Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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July 1-2 AMA0·36 SHOR TRAC K T Mod es•• C Hill. Ferry Spdwy. 1 A. ·5 to N ewmanexit. Ifton H Ferry Rd. ills to track. All classes includ. ATV & Od ysseys. Gate 4 pm, pr. t . 6. race 8. Ill! o 408/453·0548. July 2 -3 NEBRASKA Hil l CUM8 P1ansmouth. HE Allc1u Sls.Troph . s. Oudline for pre sign-up, June 20. Sign-up Sam. Jul, 2. l it ride 1D 2nd . rid' 1D on July 3. Entry SlO in • dvance. S15 on rlC I day. Cav aliers M/C Club. Into 4021298·6917 (C , h Bowml nl· WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS Cascade. WA. Thurston County O .V. 15mi. W. of Dlympil 0" '·5. All .R classes. 100%pb. plus purse. Gatl 7 am. pree. 9. raci 10. Entry $15. advance • 20 pOSl $25 advance. $30 • po .~ Pro Info 206/87 8·5251 . . J uly 3 TEXAS MOSIER MX Mosier Valley MX Park. Ft. Wonh . 60 to TheodorelIit. All classes. 30% same day Sptsmn troph., 100% Pee Wee troph. Everybody goes 2 motos. Free camping Parkopen 7 days. Gatl . 6 a.m.• prac. 8:30. raci 9:30. Entry $6 gate + S9 Sptsmn. 113 Pro; nonmemb. Idd 12. Into 714/653·8068. 5840. 7979. TEXAS AUSTIN MX Austin Motosports Rac eway. Austin. lX. U.S. 183S.o Smih Rd (. outh t of Motorola planl). Howard Rd 1Y, &. Witch for signs. All d asses. 50% troph. through Srh. 200'11> Ex p.b. Concessions. freecamping & fishing. Split schedule: No¥sign up 7 a.m.. prato8. race 9; tnt/Ex signup noon ract 1:30. . Gale $5 adult.under-S free. Ent y $10 r Sptsmn. 115h .l nto 5121443·7627. 327-5254 (Ro ckyl AAIlONA DEER VA LlEY MX Deer V alley Cyde Park. Phoenix. Q 7th St & neer V.lley Rd. All ph. d...... 33%lrO 100'11> Prop.b. No pitriding. Ga 6:30 I.m.• prat . 8. rael te 9. Entry $10 Sptsmn, '15 Pro. Watch $4 adult S2under-12 Phoen . ixSupercross Raceways. tne. Info 6021867· 4769 (John). ARIZONA CANYON 51 & IT Canyon Raceway, 1Yl mi. west of 99th Ave &. Carefr.. Hwy. Phoenix. Al. All classes. 33% ~~ mn troph to . 5.h. 100% E. p.b • ~'V , of cl" . to 5th. ClassC trp ·<.~.. for Ex. recommended for ·~ "Jrs. Gate 10 a.m., rv rider's ",or ~ 11. race aftar prac. Gate fees.V • adull $2 child under12. 15/bikl (deducted It .ign up). Enlry 110 Sptsmn. 114 E Into 6021 x. 978·0661 (Russi. 583·0575(TomI. TX. All classe 1804 guaranteed Ex s. purse. No pit riding or latl prat. Prat. S I.m rael 9; Int& Ex prato1:30 p.nt. ., Entry 111 Sp mn, 116 Ex. G", 15. •• Info 214/357·4196 . TEXAS CONROE MX Conrol MX P. ..... Conroe, TX. 3 mi. southoftowntoSanJacin River. All ta dassel . Troph. Of gift em . to 8th in No classes. Concntionl. showers & y bathrooms. Spin: schedule: prat o 8 I .m.•race 10: Int/b race 1 p.m. En try S8 Sptsmn. $15 EL Gatl $4. Inlo 7121756 ·4 114 (Conroe Sull. 273· 2336 (trlCkl. CMC CAUFORNIA MX Soddleblck Par Oronge CA. Frwy l . 55 to Chapman elit east 7 mi. to Santiago Canyon Rd right to county . fire stalion.left on rd past fir. station. All d.sslS . 30'11> troph Gat 7:30 . e a.m.. sign up &. prac. 8·9. race 9:30. E nlry $10 Sptsmn. $15 Pro. lnfo 714/ 557·3323. CMMC CALIFORNIA MINIMX Barona Oab Raceway. Ramona. CA. Hwy 67 to lakeside. east on Mapleview. north on Ashwood. up Wildcat Canyon Rd 11 miles. New Beg. class.· O/N camping &. conees· sions. Signupcloses 7:30 sharp. Entry S1 O year ly memb. $ 15. Info . 714 /561 · 7344 IG.ry). 447·9348 1 0eM i.l· TEXAS BURUSON MX South ot Fo Worth. TX. 1 Sfrom rt -35 Fan Worth to Hardgrove lane, ea st 2 mi. and tum right after bridge. All da sses. Troph. thru 6th. $1.200 purse paid per mala and overall (200% p.b. jf less than 10 riders/dass). No pit riding or Ilt l prae. Gate 7 a.m. Spli t sched: Nov prac. 8-8:30. Mini prat. 8:30-8:45. 1st race 9; Int &. Ex lJfat. approl. 12:30 p.m.. I'3ta 1. Gat. S5. under-10 & over-60 free. E ntry $10 Sp rsmn. 120 h .lnf o 817/ 295·8908 . 295·1760. CAUFORNIAOEANZA MX DeAn Cycl e Park. Sunnymead, za CA . 10 mi. east of Riverside on Hwy 60 to Theodore exit.All classes. 30% same day Sptsmn troph.. 100% Pee Wee troph. Everybody goes 2 motos. Free camping Park open 7 davs. Gale . 6 a.m.• prac. 8:30. race 9:30. Entry ' 6 gate + S9 Sptsmn. S13 Pro; nonmem add 12. Info 714 /653 ·8068. b. 5840. 7979. CAUFORNIA GRAND PRI X Ellis. CA. Perris Rcwy. 91 Fwy E. to Corona. R on 15 to E . lsinore, 20 mi.•Itt on 74 lCentralJfor8 mi.•1ft. onEllis. v . mi. to track. All classes ineld V & ets Seniors. Women and 4 Strokes. 40% trophs. ATV to Series winner.-conlingencies. Ga 7 am. prac., 3 pm. race te $16 mail. $20 post. Mail checks to Double Cross, 19S3 Las Posas Rd., Corona. CA91720. Double Cross Rac· iny .lnfo71 4/371·6333IR", Campbell}. BRA SOUTH DAKOTA MX Sturgis. SO Sturgis Rcwy. I 90 W. . to Sturgis exit. All classes inct d ATC. 30%trophs. Pro pband piSfund. BRA ChampionshipRace. BRAmemb. rBQd. Prac. 10 am. race 11. Entry $10, ' 15 Pro.Into 605/348·836110, 1.Fri. nd). C ALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS Ellis. CA. Perris Rcwy. 91 Fwy 10 Corona. 15 Fwy. 20 mi toward Elsi· nore.lft on Hwy74 (Centrall for8 mi.. to Ellis. 1 'N; mi. to track. A classes. ft. ll 30%troph 80%ph.• Pro. Gate 7 am. s. prac.• 11, race Noon. Entry S1O $15 . Pro-Dutie Cross~ 1lllu 7 1 4/371 -6333 AMA WASHINGTON MX Washougal. WA. Follow signsfrom Washougal to MX park. All classes. 33%u ophs. 100%Pro pb. Gate 7 am. pm . 8:30. rlCl 10. E n.ry • I O • 15 • Pro. 14 watch Info 503/62 0·5301 or . 472-2475 OKLAHOMA TULSA MX Tulsa. OK. South of Tulu Int rnae tional Racewayoff Hwy 169 N & Nanh 36th St All d asses. 33% troph.. 150% Ex p,b. Gate 8 a.m.• prae. 9:30. race 11. Entry '8 Sptsmn $12 Ex. '4 . gate. Tul a AreaMotospons. me Info s . 9181266·6136 IR,ck) . TEXASMOSIER MX Mo Valley MX Park. Ft. Wonh. sier TX. All dasse s. $804 guaranteed Ex purse. No pit riding or late prac. Prac. S a.m.•rate 9; Inl &. Ex prae. 1:30 p.m. En ' 11 Sptsmn, $16 E Ga $5. try x. te Into 214 /357 ·4 196. TEXAS C OE MX ONR Co nroe MXPark. Conroe. TX. 3 mi. south of towntoSan Ja cinto River. All classes, Troph. or gift cert. to Sth in N classes. Concessions. showers &. ov bathrooms. Split schedul ; prae. 8 e a.m.•race 10; Inl/Ex race 1 p.m. Entry $8 Sptsmn, $15 Ex. Gate $4. Info 712175 6·4114 IC onroe SUllo 273· 2336 ('rlck). CMC CALIFORNIA MX SaddlebackPark. Or ange. CA. Frwy 55 to Cha pman, east 7 mi. to Santiago Clnyon Rd. right to county firesCation. left onrd put fire station. Al! classes. 30% troph. Gate 7:30 a.m.• sign up & prae. 8-9. race 9:30. En $10 Sptsmn. $15 Pro. Info try 714/557·3323 . CAUFORNIA OEAN2A MX DiAn" Cytfe Plrt<. Sunnyrnood. CA. 10 mi. ..It of River1id. on Hwy IR Campbell). ick July 3 -4 AMA0·36 E ·SCRAM8LES URO Prison Hill. 5.E. edgeof Carson City , NV.AUclasses. Trophs. Gate 6:30 am, first race 8:30. Entry $18 one day. $30 two days, pre. 120 one day. $35 two dl'~ po.t Into 916/92 2-0355 {Vasco D eMello). 0·36 CAUFORNIA MOTOCRO SS Argyll Pa 12 mi. S. ot Dixon. C rt<. A. on HWf 113. All dasses. 100% pb.. ta bonus troph$. Ga 6:30 am, prae. 7:30. race 9. Entry s20. $35 Pro. Inf o 209/529·0923 (Fred Dionl. J uly 4 COLORADO MO TOCROSS Anamosa. CO . 3 mi S. on Hwy 2SS and Yl mi. E of Ahamosa. All classes. . Tropns. $900 purse to Pros. Additional purse to be given if more rider s show. Gale 7 am, sign-up 7-S:30. Entry 110. 115 Pro. SRAC. Into 303 /589·5846 or 303 /589 ·9717 lOwight Catalano ). July 8 CRC INDIAN DUNES NIGHT MX Indian Dune Rcwy. Vale s. ncia. Ca. I 5'0 Hwy 126. All cl...... 3Dll> Iroph ' •. Pro pb. Memb. reqd. Sign·in 6 pm, prle 7, flce 8. Enlry $12. $15 Pro. Into 213/830-75 19 July 10 KNUE 101 FM presents 1st Annual Pro Mini Bike National July 17, 1983 SOUTH DAKOTA HALF MILE Sturgis. SO. All classes. '3000 purse. Fir annualCalcuna Ha Mil e. st lt Prac. 10 am. race 1:30 pm. Info 605/347-4243 or347·5278(O yne wl 8urgel. CRC CAUFORNIA MX SlddlebllCk Po Orlnge. CA. Frwy rt<. 55 to Chapman exit east 7 mi. to Santiago Canyon Rd right to county , firestation. left on rei past fire station. All classes. 30% brass to $ptsmn. cash p.b. to Pros. 2 metes. Gate 7 am.. prac. 8, race 9:30. Enrry $12 Sptsmn, $15 Pro: CRC memb. req·d. California Rac ing Club. Info 213/ 830-7519. Swan MX Race Way • Tyler, Texas • 214/ 882-4215 !$7500.00! In Cash & Trophies - Trophies thru 10th Place 1'. OKLAHOMA MX Motorcytfl Rocewoys Inc.. O . kl. homl City. OK. Between '·40 &1 ·240. exit S. Douglas to S.l 59th & tum east All classes. Gate 9 a.m.. prat o 10:30. race 11;30 or noon Info 4051 . 681·9492 (TommYI. 151 Mota 2nd Moto Overall Tota l 210 ISO 13S 120 'O S 90 7S 60 45 30 1 · 70 70 70 2 -S0 SO SO 3 · 4S 4 -40 S ·3S 6 ·30 7 - 2S 8 ·20 9 -1 5 10 - 10 CMC CAUFORNIA MX Carlsbad Raceway. Carlsbad. CA. 1 S to Palomar Airport Rd. east 3 mi. -5 to raceway All classes. 30% troph. . Gate 7 a.m.•sign up 7, prac. S, race 9. Entry 510 Sptsmn. $15 Pro lS10 to p.b.I. lnto 714/557·3323 . 4S 40 3S 4S 40 H 30 2S 20 15 10 so 2S 20 IS 10 All Money Will BePaid To Parents. Lepl Guard- OKLA HOMA JUNIPER MX Juniper MX. McAlester. Ok. Tulsa Turnpike (751 north on 69 lnot 8us. 691 east at Exit 113. All classes. . Troph. Ihrough 6.h. 150'11> h p.b. Sign in8 a.m.• prae.9-10, rae. 10:30. Entry S8 Sptsmn. $15 Ex. 14 gate. Info 918/426-4 533 (McA lester KlWlSlkil. ians. Or Mechanics. Supporting Dealers ~Z?)' Riden may ride al l clasan if age permit&. Ap 9 yrs. with 8Occ: bike can ride $2040 Pro Purse IS yr. Pro. 60cc I'&- 6Oa: 60cc SOa; BOa: Stockbikes may ride in mod . class . BOa: 80cc IOS cc SScc Cl asses with lea. than IS entri es may be combined and sco red separate or cancelled at the di.. cre ticn of thc orpnizer. Holtan Hcnda Tyler, Texas Good Time Cycle - Tyler, Texas Ray's Cycle - J acksonville, Texas Carter Yamaha - Dallas, Texas Yamaha Longview - Longview, Texas Suzuki of Bossier City, Louisiana Tyler Coke Cola, Tyler, Texas Ray Bland Glass Co., Tyler, Texas SSa; Birth CAUFORNIA OEAN2A MX OeAnza Cycle Ptrk, Sunnymead. CA. 10 mi. east of Riverside on Hwy 6010 TheodOl'1l u n:. All d asses. 30% same day Sptsmn troph.. 100% Pee Wle troph. Everybody goes 2 motos. Freecamping_Parte open 7 days. G ate 6 am.. pro 8:30. roce 9:30. E t. mry 16 gate + $9 Sptsmn. $13 Pro; nonmemb. Idd ' 2. Into 714/ 653·80 68. 5840. 7979. Donations . .::..;==- AME CAUFORNIA MX IndianDunes Cycle Parte. 1-5 to Hwy 126. V alencia. CA. All classes. P,o p.b. &. 30%Sptsmn Iroph. Gate 7 a.m.. prac. 8. race 9. En try512 Sptsmn $17 . ProIS15 1 p.b.); AME me . req 0 mb ·d. avail at track (S201. American Motocross Ent rprises. Inc.. P.O 80. 1421. e . Resed. . CA. 91335. Info 2 131 881·5778. TEXAS SWAN MX Ty TX. Exit 69 S from1 20. 2 mi. ler. · ro CR 471. right 2 mi & turn lett. All . classes. Troph . to 5th, S1005 Ex. purse (15 ridermin./ e1ass). 100%Pro p.b. if less than 15. Concessions. Camping &elec. hookups. Gale 5 a.m., Splitprogram: Nov prae. 8. race 9:30; lnt &. Ex prae. approx. t :00 p.m.. race 1:30. En try$5 gate (under-6 and ov er60 freel. $10 Sptsmn $20 Ex Info . 214/8 82-4215 (BillI. Gate $6.00 Under IS & Over 60 FREE Stock & Mod Classes Pre/Entry $20.00 - Track $30.00 Pro Classes Pre/Entry $25.00 • Track $35.00 Saturday Practice $3.00 Eliminators may be run in somec1aucs. Classe s will be lp1it at 31 riders or rnc:n. Top 30 riden from eliminators JO to Finals. Example - 2 Heats - Top 12 to Finals J Heau - Top 8 to F inals AU other rideTs SOto Last Cbance Top 6 to F inal. to make 30 in FilUlls Saturday - Practice 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.rn. Sunda y - Practice 9:00 Lm . - Race 10:30 a ,m. --.. --'= =:..... ...:. '--'m Classes automatic ' stock modified stock « AMA0·37 SUNRISE MX Sunrise V alley Cycle Park. Adelanto. CA. 2 mi. northof town on HWf 395. An dasses . 50" MinilVl t traph.. 50% cash p.b. to Vel/b. Di trict 37 s points. free D/N parting. Gate 7:30 1 m.. roce 9:30. Into 714 /245-7339 . ~ qe thtu 8 yn. . . thru 9 yfl . a. thru II yR.. aac tIuu II yrs. aae thru 12 )'fl. modified qc thru 12 )'fl. stock aac thnI IS yn. modified ap thru 15 yrs. qe thru 15 yn.. pro asc thru 12 )'!'I. pro qe thru 15 )'rs. Certificate Required (Ale cut off 3/11183) T eeny-mini No Pro license quUod. (i J;: i~ , :t Free Ovcr/N ite Camping I E:;\" ~ W"1 Con«ssiOlls ~'-~~ 1"", Elcc;tric, Plug Water I T.... G_ w;n be ...... Sec you a t Swan (r.lle. ...) Mail Entn'es To: SWAN MX RACEWAY Route 6, Box 131 Tyler, Tex" 75704 Pre/Entry Deadline· Jul y 14 th •' TEKAS SAN ANTONI OMX MotospOlt Park. San Antonio.TX. All dass es ind o Over 30 A. B. Silenta rs reqd. Rider's meeting 8:45 a.m.• race 10 Lm. Entry S10. $15 Se nior~ 150'11> pb. Into 5121649· 2196 (M.E. Sh.nerl. Custom built trailers t ail ored to your specs. 1 2 f eet t o 40 f eet. Pro-Am meets your needs. , GO WITH THE WINNERS 1,· · . 1 22 25 Cem o Circle. Rancho Cordova. CA 95670 (9 16) 635-33 22 Dealer Inquiries Invited . .»: .... J uly 17 OKLAHOMA TULSA MX Tulsa. OK. Soum of Tulsa Inlemational Rac ewayoffHwy 169 N&North 36th St. All classes. 33" troph.• te 150%Ex p.b. Ga 8 a.m., prac. 9:30. race 11. En 58 Sptsmn. $12 b . 54 try gale. Tu Area Mot sports. Inc. Info lsa o 9181266·6136 (Rick}. TEXAS MOSIERMX Mosier V alley MX Park. FI. Worth. TX. All dasses . 5804 guaranteed Ex purse. Nopit riding or late prac. Prac. 8 a.m.•race 9; Int&Exprac. 1:30 p.m. Ent y $11 Sptsmn. S16 Ex. Gate S5. r Into 214/357 ·4196 . life is Q matte, 01 timi", MX RAC ES EVERY SU NDAY Open 7 days -7a.m. ' t ill aark located 2 miles west of Interstate 5 on Highway 126 near Castaic. 18051257-4700 aMaa"M aMMl.1 TEXAS CONROE MX Conroe MX Park. Conroe. TX. 3 mi. south of towntoSanJacinto River. All classes. Troph. or gitt cert. to 8th in Nov classes. Concessions, showers & bathrooms. Split schedul : prac. 8 e a.m.. race 10; Int/Exrace 1 p.m. Entry $8 Spumn. 515 Ex. Gate ' 4, Info 7121756·4114 IConroe SUllo 273· 2338 ('rlck l. CMC CALIFORNIA MX S.ddllback Part<. Orongl. CA. Frwy 55 to Chapman exit easl 7 mi. to Santiago Canyon Rd. righl to county fire starion left on rdpast firestation. . All dasses . 30% troph. Gltl 7:30 _ 19 8 3 Race Schedule RIVERSIDE 14SOUNIVERSITYfL. 1 flIlVtfllSlOE. CA t2S0 7 fn 41 711-5220 &\\ June 2 5 / 26 - Willow Spring. J uly 3 - See.. Point July 9 / 1 0 - Willow SprilllJ' 12422 Timber C reek Lan e (21 31 Cerritos. CA 90701 926·2583 39

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