Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a ~SKIHANDLER~~~ Mic ro Ptl WI'; .1 0 BIg; t15 Ea. Wlt cll 13 a dul~ 11 6-12 lraa to . j -~ MC SPECIALTIES CO. C.nron Rcwy. Phoenix. Al. Tlke -17. All Care free Hwy 81fz mi W of 1 cllSllS inc. Stk&. MQd. P" Wu . Big 60-0pan, Nov 8D-Opan S' k & Mod . OT. 3-whl on Sit. All Am.tlurs & r EJports on Son. 12.000 Pnlp.... paid thru 33'1, per mota. $1.000 Mini upln purse. Gltts open 61.m.. prat 7:30. no latl pr.t.. SignuplorSun. , II daySat. Em!Y 112.115Post. 125 Pro. $35 post. Mail entryto: Canyon Acwy. 80. 1594. Black Canyon Staga 1. Pholnil, AZ 85029. Mlil entry dosts Mar 21. Entry funnin Cycle ,,__ . issu eNB. Memorill tiel lor Kyfe Fleming. Rick Hemme Ind Brua Bunch. Into 6021583·0575. 943-2468. 944394S . March 27 - ~ AMA 0·36 REDOING MX Marysvilla MX. RIdding. CA. Hwy 44 E1 Airpon Rd.• S to Rancho Rd.• 0 tett and follow signs to track. All classes. AMA .dv. ptS.. uoph.. 100'1 •Pro p.b. Frlt D park. good food. In Gites 6:30a.m.• !"'It 7:30. rl" 9. EnIIY 11S 120 Pro. 14 wltcll. Info . (Mo one In<.I 9161223-5600(Bram IO . Dalris). .~ 10 17 W. San Bernardino Road, Covina, California 91722 (213) 330 -4565 CAUFORNIA OLD TIMERS MX $59 95 VISA - Mostor Chorgo - C.O.D. - Compony Chock AMA ASCOT 25 LAP NATIONAL TT Fim wntCOlst Nalional. Racing II 8p.m.. prlCaf 6. Reservld tickets II ricbltOn. GA '1 gatl . riebls $ 15· 6.50.lnto213/ 323·S0S5. 321·5323. MX -- ~~~~ April 9 ARIZONA KYLE FL EMING MEMORIAL Info 208/ 342-1439 (R 888-7357 al.). (Aut RlI. ~ 459-0010. Makes carrying your Jet Ski a breezel Nothing to install - Slips righl onl Dealer inquiries Invited .., April 2-3 under-B Owyhll Motorcyc Oult . l, Arroyo Cycle Pari. Sin Bernardino. CA. T.kI Palm Av. I L 7 mi. Nof Sin • a.rnardinoon Hwy 1SE. All OT Aasoc. classes. 30% brlSl. Glt, 7. prle 8. April 3 rlt. 9. En'lY '12. Info 213/ 869- 3802.714 / 496-8779. THE GUYAHIAD OFYOU USES THIS. CAUFOR R SC 3 8ENEFIT H&H NIA E UE Aed Mtn. CA. timed from 395 10 Trona Ad andl llgli Wesh Twtlloops . . fin pins 10 all finishers. Beg. & Womu 1 loop. All classes. not nnph. • I II procel ds to Rescul 3. Into,805/ 252· 6392 (WiIli.I· TEXAS OEVIL'S BOWl HALF MILE D.virs Bowt Speedway Dlnll. lX. . L Cited Eof D O illas off1 II Lawson -20 Rd IXIt. AMAsantioned. Jr.. Am.. Ex. classes. Gltts open 10a.m. prae.. . noon. t.te 2. largl cash tmph. dISh. Am. t.ur T ing during intermission. at Info 6171466·9133 180b Ba g""II ). AR NA STATECHAMPIONSHIP MX IZO SERIES Canyon Rewy. Phoenix. AZ. Tlke C.refree Hwy, 8Yl mi W of 1 17. A · ll classes inc:. Stk& Mod. 33%trophIhru 5 pia"•• 100j(,p.b. 10 EJpartslhru S places. Gites open 7a.m.• prlC8:30. $4. $2 child. $5 bike lee Ideducted .t sign up). Serits Iroph10 3 pllels twarded .1 bl nq., pts by all. Into 6021583-0575, 934-S027. April 5 VENTURA SPEEDWAYOPfNING NIGHT V enturi Rcwy. V.ntun . CA. 101 Fwy N10 California St. off ramp. Lttto Hartlor, n 10 fairgrounds. AMASlnet.. CIlSsAspeedway. Glte apan 6p.m.. rae 8. Info 805/98 5-5433 (T a ammy) . • Weather ProofWon' t Crack, Peel or T ear April 8 TEXAS ICE SPEEDWAY RACIN G lba Summit. HoUSlon. TX. 1963 Spudwaylea Rlcing Nl lionl l Cllmpionship Fin.1. Cllss A spetdway w/elsh pLnI . Racing bl gins 118p.m. ~tlmltionll Qlampionship Events. Inf o 6021296-1345. At a G reat Price March 11-13 C8X OWNERS NATIONAl MEET Goldin hgll Motor Inn. 2480 W Vo lusil Av.• DI Y toni. Fl 32014 . AWl rds forlongesldistanc• . bitt eus10m bill 10uriTig. 50/ 50 linwing. . ma" pins. Info 802/6 31·2542 (Stanl March 13 EA C STREET RAUY & POKER RUN 8ag .. Iha Rock SIO.., 303S2 ins Mulholl.nd Hwy. W an Velull Fwy.. 11.. & tum Lft on K n. n Rd.• lh. on l Siltrl CR.• n on Mulhollind to Rodt Storl . Firsl bike out 9:01 I.m. Time. distinci .nd Pok hand str" l run. et IPPro x150 miles. mil ag. la 1/10Oth. . lim,d to IIcond. Signup II 8:00 I.m. Fin pins. lim. 6: PoUr hand troph. Em!Y 16. Info 213/448 -8351 IJarry). March 26-27 April 1 • Dependable Protection ROAD RUNS AMA ASCO GOLD CUP HALF MILE T Aacot /lcwy G , ardana. CA. lllh annulr night btlort tht National HM . Ex. Jr. Now cl. lSls. Ge,.,..1Idmiss. titbts at Alart. Frel VIP patting for o street bikes. RlCls .1 Sp.rn. Inf 213/ 323-50SS.321-5323 SO-CAl HARLEY DEALERS Me8ENEFIT R IDE RiYlt1id, Rtsort.laughJin. NY. Sign in It participtting dI.I,r. Mtkt own meN. in laughlin. Two day road run wllots 01 prins. AI proc:aods 10 MeA & Jarry'sKic!s. Donationto MOA '1 0. Info 714 884-6464 (Wahar Wis). • Built Tough Woven for Strength r-----------------------------------' • One Size Fits All i CALIPIDAR i Money Back Guarantee 11.1-1 LISTINg I 1.1-1 I I I I 150 Styles of Boots & Work - 1.1.... Shoes $69.95/Pr. $98.00 Value Slyfe #7863 5438 _ I I I • I I I I • Your Choice Of Chippewa Or Santa Rosa Engineer Boots WORK SHOES UNLIMITED 1772 N . Tu.lin Ave . 120811 Brookhurat St. Orange, CA Gorden Grove . CA (7 14) 998·5400 (7 14) 637·11536 DRAG RACE WHEELS LIGHTWEIGHT - STRONG 18x 5Y.t" - - - -'... Front a nd re ar wheels ava ilable in a ver ietva' si ze s for atock disc Honda, Kawasaki. Harley·O av idson. Su zuki. or with com ple te pe rf ormance machine disc brake -. .,,j S ,em. VSf2 M it chell Spun A luminum 32 15620 lIIinai • • P.O. Box 927 Por.mount. CA90123 Perf0!"'8nce Machine, Inc. Dept. R (2 13)634. 6532 Event date: Type : location/directions: Sponsoring dubJpromoter/sanction: I Classesltrophieslpurse: . • I I I Additional info : I I I I GateJpraeticeJrace times: I E~ ~ I • I Calendar listings are a free service. Please type or legibly print a/l information asked for and mail the blank or a fascim ile thereof to: Cycle News Calendar, PO Box 49B, Long Beach, CA 90801 . All listings must be received by noon Thursday to appear in the following week 's Cycle News. No phone calls, please; w e can only accept items in wr iting. You may include an event flyer in addition to the Calendar blank. Your name: at. Phone number for into (with codel : - I I _ I _ I I • I • I I I I I I I I • I I I I • I • I • I - ~-----------------------------_._._-~

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