Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(Continuedfrom page 21)
'b " A hole got blown out of my
muffler and it wasn 't the first time, "
Roberts said, " T h en later in th e race
th e whole thing came off and it
pi cked up a little of th e p ower it had
lost ,"
I Spencer kept a co m fo rtable lead on
Lucchinelli and g raduall y put some
pa vement between th em. Haslam was
running third after re-passing Fontan who was having some problems
performing for h is co m p a trio ts.
" I had two problems today. One is
th a t m y muffler broke, a n d two, m y
tires (Du n lo p) were too soft for this
race. I let Kenny choose m y tires
because I had a lot of worries in practice and I hadn't tested th e type of
tires that th ey proposed for me . About
ten laps from th e end it started sliding and if the race was three laps
longer I wouldn 't have m ade it, "
Michelin shod bikes were 1·2·3 .
On his way to th e win Spencer
lowered the tr ack record by fourtenths of a second cu tt in g a I:37.50 at
a n av erage speed of 97.31 mph.
Roberts got back past Fontan a n d
was closing on Haslam when time
ran out. And quietly slipping into
th e top five was H euwen who a lso
go t past Fontan for a rifth place finish ; his best ever.
Spencer ca me around the final bend
after the 29 laps a n d lofted th e front
wh eel th e length of th e straightawa y.
Not to be outdone, Lucch inelli
matched him, although 15 seconds
" I prefer second to noth ing, " Lucchi n ell i said. " I didn't want to take
the chance of ca tch in g him and los in g every th ing. I had a problem with
traffic and the winds were very tricky."
" It's a fantastic sta rt ," Haslam noted
o f his second th ird place finish of th e
yo u n g season. " I just kept m y di sta n ce, but I knew that Kenn y was
closing towards the end. "
. Roberts too, thrilled the chilled
cro wd with a grandstand wheelie
ea rnin g his fourth place with the KR
brand of aggressive, determined riding on a less-than -perfect machine.
" We were real close. Kenny had
real good acceleration out of the
turns and a littl e more powerband. I
saw when he s lowed down and just
watched m y pit signals. It was a good
ra ce for m e and for Marco a n d Ron .
The weather h ere was sort of like
En gland. I saw guys in T-shirts in th e
stands and I knew th ey wer e British,"
said Spencer.
Onl y on e question left to be answered. Wh at would have happened if
Roberts hadn 't been h indered by th e
fa u lty muffler?
" I think I'd have sta yed a head o f
him. If not, I'd have raced with him,"
was Roberts' a ns we r.
" We' ll never know what would
have happened, " said Spencer, " bu t
it would h ave bee n a good race." •
Jorgy's oil 10 a great stan in 1he '83 season w ith his f irst
Camel Pro Series win of t he year at the Ascot n .
Hi -Po int is proud that J orgy is back again wi1h Hl-Po int race
gear. Jorgy knows that Hi-Point Pro boots and G.P. gloves
deliver for h im.
(Han); 9. Sergio Pelland;n i
burg (Han).
10 . Jack Middel -
25Occ : 1. Alan caner (Yam); 2. Jacques Cornu; 3 .
Thierry Rapicault (Vam); 4 . Did ier de Radigues
(Che); 5 . Tony Head (Arm); 6. Patrick Fernandez
(Bar); 7. Jacques Rolle (BGO); B. Harald Eckl (Yaml;
9. Thierry Espie (Che); 10. Jean Marc Toffolo{Mor).
125oc: 1. Ricardo Torma (MBAI; 2. Jean Claude
Selini (MBA) ; 3. Maurizio Vitali (MBA); 4 . J . Wick ~
strom (MBA); 5. Thomas Mall Pederson (M BA); 6 .
Jikka Jaakkola (M BA); 7 . Bruno Kenubuhler (MBA);
8. Ascareggi (MBA ); 9. Pjerluigi A ldrovandi (MBA);
10. Patrick Lagrive (Mar).
5Occ: 1. Stefan Dorf li n ger (Kre); 2. Eugenio Laz~
zarini (Gar); 3. Hagen Klein (FKN); 4 . logo Emmerich
(Kre); 5. Paul Rimmelzwaan (Rot); 6. Geor ge Jo
Looyesleyn (Krel; 7. Paul Bordes (Mol) ; B. Thea
Timmer (Bull: 9 . Hans Koopman (Kre) ; 10. Massimo
Deloren zi (Min~ .
SIDECAR: 1. BilondlWoltisperg (LCR); 2. Banon /
Bi rchall (Vam): 3 . SChwarzerI Hube r (Yamt; 4 .
Kuma ndlTakashima (Tosl; 5. Huber/Mockel(Yaml;
6. ZurbrugglZurbrugg (Yomt 7. SChons/Rosinger
(Yam); 8 . Van Kempen/De Haas (Vam) : 9. Hugh / .
Gon ln (Yam); 10 :Monin/Paul cSey
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2650-H Mere.ntHII tu., Rancho Cordova. CA 95670
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