Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Southern California-Arizona-Southern Nevada- Southern Callfo Western hotline Johnson, Thompson claim two at flat track triple header By Ela ine Jones CO RO NA. CA. ~I A Y 15 It was su m mer a t Cor ona Race- way for th e second tri pi e header and th e riders got a ch a nce to ra ce th e dry , blue groov e of a Chris Crandall took the Pro class win at the Cal City GP. 600 race Cal City GP By Shirley Upp CALIFORNIA CITY, CA. MAY 28-29 It was racin g at its best for over 600 participants in th e SoCal M.e. California City Grand P rix. Ri ch ard J ackson , Mik e Sixbery Tony Stuart, Andre But cher, - Chris Crandall. Bill Saltzman . Lori Farmer, Craig Rim limger a nd Cra ig Adams were among the weekend 's wmners. Saturday 28 The Vet class was th e largest race of the weekend . O pen ri der Mark Force led th e first two la ps wit h Richard J ack son in seco n d. On the th ir d la p J ackson took th e lead , and from th at point h e stretched h is adva ntage. G ar y Chart ers. wh o suffered from a three-k ick sta rt . m oved into secon d o n th e fo urt h lap an d stayed th eir 10 ea rn first 250cc honor s. Force took th ird . Bobby Chart ers' lon g ab sen ce from raci ng did n' t seem 10 faze him as h e jumped in to th e up-to-200 cc race. Byron Van held seco nd o n the open in g lap, followed by Mike Sixbery, but Six bery took ove r th e lead on th e second lap . Cha rte rs bega n h aving bi ke trou bles and Van would eventua lly dro p OUI. At the finis h, Jo h n R udd er had worked hi s way up. to seco nd overall . an d Charters finish ed th ird in spi te of having 10 co pe with seiz ures. Novice Tony Stuart put in a fi ne ri de to finish 10th overall a n d wi n hi s class . Gabe Bro wn a nd Bob Murp h y a lso turned in good performa nces in the Nov ice class . An dre Butch er led the Unclassified race from begi n n in g 10 end . Tim Cha m p ness sur vived a battle wi th Wayn e Ca rlto n a nd Mike Heyne to fin ish seco n d, foll owed by hi s battlemat es. Th e Pro race was h ot, bo th tem perature- and co m pe titio n -wise, with $500 goi ng to th e winner. Off th e sta rt it wa s Dan Sm ith lead in g , but hi s ride was cu t very short with igni tion troubles. Don Gri ewe took the lead for two laps before Dan Ash craft moved o u t in front, But th en Ash craft sta rt ed gell ing cramps because of th e heal. After h e dropped out, Chris Crandall took over the lead and he stayed th ere for the win. Bryan Breker finished second with rider number ei ght third. Craig Adams finished fourth. Sunday The Sen ior ra ce fo u nd O pen rid er Bill Saltzman in tot al co ntrol from sta rt 10 finish , G ar y Cha rters wa s trying 10 catch Saltzman o n a 250cc mach in e, but all th e p avem ent ma de it difficult. Char ters fin ish ed seco nd with Lynn McGraw th ird a ll th e way . Special ment ion shou ld be made o f eig ht h -p lace fin ish er Wayne Goodman, who on ly two yea rs ago h ad open hea rt surgery. Way 10 go. Wayne! In th e women 's race Suzie Loonsfoot led the firs t la p . but a fter tha t it was a baul e between Lori Farm er a nd J ol en e Payn e. with Farmer winnin g. In the Senior Novice ran ks William Misen er. Sheer determi nation and will power ea rned Craig Rimlimger th e overa ll win in the 250cc/ O pe n Novice/Begi n ner race. Riml imger wo rked hi s way u p 10 third on th e fir st lap . th en took th e lead befor e T odd H oltz took over for o ne circu it. After pitting , Rimlimger got the lead back a nd held on for the finish. J eff Barb er overtoo k Holtz on th e fin al la p to fin ish seco nd . Andy Sixbery a nd a nd J ack Fedrich fin ish ed 4-5. First Beginner , in sp ire o f falling th ree tim es. was Wood y Chi lders Jr. Mo torcycle sidehacks ra n with the three-wheel race. a nd the wi nn ing o f Ron H all an d Mike Mu lco nery had a super ride. It was Mu lconery's first sid eha ck ra ce. The 250cc a nd Open Ama teur/Expert race ha d a jinx on th e leader with seven lead cha nges occurri ng in th e race . H usk y's Dan Smith led th e first la p . bu t seized go in g out on the seco n d . That ga ve th e lead to Hon da rider Chris Crandall . but he also seized on th e fourth lap . Dan Ash craft inh erited the lead fro m Cranda ll, but on la p five Dan Sa nc hez was ou t from. T he n o n th e six th lap, Chuck Stearns was leadin g th e race on a box-stock TT600 Yamah a. Stea rns ran out in fro m for two laps before he too wa s slo wed with troubl es as a gas line wen t so u th and dropped h im 10 fourth. So th e win fin a lly went to Craig Adams an d his 250 H onda. wi th H oward McCasland seco nd after running up with th e lead ers si nce the beginning of th e race. T h ird went 10 J ohn Rudder, wh o was followed by S tearns . Tim Sinclair a nd Ray Conway. More complete results will be published in Cycle News wh en th ey become available. • hot wea ther trac k. It was Roger Thom pson, a boa rd h is q u ick Kaw asak i. who go t things o ff 10 a fast sta rt in the 250cc Money short track . G oin g wi re to wi re, th e Norco yo u ngster topped J eff J ohnso n a nd Bru ce Nordst rom . It was a repeat performance for T hornpson in th e 250cc Money half mile, and thi s time it was J eff R u n ya n who go t 10 foll ow him home. Edd ie San Roman and hi s a weso me Wood Ro tax ga ve th e Open Mon ey sho rt track boys so me th ing 10 think a bo u t. San Roman was o ff on top with J im Rosa seco nd a nd Mike Kirby th ird. Rosa h eld o n for two la ps before h is motor went so u th an d everybody m oved u p o ne purr in g Chris Ca n non in th e thi rd slo t. After tha t a ll any body co u ld do was try 10 keep Sa n Roman in sig ht . J ohnson didn ' t bro od too long as he ca me back 10 p lay teach er in the O pen Mo ney TT. Fr ien d a nd teammate, Mike Kirb y, wa s off seco nd with Roger T hompso n third. Both Kirby and T hompson waited for the mista ke that never ca me and sell led for second and th ird respect ively. The Open Mon ey hal f m ile was the fines t event of th e dav as nine riders vied for sta rti ng posit ion s o n th e lin e. Wh en th e flag dropped it was J ohnso n who got th e ca ll a nd wen t 10 the fro n t, Ca n non was seco nd a n d Kirby third. T hi ngs d idn' t reall y sta rt to h appen unril rhe wh ite flag lap wh en Sa n Roman. who had been held a t bay by Ca n non , wa s a ble to power by a nd tak e over third. T hompson. wh o had been last a t th e start , had slowly p icked hi s wa y 10 fift h but wa s a ble 10 go no hi gh er. Results SHORT TRACK PEE WEES : 1. Joe y Winston (Han); 2. Jake Dumond (I.J ). MINI: 1. Lyle Dov e (Yam ); 2. Danny Gr igg (Yam); 3. Brian Hagg e (Ya m ). 250 NOV DIV I: 1. M ike Baeder (Yam); 2. Rich Sw eaney (Yam ); 3 . Rusty Gai.. (Bul ). 25 0 NOV DIV II: 1. Ron W ood (Yam); 2. John Fuerst (Yam I; 3. Roben Nelson (Yam ). 250 A M /EX: 1. Je ff Joh nson (Yam l; 2 . J eff Runyan (Yam r. 3 . Bob Gabler (Yam). OPEN NOV DIV I: 1. Phil Brill eng er (Han); 2. Jim Wood (Yam ); 3 . Ken King (Yam). OPEN NOV DIV II: 1. J im Kesler (Yaml; 2. Calvin Raybo rn (Yam ); 3 . Steve Harris (Yam) . OPEN AM/EX: 1. Pat McCan n (Yam ); 2 . Ron Bartels (Yam) ; 3. Ken Bar row (Yam) . 25 0 MONEY: 1. Rog er Tho mpson (Kaw) ; 2. Jeff Jo hnson (Yam ); 3 . Bruc e No rds trom (Honl. OPEN MO NEY: 1. Eddie San Rom an (Rota. ); 2 . Mike Kirby (Yam) ; 3 . Chr is Cannon (Yam) . TT PEE WE E: 1. J oey W in sto n (Han); 2 . Jake Dumond (I.J). MI NI : 1. Lyle Dov e (Yam) ; 2. Danny Grigg (Yam); 3 . Br ian Hagge (Yam ). 250 NOV ; 1. Ron Wood IYam); 2. Ma rk Ledbetter (Yam); 3 . Rich Sweaney (Yam l. 250 AM /EX: 1. Bruce Nord strom (Hon l; 2. Bob Gabler (Yam). OPEN NOV DIV I: 1. J im Wood (Yaml ; 2 . M ike Jones (Yam) ; 3 . Phil Brillenger (Han). OPEN NOV DIV II: 1. Jim Kesler (Yam ); 2. Ken King (Yam ); 3 . Bob SChneider (Yam) . OPEN AM/EX: 1. Bill Bartals lff·D ); 2 . Bob Grave s (Yaml ; 3 . Ron Bart els (Yaml . OPEN MON EY; 1. J eff Johnson (Han): 2. M ike Kirby (Yaml ; 3 . Roger Thompson (Yaml . HALF MILE PEE W EE: 1. Joey Winston (Han) . MINI: 1. lyle Dove (Yam ); 2 . Danny Gr igg (Yam) . 250 NOV DIV I: 1. M ika Baeder (Yam); 2. Rich Sweaney (Yam ); 3 . Brian Runyan (Yam) . 250 NOV DIV II: 1. Ron Wood (Yam ); 2 . John Fuest (Yam ); 3 . Robert Nelson (Yam) . 250 AM/ EX; 1. Mark Ledbettar (Yam ); 2. Alan Ronska (Yam); 3 . Bob Gabler (Yeml . OPEN NOV: 1. Jeff Contreras (Yam t 2. J im Ke.sler (y am); 3. Calvin Rayborn (Yam). OPEN AM/EX: 1. Bob Graves (Yam); 2. Ron She ets (Yam); 3 . Pat McCann (Yam). 250 MONE Y: t . Roger Tho mpson (Kaw) ; 2. Je ff Run ya n (Kaw) . OPEN MONEY: 1. Je ff Johnso n (Han); 2. M Ike Kirby (Yam); 3. Eddie San Rom an (Rotaxl . Sailors sails to Dunes J.25cc Intermediate tvin By Tom Corley VAL ENCIA, CA. MAY 27 West Valley Suzuki rider Gary Sailors profited from a mistake by self-su p p or ted Honda rider Les Gal and took the second rnot o win an d overall I25cc Intermedi at e victo ry in th e Californ ia Racing Club's Frida y n ight racing at Indian Dunes. G al took th e fir st moto win with ease and downed Dick Allen 's Rich Truchinski o n a Honda and th en Sailors. Bad. a wa ys in fourth wa s Jim Spotts from Suzuki o f Van Nu ys a nd "Little Gu y" Eri c Casas on hi s Kal-Gard H onda. Similar to th e first moto, G al had th e lead posit ion for severa l laps in th e second. Then he mad e th e mi stak e o f divin g too low in th e th ird corner and hi s H onda hit th e gr ound. Sailors took over th e lead with Rich Truchinski an d Chris 51. Marie ge tti ng by G al as well. Sailors' 3-1 tally ea rned hi m th e first pl ace trophy over T ruch ins ki , Gal a nd 51. Maries. Mark Ja b lo ns ki h a s tak en h is H onda 10 a n u m ber of wi ns this sea son at bo th Asco t and Ind ian Du nes. J ablonski, li ke Ga l. was o n to p o f it a ll in th e first moto of 250cc Novice rac ing but m issed ou t in the fin al event . To m H arper. th e broth er of Will Harp er wh o race d as a Pro for vears but is now a stu nt m an , was ~fter J abl onsk i o n h is Yama ha but had 10 setrle for seco nd p lace . Steve Marg eson an d Ri ck Perez were third a nd fourth. In th e second mot a th e tables turned as Harper had th e lead a nd J ablonski co u ldn ' t mak e a p ass. Eugen e Borgia a nd Josie Wilten took poor finishes in th e o pe n ing round but improved grea tly and wer e th e th ird an d fourth pl acer s. On the tro ph y list it was Harper taking th e talles t brass over J abl onski . Borgia an d Kelvin Berg er. Results PEE WEE: 1. Ryan Spurg in (Kaw); 2 . M ichael Gilbert; 3. Pablo l ara ISuz). 60 NOV: 1. Do ug Hu st on (Ka w); 2. Ryan Spurgin (Kaw). 60 1NT 1. JoeI Tokars ky( Kaw) ; 2. Eddie Gaumond : (Yam). 60 EX : 1. Buddy An t un ez (Ka w); 2 . Shawn Bat es (Ka w) . 60 MOD BEG: r. Erick Hi lton (y am ). BO MOD NOV : 1. Richard Bate s (Kaw) ; 2. Abe l Gayt on (Kaw ); 3 . Robert For est (Kaw) . BOMOOINT: 1. Chri s Cole(Kaw) ; 2. Ton y M erc ier (Kaw); 3. Scott Murphy (Kaw) . 60 MOD EX: 1. J eff Berbacovi (Yam). 80 STK BEG DIV 2: 1. Peter Ser ino (Ya m ); 2. Er ick Hi lt on (y am); 3 . M ik e Crosby (Yam). BO STK NOV: 1. Abel Gayt on IKawl; 2 . Richard Bate s (Kaw) ; 3 . Sean Bla nc hard (Kew ). BD STK INT: 1. Jeff M abe ry (Kaw ); 2. Chr is Cole (Kaw ); 3 . Ch ris La ra (Suz). 100 BEG: 1. M ike Laprei k (Yaml . 125 BEG DIV 1; 1. Barry Katz (Suz); 2 . Gre g Wi pp (Ho n); 3. Ron McKio rman (Hon). 125 BEG DIV 2; 1. Scott M ichaals (Suz); 2. Brad Jordan (Han) ; 3 . Trev Lardner (Han). 125 NOV: 1. Br ian Felix (Yam ); 2. Ke vin Alverson (Suz); 3 . Dean Morgan (Han). 1251NT: 1. Gary Sailors (Suz); 2. Rich Truch inski (Han); 3 . Les Gal (Han). 12 5 PRO: 1. Andy Elli s (Suzl; 2. Rick Maki (Yam); 3 . Jon Ortner (Yam l. 25 0 BGG: 1. Randy Gan iec (Han ); 2. Grady Gillette (Yam I; 3 , Michael Kenn edy (Hon) . 250 NOV: 1. Tom Harper (Yam ); 2. M ark Ja b· lonski (Han) ; 3. Eugene Borgia (S uz). 25 0 INT: 1. Dan Fitz gerald (Suzl; 2. Th omas Mac · Farland (Yam) ; 3 . Den ny Siverson (Hon) . 250 PRO: 1. Kelly Pugmire (Han) ; 2 . Russ Wage· man (Ka w); 3. David Lynch (Han). 500 BEG: 1. Brett Henry (Yam); 2 . Dav id Donnelly (Yam); 3 . Brad Sloan (M ai). . 500 NOV: 1. Billy Hondal (Suz ); 2 . M ike Jordan (Yamt 3 . Robert Fortier (M ai). 500 INT : 1. J ohnny Nolind (Ho n); 2 . Chr is Berca w (Mai); 3 . Bob Hedland IMai). VET JR ; 1. Doug Hilton (Yem ); 2. Tom Spurgin

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