Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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outhern Nevada-Southern Call ( H on ). Bu rva l a nd Wiedem a n (Suz). By the end o f th e first la p Th omsen . rrerc hed his lead slig h tly while Bu r.i I began to hammer on In gersall . By th e th ird lap Bu rva l sn uc k by til set a fter th e lea der . Soon . Bu rva l reeled-in T homsen and th e two ball led u n ti l two la ps fro m the finish; th en Burva l p u t the move o n Thomsen nd took o ver th e lea d. Bu rv al hel d 1Il d uri ng the la st la p to captu re the -win . eco nd went to T ho msen Io lowed by Ingersall a nd Wi ed em an . ~ 'h omsen aga in, roosted to th e front the pack a t the sta rt of mo to two -wh ile pursued by Wiedema n . Bu rva l -a n d In gersal l. Half -wa y th rough th e i rs t lap. Bu rval went down ha rd "h ile exiting a tu rn . He recovered • lo wly w hi ch d ropped him O U I o f the race, Up -fro nt T homse n co nt in ued to ex tend his lead. Wi edem an stayed fai rly close to th e leader . but not close enoug h to a p p ly pressure on Thorn - n . Thomsen look th ewin a nd overse a ll a hea d of Wied ernan and Ingersa ll . In th e 250cc Intermedi at e class. it wa s Yamaha o f Red la n ds Colin ,,' Bo nes" R yan (Yam ) wh o won a tough . hard-fought bailie agai ns t Motorcycle Coun try 's Larry Dim m itt and Ron Lawson (Ha n) . In th e first mot a Rvan worked h is way up from a so-so sta rt to seco nd. just inches behind Dim m itt, but Dimm ill held o n for th e win a head 'o f R yan a nd La wso n . Th e seco n d m ot a wa s much like the fir st but reversed . By the h alf-wa y poin t R ya n had the lead while pursued by Dimmitt a nd Lawson. For the rem ainder o f th e ra ce th e leaders battled tig h tly. R yan held on for th e wi n followed by Dimmitt. Lawson and Mitch Bo wen (Yam) . Results PEE WEE: 1. Jo sh Barker (Ita); 2. Chr is Moore ISuzl: 3. Jeff Mills (SUl ). PEEWEE: 1. Ja ck Mills (Vam): 2. Wright. JR evC: 1. Dustin Evans (Honl : 2. O. M cDonald: 3. J osh Barker (Yaml. MI NI BEG: 1. Er ic Kaiser (Yam): 2. Kellv Pichel: 3. Richard Geraghty (Vam). M INI NOV: 1. Larry Saveg (Kaw); 2. Chris W inkler IKaw ): 3. Brad Edgin ton (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. David Spencer (Kaw ): 2. M ike Jove (Kaw); 3 . Howar d Cra ig (Hon). .~ 125 NOV: 1. M ike Fitzgerald(Hon): 2. M ike Gilli es (SuzJ; 3. Greg Wall (Han). m 125 INT: 1. Bruce Harerow (Kaw); 2. Fred Heecock (Vam): 3. Craig Lee (Vern). e1i 125 PRO: 1. M ika Roberts (Varni: 2. Paul Thede (Han). . 250 BEG: 1. Br ian Biggs (Suzl: 2. Larry D. Hall (Hus): 3. Bill Lotton (Han!. 250 NOV: 1. Tom Thomsen (Yam): 2. Marc Wiseman (Suzl: 3. Jason Ingerse ll (Han). 50 INT: 1. Colin Rvan (Vam): 2. Larry Dimmitt (Han): 3. Ron Lawson (Han). r. 250 PRO: 1. Bryan Malonev(Hon): 2. An dy Kirker (Han): 3. Greg Nash (Han). OPEN BEG: 1. Unden Stevens (Ma il: 2. Ma x Her nandez (Han). OPEN NOV: 1. Robert Lamber (Han): 2. Marc Akibbe (Yam): 3. Paul Foreman (Yam). OPEN INT: 1. Jack Stevens (Yam): 2. Tim Batl le (Sul l: 3. Dave Barnett (Han). OPEN PRO: 1. Ronn ie Gibson (Mai): 2. Ted Metzger (Suz). VET JR : 1. Douglas W . M ills (Suz): 2. D.J. Kokos tHus). VET INT: 1. Bruc e Prall (Yaml. VETSR: 1. Robert Lambe rt (Han); 2. Nick Caste llo (VarnI: 3. Larry Lowe n (Suz). HELMETS Style and quality for the rider wanting a SNEL L 80 full coverage fiberglass helmet without the $150-plus price tag. An Excellent Value At $76.95 (su gges ted retail ) 1e'!!'1 • Recessed sh ield eli mina tes wind noi se • Po sitive sh ield Positio n ing /Ra tchet Lock System • Available in Red . Blue, O range, Black. Yellow &: Whi te DIVIS ION OF AMERICAN S PO R TS CO ., IN C. 2970 East Maria Street e Compton, CA 9022 1.(213) 638-78f4. Mem ber SHCA /MIC • ROTAX RACING ENGINES" rEQUIPPED WITH DELLORTO CARBURETORS DOMINATE ASCOT NATIONAL IT FACTS: Alex J orgen sen 1st. Steve Eklund 2nd. Three out of the top four qua lifie rs and e ight out of seventeen in the Ma in Event were ROTAX POWEREO. Alex aboard a Boss Frame and Steve on his Knight Chassis. both techn ically assisted by Harry Lillie, out powered a ll brands. This is the second 1983 Nationa lWin in a row for one of my ROTAX RACING ENG INES. EnJdnes complete wi carburetor & electric. $1,800 Ra cing pa rts in stoc k lor immed iat e d("l in'ry for: Ca n -Am Su ni l., KTM 504 . a nd SW M . CAMS. PISTO NS. CARS KITS. EXHAUST SYST EMS. ETC . Ca ll For In fo . 11()N "T()())) RACING PRODUCTS • DEl.l.O RTO CARBURETORS All Si aes, PHF 30 T o 36mm PIIM :S8 (714) 645-0393 10 40m m Fou r Cylindt'r Carb Kil!io Ava ila ble f o r Yamaha. COSTA MESA. CA 92626 755 WEST 17th sr., Unit D Kawa sak i, SUlu ki. H and .a Sale U .S. Distributor For Rot a x Ra cin g En g in es And Dellono Carbur eto rs Surratt wins Dunes Mini over maxi line-up By AME Staff . N ALENCIA. CA. MAR. 27 C lear weather finally greeted the racers a t India n Dun es today j and with no rai n to dampen their spirits, a ll the classes pu t Io n a good show. T he rea l actio n, f however, wa s in the Min i Pro class . It was a regu lar Challenge of Champions line-up. The nine Mini Pro s present were just about the to p riders in th e 83cc field. Ka wasaki's T eam Green, was out in force an d captured 4 /1 0 / 83 Saddleback. CA AMA 125cc NATIONAL JOHNNY O'MARA Honda on DUNLOP Way to Go. O'Showl Back into your winning ways. A fantastic ride against tough competition. Thanks for crossing the finish line with DUNLOP first on yourJIM FELTtuned Honda. More cycles ride on Dunlop than any other tire in the world. ~ DUN.LOP The Logical C~.oi~~ .. . .27 •