Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-- - ~- -~.-~-- TEN YEARS AGO Canad ian Da ve Sehl won th e Louisville Half Mile National for th e third time in four years as he led a HarleyDavidson sw eep of the first five places. Mert Lawwill and Jim Ri ce joined Sehl on th e victory podium; Rex Beau champ a nd Corky Keener were the riders rounding- o u t th e top five. Pierre Karsm ak ers and Yamaha scored another 500cc National MX win; th is time in Laurelville, Ohio. Kawasaki's Brad Lackey ca me ba ck from Europe and won th e firs t moto, but w h en he stopped to bend back a front brake lever in th e second moto he lost two positions and was releg-ated to third ov era ll behind Kar srnakers a nd Mike Runyard (SUl). Honda 's Gary J ones won both m otos of the 250cc National, followed by Gary Chap li n (Ma i) a nd R ich Thorw aldson (SUl) . Hu sk y riders Mickey Q u ad e a n d Howard Utsey took the m otorcycle win in th e610-mile Baj a 500 o ff-ro ad race. R o lf Tibblin, riding a Husky in th e ra ce an d teaming- w ith Mitch Ma yes, wa s leading the race 80 m iles fro m th e fin ish wh en h is light went o ut a nd h e ran into a tree. Tibbl in wa s knock ed unco n sicious, but recovered to fin ish fourth. The Dempsey broth ers. Sam an d Gene were second o vera ll o n a T riu m p h twin . followed by th e fo ur-stroke H onda o f Bill Silverthorn a nd Johns Kenyon. P resto n Petty a nd Dick Miller won th e 125cc class o n a OK\\'. WINS AT LOUISVILLE, . ROAD AMERICA AND MID-OHIO. Jay Springsteen is still rewriting the record books. By riding his Koni fitted Harley to the win at the Louisville, Kentucky Half Mile National he became the first ri der in history to win 35 AMA Nationals and the first to win Louisville 4 times. Scott Parker a nd his Koni equipped Harley again dazzled everyone with a 24 .486 sec. qualifying lap the fastest qualifier a t Louisville. That same week end , Before Brad Lack ey returned from Eu ro pe . he put to ge ther a pair of eig-h th -p lace finishes to take six th overa ll in th e Ital ian round of the 500cc World Mot ocross Ch amp ionsh ip. Suzu ki's Rog er DeCoster won both m otos, an d Husky's Ben gt Aberg slid into second overa ll with a 5-2. KO.~ New Koni 7610 Series with adjustable damping. Speedway star Barry Briggs received a "Master o f th e British Empire" honor, given o u t o n Queen Elizabeth's Birthday H onours list. Peter Williams, rid ing a m onocoque Norton, won th e Formula 750 race a t the Isl e o f Man . p o stin g th e secon dfast est time in 10M hi sto rv with a n average speed o f over 106 mph. Seco nd we n t to Mick Grant, a lso ridin g a John Pl ayer Norton. Chuck Quenzler was in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, winnin g the Battle of the Twins Amateur Modified class at Road America, while Dave McClure too k first in the BOTT Stock class. Quenzler also won his BOTT class the previous week at Mid-Ohio in Lexington, with Gene Church taking the BOTT Stock class win. All three rode H-D XRlOOO's fitted with adjustable Koni 7610's. In fact, to date, Koni equipped bikes have won all 1983 AMA National BOTT Amateur Modified and Stock class events. Ask your dealer now for ~oni's ra£e proven adjust..- . ",'f" " able 761O's. KONl AMERICA. Inc. I II West Lov ers La ne Cu lpepe r. VA 22701 (7031 8 25-4543 IRS Reggie J ackson (H o n) won th e 250cc J u n io r class o f a Pet aluma , Ca li f., scram bles. Jim Vickery (Yam) a nd Pete Dolcini (Oss) we re th e runners up. In a scrambles a t Fremont Raceway , Yamaha riders Dennis Spence and Steve Ekl und finish ed 1-2 in th e 500cc Expert class. In th e sa me rac e, Scott Pearson bested the 650cc Juniors on a Triumph. Mai co-mounted R ex Staten cont in ued him domination o f nig-ht m otocross a t Corona Raceway, winning th e 500cc Expert cla ss over Bryan Breker (Bul), Honda rid er J im Ba ll won the Super Mini class, followed by Indian pilot Eddie Lawson. • More cycles ride on Dunlop than any other tire in the World. ~.DUN.£OP The Logical Choice 21

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