Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Swedish GP winner Hakan Carlqvist sails his works Yamaha. World Championship 500cc MX Series: Round 4 SwedishGP • wrn to Carlqvist By Neil Webster STENU NGSU N D, SWEDEN, MAY 29 Swede Hakan Carlqvistjumped right back into th e battle for the500 ccMX World Champion sh ip w he n he sco red th e ove ra ll 20 win at h is home co u ntry G P . T he big Swede wo n the first rnoto after a titan ic struggle w ith his Fi nnis h Yamaha tea m ma te Jukka Si nto nen, and then sell led for a sa fe seco nd mota second beh in d Suzu ki 's Harry Everts . Bu t it was Brit a in 's Graham Noyce who moved ba ck to the top of th e point standings with fou rt h a nd th ird pl a ce performa nces wh ich give h im a o ne poi nt lead over H on da teamm at e Andre Malher be. Troubled by a leg in j ury co llected in a mi d -week practice fall , Malherbe rod e stead ily to fifth in th e fir st mot a but o nly man aged a seven th the second time OUI. H is posi tion hardl y reflec ts th e effor t h e pu t into th e race. Dead last aft er bein g halted by a first turn p ile-up , Malh erbe cu t th rough th e pac k to ge t in to th e points. T Ilt' tw ist y. sa ndy track at Srenu ngs u nd in western Swede n, was no tori ously h ar d to p ass o n, much of i t being one line, making Malh erb c's ride eve n more rem arkable. Am er ican G arv Sem ics sco red a good seco nd mo to fifth o n h is produ ction Honda and m oved to 13th in rh e po i n t sta n dings, o n l in e for ano the r top 10 position by th e end o f the season. Se rnics fai led to sco re in th e first moto after bein g stoppe d by a nothe r first turn pile- up. a nd the n co m p leti ng th e mot a a t th e back o f th e pack. Fourth man in th e point sta n din gs, Belgian Suzu ki rid er Andre Vromans had a di saster of a day. T en seco n ds clea r at the from o f th e field in mota one. Vrom ans moved to pass backmarker Howard Lucas over a jump. They touched in mid-air and crashed to the ground, both put out by knee injuries. Vromans returned for the start of the second rnoto, but he had to drop out after two laps and finished the da y with zero points. Vromans then had to drive straight back to Belgium to consult doctors about suspected ligament damage ins tea d of traveling on to Finland for th e next round. It was Sintonen o u t from at th e sta rt o f the first rnoto, chased by Carlqvist a s th e 15,000 fans cheered. But with the wet sand cl inging to his goggles, Carlqvist dropped back as he strugg led for vision, only to be passed by Vromans wh o picked of Si n to ne n o n th e sa me bid. Vromans' crash the n left th e tw o Ya maha rid ers battlin g for th e lead aga in, but th is tim e Ca rlqvis t played it cool. .. I kn ew if I got too close. I would ge t sa n d in m y eyes, but thought I co u ld manage th e la st few laps with th at ," sai d Carlq vist . And true to pl an , h e left it until fo u r lap s from home to force p ast Si ntonen down the from straigh t a nd sco re th e win. Mot o two wa s just as ten se, with No yce, Evert s and Carlqv ist fightin g it o u t for th e top sp ots. Everts led from th e start, chased by Noyce and the Englishman was quick to sli p to the from wh en Everts dropped h is Suzu ki in a slow turn. But a co u p le o f laps lat er , Noyce mad e a si mi la r m istak e a nd Everts was back in from . No yce wa s in no mood to g ive up, Harry Everts leads 500cc MXG P seri es po ints leader Graham Noyce. how ever , and ca me ba ck hard. Bid d ing for th e lead yet again , he tried to sq ueeze on the inside of a fast lefthander a nd lost it. Before h e could get back to hi s feet, Carlqvisr was through and the top three places were set . Results OVERALL: 1. HokonCorlqvlot(Yomll ·2; 2. Horry Evens (Suzl 3-1 ; 3 . Grohem Noyce (Honl 4·3; 4. neve Thorpe (Ho n ) 6 ·.; 5 . Juldl.• SiNOne" (Yem) 2-DNF; 6 . A ndro Molherbe IHon15· 7; 7. (TIE) Gory Sem ics (Hon) NP-5 /lven ",en den Broedt ISuzJ 1~ 6; 9 . (TIEl Eddy Sterckx (Kow) 8 ·9/Gerord Rond (Suzl 9 -8 . POINT STANDINGS: 1. Noyce (901; 2. Molherbe (89); 3 . Corlqvist (791; 4 . Vromons (401; 6. Evens (32); 6. Sintonen (31t. 7. Thoo-pe (30) ; 8. 8runo (27); 9. Hudson (191; 10. Pikkeroinen (16) . World Championship 250cc MX Series: Round 4 Bulgarian GP to Rangelov SAMOKOV, BULGARIA, MAY 29 Defending World Champion Danny LaPorte slipped further behind in his attempt to retain th e titl e wh en he fail ed to score in the fi rst mot a. p u lli ng o u t after two crashes withi n 200 yards, o f th e Bul garian GP. LaPorte returned in th e seco nd m oto to pi ck up third p lace poin ts. but t he po ints lead er Georges J obe turned in a 1-2 da y to pu ll furth er away with th e points lead. Bul gari an Dirn irar Ran gelov was the su rp rise o vera ll victor wh en he reversed j obc's perform an ce, finish ing seco nd in th e first mo ta a nd win nin g th e fin al race. Ran gclov's win in th e seco nd mot a was assisted by th e 85,000 fan s on hand as th ey p u t a no the r black mark in the history books wh en they began to th ro w sto nes a t J o be wh en h e mou nted a cha rge fo u r laps from th e end. Results OVERALL: 1. Olm itar Range lov (Su z) 2· 1; 2 . Georges Jo be (Suzll -2; 3 . A. Drechse I IHon )4-4; 4. H. Kin igadner IKTM) 3 -7; 5 . J . Whotley (Suz ) 7-6; 6. D. uPone IYo m) DNF·3; 7 . D. Walson (YomI 5- DNF; B. S . Mortensen (Yam ) 6 ·0NF: 9 . K. Van der Ven (KTMI 9-8; 10. R. Dieffenboch (Honl DNF-6 POINT STANDINGS: 1. Jobe (114); 2 . Monen, (57); 3. uquoye (51) ; 4 . uPon. (50); 5. Drechsel (36 ); 6. Kinigadner (29); 7 . Rongelov (27); 8. (TIE) Whatley/Van der Ven (25) ; 10 . Watson (23) . World Ch ampionship 125cc MX Series: R ou n d 7 Surprjse • • wrrmer In GermanGP N IE D ER WU RZ BAC H, W. G ERMANY , MAY 29 Form er Europ ean Enduro Champion Klaus Kreutz was th e surp rise winn er of th e West German 125cc MX GP as he mastered th e di a bol ical muddy co ndi tions tha t even hair ed ru na way series po int s lea der Eric Geboers. Geboers fail ed to fin ish th e fir st moto after cras hi ng. It mark ed th e first ti me h e has been o u tsi de th e to p two p laces in a GP race this year. But he came back strong to win th e second mot a a nd co n tin ue hi s mar ch to wh at now a p pea rs to be a certa in World Ch ampionship title. Am erican J im Gibson failed to find h is ea rly season form a nd th e Yamaha pil ot struggled through with sixth an d 10th -place finish es. H e still h olds third pl ace in th e point standings, but is a di stant 91 points behind C ebo ers. • Res ul ts OVERA LL: 1. K. Kreutz (HonI2·2 ; 2. P Vehkonen (Yom) 1·5; 3 . C. Moddii (GiI14 -4 ; 4. E. Geboers(Suz) DNF- l ; 5 . M . Rinoldi (Suzl 3 -8; 6 . M . veneeeers (Gil) DNF-3 : 7 . J. Gibson (Yom) 6 -10; 8 . J . Vimond !YomI9-7 ; 9. P. Decendre (KTMI5-DNF; 10 . G. van Gvseghem (Hon) 7-DNF . POINT STANDINGS: 1. Geboers (1891; 2. Rinoldi (13 9); 3 . Gibson (98~ 4. Moddii (91 ~ 5. Vehkonen (8 2); 6 . Velkoneers (69) ; 7 . Vimond (4 91 8 . Hon..n ; (341; 9 . Andreoni (321; 10. Kreutz (28) .

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