Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HosPITal STOP: Desert racer Andy Mathews crashed at the recent Moose Run, incurring a broken left femur and a broken left wrist. He 'll be out of action for about six months, so to make the wait a littl e more bearable, wh y don 't you drop him a card at886 Senate St ., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or give him a call at 714/645-4573 . A th ree-race motocross series sponsored by Hi-Point Racing Products. Budweiser and Contra Costa Honda will get underway at Sand Hill Ranch on March 6 . It w ill continue on successive weekends at the Brentwood. CA. facility. leading to SHR's big " W eekend of Champions" race on March 20 w ith a .1 000 purse. Check the eN Calendar for more information. The folks at R NF Media, who handle the mail-order sales of On Any Sunday II video tapes, say th ey have the business going well now and tapes are being shipped wi thin 48 h ours of recei pt of order. If you have any pro blems wi th a tape order, call them directly at 213/273·2912. Down in Daytona. the Desert Inn will be the site of Honda Expo '83. a showing of the complete Honda 1983 model line March 10-12. Honda representative5 will be on hand to answer questions about the new machines. and visitors to the show will receive. free.Honda Daytona T-shirt transfer; Show hours are 10 a.m. t o 10 p .m. eac h day. Speedway racers Shawn and Kelly Moran have both signed with STP for the 1983 season. Kelly will be rid- ing here in the U.S., while Shawn will ride in England on a factory Godden. Another speedway star, Brad Oxley, is riding under the Joe Jones Distributing banner here in the U.S. .As ment ioned here in th is column. speedway racer Ron Preston is promoting a speedway eve nt at the Im perial County Fairgrounds in EI Centro on March 9 . The event. held in the memory of the late Denny Pyeatt. w ill feature World Best Pairs Champions Dennis Sigalos and Bobby Schwartz and National. Champion Shawn Moran. The racing beg ins at 7 p.m. For more in f ormat ion. ca ll 619/365-1181. URGENT: California State Sena tor Alan Robbins ' SBI56 failed to get out of the Senate Finance Committee on a 5-5 vote. Ro bl:iins will have the m ea sure reconsidered on March 7, so it's urgent th a t Ca1i£ornia mo torcyclists send telegrams to their state senators urging passage of SBI56 to repay the O H V Fund. Otherwise, it's goodbye $21 mill ion... Rumors have spread saying that Argyll Park's Ki ng of the Hill Series has been cancelled. The series is alive and well. One race was cancelled because of rai n. but tha rest should run as scheduled weather permitting. Judy Maely called Papa to say that the Saturday morning children's show Kid's World was at the famed Corona goose ranch and Hotshoe Manor to film a segment about Junior Speedway . Unfortunately, it will not air till fall or spring. When a date is available, Papa will pass it on. • MoOoRoEo from the Cap-itol A call to arms By Russ Sanford In recent issues of Cycle News, you have read about the giant "rip-offs" of the Off-Highway Vehicle Fund. You have also been implored to wri te le tters and make telephone calls to your own elected representatives and the Governor in protest o f these ri p-offs. You have also heard, I am sure, that starting with the 1984 models, many motorcycles with a 280cc and greater displacement will be equipped with catalytic conveners; some makes being deferred to 1988. You are probably asking, " Wh y is this all happening?" Well, my motorcycling friends , it is happening because we haven't stood up and been heard for a long time. But, the time is now! If we don't a ll pitch in and let our elected representatives know that we rea ll y do care, they are going to continue trampling all'over us every chance they get. The way , actually the only way.uobeat this is to stand u p for our rights and let them know that we are out here and that we are watching them. And, tha t we do n 't like what we seer Remember, "the .squeaking wheel gets the greaseI" Last year, the California Legislature ripped off $8.5 million dollars from th e O H V Fund. Already this year, they have ri pped off another $ 13 milli on from the OHV Fund. Starting next year, most of the bikes that we ri de will be equipped wi th ca ta lytic converters; SMITH ROLLOFF'S WORKA D THESE PROS KNOW IT! Have you. had enough? Do you want lo put a stop to this? Are you willing to spend just a few moments of your time to get back the $21.5 million stolen from the OHV Fund? Or, to 'kill' the requirement for catalytic converters on motorcycles? We, the motorcyclists, can do itlln fact, we have already started, But, we can't do it without yo ur help. If you are now saying to you rself, " Yep , I've had it with the politicians. I'm ready to do my pan as a motorcyclist to preserve and protect my sport and recreation. But, I don 't know what to do, " then let me tell you what we have done, just for you ! M.O.R .E. has produced several thousand extra copies of its annual Legislative Guide that tells you exactly what to do , in detail, and tells you how to do it. These copies are free , but we do ask that you send 71 ¢ to cover the cos t of the envelope and postage. Send your request to M.O .R.E. of California, Inc., 9100 Billy Mitchell Blvd., Roseville, CA 95678. For the sake of motorcycling, do it now. We must act quickly to offset these th reats. (M.O .R.E. (Motorcycle Owners, Riders, & Enthusiasts) is the motorcyclists' lobbying organization committed to protecting our motorcycling rig hts ...Ed itor). • . .... Ha nah, Team Honda, leads the Petty Golden State Series using Roll Off's with his Smith Goggles in some of the toughest mud races of the year! Ask Bob and these Stars about Roll Off's Performance: David Bailey Team Honda, Scott Goggles, with Roll Off's Danny "Mag_" Chandler Team Honda, Scott Goggles, with Roll Off's ·Ke n l Howerton Team Kawasaki, Scott Goggles, with Roll Off's Phil Larson Team Honda, Scott Goggles, withRoll Off's Billy Grossi Team Maico, Smith Goggles , wit~ Roll Off's Jim Tarantino Privateer, Smit h Goggles, with Roll Off's Use Roll Off' s for a clear view of t he track for the entire race. R oll a tr s clearly obsolete tear otts. Available at your dealer premounted on Smit h SMX and Scot t Series R Lexan lenses . B~. ·. ---- -- - "'rr TM~ BYSmITI~ SUN VALLEY, IDAHO 83353 .3

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