Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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nla-Ari:l:ona-Southern Nevada- 5 How to become a Factory Pro (Husl . VET INT: 1. Char lie Spellman (y am ); 2 . Robert Fortier (Mai); 3 . Ron Col e (M ai). VET SR: 1. A lan Verch ick (Yamt; 2 . Bob Dunham (Yam). Kawasa'd's Manneh sweeps Experts in NMA GNC series " A t 15, I was th e you ngest facto ry pro motocrosser eve r signe d . A lot of peo ple as k m e how I did it. Det erm ina tion , d edi cati on , ph ysical cond itioning an d usin g the best products a re a mu st. But I wa s luckier than most. My da d worked as my tuner, mech anic an d coach. I was using Maxima oils for over a year bef ore he ever so ld any. My Yama ha s wer e probably th e fast est and most relia ble because I won four national cham pionsh ips an d hundreds of races before I was 16. In fac t th a t's wh y my dad started h is ow n compan y-Maxima Racing Lu brica nts. I cou ld n 't ha ve become a facto ry pro wit hout Maxima oils, a nd m y da d of course." By Tom Corley VALENCIA, CA . MAY 29 The National Motorsports Association had their second event of the Grand National Championship Series at Indian Dunes with Kawasaki ma chines taking major wins throughout th e classes. Bader Manneh swep t th e 80cc Stock Expert cl ass an d edged o u t Suzuki gr eat La rry Brooks. wh o in turn struck back with both th e 80cc Modified Expert a nd IOSee vic to ry. Green ma ch in e rid er Ste ve Kot aja rvi hook ed both th e 60cc Stock a nd Modified wi ns wh ile tea mma te j eCf Reyn olds do u bled as the wi n ner o f th e 80cc Stoc k a nd Modified Intermediat e 12+ races. T a king th e lead aga ins t a pack o f 80cc Expert s is a d iffi cult task, an d n o t o n ly di d Wild Will ie Surrau h ol eshot the first Stoc k m oro , but h e d id it with a cast o n h is left arm ! Ka wasak i had the top six positions wi th Surratt leadin g and being fol lowed by tea m ma tes Lance johnson. Bader Manneh , Mouse McCoy, Craig Ca noy a nd Bryan Bruner. johnson soon dropped out and Manneh was tr ying to work by th e leader. Manneh passed on a back sweeper. Meanwhile. Larry Brooks wa s clearing by th e green riders one by o ne. Ca noy fell prey on the th ird tu rn . a n d th e others were passed somewhere along the wa y. Brooks th en challenged Surratt for second place an d found his way by on th e same sweeper where Manneh took over the lead. It was Manneh, Brooks. Surratt, Canoy and Bruner hauling th ro ug h the fin ish line. Craig Canoy was the first 10 hit the first turn with the st art of the second rnoto. Behind Canoy were hardcharging Mann ch and Brooks, who were determined 10 get Canoy out of th e way . Manneh tor e past Canoy on the corner after the sco re tower stretch. Brooks found passing Canoy to be more difficult, but Brooks finally got by a nd was in seco nd pl a ce ahead of Ca noy. • Ron Lechien Tea m Ya maha ~RLO LEADER IN ~CASTOR LUBRICANTS ... .\\AXI.\\A 1444 Pioneer, #7 'Z,. EI Cajon, CA 92020 , (619) 442-9723 $50,000 SERIES Purses - Prizes - Contingencies HOT FRIDAY NIGHTS! Starts May 6 .. Julv 29 SUMMER SiZZlER '83 SUMMER CEUBRATION ' 83 S1.500 Pro Pur se s2 ,500 Conllnge noes CONTINGENCIES Se pte mbM 16 UVE MUSIC DRAWINGS Juntt1 7 $800 Pro Pur se DRAW INGS GIVEAW AYS Prot Am.leur CompetIt IOn Septe mber 30 SUMMER BLOWOUT '83 GIVEAWAYS $2,000 Pro Purse Aug us t 5 Prol AmIi'eur Competition J u ly 1 Sefle s Po,nts Pro / Ama teu r Compell1tOn Au gUS1 19 Pro/ Amllteu r Com pet ltlOl1 ~~ KI NG O F B E-IER S .. SUMMER ~ ~ G HT M(]10CROS SERlE '83 Double Senes POInt s SUMMER BASH ' 83 s800 Pro Purse CONTINGENCIES Pro / Am.leu r ComlM'tltfon ""'_2 l Budweiser; ~,7 Pro /Ameteur Compe11110n Ser... Pol"" Series Potn.. 10TH fA UVE MUSIC GMAWAYS Series Points July 15 Pro /Am.te u r Competition 12 .500 Con tinge nc ies DRAVVINGS October 2 1 Ser ..s Pom, . DRAWINGS GIVEAWAYS t"bv 6 & S ept . 30 $2.000 Purse rsaee. 125. 250. Open) ENTRY FEE $2 0 Pro.•15 Amate ur &25 P' • . S15Ama'au, fft .." AHaAM AMHI., July 29 ., .500 Purse 1125cc. 250, Open! ENTRYFEE June 17 &. Se PI. 2 SBOOPur se (8b , 125. 250. Openl ENTRY FEE $ t 7 Pro. "2 Ama leur ~ '~ [ O I:G8B ] O 40% TRO PHIES OURING SERIES AL L OTHER DATES ENTRY FEE . '7 Pro, "2 Amateu r S ign-up 5 p.rn Pract ice 7 p ,m ., Race 8 p.rn ~ ~<. ~ £1W1l1J I.U.X.m."~1 ~ @ METZE!£!! ".".E. P.O. BOil 14 2 1 Ca . 9 1 JJ5 (211 )111 -5171 I ---- ~.s.da. Results PEE WEE STK: 1. Michael Gilbert (Yam t, 2. Pablo Lara (Suz); 3 . Jesse James (Ita). PEE WEE MOO : 1. Dennis Dahlin (Yam t, 2. M ichael Gilbert (Yam ); 3 . Pablo Lara (Suzl. 60 STK: 1. Steve Kota jarvi (Kaw); 2. Buddy Antunez (Kaw); 3 . Bubba Ericl

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