Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 04 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ada-Northern California-Northern Nev NEW SHOW! •••••••••• I West Kawasaki, Hannan's Machine Shop, Arai and Koni . Results FORMULA I: 1. D. Doherty (Kaw); 2. K. Bryant (Kawl; 3. J . Morena (Suz). FORM ULA II: 1. B. Koegler (Han); 2. M . Ruff ner (Vam); 3. C. Foster (C-A). FORMULA III; 1. D. Chung (Yam); 2. M. Kane (Suz); 3. C. Foster (C-A). FORMU LA IV: 1. J. Leggitt (Vam); 2. E. Kondo (Vam); 3. M. Rich (Vam). FORMULA 5 ; 1. M . Kane (Suz); 2. A. Yarrow (Vam); 3. S. Kane (C-A). FORMU LA T (0 -7 50) : 1. M . Riol o (Suz); 2. D. Troetschler (Due); 3. D. Hughs (Vam). FORMULA T (OPEN): 1. M . Ross (H-D); 2. E. Riddle; 3. M . Green ITri) . OPEN SUPER STREET; 1. D. Doherty (Kaw); 2. J . Morena (Suz); 3. K. Dolan (Suz). 601 ·7 50 SUPER STREET: 1. B. Koegler (Han); 2. A. Yarr ow (Yam); 3. K. Evan (Suz). 230-600 SUPER STREET: 1. A. Yarr ow (Vam); 2. - J. M onteya (Yam); 3. F. Thomas (Yam). OPEN MOD PROD: 1. M . Kauzlarich (Suz); 2. N. Nichol son (Hon); 3. K. Dolan (Suzl . 60 1·750 MOD PROD: 1. M . Krollick (Kaw); 2. S. Mitchell (Kaw); 3. K. Evan (Suz). 45 1-600 MOD PROD: 1. F. Maz ur (Kaw); 2. J . M ontoya (Yam); 3 . K. Grav es (Yam). 251-450 MOD PROD: 1. F. Thomas (Yam); 2. M . Riolo (Suz); 3. S. M oore (Vam). 0 -250 MOD PROD: 1. G. Overman (C·A) ; 2. A.J. _ Parks (C·A); 3. R. O'Leary (Suz). OPEN STK PROD: 1. M . Kauzlarich (Suz); 2. D. Wright (Kaw); 3. N. Nicholson (Han). 601 · 750 STK PROD: 1. D. Garo utt e (Han); 2. M . Krollick (Kaw); 3. K. Evan (Kaw) . ' 45 1-600 STK PROD: 1. F. Mazu r (Kaw); 2. K. . Graves (Yaml; 3. M . Syltes (Kaw ). 0 -450 STK PROD: 1. F. Glisson (Suz); 2. P. Vasinitsky (Yam); 3. P. Cott on (Suz). • I * Seattle 5upercross Coverage ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• .MOTORCYCLES ON TELEVISION! .......................................................... * VIntage motorcycle dose-up- J959 £50 Motocross bike * Mechanic tip of the week Yamaha's Dave Osterman - "HoW' to set up your new bike" * Cyde News motorcycle impression Honda 650 Nighthawk t:::, -1.. "Capture the spirit of the two wheeled world" Sunday Night, April 24th at 6 p.m. On Southern California's ~@@ ~ ~W ~~ & Every Sunday NightI 1 KUSI-TV Check your local cable li ltings in TV Guide ...... ..... l-< 0- -< For more information contact: Supermouth Productions Inc . P.O . Box 3279· San Clemente. CA 92672· (7 1 4 ) 6 6 1.1 9 6 2 Carr claims Lodi STopener By Ann Carr Lam, CA, AP R. 3 District 36's n u mber o n e Amateur fla t track racer Chris Ca rr helpe d Lodi 's Cycle Bowl celebra te th e open in g of the 1983 racing season today by wi n ning the 250cc a nd Open Expert ma in events. Su n ny skies and strong winds greeted a sparse bu t enth usiastic crowd of racers and spectators who were treated to a quick, competitive short track program . Carr renewed his ba tt le wi th Mark Key and black p la te 2 Aaron H ill fro m the wiggle of the sta rter's ribbon as Key jumped o ut front and Hill . slid into the th ird spot in the 250cc final. Key, a Pro Expert tuning for the San J ose Short Track National. experienced carburetion pro blems abou t three laps into the fray a nd Ca rr snea ked by for the win as Hi ll move d to seco nd . Key held onto th e thi rd and last payoff spot. Rid ers were all over the track in th e 125cc main, bu t Stacey Nolen maneuvered n icely to co llect the only brass while Ha ro ld Gepford aced his da d for the 200cc win. Ca laveras High school students Bo bb y a n d Bryan McDowell - riding for Bu rto n's Cycles and Bru ce's Body Shop - nail ed the start of the 250cc Novice main an d challenged each other for the full 10 laps. Bob by kept th e lead throughout to ave nge the p revious even ing 's pass by Bryan. Chris Ca rr's Jorgy's 370 Ca n-Am was too much for th e 500cc Experts as he jum ped to the front as the gate went up and was no t to be hea ded. Consistent 17.70 seco nd la p times kep t Carr out fron t. but smooth riding Kevin H ug ill stayed in second from the start while Shawn Black worked through traffic for the last payoff. • Results PEEWEE; 1. Natha n Wa it (Suz). 80 NOV: i . Matthew Wait (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. Stacey Nolan (yam) . 200 NOV; 1. Harold Gepford (C-A). 250 NOV: 1. Bobby McDowell (C·A); 2. Bryan McDoweIlIVam). 250 JR: 1. Tad Tlylor (Han); 2. Rick Lovitt (Han). 250 EX: 1. Chr is Carr (C-A); 2. ABron Hill (Han); 3. Mlrk KlY (Vim). 600 NOV: 1. Rollen Eskew (Ylm); 2. Mike SWlnz (Yam). 500 JR: 1. Glry Coit (Vern). 500 EX: 1. Chris Carr (C· A); 2. Kevin Hugill (ylm); 3. Shlwn Black (Han). .\ - - - - - - - - IF YOU'RE NOT ADVERTISING IN CYCLE NEWS.'.. YOU'RE LOSING BUSINESS! CONGRATULATIONS, AMA/WRANGLER SUPER SERIES COORS/SADDLEBACK 2s0cc NATIONAL WINNER Th e " Hurri cane" h as alread y won more Nat ional Cham pi onsh ip ra ce s th is season t ha n most top pros w in in th eir en t ire ca r eer II Hi- Point Pro boots don't w in t he r aces fo r t he " Hu r rican e " , bu t t hey do deliver the championsh ip perfor mance h e look s fo r in a profes sional boot. Compare Hi -Poi nts to all other s f or ov erall perform ance and p rotecti on. THE NEW PRO, NOW AT YOUR HI-POINT DEALER ' HI·POINT * RACIIS * HI -POINT RACING PRODUCTS 3 709 West Erie Avenue. Lorain. OH 44053 2650·H Mercan til e Dr.• Rancho Cordova . CA 95670 HI ·POINT PRO BOOTS NOWIN RED, BLUE OR BLACK RIDE AWARE smiTH GOGGLES Buy One - - - - Get Second FREE! $21.95 WEST VALLEY SUZUKI Ca=-&~rk~ ~;303 (2 13 13 017 .3 200 L _lIG l o _ Ott., E_ _ e....l_ ",)0, '.3 ~, .. , • • L. I • \ . .31 .. ...

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