Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ne. Mexlc:o-Colo l'ad o-Wyo_lDg-Moataaa-Jlol'tb Dakota -Ioatb Dako Central Pipeline Eric' Hall (594) leads the 125cc Pros at Woodland . Manning .'m anhandles Woodland MX By Brian Barnes . WO O DLAND, WA, FEB. 19 After a length y la yoff due to the previous weeke n d's Kingdo me even t, motocross racin g at Woodland Winter MX T rack 26 got back under way with so me grea t raci ng. Rob Ma nning, who no w rides for Yamaha support, DG and Lynnwood Yamaha, pi lot ed both his 125and 250 YZS to impressive Pro wi ns over some to ugh fields. Manning was in hi s very first race with the bik es and seemed a t home on the YZ models. "Disco" Rob Burkhart (H o n) and Suzuki rider jon Buyas holeshot th e first 250cc rnoto over a tight field. Manning and Eric Hall (WP Racing! Hon supp ort) were quickly past both Buyas and Burkhart to run 1-2. Dave Froembling (Hon) a nd Bob Buffaloe (Highland Hon!Honda support! O 'Neal Hon) were in volved in a first turn crash, but were up and running 10 try and catch the field. Manning a nd H all held a safe margin over Buyas a nd Ward Zeiler (H o n) for nearly the entire race until Buffaloe's 15·lap charge netted him fourth behind Buyas. Manning, Burkhart, Hall and Buffaloe ran up front in th e second mota start . Buffaloe displaced Hall on the first lap and Burkhart on the second to begin his chase aft er Mann ing. Mann in g kep t a safe margin over Bu ff al oe until la p eig h t, w he n Bu ffal oe came aro und ri gh t ori Rob's ta il. A tigh t battle ensued as both rid ers flew around the track , but Buffa loe snuck by on lap II. Mannin g tir ed to reel him in but Buffaloe sta yed up front for the next four laps to tak e the second rnoto win . Hall, who chased the pair all mo ta , was third. Overall it was Manning, Buffaloe and Hall. 125 and 250cc Pro classes, respect ively. As the 125cc Pro class got started, SCOll Yarbrough pulled a wheelie through the length of th e uphill start to take the lead over Kimo Casey (Han ) a n d Mark Hearns (Ya m ).Hearns took the lead befor e th e first lap was over, with Yam aha rider Preston (back after recovering from a broken leg) pulling into second. H earns and Preston went on 10 finish in the top two spots, and when Casey felf on the dqwnhill , Yarbrough moved Up' to ~ipi.sp. ,th.iI;d . . • ' , , . , • ,-- --- -- -------------- Casey hol eshot th e seco nd moto, but Hearns turned in a superb block pass 10 take th e lead . Preston went from fifth 10 second in four laps, a nd then overtook H earn s in a tight comer. With the second rnot o win, Preston had the ove rall a nd H earn s was second. Gary Rabe led the first mo ta of th e 250cc Pro race, bu t found H ea rn s a lillie too much on th e down hill as H earns too k th e lead. Rabe tried 10 keep the pressur e on, but when 'he . du m ped it o n " Scorebooth Ben d ," War go was there to take over second. War go, who has not raced much this year , found him self in the lead when Hearns cras hed a nd dropped to th ird. H earns did man age 10 make it back up to seco nd whe n Don Clark de: veloped engine tro ubles. After winning the first mo to, Wargo came back to take th e lead early in the second rn o to a nd went on for the overa ll win. H earns finish ed up with h is second seco nd on th e da y. Highland Honda's Froembling was out front of the first l 25cc Pro mota along wi th Yamaha pilot Denny Fen nell , Froembling looked good holding on to the first position until lap nine, when Manning got by to take over th e lead for good. Buyas w as th ird, this time on a new Yamaha. The second mota saw a Hall!Manning holeshot. but Manning go t by a nd kept a safe margin all mota long to take first. Hall blew a shock but held onto second. Buyas impressed with another third and Froemblin g was fourth. Overall , th e finis h order was Manning, Buyas and Froemblin g. Results POWDER PUFF 1. U sa Kemp (Su. t ' 2. Jul ie : Hiersc he (Yamt 3. Kristi Rogstad (Kaw). PEEWEE: 1. Jason Meeormid< (Yam). . MINI JR: 1. Kunia Rogstad (Yamt 2. Richard Jecoba(Hont 3 . Edward Relyel (Yam). MINIINT: 't • Darre n Rogera (Yam t 2. Kevin BurrOWI (Kaw); 3. Dlwn Piazza (Yam). MINI EX: 1. Oren Bray (Kaw); 2. Corey (Yam). l 00 J R: I . Din Cook(Yam): 2. Corey Evana(yam l. 100 INT: 1. Todd Luslt (Yam): 2. Craig Clart< (Yaml . 125 JR: 1. Jame. My ren (Hon): 2. Harb Gelow IHon t 3. Jon Niemi (Hon). 1251NT: 1. Ben W ill iam a (Hon): 2. M ike Kieme 'e (Suzj: 3. Jeff Soward (Hon). 125 PRO: 1. Robb Manning (Yam): 2. Jo n Buya. (ylm): 3. Froambl ing (Hon!. 250 JR: 1. Mike Kate. (Su.): 2. Troy Slewln (y l m); 3. Ron W ilson (Hon). 250 INT: 1. Ste... Jones (Su.): 2. Mark Envolaon (Mli); 3. Todd Morris (Kawl. 250 PRO: 1. Robb Mlnning (Yam); 2. Bob Bulfa • loa (Han): 3. Eric Hall (Han). OPEN JR: t. Todd Lusk (Yam): 2. Ed Sorenson (Yaml: 3 . Hobey Kale. (hon) . OPEN INT: 1. Eric Hallslalf (Mil): 2. Tom Lomk in (Hon). · OPEN PRO: 1. John Christ ian (Hu.); 2. Ste.e Smith (Suz); 3. Scon Tyler (Ma i). 30-40 AM: 1. Tommy Maynard (Han). 30-40 INT: 1. Ronnie Kemp (Ma i). 30-40 EX I . Roger Knigh t (Yam): 2. Jeff Chiku.. : (Hon). OT NOV: 1. Chucl

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