Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. . . . . . . ........ , WA. Exit 255 off1 1 mi. east to left ·5, on Hannegan Rd. 114 mi. north on right. 50 -noen separate C class motos. Ga 5 p.m.. race 6. Entry te $6/ class. Free parking. Mt. Ba ker M.C.lnfo 206/733-5069Open. ILarry Hanson), IDAHO HUEnER FLATTRACK Huerter Speedway. S & S Racing, Huerter. 10 2 mi. west of Couer . d'Alene onOld Hwy10. Class Cracing, 3/ 8-mi oval. Min iI125 / 250/ 500/ Op en. $500 guaranteed purse, troph. to Am. Signup6:30 p.m.. prac. 7. race 7:30. Info 208/7 65-5005 tteu er d'Alene H onda). Friday CALIFORNIA . RA.C.E MOTO CROSS Corona Raceway. Corona. CA. Hwy 91 east to Buchanan ent. M pen, ini·O 100% Ex p.b Info 714/ 689-1913 . 735-1705. TEXAS RIO 8RAVO MOTOCROSS Aio Bravo M XPark Houston, rx. 5 , mi. east on E Mount Houston Ad. off . Hwy 59 N. All classes. Troph. thru 6th. to Am, 100% Ex p.b. Entry S8. Swimming. showers. game room. qrand stan. s. lnfo 713/458-0090 d . Saturday CALIFORNIA G NI HT ORAGS Carl sbad Aaceway. C arlsbad. CA. Motorcycles welcome Inf o 714/727· . 1171. SAOOL8ACK MX Saddleback Park.Orange. CA. Frwy 55 to Chapman ent. east 7 mi. to Santiago Canyon Rd. right to county firestation. left onrdpast firestation. G 7:30 a.m., prac. 8-8:30. race 9 ate Pros race 40 min.. others 30 min, tsmn, s t 5 Pro. Memb. E ntry $12 Sp ren'd avail. at track. 33.33% troph Info 714/495-4771. OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA NIGHT MO C TO ROSS M lortyCle Racewa Oklahoma City. O y. O B 1 &1 K. twn -40 -240 on S. Douglas off S_ 59th All clas ses. 10 troph./ class. Prac. 5 p.m., race 6:30. Info 405/348-4412ITommy Newman). TEXAS TE XAS MIKE KIO sr/rr O M Kidd Ra ike nch, Boyd TX From . . Ft.Worth take Hwy 199 Nto FM 730 N thento FM 2048 W&foHowsigns. . All classes. Astr dome replica track. o Gate 10 e.m.• prac. 11:30. race 1 p.m. Into817/433-5559(Mike). WASHINGTON HANNEGAN NIGHT FLAT TR ACK Hannegan Speedway. Bellin gham. WA. Exit 255 oft 1 1 mi. east. left on -5. Hannegan Rd, H'. mi. north on right. Mini-Open. Am & Semi Pro. Gete 5 nrry p.m., prat o 7, race 8. E S6/ class. Free park ing. Mr. Baker M.C. In fo 206/733-7346(Geo Leonard). rge Sunday OKLAHOMA BIG T' MOTOCROSS Big"l " MXTrack. lindsey. OK Hwy . 52 SofO to Blanchard. Hwy 76 SIO KC 4·way stop. 3\12 mi. south of Hwy 39 on 76. west 1 mi.• south 1 mi., west 100 yds. Pee Wee·O 3D lroph., ver , tOO%Ell p.b. Gate 11 a.m., prac. 11· 1. signupcloses 12:30. race 1. Entry er S7. Ex $10. rid gate S3. walch S3. 6-12" . Info 405/360 ·3391 Iafter5 p.m .}. Feb. 25-27 CAliFORNIA CYCLE. CAR & HOT ROO SHOW Downtown Community Concourse. San Diego. CA. R . Canning Produc· .G tion•• P.O. Box 400. Meywood. CA, 90270-0400_ Info 213/588 -1934 . 587·5100 lext. 301 . February 26 CAllFORNIA FLAT TRACK II MILE & n Corona Raceway. Corona. CA. Hwy 91 Eto Buchanln nit. Into 714/ 689· 1913. 735 -1705 . . .. - . .. . - . . . . . CAllFORNIA ENOURO ClINIC Location TBA. G amerPalenu. rime- k•• ping ud riding school. MX coach Terry Nichols does ride portion. Open to all rid.r s. Entry '15. Send to: Gamer Palensh. 431 East first St., l>Hebre. CA 90631 . Info 21 3/6948149 .714 /870-9668. AMA 0-37 ST & SPEEOWAY Perris Rcwy. Perris. CA, Fwy. 15to Hwy. 74 E 8 mi. to Ellis. Itt. to track. . A classes, 4 rider min. 30% troph.. ll inis. C lass Pro p.b. Free ent.10 Beg. M Cnee. &silencer req·d. Speedwaynot tB . sanct. Ga 3p.m.•signup 3:30, prac 5, race6. Entry $10. $12 non-memb.• $15 Pro.gate $6, age 3·6 $3. Pitpass and und 6 free. lightweights MIt. o Info 714/658-6355. CA UF ORNIA SACRAMENTO MX Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento. CA. Hwy. 50 to Bredshaw Rd ..10 Jac kson Hwy. to 5305 E1Ccelsior Rd. All classllS. Ga 8a.m.. race 10:30. In te fo 916/36 3-2653. NEVAOA LAS VEGAS MOTHERS MX Las Veges MXPark, 1 to A ·15 pex R t/off eppro' . 20 N of Vegas. Rt. d. 200 yds to trick entrance. All classes inc. 3·whlr. 100%troph for PeeWee . . 33% rest. Airline ticket prizes today TVs Pee Wee, Jr. eyc., A gate 8a.m.• prac. 9:30, race 10. Bikes signup 10. prac 11:30. racenoon. Prop.b. Entry . '15, ' 10 for 2nd class. Pro '20. s Watch $3. 6·11 yrs. ' 2, undo8 free. Info702l36 1-66421Jeenne Saxton}. Feb . 26-27 CMC GOLOEN STATE MX Final round of CMC Golden State Series. Saddleback Park. Orange. CA. Frwy 55 to Chapman exit. east 7 mi. to Santiago Canyon Rd. rightto county fire station. left onrdpast firestation. All classes. Min. S5.000 purse. over ~ 100,000 in awards. prizes & ecntingencies forseries. No camping, Ga 6 te a.m., sign up 6·7:30, prac. 7, race 8. Mait entry $15 Sptsmn. $25 Pro Post . entry$20 Sptsmn, S35Pro. Continental Motosports Club. Info 7141 557-3323. February 27 AMA 0-36 SANTA CLARA MX Santa Clara MX Track. H wy237 & G America Parkway, Santa Clara, reat CA. All classes incl. Be g. Dinosaur & Women Bonus troph. &100%Prop.b. . Track has been relocated; all new. Parts in the Pits. C oncessions & food. No pit riding. Ga 6 a.m.. sign up te 6:30. prac 7:30. race 9. Entry 115 . Sptsmn, $15 + S5 Pro Watch $4 . adult. , 1 8-12. under-B free. Info 415/ 886-5413. AMA 0-36 MOTO ONE MX Redding. CA. Hwy 44 E to Airport Rd. south to Rancho Rd. tum left & follow signs. All classes, min . 4 riders/class. Troph. to Sptsmn. 100% Prop.b. FreeDIN parking. Breakfast & lunch avaiLSilencers & 0·36 colors & no.S req·d. No bicycles, pit riding or • medical insurance. Gate 6:30 a.m.• prac. 7:30. race 9. Entry S15 Sptsmn. $15 + $5 Pro. Watch $4 adult. S 1 ch Info916/221·3118. 223-5600 ild. . AMA 1J.28 CLARKS BRANCH MX Roseburg, OR. 1 to Clarks Branch ·5 to Round Prairie Rd elCit. goeast about 3 mi. All classes. 200% Pro p.b. Helmet . , 3. plates. mufflers & pro· tective clothing req'd. Gate 8 a.m.. prac. 8;30. race 10. Watch $3 adult. $2age 6·18, under·6free. Entry: gate fee + S7 Spumn, s 10 Pro. Clarks Branch Cycl. Club. Info 503/673. . 1671 .6 73-3205. 672-4179 TEXAS HIOOEN VALLEY MX San Antonio TX. 1·35S & Fi cher . s Rd. All classes incl. K lunker. Beg & Micro Mini. Sptsmntroph. thru 5th of classwith 10 or more; 150%Ex. p.b. Gate 7 a.m.• sign up 8, prac. 9. race 10. Gate 15. E ntry 110 Nov. 115 E . , Info512/ 342·8373. CALIf ORNI A AMA /H I ·POINT NATIONAL HARE SCRAMBLES Cowpuncher Grand National Hare Scramblls. Hollister Hills SVRA.limed from Hollister, CA. All classes elCcept Mini & Powder Puff. Finisher pins & stickers.Supercontingencies. T ·shins. Fr camping Fri. & Sat Straddle· el your·fron t·wheelstart. 400 riderlimit. Spark errestor. AMA & 0·36 Cross Country cards f1q SignupopenSat. ·d. 3·8p.m. All Eo & Am (incl. E & Am OT , & Vet) sign upSun. 6:30·9:30.ride( s muting 9:45, stan 10. finish 1 p.m. All Nov. (incl. O & Vet) sign up 10T 1:30. riders meeting 1:45. start 2 p.m.. finish 4 p.m. Entry 120 12 dis. count to 0-36 &AMA club members. Spectators S1. Send SASE for flyer and entryform to: 2 + 2 Racing Tlam. P.O_Bo, 2321 . Dublin. CA. 945B6. Info 415/522-6432 . OKLAHOMA MX Motorcycle Raceways. Inc.. Okla· homa C OK. Between 1-40 &1 ity. ·240. . exit S. Douglas to S.E 59th & turn liSt. All classIS. Gatl 9 a.m.. prac, 10:30. ri ce 11:30 or noon. Info 4051 681 -9492(Tommy). CAllFORNIA SUNRISE MX Sunrise Va lley Cycle Park. Ade· temc. CA. 2 mi. north of town on Hwy . 395. All classes. 50%M inilVet truph., 50% ce.h p.b_ to Vet/Es. F O/N ree parking. Gate 7:30 a.m.. race 9:30. Info 714/ 245-7339 . II I PATCH••••• CAlifORNIA OEAN2A MX DeAnza Cycle Park, Sunnymead. . CA. 10 mi. eest of Rivlrside on Hwy 60 to Theodo elC it. All classes. 30% re same day Sptsmn troph., 1(10% Pee Weetroph. Everybody goes 2 mates. Free camping , Park open 7 days. date 6 a.m., prac 8:30. race 9:30. EntryS6 . gate + ' 9 Sptsmn. '1 3 Pro; nunmemh add 12. Info 714/ 653·8068. . 5840. 7979. ~ 00 . 0') ...... TEXAS AUSTIN MX Austin Motosports R aceway. Aus· .S. tin. TX. U 183 S to Smith Ad (south tl, of Motorola plan Howard Rd l lh & watch for signs. A classes. 50% ll nnph. through 5th. 200%Ex. p.b. C on' cessions. freecamping & fishing. Split schedule: Nov signup 7 a.m.. prac. 8. race 9; IntlExsignupnoon, race1:30. Gate S5 adult. under·8 free. Entry'10 Sptsmn. 115E .lnfo 5121443 ' ·7627. 327-5254 (R ocky). TEXAS LAKE WHITNEY MX lake Whitney Cycle Ranch. Wh it· ney TX. On FM 2960of Hwy 22. west . of Whitney. All classes. Troph. through 8th. , 1.170 gaurameed pur Spl t se. i sched: Nov 9a .m.,lnt/ b approlC . 1:30 p.m. Camping ' 2/vehicle. gata ' 4. Entry 18 Am. 110 Ex. Info 713/482- 7593. 8171694-2901. ARIZONA CANYON MX Canyon Aa cewa~. 1Y.I mi. west of 99th Ave & Carefree Hwy. Phoenix. Al . All classes. 33% Sptsmn troph.• 100% Ex p.b. Info 6021934 -5027 -0575ITom). (Bob). 583 AME CAUFORNIA MX Indian Dunes Cycle Park. 1 -5to Hwy 126. V alentia. CA. A classes. Pro ll nmn troph. Gate 7 a.m.• p.b. & 30%Sp prac. 8. race 9. Entry $ t 2 Sptsmn ' 17 . Pro 1115 10 p.b.); AME memb. req'd. avail at track(S20). American Mota· cross Enterprises. Inc.• P.O. BoIC 1421. Resade. CA 91335. Info 213/ . 661·5778. TEXAS SWAN MX Tyler. TX. Elit 69 S from 1·2 0. 2 mi. to CR 471. rig 2 mi. & turn left. All ht classes. Tr . to 5th. $1005 h . oph purse (15 ridermin.Iclass). 100%Pro p.b. if less than 15. Concessions. Camping &eree. hookups. Gata 5 a.m.. Split pro gram: Nov prac. 8, race 9:30; Int & Ell prac. approlC . 1:00 p.m.• race 1:30. Entry' 5 gate (undar·6 and over 60 tree). 110 Sp tsmn 120 Ex. Info , 214/ 882-4215 IBiIl). AORA ARIZONA O ESERT RACE 7th Annual Salome 100. Salome . A]" On U.S. 60. 120 mi. west of Phcenix 21 classes incl. Teams. Super IN troph.• cash to Pros. D camping encouraged. it's a family event. The sert Racing A ssociation, Arizona De 1408 East Granada Rd. Phoenix, AZ. 85006_lnfo 602/252-1900. AMA TEXAS II MILE FLAT TRACK Devils Bowl Speedway, Dallas, lX . 1 Efrom Dallas to lawson Rd exit. ·20 te N In & Ex classes. Ga 10 a.m., ov, t pre noon. race2. Info 817/488·9133. c. CMC CAUFORNIA SHR MX Sand Hill Ranch. corner of Camino D iablo & Vasco Rds. Brentwood. CA. All classes. Gate 8:30 a.m.• sign in 7. race 9. Entry S15 Sptsmn, $15 + S5 19 ate tee) Pro. Watch S5. Info 415/798-5695 634-3328. . AMA 0·36 MAMMOTH BAR MX Auburn, CA. I·BO toForesthillAuburn Ravine Rd lICit & follow signs to Fo re· sthill for 3 mi., right on Old Auburn ForesthillRd' (towards C 1.5 mi. to ool) track on left. All classes. Big Iroph.. 100% Pro p.b. Gate 6:30 e.m., prec. 7:30. rice 9. Entry S15$t) tsmn. $15 + S5 Pro Watch $5 adult. Sl under· 12. . Vasco DeMello MX Promotions. Info 916/988 -2208. 726-B266 10·36 Official). TEXAS WOLF CREEK MX Rio V iltl. TX. All classls incl. Beg. Troph. through 8th if 8 or more ridIrs in class. h t piaci Int rlClivlS $100 si vings bond, ht pia" Nay recliYII $50 Savings bond, $3.030purseplid by moto & overlll(200%p.b. if IISS thi n 15 ridlralc lls s; 50%of Oltl in bad weather). Splitsched: NOli pr.c. 8:30 a.m.• ridlrs mllting 9:15. raC I 9:30; Int & Ex prlc.approx. 1:30 p.m., rau 2. Gete $5. Entry '1 0 Sptsmn. 120 Es. Info 8171373-2753. CAUFORNIA OLO TIMERS GP Co ronl AIClw..,. Coronl , CA. Hwy 91 Eto Buchanan exit. M aster. h . Am &. Nov claSlIS. 30%troph. 40 yrs old or older to join. R.ces every week. Glte 7a.m., pr.c..8. rlU 9. Entry $12, Info 213/889·3802. 714/496-6779. CALIFORNIA CORONA GP Unillp Year GP . Coronl Raceway, Corona, CA. Hwy 91 E to Buchlnan lIit. All CIIl Il. 100%finisher pins, S 25% troph.. 100% Pro p.b. 6 mi. COUT" . 3 # plltes & sillncer rlq'd. Gltl 6:30 a.m.• prac 8·8:45. Tlc 9. . e Entry $1S mlil. S22 posl; tu ms S1a ea. mail, $12 post (mustsend IntrilS Please tum to the order blank on the Dealer Directory Page. ~ MOTOCROSS ~ . :J \awl MARCH 6 CYCLE PARK . Arro No membership required . Gates Open 7 a.m. Practice 88.m . 1 st Race 9:30 a.m. • Entry Fees : $10 Sportsmen $15 Pros Cash To Pros Info: (714) 689-6114 CALI FO RN IA RACING CL UB PRESENTS HOBO FAMILY ENDURO MARCH 13, 1983 Lu cern e Va lJ ~y 20% T RO P HIES 3 LOOPS CRC POISTS R a.m. START Sprci al Rrxinnrr Class 1 Loo p - No !'tfrm. Req . ~ o T ro phin SI!! ~h il - S IK Pm;1 A.T .V: s Mail Entrv - 520.00 Pos t Entry - $23. 00 Mail Eotr)" - 520.00 Post [nln- - 523.0n Non-Members ..tid $·1 - c;( ) LD EN STATE SE RIE. ~ An...C.a lir. AMA card ho no mt - ~nd proor or mrm ~"h ip if o lt H'r (h liln eRe Thisis a REAL FA~ I LY ENDURO. Thecourse willbe relati\l lveas ybut interestingwith emphaslso nllme keeping. It w ill e be ~ Il marked WIth no bonle necks. impoSS speeds o r obstacles ible 'C' flders under 16 years. minis andWomen '8' loop:Women ·A·. '8 ' under 16 years. all S. Sr. (+50) and 'C' riders go two loops: all others go three loops. No lat8 POints on fIrst loop for 2 and 3 loopers. MaUentrie•• nd two 12118981 size ·.ddre...d. mmped envelope.ISASEI to : CAUFORNIA RACING CLUB 7601 Artington A".n~ - Rlversid• • CA 921503 INFO : (7141889-8114 fdlYS) The latest dirt from AMAI ~c Now available at yo ur local Honda . Suzuki or Yamaha dealership. - - - RACE - - --SCHEDULE Feb. 27 - MOTOCROSS Carlsbad Mar. 6 - MOTOCROSS ArrOVo Indian Dunes OPEN 7 CYC LE PAR},,:! 'DAYS A WEEK Motocross March 6. March 27 Phone: (714) 689-6114 Mar. 13 - MOTOCROSS Saddleback Perk 1983 CRC Membership Aveilsbls lI;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_(213) 830·751 9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilil Open 7 Days 714 ·558·1584 CMC - M X - 1st & 3rd Sund ays CRC - M X - 2nd & 4th Sundays SSM - M X - Every Saturday S300LeBaCK parK SRA Schedule MAR. 13 - RIVERSIDE G.P. APR. 17 - HILLTOPPERS G.P. (714) 828-1358 SPEEDWAY RACING EVERY SUNDAY Semi-Pro & Pro Class 1/4 Mile Oval SRDDLEBRCK PRRK ~ Sign-Up 9 8.m. RACE 12:30 p.m. PRACTICE EVERY THURSDAY INFO: (714) 558·1584 29

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