Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Canada· Northern California-Northern Ne around to tak e seco nd over Spen ker. Results PEE-WEE: I . Graham Sant iago (Vam). 80 NOV: l. Todd Damaron (Yaml . SO EX: t . Danny Cahoon (Vam). 100 EX: 1. Kellev Fischer (Yam) . 250 NOV: 1. Pete Gh ig lione (Bul) ; 2 . Steve May- field (C·A). 250 JR : t . Jon Nunez (Suz); 2. Lee Yetter (KTM). 250 EX: 1. PJ Sanch ez (Kawt : 2. Frank Garcia (Kaw); 3. Steve Spenker (Yam). 500 NOV: 1. Frank Randazzo (Hon) . Daily doubles at PIRMX By Brian Barnes PO RTLAND, OR, MAY 26 Portla nd Interna tio na l Ra cewa y put race number eigh t in th e books with Jeff Daily (Ka w) sweeping all fo ur motos in both th e Pee Wee a n d Mini Expert classes. His win in th e Pee Wee class ca me over Jus tin Stan ni ng, who took both runner-ups a nd was al so Kawa saki m ount ed . Yam ah a rid er R ich ie Abrams h un g o n fo r both thirds. In th e Mini Expert cla ss Dail y ran wire to wire for both win s wh il e Kurtis Ro gstad a nd Grant Bergstrom, both on Yam ahas, duel ed for th e seco n d a nd th ird overa ll posit ions. Bergstrom kept Ro gstad at ba y in th e first ra ce, a bad sta rt on Bergstrom 's part in mota two ga ve Rogstad second in the mot o a nd overa ll, while Bergstrom worked h is wa y up fo r th ird o vera ll. An other Kawasaki ace , Tim Mich litsch, captured both th e 125 and 250cc Pro honors by winning three o f the four motos he co m pe ted in . During th e first l25 cc rnoto , Yam hill Yamaha 's J on Buyas put in one o f his best rides to date. taking the ho leshot and staying in th e lead u nt il less than 50 feet from the ch eckered fl ag. Tremendous pressure from Yamaha 's Jim Anderson an d Mich li tsch for ced a crucial slide o ut , cos ting him two positions. but Bu yas got up quick ly and scored th e thi rd spot. Grayson H art was fourth. In th e second rnoto, Michlitsch kept Buyas at a safe distance for the ent ire race while Mike Klenke an d Mountain View , California 's Shaw n McConn put on a show th at lasted unti l a Klenke mistak e left McConn with th e third spo t. Hart was aga in fo urth and Yamaha-mounted Mike McCormick, in a rare P IR appeara nce, wa s fifth . • Results PP: t . Pat ricia Lyon s {Yam }; 2. Lor i Howard (Suz). WEE PEE WEE: 1. Matthew Schweitzer (Hon). PEEWEE INT: 1. J ason McCo

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