Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Amateur Supercross Championship Anaheim Stadium Anaheim. CA Jan. 30. 19B3 PEE W EE Denn is Dahl in II Ryan Spu rgin Kayle Leogrande JeffWilioh Jesse Tewksbury 6OSTKNOV Joe l Tokarsky Greg W ine Denn is Dahl in II Bran don Sperl ing Rvan Sp u rgin J ustin Ja urigu e Greg Guer in Jesse Towksbury Jacob Swa in Daniel B.lon 60 MOD NOV Greg Wine Sha ne Good Robert Naber 60 STK INT Sha wn Bates Man Foster Eddie Gaumond 6OMOOINT Shawn Bates J immy Clay Eddie Gaumond 60STK EX Junior Jackson M ike Pascarell a Steve Kotajarv i Tommy Clowers Buddy Antunez Bubbe Erickson 60 MOD EX Shawn Kalos Steve Kotajarvi Mike Pascarell a Buddy Antunez Tommy Clowers Ronn ie Densford 80 STK BEG OIV 1 Oala W elsh J immy Lewis Doug A llen Frank Sm ith Aar on Lewi s Jason Collier Don Burke JodyTapia John Calia Kevin Bussey 80 STK BEG OIV 2 Sean Blanchard Pa ul Vla ch Bill y Oberg Steve Owens Robert Man in M ike Reil ey Dugan Sanders Ricky Koischowslty Cameron Ross Jason McFarla nd 80 STK BEG OIV 3 Curt Car penter We s Parker Ron Rosa les Marvin Gaye Bubba Erickson Kenneth Tate J im Waltman M ike Crosby . Shawn Slayton J immy Easter 80 STK BEG OIV 4 Si oon Cooper Richard Bates Tommy McGill Steve OeZwart Kaboose Massaro Brian Clark Billie Paugh Paul Cline Eric Litzenberg Michael Crawford 60 STK BEG FINAL J immy Lewis Oala W elsh Wes Parker Tommy McG ill Sean Blanchard Richa rd Bat es Frank Smith Curt Carpenter Sioon Cooper Steve Owens 80 MOD BEG Richard Bat es Sean Blanc hard Sieve W amboldt Sioo n Cooper Don Burke Bill y Oberg ca meron Ross Tany Hargrove 80 STK NOV OIV 1 David Foltz Colin Karche r Todd Hayes Craig M iller J r. Steve Kenda ll Steve Burdene ~onnie D"nsford Tony Flem ing Brya n Pru itt Lenny Guyett 80 STK NOV OIV 2 Joe y M endoza Robe rt Forest M ike Bail ey David Farris Robert Cadwell Pat Lou ghran Ken Wolack Mike Burdene Lee Beaver Dan Endre s 80 STK NOV FINAL David Farri s David Foltz Joey Mendoza Robert Forest Steve Kendall Todd Hayes M ike Bai ley Steve Burdett e M ike Burdette Tony Flem ing 80 MOD NOV Ronn ie Den sford Steve Kendall Colin Karc her Robert Forest Steve Fur uya Ron Jo rda n Keith Mc Millen Keith O'Neal Ch ris Bamsey M ike Bailey 80 STK INT Chr is Burg ess Brian Pryor M ike Pascarell a Gene Baldwin Der ekNye Terry Szucsko Jeff M atiasevich Space Schriner Scott M urph y Steve Gambl e 80 MOD INT Steve Gamble Bria n Pryor Gene Baldwin Derek Nye J un io r Ja ckson Craig Nielson Doug Fishe r Thayn e Zito Scott Murphy Ter ry Szucsko Pat Beckley 80STK EX Eddie Hicks Bryan Brunner Bader Manneh Denn i s Parker William Sur ratt M ike Heal ey Frank ie Br unda ge M ike Young Jr . Paul Deni s Jeff Barbacovi 60 MOD EX William Surratt Scott Brown Bader M ann eh Bryan Bru nner M ike Healey Frankie Brund age Eddie Hicks Kyle Lewis Mike You ng Jr . Paul Den is 100 BEG M ike Cagle 100 NOV Neal Amesbury 100 INT Toby Lawes 100 EX Mark Leckman +30JR Danny Ashcraft Chuck Oahon Nick Beltram Robert Dean Tom Spurg in Dennis David Randy Wessels Paul Lopez Glenn Wo rr all Charle s Phillips +30 INT Richard M yers Alan Gerkey Rich Tabor M itch ell Ha nsen Gary Clark Kent Shepard Robert Jimenez Ken Irwin +30 EX Ji m O'Nea l Randy GaI ner Bill M ill ar R.O. Tuzinsky Ray Sim mons Jeff Larson Reed M ayn e Bob Kra h 125 BEG OIV 1 Lance Riema n Joe Tapia Brad Toms E David Lechner John Ne ubauer Chr is Matthews Oon Mo rgan Dennis Ag ius Danny Ashcraft Jeff Severe 12 S BEG OIV 2 Jo hn Posce Marc Ma tson Steve Falken stein Kirk Howerton A lex Posca Ruben Fern and ez Peter Robinson Ken Faught Kenn y Owens Randy GaIner II 125 BEG OIV 3 Brandon Sch neider M ilan Chyt il George Vlac h Eric Cardwell Sean Anderson Gle nn Cordy J im Reiley M arv in Gaye Trev Lardn er . Robe n Carpent er 125 BEG OlV4 David~n • Robert Makunoto Winford Enox Bri an Felix Todd Schaeff er . M ike Sm it h Gene L Johnson John Braasch Matt Wilson Scot Moga 125 BEG FINAl Brandon Schneider John Posea Todd Sch aeffer M ilan ChYtil Br ia n Felix George V1 ach JoeTapia Eric Cardwell Steve Falkenstein David Bowman 125 NOV OIV 1 Tim Wh itlock Dale Himmelr eich Richard Fernandez John Garsjes Doug Huff Tony Wright Perry Ferguso n Dave Kenn y Jo n Barrick Scott Delameter 12S NOV OIV 2 M ike Gilmartin Jeff Segale Je rry Booh er Bill W altman Scotty Rowland Tim M alcolm Tim Telf ord J im M atiaS8viet\ Robert Dees Randy Gatica 125 NOV OIV 3 Doug Hawk ins Jeff Eery Keith Morabito Bill Clemson Dave Trager Curt Farrar Steve Thatford Randy Brockett Rtchard Reese Je ff Glatz 125 NOV ANAL Mike Gilma rt in Jeff Segale Jeff Eery Bill Clemson Dave Trager Bill Waltman Doug Huff Scotty Rowland Tim Mal colm Richard Fern and ez 125 1 OIV 1 NT Sam Stor er Skeeter lyre Is David A m illion Trey McFarland [Co nti nued nt'xt wu lc) SYNTHETIC OIL Public lands RM FULL FLOATER HEADQUARTERS ~ '83. IN STOCK! RMSO RM2S0 4x6'. RM12S RMSOO ALTSO'. allot The Sensation of Suzuk il US Nowl Up to '200.00 Rebate on . .Iected Suzuki Street Bike.1 All '82 Street Models at LOW, LOW Prices (Ride sharefull)() PiCKUP San Gabriel Valley MIC November European Scrambles. Trophy p ick up at nextdesen race . (307 / 81 Fo r lislin K in rh is depart- meru , p leas e- ma il informa tion with $ 1.00 prr wec k tha i it is 10 run 10: Cycle News T ro p h y Pick-up . Box 498. Long Be ch . CA 9080) , a Professional Single Shock Modifications 1 • • • • • • ENGINE REPAIR TUNE UPS CYL BORING .PORTING VALVE JOBS HEll-ARC WELDING D IRT TRACK SPECIALISTS 8201 -C Orengethorpe Buena Park. CA 90621 (7 14) 523-7900 Moriwaki CB900 Exhaust System Sh ipped d irectly 10 Champ io n Moriwaki Suzuka City. Japan. Now available Chrome-only $199.00 • Black189.00 Champion 1980 Harbor Blvd. Moriwak,· USA Costa Me. a. CA 92627 ALL MODELS -I Crank Rebuilding. Boring Porting. Fork Mods COMPLm SERIIlCEFACIUlY USA tro m Mamoru Mo riwa lc' i's Dyno in TROPHY Free 600 mile service with purchli.. of any Naw Suzuki Stnlet Blk o. 2061 N . Hamner Ave. #404 ' (behi n d T arbell Re a lt ors) ,• Norco~ CA ~ (714) 359-8546 (714) 734-0640 w~~':~~._. prof lle l for mOl t ap plicatio n• . Complete c.t. log 12 .00 , r efundl ble. 1663 Super Ave. • Co ior stlMesl . CA92627 714163 1-1770 (714) 642 -2040 ENGINE D Y N AMICS COM PA N Y Y XR._ SPECIALIST II .P. PART S ~l llIlI flCA TI O:-' '\ ~===" .B"' Ll lI :-C; ET C W e have hel ped man y of the XRSOO rid ers • o n the tr ack !odav - let, ~ s help yew 100 1010......... H., #lIZ Potaluma. Coli'- 94952 70 ~ 1 • Jto. f:'\, ~~ NOW AVAILABLE! J9B3490MAlCOSPlDER \.. ./ .~• . I In Stock Now . I SUZUKI COUNTRY 206 N . Hamner Ave . #4 0 4 , '~ (714)359·B546 ! "..: (7 14) 7 3 4- 0 6 4 0 ' - ~ ! 33

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