Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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fantastic ma n , who always helped h is fellow rider. We would like Marlow's family to know that he will be missed by all of us. Marlow was a top-notch rider. and sportsman. as he was a father and husband. Marlow always had the time and patience to help people. no matter what the problem. or the time. Marlow truly loved people. as he did racing. and in particular motorcycles. We are glad to say that we were able to know Marlow. and that he touched all of our lives . Raci ng will not be the same without him. Godspeed Marlow. We all miss you, and will miss you more each and every day. Thank you for all you have done for us . We promise to keep your memory alive. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. Kathy and Mi ndy Parks. our hearts and love go to you. WEST ~ 0') ~---------~ ..c: u l-o C'\l ~ America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Clayton, Publisher Caroline Gendry. Executive Secretary to lhe Publisher Lisa Schorr. Advertising/Editorial Assistant. Editorial MIKE & P EG G Y STEWART DON &GAILEUSTACE& FAMILY Phoenix, AZ Dale Brown. Senior Editor. Lance Bryson . Editor. Karel Kramer. Editor. DaVId Edwards Editor. Advertising Skip Johnson. National Sales Man ager. T erry Pratt. Sa les Manager . Du a ne Johnson, Sa les Manager. Steve Wilson. Sa les Manager . Linda Brown. AdvertisingCoordinalor. Nancy Danger. Advertismg Assistant. . Graphics and Production Kristin Cooper. Graphic Artist. Rona Kram er. Assistant. Marion Hatashita, T ypography. Dennis Greene. Labor- VOICES ato ry . Accounting/Data Processing Mike Klinger, Controller. Donna Bryan, Accounts R eceivable Coordina tor. Geneva Repass. Assistant, T erry Dailey. Cred it Manager, Circulation Rh eba Smith . Manager, Mich ell e H anna. Sarah T aylor. Debbi e Walker . L yna Hood. Assistants, Want Ads Loah Corry . Want Ad Sa les. Dealer Sales and Service Nancy Emde Brogger. Dealer Sales Manag er . Service and Support Chris Aitcheson, Receptionist. Greg ory Hanson. S&:S. West . 220 1 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach, CA P.O . Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801· 0498 (213) 427·7433 ; L.A . Line 636·8844 . East 4190 First Ave.. Tucker. GA . P.O. Box 805. Tucker . GA 30084-0805 . (404) 934-7850. Cycle News/Wesl (USPS 141-340 ) is published weekly except the first and last week of the ca lenda r yea r for $20 per yea r by Cycle News . In c.. 2201 Ch erry Avenue. Long Beach. CA 90806 . Second class postage paid at Long Beach . CA . POSTMASTER : Send fo rm 3579 t o Cyc le News. P.O . Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 -0498. . Subscription rat es: One year. second clas s mail. $20 ; IWO yea rs. second clas s mail. $35 ; three years. second class mail . $53: 25 weeks . $ II . Fore ign rat es available on request. Cycl e News welcomes unsoli cited edi torial material including stories. carloons. photos. etc, Such mat erial. if published, becomes the excl us ive property of Cycle News. Such accepted material is subject to revi sion as is necessary in me sole discretion or Cycle New s. Un solicited material which is not used will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope. All unsolicited material will be handled with reasonable care, however, Cycle News assumes no responsibility for the safety , lo ss or damage to such material. Reprinting in whole or part only by permission of the publisher. Advertism~ rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R.D.S. Cop yright'!> Cycla News. Inc . 1983. Tradama rk Cycle Naws regi stered U. S. Patent Office. All ri ghts raserved . ·4 ON THE FRONT PAGE: The equipment and the - styles used in European ice racing are simply awesome. Photos by Henny Ray Abrams. be a great success. Your participation, attendance and spreading the word will help make this weekend a memorial and wonderful tribute to the three bo ys. . To insure this success we need all contingencies. awards. gift certificates and cash donations to us as soon -as possible but no later than March 10. 1983. Please send all yo ur items to : Kyle Fleming Memorial Race. c/o Young Cycle Suppl y. 140 I East Camelback Road (Rea r). Phoenix, AZ 85014 . On behal£ of Canyon Raceway, the Fleming. Bunch and Hemme families. a nd all the motocross peop le of Arizona. We thank yo u! Two-stroke street bike club I would like to get in contact with - or. that failing. to form - a club for owners and enthusiasts of twostroke-engined street motorcycles. The club would incl ude persons operating two-stroke motorcycles on the street. as well as those racing two- stroke motorcycles derived from street machines. General purpose of such a club would be the preservation and improvement of street two-strokes via exchange of information. parts. etc. Anyone knowing of such a club. or interested in forming one. please contact me. WM. PRITIKIN 1633 Oak St. Danvi lle. IL 61832 Omission In last week 's Cycle News (p . 30). an ad placed by my dad somehow left out one of my sponsors. A correction is due. since BG Oil helped meoutall through 1982. Using their products. I went the entire year with no mechanical DNFs. Also, that "Old Geezer." No lan Hubbs. dad himself, deserves credit. as does my wife Pattie. PATRICK " H O T DOG" HUBBS Downey. CA V iew from Canada -As a Canadian and a Harley-Davidson owner, I'm astonished that some Americans care so little for their only surviving motorcycle company! What a boring sport motorcycling would be if all we could choose from were machines from the land of the rising su n. Long live the HarleyDavidson Motor Company. D.H . ZIELKE Port Coquirlarn, B.C.. Canada DONALD WINELAND P hoenix. AZ Thanks to super desert people At the SC ORE Parker 400. I had the misfortune of having my camper engine break down. Some very special

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