· 4789 (J....). D1ClAHOMA TUlSA Ill( TuI... OK. South ., T.... Int....· tionot _"", aft Hwy 189 N80_ 38th St. AA d...... 3~ ......... 15011 Ex p.b. 6Ito 9 '.m. prO<. 9:30. rICO 11. EnIry 19 Spt...... 12 Ex. 14 got•. Tul.. Atll Motoaports.lnc. Inlo 918/288·8138 October 15 (Ral. AMA MARYSVlU£ MX Moryavil". CA. EStrllt. trld<. T.... Hwy 70 N. North Bo.1o Rd. (S. City AMA/0·36 CA/JFORNIA SHORT TRACK Monterty Fairgrounds. Monterey, CA. 18 mi. Shott trICk (,Ulllian). Motorcycle .nd three wheelers. Gill 6 pm, pra, 6:30. rica 8. Nov.: Jr.. and 3·whlrs.• 1O. Exp. '15. pb. '11. Info 408/394-8225. October 15-16 WERA/GPRA OIQAHOMA ROAORACE Hallen. aI(, About 40 mi. west of Tttln 1·40 .t the Hellen ,xit. Direclions lor lhe trlCk"';l. from loll booth _".-.dInt. Trophs .nd contingtncis. s.r....1Ct and heltS. Sun-prat." fin,ls. Info 9181743·9825. October 16 ANIA WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS W....."Il... WA. Fon.. si8"l from WaIIaupl 10 MX P.... All d . 33" ........ pof closs. 100" Pro . G . 7 1m. IOC 8:30. II" 10. Entry . '10•• 15 Pro•• 4 •• tch. Info 503/620-5301 or 472-2475. TEXAS MOSIER MX Mosier V.II.y MX Por1<. Fl Worth. TX. AU dus.s. UO

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