Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Open Pro winner Goat Braker (14) holds the inside line on Jim .Holley (49), Jerry Brandt (1) and Donnie Cantaloupi (47) . CMC/Petty Products Golden State MX Series: Ro~nd 6 Breker, Bailey, Ward take Hollister honors By Terry Whytal HO LLIST ER, CA, FE B. 20 " T his was my first ride on the new Honda works bike," .n o ted 500cc Pro winner Goat Breker after the second moto of the Hollister Hills SVRA round of the Continental Motosports Club's Petty Products Golden State MX Series. "O verall, th e bik e works great. A few little things had to be worked 8 o n a fter the firs t moto , but th e bike was just rig h t in the second rnoto. " Breker 's win stretc hed h is series poi nts lead over riva l Donn ie Ca ntaloup i , wh o pla ced hi s privateer Yamaha mach in e in third behind a det erm ined Jim H olley. Yam aha mounted Holley backed up a troubl ed six th pl ace in mo to o ne with a su rprise second mot o victory a fter Breker fell when leading. H onda factory tea ms ters Da vid Bailey and Bob H anna h sto le most of the glory in 250cc Pro action with Bailey in heriti ng the wi n a fter th e Hurri cane' s ig n it ion failed wh en leadin g the first mot o, H annah blasted the competi tion in round two a nd brought th e crowd to its feet wi th a spec tacular mid-a ir wave to the'thou- sands o f spectators crowded a ro u nd th e big jump . Kawasa ki fa ctor y pilot J eff Ward co ntin ued to be the dominating force in th e l25cc Pro cla ss. Ward swep t bo th mot os desp ite aggressive riding by H onda 's J o hnn y O 'M a ra a n d Honda support rider Brian Myersco ug h, Ideal weather condi tions a nd excel lent track preparation p leased both spectators an d rid ers as Ca li fornia 's th ird o ldes t SVRA en joyed the biggest turn-out in its h istory, a p proxima tel y 6000 fans. 250 Pro Bail ey pow ered to th e early lead in the fir st 250cc Pro mot o with superstars Hannah a nd Su zuki 's Mark Barnett bo th ga ti ng poorl y. As th e field stre tched ou t throug h th e first few turns, H annah moved into 10th a nd . Barnett ran seven th . : . - H annah reacted to th e situa tion in typical fashion, pulling out all th e stops and us ing every possibl e line to ber serk h is way past slo wer riders. H annah.was fourth a t th e en d of th e first la p a n d first a t th e en d o f th e secon d lap. By lap six th e Hurri cane had esta blished a co m ma n d i n g lead ov er second -p lace Bailey an d th e third place duel between Barnett and Honda rider Kenny Keylon. U nexpec ted ly, H annah 's RC250 h ad ignition failure at th e halfway point an d Bail ey reg ained the lead. Bailey was fir st to the checkers with Barnett mo ving into second and Keylon pi ckin g up third. Honda su p port rider Steve Martin di splayed lightning reflexes at th e sta rt of mo to two , gr abbing th e holesh ot awa y from H annah and Bail ey. Martin cl ung to th e lead for two laps before H annah found a way past. Once in th e lead, H annah set a pa ce a lmos t two seco nds a lap fa ster than th e field . , With Martin runnin g second and Ba iley third, Keylon and Barnett returned to th eir firs t moto duel, this ti me with bo th rid ers tan gling and tak ing a tri p to th e tu rf. Keylon would ultimatel y DNF , bu t Barnett re mo u n ted after losing sev. erai p laces and-charged back to fin ish I fourth beh ind Hannah , Bail ey and Martin with Honda rider J im T arantino roundin g o u t th e top five. O vera ll the wi n went to Bailey with Martin ta king second ahead of Barnett, Tara ntino and Wh eelsmith /KTM pilot Kevin Davis. "T his track is gr ea t," recounted Hannah la ter, "especially in the se co n ditio ns , tacky and rough. The rougher th e better for me l" 125 Pro Suzuki-moun ted Rick Ryan led th e pa ck through tu rn one in th e first moto. Ward and O 'Mara quickly di spl aced Ryan as th ey battled for th e lead posit ion. Ward began to pull a way from Johnny 0 ' a fter a few laps of close ac tion. O 'Mara signa lled hi s pit crew , and th en pulled into the mech anics' area to fix a bent sh ift lever. O'Mar a rej oined the race without losing second place to the heated battle betw een Myerscough an d Ryan. Ward co nt in ued to stren gthen hi s lead position throughout th e moto with O'Mar a cru ising in for seco nd a hea d of Myerscough a nd Ryan. Ryan went shift-fo r-sh ift with O 'Mara down th e sta rt in g ch ute as th e seco n d moto got underway. Ryan had th e edge for a moment but O 'Mara L d ial ed ill' a I j.j. l l" mor-eo. .h ro ttle '

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