Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Southern Callfornia-Arizona-Southern Nevada- Southern California-Arizona-Southern Nevada- Southern Callfornla-Arlzona- Western hotline ... Ron Turner f lies his KTM to a ticket to Hawaii at DeAnza. ley (Yam); 3 . Scon Robertson (Yam). 250 NOVl iNT: 1. Brian Li an (SU l); 2. Ken Camp bell (Kaw). 2 50 NOV : 1. Tom Har per (Yam); 2 . M ark Rom ero (Suzl; 3 . Steve McLaug hl in (Yam I. 2 50 EX: 1. Brian M an ley (Yam) ; 2. Bobby White (Yam); 3 . Rob W end! (Han ). bO NOV ; 1. Pokey Sperling (Kaw) . BO BEG DIV 1: 1. Ste ve J arr en (Yam); 2. Rust y Som er s IKaw); 3. Raymond Fierro (Yam). BO BEG DIV 2 : 1. John BreWlon (Yam); 2. Cr aig Davis (Sull; 3. Gr eg Sibley (Yam ). BO NOV ; 1. Chris Ba m sey (Kaw) ; 2. Steve Fla nd ers (Yam); 3 . Steve OeZwa n (Yam ). 80 INT; 1. Th ayne Zito (DM C); 2. Bunk y Morton Pipher sweeps OCIR250cc Beginners (SU l ). By Tom Corley IR VIN E. CA. MAY 26 • J ohn Sta vros took hi s Y amaha 1O th e lea d in both motos of the 250cc Beg inner Division O ne even t and it stood to reason that h e was goin g to be th e cha mp o f th e class. Corning from behind and shootin g Stav ro s down in both mo tos wa s SCOll P ip her. Despite th e od ds aga ins t h im. P ip h er became the o vera ll winn er in ro nights p rogram h eld a t Orange Cou n ty Int ernat ion al Raceway . Wi th th e sta rt of the first moto, S ta vros m oved to the front of the pack. but became tir ed ra the r qu ickl y a nd sta rted to let off o f h is pace. P ipher kept gaini ng m omentum. a nd by th e third lap he ca ug h t Stavros on a back co rner an d took o ver th e lead. Kawasaki rider John Elson held o ff the rest of th e class in th ird with Eric Ewers ta ki ng fourth . Si mi lar to the first moto , Stavros shot ou t a hea d o f th e pack wh en the ga te dr opped for th e seco nd tim e. P ipher a llowed Sta vros to co nti n ue as th e leader for two laps before he made his move. Then it was P ipher a nd Stavros 1-2 till th e checkered n ag came out. Eric Ewers adv anced o ne position th is rnot o and pl aced thrid whi le Sha wn Culp took fourth after a DNF in th e first round. P ipher pulled o ff th e win with a perfect 1-1 tall y. St avros' pair o f seco nds ga ve him tha t position over a ll a hea d of Eric Ewer s a nd John El son. In Intermedi a te ra cing J ohn Berg co nti n ued 1O sh u t down th e 250cc riders with long leads in both rnotos. Leonard J ohnson and Larry Cr aven s rode th eir H ondas to second and third. The fin al moto saw a battle between those two with Cravens putting hi s Mid -Cities Honda a hea d of J ohnson on th e third lap. Th e 500cc Intermediate cla ss had a definite lack of riders as Ka yo Kni ght a n d Mark Anderson had a mat ch race lO~et her. Results 30 60 BEG : 1. Chad Ponegalek (Kaw); 2. Bea u McMian (Yam). 80 EX: 1. Cra ig Canoy (Kaw); 2. Mike Hea ley (Hon); 3. Gene Baldwin (Kaw) . 12 5 BEG DIV 1: 1. Ch ad Smart (SUl); 2. Larry Ander son (Hon); 3. Stan M endell (Ho n). 125 BEG DIV 2 : 1. Joe Cam rin (Suzl; 2. Gary Stolt enber g (Suz); 3. Jeff Severe (Han) . 12 5 NOV : 1. Jeff Ma tiasevich 15uzl: 2 . Ch ris Sparks (Kawl; 3. LanceRieman (Yam I. 12 51 NT; 1. Mark Toya ma (Vam); 2. M ike Magal la nes (Yam ): 3. Sean Cor coran (Su z), 125 PRO: 1. Doug Duba ch (S ull; 2. Tracy M eek s (Kaw l; 3 . J im Brod ie (Han ). 250 BEG DIV 1: 1. Scan Pipher (SUl ); 2 . John 5 tauros (Yam); 3. Er ic Ewers (Yam). 250 BEG DIV 2 : 1. Ro n Phi l (Yaml ; 2. Arthur Najera (Yam); 3. Baabamej ia (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Mike Musson (Su zl; 2. Cor ey G ash (Yam); 3. Bruce Jensen (Yam). 2501NT; 1. John Berg (SUl); 2. Leonard Johnson (Han); 3 . Larry Cravens (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Brya n Maloney (Han); 2. Harley Hall (Han); 3. Scon Conaway (Yam ). 500 BEG; 1. Benvt Jo ha nsso n (Han) . 500 NOV: 1. Steve Marolda (Yam); 2. Ji m Gurney (Yaml . 500 INT: 1. Kayo Kn ight (Suz); 2. Mark Anderson (Suli. 500 PRO: 1. Scan Cavness (Suz); 2, Jeff Conlin (Hus]: 3. Cra ig Hof me ist er (Hon), VET BEG: 1, Ji m Sm it h (KTM ): 2. Ow ain Jarr ett (M ai). VET NOV : 1. Oanny A shcraft (Han). VET EX; 1. Bill Millar (Su l i. Hendricks, Turner, Zifterkopl head lor Hawaii By Kit Palmer SU N N YMEAD, CA. MA Y 29 Today a t DeAnza Cycle Park was the final round of th e threerac e, second annual Hawaiian Get-Away Series. In all classes, it was a battle right down to the fin a l rnoto. In the 125cc class Dan Hendricks (Yam) took top honors whil e in th e 250cc and Open cla ss " Ra d ical" Ron Turner (KT M) a nd Greg Ziuerkopf (Ya m) each won a roundtrip ticket 1O Hawaii. In th e 250cc Pro class. Sin asalospo nsored Ziuerkopf came on ly fou r laps away from wi n n ing two tic kets to Hawa ii. Zitt erk opf ca me from an 11th place first mot o sta rt to th ird by th e seven th lap. Kal-Gard Kawasaki rider Robert Laughlin led for th e first half of the race then su rrende red hi s lead 10 Turner. Laugh lin then found h im self holding back Zitterkopf for second. Turner found h im self with a com forta ble lead while Laughlin and Zinerkopf dueled. Wh en the chec kered flag a p peared . Turner too k an easy win followed by Lau ghl in . o n ly in ches a head o f Zitt er kopf. If Ziuerk opf co u ld have won th e seco nd rno to, he wo u ld have won a nother ticket 1O Ha waii. So . when the gate dropped for th e start o f rno ro two. Ziu er kopf roc keted 1O the from of th e pack a head of Edd ie Mich ell i (Suz) an d Turner. Ziuerkop f he ld th e th rot tle wide o pe n and extended h is lead to a la rge mar gin. It looked as thou gh Zillerkopf wo u ld runaway with th e win . but wi th on ly four la ps rem ain ing. things quickly cha nged. When Zitt erk op f la nded off a large a nd fast jump. his Yamaha actually split in ha lf o n impact. handing Zitterk o p f a hard ge t-of f. T he o n ly pa rts left holdi ng th e bike together were th e shock and the seat. Zitterkopf got up , bu t the crash gave Turner the rno to wi n and overall . Dan H endricks used a 1-2 tall y 1O ca p ture th e 125cc Beginner class an d a lso th e I25cc series win. Jim Nunez (Kaw) took seco nd with a 4-1 co m bo w h ile Victor Nunez (Yam) a nd David Spence r (Ka w) took third a nd fourth. Results JR CYCLES: 1. We sley Kle in (Kawl; 2 . Ephra im Ben jam in (Yam); 3. Judd Scanlan (Yam I. MIN I BEG: 1. Allan Br ehm (Yam ); 2 . Adam Fitzger. ai d (Han); 3 . Dana Wiggi n s (Hon). M IN I NOV ; 1. Frank Sm ith (Yam); 2 . John Scarberry (Kaw) ; 3 . Brad Edginton (Kaw ). • M INI EX: 1. Tom Combs (Kaw) . 125 BEG: 1. Dan Hendr icks (y am); 2 . J im Nunez (Kaw); 3 . Vi etor Nunez (y am). 1 25 NOV : 1. M ike Gillies (5 u z); 2. Steve Andre IYam); 3. Lanc e Gonon IKaw) . 1251NT: 1. Danny Canlley (Kaw); 2. M ik a M aga ll anes (Yam); 3. M ike Fitzgerald (Hon). 12 5 PRO: 1. Doug Dubach (SU l); 2 . Rick Maki (Yaml; 3 . M ike Roberts (Yam ). 2 50 BEG: 1. Mike Hogue (Yam ): 2. Jim Caspi o (Su zl; 3. Howard Keeling (5uz) . 250 NOV : 1. Joe Ham ilton (Hon ); 2. M ark We id · ma n (Su zl; 3. Craig Sosa (Han). 250 INT; 1. Robert Stephenson (Han); 2. Ton y Spear (Su z); 3 . Scott Arenz (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Ron Tu rne r (KTM) ; 2. Robert Laugh li n (Ka w ). OPEN BEG: 1. M ax Hernan dez (Hon ); 2. E.C. Hewitt (Yam ); 3 . Rick Sliger (Han I. OPEN NOV ; 1. Bob Lam bert (Ha n); 2. Bob Watson (Yam); 3 . Je ff On en (Han) . OPEN INT: 1. M ik e Carlo (Honl. OPEN PRO: 1. Greg Zitterkop f (Yam ); 2 . Scan Cavnes s (Su z); 3 . Clark Jones (Yam ). VET JR : 1. Floyd ShaUey (Han); 2. Kar l Scanlan (Han). VET SR: 1. Bob Lambert (Han); 2. Jon A . Hall (Hon): 3 . Roy Burton (S Ul) . Stallard sweeps Mayer Expert sweepstakes By Pam Hardin MAYER . AZ. MAY 29 On Memorial Da y weekend a lot of racers stayed home to soak up th e su n instead of racing at Mayer. For th ose th at did co me . th ey got a cha n ce 1O see a wild. but somehow laid-back. Expert sweep stak es race . Arizona 250cc ch am p SCOll Stallard took home the overall money wi th a I- I finish. At the start, th e two l25cc riders. Steve Patterson and Martin Vesel y, sta rt ed halfwa y up the hill while th e bigger bikes got the same card o n th e ga te. Off the line Stallard held off Apache Honda teammate Todd Kessel while th ey both pushed the lesser powered bikes a h ead . After a half a lap Stallard di splaced Vesely for second and applied heavy pressure to Patt erson . A few laps later Stallard used his power and jelled by Patterson on th e back straight. Kessel got by Vesely for third while Stallard disappeared to a solid lead over Patterson and the rest. Patterson 's teammate from Sunnyslo pe Honda. Dale Cooley. started to motor up from h is poor start. Vesely had dropped down a n d o u t with bike p roblems an d had to pa ck it up for the da y. With less than h alf th e race left. Cooley held it o n longer an d man- aged to take third from Pa tterson a nd kep t it till th e finish . Stallard a nd Kessel had no problems a nd ca me in first and seco nd for their shop. O n th e seco nd sta rt, Patterson. now th e onl y l25cc rider, was ted little time pu lli ng ahead of Sta lla rd a nd Kessel. Patterson used every lin e im aginab le a nd held Stallard a t bay for severa l laps. Kessel wat ched from beh ind . keepi ng o ut of a ny possible alterca tions betwee n the two in fro nt. Coo ley had fourth secured. but tried to ca tch up wi th the hectic pace the top three were turning out, Stallard kne w it would be to ugher for h im th is moto, Patterson wa rn ed h im before tha t he was go ing 1O do every thi ng 1O ho ld h im off. It was wo rking, till he went side ways on a wid e berm . That Ii ule m istake was a ll Stallard needed to tak e the lead. A half a lap lat er Kessel pow ered by Patterson. Kessel sta rte d to push with h alf the race left, but Sta lla rd kept o n th e th rottle till he go t th e chec kered and his seco nd wi n. Kessel took seco nd a n d P a tt erso n s tayed o n th e gas enough to hold Cooley at bay in fourth. Pa tterson said h is I25cc was a rea l disadvantage at Ma yer. " I was just ou t-motored on a ll these hills." Res ults Y ZINGER ; 1. Bart Blake (Yam). PEE WEE NOV : 1. Masa (Yam ); 2 . M organ Adams (Yam) . BO NOV ; 1. Tad Cupp (Yam); 2. Tim Burke (Yam ). BO AM ; 1. Jeff Rigg le (Kaw); 2 . Curtis Culbert (Kawl: 3. Mike Bai ley (Sul i. 125 BEG : 1. John Reault (Kaw); 2. Curt Cul bert (Kawl. 125 NOV : 1. Philip Kle itson (Hon) . • 125 AM : 1. Dan Tipton (Hon!; 2. Keith Nielsen (Kaw) ; 3. Dallas Brown (Yam). 250 NOV : 1. Rich Balt he se (Han); 2. Rob Bu rn s (Yam); 3. M ike Ga,1(Yam). 250 AM : 1. Rick Tabor (Han); 2. Steve Ak ers (SUl); 3 . Fran k Prescott . OPEN NOV : 1. Dave Bros ios (Ho n); 2 . Jerry Mor ri son (Hon) ; 3 . Ted Kessel (Hon). EX SWE EPSTA KES: 1. Scan Sta llard (Han); 2. Todd Kessel (Hon); 3. Steve Pan erson (Honl. SI DEHACK: 1. Bozo & Pau l Un tl (SullWasp); 2. Johnson Wendell & Bob M yer IKawlWasp); 3 . Gw en Ridyard & Ell iot Clenvenger (Yam). Farris lares best at Corona MX By Kit Palmer CORONA. CA , MAY 27 Kawasaki -mount ed David " Fast" Farris used a 1-2 combination to capture th e win in the Mini Novi ce class tonight at Corona Ra ceway. Farris h ad to co ntend with so me heav y co m pe titio n from Ron J ordan (Yam ) a nd Case y Mahoney (Kaw ), In th e first moto Farris took th e lead from th e gate. Murray Shackelford (Kaw) a nd Derek Parsons (Kaw ) fo llowed. Du ring th e first few laps, the two leaders engaged in a tough duel for th e lead. However. by th e m idway point. Fa rri s began to increase his lead over Shackelford. Earlier in the race , Mahoney had sl ipped by J ordan and set aft er th e leaders . By th e en d o f th e mow th e battle over second was in high gear . On the wh ite-flag lap Mahoney was within roost di stance of Shackelford. but Shackelford managed to hold on and take second behind Farris. Third went to Mahoney while fourth and fifth went to Orlando Delfin (Kaw) and Parsons. : ]ordanjammed into th e lead at the start of moto two. in ches a head of Farris . P arsons and Shackelford. Mahoney. wh o m anaged a mid-pack sta n. beg an picking h is way up through th e field. With three laps left. Mahoney found himself in third. J ordan went on to tak e th e easy win

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