Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 08 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA tells Goodwin no sanctions for '84 LONG BEACH. CA. AUG. 22 c,ae Ne.s hu _rned th.t the Americen MotorcycilstAuocilition ...,t promoter Mlk. Goodwin • telegrllm informing him thet the AMA would not unction his wents In 1984. Goodwin'. Stedium Motorsports Corp. he. produced the Iergeat Supercroll ....,tI held in thil country. topping the 60-70.000·apectator merk ...,.,.l timea. Jeen... Sleeper. vice-pre.ldent in c~ of merketlng et Stadiwa Motonports. confirmed thet SMC hed received euch • t.llgrem. signed by director of profeuIonel competition Weyne Moulton. About the Iituetion. S would only uy. "We . . going to the promotera meeting thil nd we hope we cen work out the Iituetion with the AMA. The AMA refulecl to unction our October 1 ItecIlum rece In SlICrIImentO. 10 we hne obtained • CMC unctioD .nd the went will run u pert of the TrIIIII·C81 5erieI." S........ eI. Aid thet no AMA S.nction heel been Iuued for the Nowmber 6 Sen Diego Supercrou••nd .... Indlceted thet CMC - Stu Petara' Conti...ntsl Motoeports Club - wulnterlllted In unctIonlng thet enRt .Ieo. ~ Reportedly. Mike Goodwin ill hunting In • remota Ioc8tion .nd not yet received word on the AMA·. ectIon. Staff members of the AMA refuud comment. More detail••• th-V become evelleble. the bumpy sections. Fred did allow that it was "kinda fun" as well. R.cer. will be r.cer.. Kenny Roberts. while not .etuelly rIICing et S.ra Point. did men.... to cut. hot Iep. AI ...nd merlhel for the went. Kenny wu to _d • noontime tour of .bNtblrel eround the COUrII8. Jumping Into the Ford Mustang.p8Ce cer. Roberti took off eround the trIICk. IIIghtIy e·c•• diI.. thepromotarl~ 20·mph .pHd limit. It .eem. Kenny w .. lifting the lnaide front ...... of the ground In co...... end generelly hevlng • lot of fun. trIICk·. Among the 1984 H.rley-DevidlOn. Introduced WI. the FXST Softeil. the fim cantilever-.hocked bike In modem-dey H....-V hiltory. Two horizontelly mounted.....-ch.rgedahockl hendle the damping dutiel. The FXST .110 teetura H.rIey·. evolutionary V2 engine. Ha.kan Carlqvist, the Swedish Yamaha factory rider, clinched the World 500cc Motocross Championship with a 6-4 ride in the August 21 final in Hoiland. Honda's Andre Malherbe, the only rider with a mathematical chance of catching "Carla," won the race with a 4- I moto tally, but wound up second in the points, 260-2511. Gerard Rond was second on the day with a 1I-2, followed by' the new World Champ. Honda's Graham Noyce, who had a I·DNF day, was third in the points with 1711. V.meh.·. D.nny LePorte took some of the diIlllPoilib'.... out of .....than·gIoriouI YNI' bytaldng the 0IMrIII win In the fI.... 250cc MXGP of the year. run Augult 21 In Fi....nd. for the win .,.,. KTM riderI Keea van der Ven (3-5) end Jo M. . . . . (53). New World Champ Georgea Jobe won the firat moto. but cIcIn't make h to the flniIh In the IeCOnd round. In the fi.... point ItIndInp Jobe ....... 249 to runner·up LePorte'. 181. Husky's Terry Cunningham won the August 21 Jack Pine National Enduro by four seconds over teammate Mike Melton. Riding a prototype 500AE three-speed automatic transmission Husky in the Moorestown, Oichigan, event, Cunningham lost five points on the trail and beat Melton by only that difference at one tiebreaker check. 4 Elmer Trlltt put down. rapid run on hie Top Fuel KaWluki to win the Augult 20-21 NMRA Le.t ,. Welternation.I••t OCIR In Irvine. Cellfoml•. Trettran.7.23-leCOnd qu.rter mile et 193.98 mph to teke the Top Fuelleurlil. over Suzuki-mounted Terry V.nce. Ru.. GI.ah.m. I Kaw...kl rider not widely known. kept hi. Funnybike together long enough to tQP the cl... with .n 8.66/166.26 run. Suzuki rider Rick StatIOn took the Pro Comp win. while Terry V.nee IUfferlid hil eecond cIefeet of the weekend. 1000ng the Pro Stock fi.... to Kawai Id plot R.neIy M. .on. Guy Godwin (Hon) took Super Modified. laying down • quick 10.11-eecond ET et 125 mph. Despite a recent repaving of some sec· tions of the Sears Point road course, the riders a.t last weekend's National were greeted by a slick, rough track. One rider gave his opinion of the best suspension set-up to get around the 2.5-mile track quickly, "Set it up like a motocrosser - the more travel the better." The nck dldn't to both. Superblte winner W.y Rlln-v. "SUrli h alida .round • little bit... he uId when liked to comment on hi. bike'. h.ndllng on lOme of the trllck·. rough. MCtion....but that'. fun - Jult •• long •• h doeen't k.... "kllng." Fred Merkel, who had a good weekend, with a second-place finish in the Superbike final and a third in F-I, had his own way o£dealing with the bumps. Coming out of [urn three, Merkel would loft his front wheel in a long crowd-pleasing wheelie over I I ) III I' I ) I .. I In Memoriam: Brad Horrell, a 40year-old AFM racer was tragically killed at Sears Point at a club event a week before the National. Horrell, of Vallejo, California, lost control and went off the track at turn one while competing in the Open Superstreet class. He is survived by his mother. P.R.O. Ihort for the Proteulonal Rider. Org.nIZlltion. I••n ettempt by roecI recerI to get together end form • lobbying group for the bettannent of their ceu. . . SpeerhNded by W.. Cooley .nd Roberto PIetrt. P.R.O. held en 1m· pronIptu meeting et ...... Point to fImIIiIIriZII the riderI with the In· tents of the group. Among the group'. prloritlM Increelecl purse money .nd the .... of profe••lon.1 corner worker• •nd Americe·. .r11 8COI••• Point of interest: There are currently no privateer riders in the top 20 in the Wrangler Grand National Championship Standings. Brian Myerscough. who has no contract with Honda, just a works bike, Rick Ryan and Steve Manin are as close as a privateer gets. Even the injured fac· tory riders like Rick Johnson and Mike Bell are in the top 20. Dor. . . P.y.... who beceme the only women to quellfyfor. NetIon· .1 Motocroll final In CoIoredo. .... no ride for the Women'. Ne· tlon.1 ICheduled for this fell. She Is looking for. 126 .nd • 250cc ride. She cen be conteetecI vi. HI·PoInt. John Finkeldey is currently campaigning the 1984 production KTM 495 in the Nationals. It looks improved, particularly the rear suspension. After Roberto Pietri's ultra-close battle with John Bettencoun in die Superbike final, he'll PJ::0bably be glad to get in a race vehicle with b.p belts and a roll cage. According to our sources, Roberto was scheduled to do some testing in C.A.R.T. and Can-Am race cars at Sears Point on the Monday following the motorcycle races. And another interesting rid bit from the Pielri camp has the likeable Venezuelan lending his Suzuki RG500 GP bike to a riderf some track testing. The rider? ~ unknown by the name of Brad Lactf Two-time Pine Enduro win Bob Popiel h.. .wlpped two wheel. forfour-.t leeltfrom----·· to five. Popiel h•• left HUlqverna end thet firm'. taehnicel eervice. meneger poeition to join Se.~ Scenill. the Americen diltribut6r of Se.b eutomobil... Popiel hal been named iervice information meneger by Sub-Seenie. Good newsl On August 19, the Bumaa of Land Management issued a special recreation permit to the D-1I7 Sporu Committee for the November 26 BarSlow to Las Vegas motorcycle ~. The ~t specifies a course of lip.. proxunately 140 miles over publu: lands between the Alvord Road CJ"OS'! sing on Interstate 15 and Sloan. Nat- . ada, and a maximum of 1200 ricb 1 On another Item of good fteWlI.c C81ifomie S . . . . 811 151. whiCh. provIdl. for the ......,...mof .21' mIIIan...... framtheOff·HIgh.., Vehicle Fund. pe• •d the St1t8 A•• lmbIy by • 71-0 vote. h now goa beck to the St1t8 ...... for concurrence on • minor .mendmem. then h'. on the GOYem9' George DeI*mejiIIn for hil elgllBr turII. OHV enthulilletl owe AIumblymen Stne Peace. vote: thenb for IeecIIng the floor d_~ for SB1 56 In the AI..mbly. en6I note to the IIO~urging hlmto lian the meuure wouIdn't be • beclld... either. Write to the GOY· ernor et the St1t8 C8p1toi. Secremento. CA 95B14. I • •

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