Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.- 1983 AMATEUR SUPERCROSS SERIES Results M INI SR: 1. Jame s Prasifka (Yam); 2. Chr is Deas (Vam). MINI J R: 1. Kri s Gaine s (Kaw); 2. Gle nn Sto rbec k (Vam). OVER 30 B: 1. Wayne Ho IM ai); 2. Clay Beegle (M ai); 3. W alt Zellner (Hus ). OPEN NOV : 1. Dale Shank (Suz); 2. Clay Beegle (Mai) : 3 . Dwigh t Ron son (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. Bill yCompton (Yam); 2. Sane Tabusi (KTM ); 3 . Fred Wa ll ace (Vam). 250 NOV : 1. ChuckChamp ion (Suz); 2. John Mu llins ISuz); 3. J ay Cubberly (Suz). ' . 125 BEG: 1. Lawre nce She il aby IVam); 2. J im Taubert (Suz); 3. Clint Gibbons (Suz). 2 50 INT: 1. Jo e Kirk lin (Suz); 2. M ark Mo ns IS uz). 125 1NT 1. Br ia nZellner (Vam); 2. David Sch liller : IKaw); 3 . Ronn ie Prado (Yam). 2 50 BEG: 1. Tom Glo vna (Su z); 2. Tim J ohnson (Vam); 3 . Craig Ayer s (Yam), Giesick at Caldwell indooor short track By Marty Gregory CALDWELL, In, FE B. 12 T he fifth race of the Owyhee Motorcycle C lub's seven event in door short track series played to a packed h o u se to n ight, a nd th e capacity cro wd was treated to some real elbow-to-el bow action by 125 p lus eager racers . Winding up on top in the Expert main events were T odd Giesick (Yam) in the 250cc and Boise's Dan Atkinson (H o n ) in the Open. Atkinson is back in action after an injury-forced retirement from Class C competition and, if his pe rformance at Ca ldwell is any indica tion , will again be a force to be reckoned with. . Short track racing being what it is, a go od showing in th e h eat races didn 't always mean a win in th e main. Expert class motocrosser Steve Henry, making his track racing debut aboard a 125 KT M, won his heat with ease and style, but kept missing gears in the I25cc Begi nner main. Stev e got another chance in the 250cc B event and promptly crashed his way out of contention in the first turn . Bob Carlberg (H us) wound up winning the race over Curt Dice and J erry Anderson . The same 125cc KTM Henry had used proved lu cky for desert racer Ro n " Magic" Dillon in the Expert final. This was an exciting race with Cycl e Nuts 'N Bo lts rider Pet e Keller (Hon) taking an early lead, o n ly to get bumped back, back and back; winding up sixth. Keller 's teammate Dan Lees too k second to Dill on. ' The 250cc Expert main required five tries to get off the line. Denny Lee (Ya m) and whi te p late Todd Giesick (Yam) too k turns lead in g the res tarts with Giesick finally getting th e jump in the o ne that cou nted. Hard ri di n ' Jerry Moore (Han ) put on a fine show to recoup from h is back row start (yes , he had j u m p ed the light) and wind up a money-payi ng th ird over a talent-laden field including Danny Atkinson, Kelly Perk ins , J ean Marie Breau (all th e way fro m Alberta, Canada), John Colton and others. • SAN CTION ED . LIMITED ENTRY - PRE-ENTRY DEADLINE IS: * HOUSTON· MARCH 11 * DALlAS·APRIL11 * KANSASCITY-MAY4 * ORLANDO-JUNES * CLASSES: MARCH 20 HOUSTON Min i esee ( 7·11) Min i B5cc ( 7-11) A- EXPERT B - INTERMEDIA TE C - NOVICE APRIL 17 MAV8 JUNE 12 Houston race headquarters DALLAS KANSASCIlY ORLANDO Astro Village - 8500 Kirby Dr., & ' registration: Holldaylnn Room 520 on saturday, M arch 19th · 8:00 • 4:00 ***** Dalla s registration • East side of the State Fair Coliseum in the Lobby on saturday, April 16th - 8:00 - 4:00 pm Mlnl85cc (12- 15) 100 ..... ***** 125 A Kansas City race headquarters & registration - Sheraton Royal · 9103 E. 39th St., Sat., May 7th - 9:00 - 4;00 125 B 125 a(") 00 O'l c ***** 250 A Orlando race headqua rters & registration- RamadaCourtof Rags - 5715 Major Blvd., on Sat, June 11th· 8:00 - 4:00. 250 B 250C Open A Pre-Entry 1st Class -1!i50.00 Pre-Entry 2nd Class - $50.00 1 Pro SXTicket is' included (except Houston you get 2) Open BIC Seniors (over 30) ATV'S , NAME ADDRESS AM A # BIRTH DATE CllY EXP DATE I Tolal Enclosed STATE BIKE BR AND $ ZIP BIKE # 1st Cho ice 2nd _ _ Post Entries will be accepted o nly at registration to fill the gate. $10.00 add itional charge for post entry. . . MAIL CASHI ERS CHECK OR MONEY ORDERTO: SuperSports P.O. Box 13246 St. Petersburg, Florida 33733 (813) 822-8929 19J HusQvarna NOW is the time to buy a Husky' T & 0 has slashed prices on all models SALES. PARTS. SERVICE 'B3XC500 and others in stock Nowl T~~' YAMAHA 24020 Narbonne Ave. (Torrance/Redondo Area) Lomita , CA 90717. (213)534·2311 AdVERTisiNG TItATWORks - Galaxy Wholesale Distribu torf or: Results PEE weE: 1. Keegan Gr aves ; 2. Shawn Mocaby; 3 . David Kaiser. M ICRO: 1. Dexte r Humbard ; 2. Rieth Reyn olds; 3 . Ja mes cv-. MIN I B: 1. Jeff Goodman; 2. Danny Kouba: 3 . Chad Case. M INI EX: 1. Ritch Thurston; 2. Toby As hley; 3 . Troy Nor ris. 125 B: 1. J eff M ill er; 2. Larry Jack son; 3. Steve Henry. 125 EX: 1. Ron Dillon; 2. Dan Lees; 3. J ohn Goodm an. 250 BEG A: 1. Bob Carlberg; 2. Curt is Dice; 3. Ter ry A nderson. 250 BEG B: 1. Bill He mpi ll ; 2. Jeff Wa t er; 3 . Dean Fox. 250 EX: 1. Todd Giesick; 2. Denn is Lee; 3 . J erry M oore. . OPEN BEG A: 1. Gu y M ill er; 2. Phil Homby ; 3 . Reed Bright. OPEN BEG B: 1. J im Lyngar ; 2 . Terry Restor; 3 . Rich Christensen. OPEN EX: 1. Dan At kin son ; 2. Todd Giesick; 3 . Jerry Moore. _ POWDER PUFF: r . Ton i W illiams; 2. Ronda Las se lle; 3. Sheri Rae. The book for dirt riders! Now available at your local Honda. Ka wasaki. Suzuki or Yamaha dealership. - ~!f@.B Just enclose 1.00 to cover postage and S handling for latest street and dirt bike accessory catalog and mail to: MOTO-X FOX. DEPT. C. 520 McGLINCY LANE. CAMPBELL. CA 9500B U.S.A. --27

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