Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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OKLAHOMA CITY MX Oklahoma City, OK. Int.rsection of ~35 &1-40 east-bound 1-40 'JIltlist· ; em. west-bound 1 exit Reno. All -40 classes. 6 troph .lclass. 15D%u p.b. Gate 8 a.m.•prac 10. rice noon. Entry . 16 Sptsmn Si D b . 14 gate. Info . 4051132·0212 (Howard). .AMA 0-36 CALIFORNIA MX Mammoth. CA. MammothBar Tracl From Sac.. Hwy 80E towards Auburn, . uit at Forest Hill Auburn Ravine Rd. and follow Forest Hill signs for 3 mi. Rgt. on Old Auburn Fortlst Hill Rd.• towards Cool and Placer. Go 1.5 mi.• track entranceis onthe1ft. All classes incld. 3 whirs. S10 giftcenificates to all Novice winners. Gate 6:30 am . sign·up 7, first race9. Entry S15, S20 Pro, Ex.. S5 watch, S1 child. Info 619/823·9442. ARIZONA OEER VALLEY MX Deer Valley Cycle Park. Phoenix. AZ. 7th S & De er Valley Rd. All t. classes. 33%treph.. 100%Prop.b. No pit riding Gate 6:30 a.m.•prato8, race . 9. Entry' 10 Sptsmn. 115Pro. Watch 14 adult S2 under·12. PhoenixSuper· cross Rocaways. Inc. Info 6021867· 47691Johnl. SRA FATHERS OAY G . .P INTERCEPTOR RACE PIPES • "Factory" Race Pipes· - Aluminum Silencers - Riverside. CA. R iverside Int.r. Rcwy OffHwy80. Allcia",. plu.ATC/Oefy Trophs 20", finisher pins SRA license . req. Spec fath.r/child rice. ial O camping o.k. Gatl 4pm Sat. /N Prac 8am Sun raci 9, Entry 115 ., .• mail, 120 post. Father/child tum rata . """antry on~. ~to 714/828·1358. UTAH TRI-STATE MOTOCROSS LO Ranch.UT. All cllsslS. All eempetit oncards honored, Ca i mpsitlSIre• . Sign-up 6 am. riders meet ng 7:30. i , prac 8. first Mota 9. (All UT timel. .. Entry S12. 18 Hd tails and POwdlf Puff. watch 13. child trlt . Info 7021457·0343. ARIZONA MOTOCROSS Thunder Valley Rcwy. Prescottn it off I 17 N 2 mi W. of Mayer on Hwy .. 69. All cllsses. ATC Ind Sidehacks. Troph. 33% 100% pb b . OIN camp· . . ing aher 3 pmSat. Gate 7 am, prac .• 8:30. Entry 11O 114 b ., walCh 14. . child $2 , bike at gate IS , Info June 2 4 CRC INOIAN OUNES NIGHT MX Indian Dunes. Rcwy.. Valencia. CA. 1·5 to Hwy 126. All cia",•. 30% trophs., Propb. Memb. reqd. Sign-in6 pm prat 1. flU 8. Entry 112.$15Pro. , Info 213/830·7519. AMA 0·36 CAlifORNIA MX Mammolh. CA. Mammoth Bar Track. From Sac., tl ke Hwy 80 la st towards U.S. Trials Champlonshlp·Round 4 lsI • Don Sweet. Monlese 3rd • 8Go" Head. Monlesa 71h • Jack Slhes. Monlesa 9th • Brad Skreen. Monlesl U.S. Trials Chlmplonshlps-Round 5 lsi • Jack S tiles. Montesi Znd • Sl:oU Held. Montesi 3rd • Don Sweet. Monlesa 71h • Brad Skreen. Monlese CDSMDPDlITiAN MDTDRS INC. 301 Jackson_ilia Rd.. Ha'bora. PA 1!lO4ll 12151 672·9100 ---Ride Aware - - Dave Mungenast's []J~rnu mmrr~ rn~illrnrn~~ rnillmU~m~ ~ , Pa rts - Sa les Iv: Service \!::::!I $325.00 RETAIL 800/327·1109 USA 800/432-7762 FLA 817/834-8961 TEX D&D EXHAUST SYSTEMS Di stributed By East Coast Cy c le S upp ly mJ Husqvarna NOW is the time to buy a Husky T & 0 has slashed prices on all modals SALES . PARTS . SERVICE NOW! 1982 6-Speed SOOCR at S ecial Reduced Price. Sptsmn. SlOE Info8171295·8908. •. 295 -1760 . AMA 0-36 REOOING MX Redding. CA Hwy 44 to Airport Rd.• S to Rancho Ad.. follow signs. Calif. State Series All classes. incld 3· . whirs. Trophs., 100%Propb. Frea o/n parking. Silence D·36 nos.. colors rs. reqd. No bicycles. Glle 8:30 am.prac 7:30. race 9. Entry' 15 •20 Pro• • 4 • watch. S1 child. Mota One. Info 916/ 223-5600IBrant Oavi. l. Sunrise Valley Cycle Park. Ade· lan10, CA. 2 mi. north at town on Hwy 395. Alldasses. 50%MinilVe' trUph.. 50% ca.h p.b. to Vet/b. F e DIN .. pari-ing Gate 7:30 I.m.. racl 9:30. . Info 714/245-7339. June 2 4-26 CALIFORNIA TRAil RlOE last Chance Trail Ride. Riders milt · ing at Denny' s, Hwy 80 andForestHill exitat 7 am. High Sierr Mts. to Lake l Tahoe andNevada desen. Open Ulall experienced ridlt's. S89 tee includes all meals andT·shin. Info 714/988 · 0331 (Frad Cha.e). Call Toll Free D dve Mu ngendsl DIRT BIKE HQ 6820 Grdv uls 5t L ouIS M o 63116 38 '31 41 351 1886 CAUFORNIA OEANZA MX OaAnza Cytle Part. Sunnymead. CA. 10 mi. list of Rivlrside on Hwy 60 10 Theodore exit. All claulS. 30% same day Sptsmn rreph.. 100\ Pee Wu troph Everybody galS 2 motos. . Fru camping. Park open7 days. Gall 6 a.m.. prac. e:30, race 9;30. Entry 16 g8te + $9 Sptsmn. S13 Pro non: memb. add 12. Info 714/853·8088, 5840.7979 . June 25 TEXAS AUSTIN MX LOOI SHORT TRACK Indi, CA. ledi Cycla 8owl. All classes Glt. 5pm prac 6. rac. 8, . , Entry 110. 113 Pro. watch 14. Stkn MlC. Info 209/93 1-3722 Dr 36e7182 (Barba"l· HURON MOTOCROSS Huron. CA. HurDn Cycle Part. From LA N on151 269 nil fromSac. S. .• . 0 on I 5 to 198 exit tum 11ft on 198. righ on 269. All classes. Traps 30". t Austin Motospons Raceway. Aus· tin.TX. U.S. 183Sto Smith Rd [seurh of Motorola plan Howard Rd 1'h &. tl. watch for sign All dasses. 50% s. troph. through 5th 200%b . p.b. Cen· . cessions. free camp &. fishing. Split ing schadule: Novsignup 7 a.m. prlt. 8. . rilce 9; Int/ Ex signupnoon. race 1:30. Gate IS adult under·8 free. Entry S10 Sptsmn 115E'.lnfo 512/443-7627. 327-5254IRocl"'~o to Great America Pkwy. I~'\~cld on the 237 CALIFORNIA CRCGRAN PRIX ~ 800/325·9961 • ....... for p.rts and accessories. CALIFORNIA SUNRISE MX South Fork FoothillsMX Part,South Fork. WA. 17 mi W. of Yakima. on Lower Ahtanum Rd. Turn Ih. at T.m· pica. Gate 8am prac 9:30. race 11. . .• Entry S1O second class. '8 . $20Pro . . Trailhead Promotions, Into 509/248- (Ken 81,.:.hfieldl You name it. we got it! UPS Daily 918/426-45331McAle ster Kawasaij). San Bemandino. CA. Arroyo Cycle Park.All classes. 30%Irophs.• Propb. Call tor entry forms. Gate 6:30 am, and Grllt Ar- ~-8. Pkwy. All classes. Similar Savings On All '8 2s & '8 1s Call For Quotes. "Excludes freight & set ·up (Appro• . $65) OKLAHOMA JUNIPER MX WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS G 6a.,. 't-\.~':'.. 7:30. race 9. Entry at. ' 15• •"' <,;"". Inlo 415/886·5413 ..... '82250 WR $1,895.00· '82430 WR $ 2,195.00· Entry ltD Sp tsmn, .1 5 Pro (110 to p.b.).lnfo 714/55 7-3323. Info 213/926-25831Harry aresachl. NMAlYAMAHA GRAND NA TIONAL SERIES AMA 0-36 CALIFORNIA MY Husqvarna CMC CALIFORNIA MX C arlsbad Raceway. Carlsbad, CA. 1·5 S 10 Palomar Airport Rd. list 3 mi. to raceway. All classes. 30" troph. G 7 a.m, sign up7. prac. 8, ract 9. are 9442. CMMC CALIFORNIA MINI MX Barona Dab Raceway, Rlmona. CA. Hwy 67 to Lakeside list on . Mapleview north on Ashwood. up , Wildcat Canyon Rd 11 miles. New Beg. class. D/N camping & conces· sions.Signupdoses 7:30sharp Entry . $1O. yearly memb. $15 . Info 7t 4/561 -7344 (Gary), 447-9348 (OeMis). 681-9492(TommYI. Juniper MX, McAlester. OK. Tulsa Turnpike (75) rmnh on 69 [net Bus. 69), east at Exit 113. All classes. Troph. through 6th,150% Ex p.b. Sign in8a.m.•prac. 9·10. race10:30. Entry 18 Sptsmn S15 Ex. S4 gatt. Info , TEXAS SHORT TRACK ANO TT South ofFanWonh, TX.I·35 Strom Fort Worth to Hardgrove Lane. east 2 mi. and turn right atter bridge. All classes .Troph. thru6th.S1.200 purse paid permo andoverall (200% p.b. ta if less than 10 riders/ class). No pit riding or late prac Gate 7 I .m. Split . sdl.d : Nov prat. 8·8:30, Mini prac. 8:30-8:45. 1st race 9; Int & Ex prat. apprOl. 12:30 p.m..race I, Gale15. und.,·10 & ove r·60 fr" . Entry S10 liSt. All dassls. Gat 9 I.m.• praC. . 10:30. reee 11:30 ornoon. Info 405/ Auburn, uit at Forest Hill Auburn RavineRd. andfollowForest Hilt signs for3 mi .Tum rgt.on Old Auburn Forest Hill Rd.. towards eooland Platur . Go 1.5 mi., Irack entrance isonthe lft. All classes incfud. 3·Whlrs. Trophs. een. tingencies, Gale 6:30 am, sign-up 7. first race 9. Entry S15. $20 Pro. Ex., .5 watch. 11 child. Info 619/823- 6021178-2501 180b Riggle). TEXAS 8URLESON MX homa City. OK. Betwaen 1 &1 . -40 -240 exil S. Douglas to S.E 59th &: tum . Vallntia. CA. Indian Dunes All dasses. Trophs. 20" . Races start 8:30 am En.., 116 ma 120 post . il. . Mail entry closes June 13. Info 213/e30·7519 !:MC CALIFORNIA MX Huron. CA. Huron Cycle Park. Aft classes. 30% trophs, 100% Pro pb. NMA qualifier for nationals. Gall 6 am. prat. 8. raCl 9. Enlry 110, S15 Pro. 15 gat . Info415/523-4210 Dr e 522·1030 (Gary Eart). AMA 0-36 MOTOCROSS Redding. CA. Hwy 44 to Airport Rd.• S. to Rancho Ad.. tum Itt. Ind follow signs All classlls incl d. 3·Whlrs. . u 100% Pro pb. 0-36 numbo" and colors reQd. Gate 6:301m prat. 7:30. , rae. 9. Entry.15. 120 Pr~ .4 walth. 11 ch Info 916/223-5600 (Bnnt ild. Oavis!. Between Sherman andDenison. TX. Behind Jack Barnett Honda. All clas· ses. PITt of 12·race series. Gate 8 am, prac 9. race noo Entry 17. .3 n. admin. Info 714/463 -1614 (8ill Jennings). OKLAHOMA WERA ROAO RACE Hallatt. O Hallm Flcwy.. off Hwy K. 99, SW of Hallltl Regional Sprint race•. All dasslS. 1nfo 713/449-9101. AMA OREGON MOTOCROSS Sandy, OR. Ml. View Rcwy.• 4 mi. SE of Sandy. Hwy211to 8ont"edt ReI. 1ft to Rud.Rd, n to track. All cfus.s. 30% troph•. 100%Pro pb. Ga" 6;30 . prac 8. 'ace9:311 En..,110. 115Pro, watch '4. Info 503/66e·9409 IRon long}. CRC CALIFORNIA MX Saddleback Park. Orange, CA. Frwy 55 to Chapman lIit. east 1 mi. to SantiagD Canyon Rd. right to county fire station, lettonrdpast fire station . All dalSlS. 30% brass 10 Sptsmn, cash p.b. 10 Pros. 2 motos. Gate 7 a.m.• p'at. 8, race 9:30. Entry S12 Sptsmn, . 15 Pro; CRC memb. req'd. Califomia Racing Club. Info 213/ 830-7519. OKLAHOMA MX Motorcycl. Raceways. int.. Dkta- , 1472(Pat McCaff.rty). MRA COLORAOO ROAORACE Continlntal D ivide Rcwy./TlchtrlCk. 25 mi. S. of Denver on 1·25 Strllt . Sup.rbika. G .. 11100puna Rain or .P . shine. Sign-up 7·10:00 1m.prac. 9· noon. raee 12:30. Info 303/4499357 (Jo. Day) . AMA 0-37 WRG-SCRAMBlES 17 mi. N of Moiave on Hwy. 14 It . Cinco ReSMant limed frcm MGjlvt. AlldlS.a. includ. ATe. Prae. Sat., 1st race Sun. Entry 112. Info 8051273 4660(Neil Manninen). OKLAHOMA NIGHT MOTOCROSS Motorcycla RaciWay, Oijahoma City. OK. Btwn 1-40 & 1·240 onS. Oougla. off S. 59th All, 10 troph./ class. Prat. 5 p.m.• race 6:30. Info 405/348-4412 (Tommy N.wman). AMA 0-36 CALIFORNIA MX Santa Clara. CIc Tak. Hwy 17 or . '01 to Hwy. 237 thin go to Grell Amarica Pkwy. lottted on the 237 Ind Grlal America Pkwy. All dlSIIS. Gat. 6 a.m. prac.. 7:30.raca 9. Entry . 115, 120 Pro. Info 415/886-5413 (KenBirthfialdl.

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