Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Top left) Mark Barnett went 2-4 for third 250cc Pro . (Above left) Steve Martin (67). the runner-up in the 250cc Pros. battles with Bob Hannah, who went DNF-1. (Above right) David Bailey captured the 250cc Pro win. (Below right) Johnny O 'Mara turned in s 'pairof seconds foi-second in the 125cc Pros . pulled the lead. Myerscough sli pped past Ryan and into second as Ward moved u p to ch allenge from fo urt h. Ward eased past Ryan on the next go- 'round and began to pressu re Myerscough 's p rodu ction Honda for second. " Flyin' Brian" sta yed on the gas, however , and kept Ward behind for several laps before the Kawasaki pilot settled th e dispute with an outside pa ss. As Ward mo ved i n to second , O'Mara opened up a IO-second lead and looked uncatchable in th e few remaining laps. Ward found a few more ponies lurking in his bike and closed in on O 'Mara with two laps remaining. With the crowd cheering its approval, the two riders went head to head before Ward knifed past to clinch the overall win and gain a few points in th e battle with O'Mara for series cham p ions hip. Ward cla imed the overa ll win ahead o f O 'M ara wi th Myerscough third an d Ryan earn ing new respect wi th hi s fourth overall performan ce. 500 Pro Goat Breker was gi ven his fir st full-on Honda factory ride thi s weekend and he rewarded th e H onda team with hi s first overa ll win of th e series r despite tak in g a tu mbl e in th e seco nd mo ta . Yam aha privateer Jim H oll ey ho lesho t th e first mota wi th Breker and Cantal oup i close beh ind . Brek er wasted little time in find ing a wa y I" arou nd HoU ~ll . i1Jl,d, ; tlJ ~ )~'ld. Cantal oupi quickl y followed and began to pressure Breker. On lap two Cantaloupi slip pe d pa st Breker and into the lead as Yam aha pilot Warren Reid moved up to challenge Holley for third. Reid tri ed a n a mazi ng in side pass on the closely duel ing leaders but tangl ed with a pole and fell, losing 10 positions. Breker outjumped Cari talou pi on th e back straight a nd regained th e lead a nd cruised to the checkers. Honda rider Phil Larson ca me from mid-pack to work his wa y pa st Holley and Cantaloupi in the closing laps and fini sh second behind Breker. Holley faded back to sixth at 'the checkers as Reid regained his form to move up to fourth a nd Gary Semics gave the Maico camp some thing to cheer by pl acing fifth . Breker ho lesh ot the second mot o , quickly established a stro ng lead a nd appeared set to lead all th e wa y as H olley, Reid, Yamah a rider P ete . Sn orte1and a nd Pro Circuit Husky rider David Geri g argued over the runner -up slo t. Gerig fell , tak in g ou t Snorteland and several other riders. All qu ickl y rem o unted a fter losing a few po sitions. Reid moved into second after a fierce ba tt le with Holley and began to slo wly reel in Breker. Befor e Reid co uld close in, his bik e developed fuel starva tion p robl em s a nd sent hi m to th e pits. H o nda-mo un ted Steve Rh ya n too k over third place behind Holley with f .i~I;W i Gs; fPN~er.g.i.n g !f?~ Jp/;l. t . rp Sem ics dropped o u t a t the halfway point with unknown problems while Cantal ou pi cha rged up from a midpack start to move into fifth , beh ind Suzuki's Ros s Pedersen. . With th ree laps to go , Breker bobbled and fell , dropping to fou rth as Holley inherited the lead. Breke r go t on the gas to reclaim all the positions but one and still earn th e overall with a 1-2 sco lley went home with th e second place share of th e purse money with Cantaloupi taking th ird ahead of Rhyan and Honda rider Don Griewe , who wen t 7-6 for fifth overall. Vet Master Yama ha rider Ch arlie Smart contin ued his dominat ion o f th e Vet Master class by posting two mot o win s for a nearly ins urmou ntable series points lead. KTM-mounted Randy Rodriquez placed second over all with th ird go ing to H onda rider Scott Davis. BO Expert Kawasaki rider Willi am Surra tt rode to th e 80cc Expert win by topping th e fir st moto a nd pi cking u p second in ro und two behind Su zuki pilot Larry Brook s, wh ose style was kept below par by a mild case o f the flu . Ya ma ha mo unted Bobby Moore earned second overa ll with Broo ks p ickin g up thi rd with hi s 7-1 score. • Results 125 PRO: 1. Jell Werd (Kaw); 2 . Johnny O'Mara (Han) ; 3 . Brian Myerscough (Hon) ; 4 . Rick Ryan (Suz); 5 . Gary Bowma n (Suz) ; 6 . Chr is Heisser (Suz) : 7 . Mike Beier (Vam ); B. Mike Fisher (Vam): 9 . Rodney Sm ith (Vaml; 10. Erik Kehoe (Han) . 2~O PRO: 1. Dav id Bailey (Han ): 2, Steve Ma uin .I t:¥ j: , l. l l ~ r l.i 1 (Hon); 3 . Mark 8arneu(Suz): 4 . Jim Tarantino (Han); 5. Kevin Davis IKTM); 6. Eric McKe nna (Hon); 7. Jerome Heiberger (Hon); B. Jelf Hicks (KTM) : 9 . Dave Hollis (KTM ); , O. Clark Jones (Yam). 500 PRO: 1. Goat Braker (Hon); 2. J im Holley (Yam ); 3. Donnie Cantal oup i (Yam ); 4 . Steve Rhyan IHon): 5. Don Griewe (Han ); 6 . Pete Snorteland (Vam): 7. David Gerig (Hus); B. Phil Lorson (Hon); 9 . Randy Losh (Mo i); , O. Jim Ell is (Vam ). 80 EX: 1. William Surratt IKaw); 2 . Bobby Moore (Vam): 3 . Lorry Brooks (Suzl : 4 . Mike Healey (Han): 5. Eddie Hicks (Vam). VET MASTER: 1. Charlie Smart (Vam l; 2. Randy Rodriguez (KTM ): 3. SCan Dav;s (Hon); 4 . Paul Bos· trum (Han); 5. Buzz Presser (Ma il. VeT INT: 1. Russ Fay (Yam ); 2 . Jack McCormick (Hen); 3 . Dennis Davis (Hen ). VET JR : 1. Tom Stidham (M ai): 2 . Ken Feulner (Mai); 3 . Danny Bawden (Yam); 4 . Lar ry Garcia (Hon l; 5 . Herman Pul yer (Han). OT MASTER: 1. J im Saitone (Mail: 2 . Rich Lokke (Hon); 3 . Richard Sch illing (Honl . OT INT: 1. Helmut Zarth (Ma i); 2 . Gary Arnold (Han); 3. Me. Goode (Vaml . OT JR : 1. Rich Lake ly (Ma i); 2 . Richard Bealer (Yarn); 3. Howard Davis (Suz). • J ) t oj 1. f· 1 ~ 'J S ,. . I ; J I "] J I J ) i : ) 1! 9

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