Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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t. glth"l. Inl . r&'f~1!J Housto n Astrodome Junior Invitatio nal Short Track Winner ~CHARLI E ORR WEST CENTRAL 6~ B · 63 ~~ . EAST Bryson Baker Olst. ClaWH ca. Rebel Suppl y (4 15) 969·1257 (817) 261·2154 (813) 577-3288 Hap Janes Dtst. (408) 263-1918 Ollzall Products 2535 M iddlefield Road Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-4004 There is no free lunch, nowadays it's called "Happy Hour." MOTOR CYCLE SPORT ON VIDEO 0 0 (J\'(JLE VI(]E() 0 0 0 M()T()~ BETA VHS VHS 0 0 0 S.P.E . CALIfORNIA EUROPEAN .E.O ROUGH SCRAMBLES Perris RICIWIY. Peml. CA. Frwy 15 to H wy74 E. 8 Ellis. 'Itt to trick. All d lSsts . O S10.000 in eennnver gencyprizes. 80%Ellp.b. Gatl 71.m., sign up 7:30. prac. 8:30. rae. 9. En try 12 Spismn. S15 250cc & O Pro; pen mamb. r. q'd I S10). Into 714/ * Ra ce Winning Ollzall AlIOllable Thr ough These Co ntributing Distributors 8 ETA 114/ 689·1913. 73 ~ ·110~ . TH E ISLAND 0 0 TT TRIBUTE OFF R OA D 0 0 AGAINST THE ACTION ODDS NARROW 0 0 RACE TO THE EDG E TOP MOTO CROSS GRAND PRIX *59 .9 5 pl us $2 .5 0 postage & handli ng, Florida Residents Add 5% Sala. Tax. Fo r Mo re Informati o n. Send Se lf·Addreu ed . S temped Envelope t o: MOTOR CYCLE VIDEO P.O . BOX 3422 LA KELA N D. FLORI DA 33B02 CRC CALI FORNIA MX Cartsbl d R .Clway, Carlsbad, CA. 1 to Palomlr A ·5 irport Rd, las l 3 mi to . raClway, A llclasses. Brass forSptsmn. clSh for Pros. 2 long motos. Gate 7 I .m.. prlC. 8. fl ce 9:30. Entry S12 Sptsmn. 115 Pro memb. req'd. Info : 213 / 8 3 0·1 ~ 19. CMC C ALIfO RNIA MX Carlsbad Raceway. Ca ,I~\.'. CA 1 S to Palomar Ai""i~ t.~~dst 3 mi. -5 10 raceway " \\'O\"'~es. 30% tToph. Gate '7 ~ ~\)~~n up 7. prato8. rl U 9. E.V, <;\!, u Setsmn. 1 1~ Pr. lll0 I. p.e.).ln lo 1 1 4 /~ ~ 7 ·33 23 . O HO JUNIPER MX KLA MA Juniper MX. McAlester. OK Tulsa , Turnpike (75) n~rth on 69 Inot Bus. 69). east . 1 Exit 113. An cl.sses. Tropl\. lhrough 6th. 150%Ex p.b. Sign in8 a.m.•prac. 9-10. rau 10:30. Entry 18 SplSmn. 11~ E ~ 14 glto . Inf. 91B /4 2 6- 4 ~ 33 I McAIe "er Kawaseki). C ALIfO NIA SeTA TRIAL R Bu rfi. ldCountry J. 15 to 79 list. n. . palt V ii Lilla on Itt Slart 101.m. i Enlry19 A TAm. mb • 11 non-m mb .• . . All tlass. s plul wom.n I nd kids. 20'1 ATA pta & troph. H lm.ts & slack or . USFS approwd spt. an. Entryto Bu ttarfi. ld '4 Sat . • 3 Sun. Pay at m/c park. not fronl gal. thlla days aNy. O/n Clmp I~ . Inf. 1141772-8420. 213/ 31B-4711 . AMA 0-31 HARESC RAMBLES luc. rne V alley. CA. limed from Y cafeto camp rode. Rd. All c1assl s. 10% troph. Special 3·0 Ruby Booby fin pins. best in del. Beg 1 loop. 10a.m. . start entry S14. Brush Bus M/C. ters Inf. 213/ 443·3430 IAnI. 443·461 B ISid). C FO NIA SCTA TRIAL ALI R SCTA Wadlington's Binhday Trial. Butterfield Country. Perris. CA. Hwy 15 10 71 E to Butterfield Country. . 101.m. stan. Inf. 213/ 316·4111 . 114/11 2·8420. AK TEXAS O HILL MX Oak Hill. TX. Exit MI. Zion Rd (Ann's WesternW betweenAlyord earl and Dec atUi. Above D allas/ Ft Wth . Mini thru Open classes. troph. to 3rd. G Iree. opens Sal.. no Sat. prac. ale 1Oa Sun. prac.•riders meet. 11:30. .m. race noon. Enlry , I0, Good Old Davs MX. Inf. 811/ 421-4111. RM FULL FLOATER HEADQUARTERS AMA 0·3B KI G O THE OESERT N F RACE Plaster City. C N A. onheast of Plas· ler City oH Huff Rd. - Imperial County. K 125. 250, Op Vel. Sr ing en. . 3·whlrplusnon·king classes. Fin pins, . 20% tToph.• 70% p.b. for K class ing plu S500 for overall. ' ,100 bonus s plus entry fee p.b. i.n K c1esses mg overa , 500 cashdiVided innon·King ll. classes. Free beer to fin. Sile ncers req'd. 0·38 dblpoints. 5130 mi. loop. Prac. 11·4 Sat. 0-38 card Of proof of age Ind class. 2 SA . entry form. SE proof.chacklMO10: Fudpucker Racing ream. 1529 Fairv alley Rd.. EI Ca jon. CA 92020.K classes $10 entry. ing 175 post. Non·King $20. 125 post. Rac 9:30 a.m. sharp. In 619/ 427e fo '83s IN STOCK! RM80 RM250 4x6's RM 125 RM500 ALT50's The Sensation of SuzukiI Nowl upto 8200.00 R.b.t. on selected Suzuki S treet Bike.1 All ' 8 2 Street Models at LOW, LOW Prices Free 600 mile service w ith purcha .. of any New Suzuki Street Bik• . Professional Single Shock Modifications .. 1- ALL MODELS -I Crank Rebuilding. Boring Porting. Fork Mods • Dependable Protection At a G reat Price • Weather Proof Won 't Crack , Peel or T ear • Built Tough Woven for Strength • One Size Fi ts All Money Back Guarantee Sen d Check o r Mone\' Order To: 2061 N . Hamner Ave. #404 (behind Tar bell Realtors) • Norco.CA ~ (714) 359-8546 (714) 734-0640 J.R. TARPAULIN CO. I ') ~ O I n d u'lrial SI. l. n, .\ n ~d ,·,. -\Jlo ,", :! (;..\ 900 21 l u d ,- ' 4.00 for ( ..1111 1( . ... . ,nid h't "i.t h·, 111 1 WI ' f'l. , d l' Il \!' ! \ , h lP P Ill ~ ,Hul h , II\1l ll n ~ I Il I I. t, Call Co lI.·( 1(213) 738·5922 WHOLESALE TO DEALERS ONLY MAMMOTH JUNE 17,18,19 30 ~ml2J ~ GASKETS ~~lL.Wm § ~ TuGee Enterprises 2 G~ ~ ~ 7 3 1 E. Cypress . M onro vi a. CA 9 1 0 16 H OT LINE (2 13) 35 9-2 4 1 5 ~1~9 . March 1 ENTRY OPEN CHINA HAT ONE OAY/OREGON C hina Hal One Da yentryopenMar . I. close Apr. 15. 400 rider limit. OMRA memb. ,eq·d. s2D &. SASE to: Lob.s M/C. 14000 SF.rsythe. Oreg.n Ciy. OR 9 1 04 ~ . Inl. ~03 /6~6 ·9~~2 t IR n). 233·8000 IJ. e). 6~6 ·~8 01 . (Bill). Event runs Ap 24. r. ENTRY O PEN FO ROSAR BEACH R ITO G P hent runs April 17. Entry op.n Mar 1. tloses Apr. 7. Mlile ntry135. . inc. insurl nce pkg. Mail entry and 3 SASE10H illtopp.r M/C. 6340 Indilna A,.. L. ng B eh. CA 9 0 B O~ . Inf. u 213/ 4911. 114/ 994-1110. March 4 CALIfOR SPEE O NIA WAY SpringClinic . Orangl County fairgrounds. COStl Mes CA. Newport a. Frwy55 Wto I nd. right on Fair Dr 8 . lap British L ligue stars b.nle 8 top American st. rl. Gata 6:30 p.m.. rac. 8. Freep.rking. Info 714/492 ·9933. CALI FOR NIA INTERS HO SWAP WS M EET Nalional Orange Showgrounds. SIn Bernardino. CA . I·15E10Orange Show Rd.. exit. Opens to public 6 p.m.-l 0 Free Pl rk. 1ODDs of pans. access.• bikes. 10Xl0 S " 120. 1 0X l ~ & pl prime S30. M/C for sale $10 ea. Move·in 1 p.m.-4. Inler·shows P.O . . Bo 2910 Mission V x iejo. CA 92690. 24 hr. info 71 4/ 498·2034. OKLAHO lULSA MX MA Tulsl. OK South of Tulsa Inl rn a· . . tiCln,1Rl cl WlYoffHwy 169 N& Nonh 36th St. All e111111. 33% troph.. 150% Ex p.b. G 8 a.m.. prac. 9:30. .te ri ce 11. Entry S8 Sptsmn S12 Ex. 14 . gale, Tulsa Arll MOIO SpOn Inc Info s. . 9181268·6136IRiek ). March 4-6 CALIFORNIA CYCLE. CAR & HO ROO T SHOW Antelope V lley F.irgrouds. Len. C ISler. CA. R. G CanningProductions. . P.O Bo. 400. Mlyw••d. CA. 90270· . 0400. lnf. 2 1 3 /~88· 1934. ~87·~1 00 lilt. 3D ). TEXAS MOSIER MX Mo Valley MX P. ri, Ft. Wonh. sier TX. All cl,ssll. $804 guarantll d Ex purse. No pit riding or Ille prac. Prae. 8 a.m.. ratt 9; Int &. Ex prac. 1:30 p.m. Enlry S11 Spu mn. S16 Ex. G.le S5. Inf. 214 /3~ 1 ·4 196 . March 5 TEXAS CON ROE MX Conro, MX Park, Conroe. TX 3 mi. . south 01 lawn toSanJlcintoRiver. All classel . Troph. or g.h eert. 10 8th in Nov classn. Concllsionl, showers & bathrooms. Split schedule: pr.c. 8 a.m.. r. ce 10: Int/Ell ri ce 1 p.m. Entry sa Splsmn. S15 Ex. G.te 14. Info 712 17~6 ·4 114 IC. nr. e SUllo 213· 2336 'trICk) CALIFOR NIAOLO TIMERS MX SaddlebackPark. Or ange. CA. Frwy 55 to Chlpmln n it easl 7 mi. to Santi.g o Canyon Rd. right to county fire station. fah onrd pasl firestanen. MUler, E Am & Nov classes. 30% x. trcph. 40 yrs Clld orolder 10join. Rac es every Wlek Glte 7 I.m.. prlc. 8. race . 9. Entry 112. Inl. 213/869·3B02. 114/ 496·8119. CMC CALIFORNIA MX S, ddlebackP.rk. Or.nge. CA. Frwy 55 10 Chlpmln en t, list 7 mi. to Si niiago Clnyon Ad. right to C ::lunty fir. stahO lel1 onrd past fir. stltion. n, All c1lllas. 30" uoph. Gat. 7:30 I.m.• sign up & prac. 8·9. rl CI 9:30. E ntry S10 Sptsmn. . 15 Pro. In fo AMA 0·38 AWARO BANQ S Singing Hills Country Clu I nd b L odge. 3007 OeheSl Rd.. EI Cajon, CA 92021. Ooors open 6:30p,m.. dinner 8. , wlrds 9, rock& roIl9:30. Frll beer and buff wilh 115 entry. Advance et res. r. q·d. MU be reti. YldbyF.b, 25 SI or brought 10 F.b. 27 r. CI. Ml il 10 0·3B Sporn Comm.• 2 ~ 0 Kennedy . #6. Chula Vista. CA 92011. Info 11 4/ ~ ~ 1 · 3 32 3 . CALIFORNIA MMA SW APMEET Cow Palace. Sin Fransisco. CA. Ge admission 11 a.m.. sellers 8 n. a.m.• close 4 p.m. Admission ' 3.50. 1O 0S " 120. 2 f.r 13 ~ . Noguns. Xl pl no pelS. Booth rentl l closes 10 days prior10IV.n l. In or booth res. write fo to MMA Sp.cial Events D P.D.Bo iv.• x 1s76. PlediCl. CA 94044. 11 4/427· ~7 ~ 9 . March 5-6 AfM CAUfORNIA ROAO RACE Slirs Point Rlc.w ay. Hwys 37 & 121. Sonoma. CA. Am. ricln Feder.tien 01 MOIorcyclilts. 12422 TI ber m Cr tk C. rritos. CA. 90701. Info t 2 1 3/ 9 2 6·2 ~ B3. 701/ 938·8448 Itrlei). OREGON ENDUR O Mason Countyfllfgrounds on Hwy 101. Shllt. n. WA 12~. 200. 25D. . Ilpen, AA. A. B C Sptamn, M 4· . . .... Slrk.ladies classes. N/ W MIC Assot. pts. fin. pins. Sptsmn. C Ladies 30mi. . others 75 mi. Start 9.a.m. Entry ' 13 pre.. ' 17 pOSI/ C 111-15. Pug. 1 Sound Enduro Riders. Info 206 456· 0730 Idl ys/ O rien). . AM 0·38 HILLS FERRY ST & TT A H illsFerry Speedway. Modesto. CA. Hills Ferry Rd. &. Ril/er Rd.. 10 mi. Wof Modeslo. On 1 take Ne'MTl8n Ex. ·5 [Stuhr Rd.' t. HillsFerry R then Itt. d.. to River Rd. All 0·36 classes. Season opener Sf Sat. night. Sat. prac.4p.m. flIC1 6. Sun. TI Prac 10:30a.m.. race noon. Enl y S1O Pro plus S3. Info r . 408/4 63·0548 (lionel Nunes) Tra ck ph. ne 209 /B 6 2· 34 ~3. CALIFORNIA BUOWEISER/CONTRA C OSTA HONDA MXSERIES Sand Hill Ranch. Brentwood. CA. Comer of Camin Diablo Ind Vasco o Rd. All classes. special Bud Iroph.. Sptsmn need 4 nders to qual. for H iPointtroph. Ei. have S1fromea. enlry towan:! final. Free camp.. GP course. Gate al 6 a.m.. prac. 8. race 9. Info 41~ 7 9 B· ~ 6 9 ~ IToml. 6J4.6~9 6 1P1l i l ) . AMA0·31 VIEWFINDE GRANO PRIX RS Riverside Inti. Raceway, Riversi e. d CA. All classes plus 3-whlr. 4 races 100 mi. ea., 3'whlr 50 mi. 0·37 & 0·38 pts.. silencers req'd.. rescue 3, computer scoring. AMAsanct., noplay bikes, walerproofing rec.• water jump wailing. entry includes rider gale. patch. #s. decal, program and troph. pres. Mail ent. closes Feb. 19. Ent. ' 25. S40 & S50 post. Parrilier Pro e1ass S50. S5 watch. Under 12 free. Mail entry, proofate1ass andcheck/mo to: Viewfinders M/C. See Cycle News issue 5 for blank and address. Info 80~ /4 99 ·63 7 9 1 " ,). 9 8~ ·203 4 01i IPetti). 213170B· 1381 fLo 348· u). e• 11BB IG .I. 649·6149 ,Clinl). 2~ 6 · 8518 ICharles) . AMA 0·36 PR AIRIE CITY GP Prairil City OHV park.Sacramenlo, CA. Hwy 50 to Prairie CityRd. south to Whilerock Ad. Alltlasses. Supertroph.• finisher pins. • 750 in Ex Clshcontino gencies to lap five: I II Ex scored 10gether. 3-hrrace ovar 12 mi. course. Ri ding #I assigned by club. Silence rs req·d. no pit riding. Gas in G Irn 'S only. Sign upSII. 1 p.m. 10 5. Novsign upSun. 6:30I .nt.t. 8. " " 8:30. EJ & Am signup 9·12. ric, 1 p.m. Gltl fll 13. Mlilentry 11 ~ Sptsmn. 120 E L P." entry 11B Sptsmn. 123 E.t. Meil entryfee and copy of AMA & District cardl 10 Polka D M : ots .C.. t / o AI Wl t. rs. 5455 Plragon St.. Rocklin. CA. 9 ~6 77. Inf. 916/B 22·1162. 386·3614.143·8640. TEXAS IC SPEEDWAY E EI Paso Counly Coliseum. EI Paso. TX. Round 3 01 N alional Series. Class Aspeedwaybikel , cash purse. R acing al 8p.m. both days. Intemalional Championship Events. Info 915/5 462161.r 6 02l29 6 · 134~ IG ry Oens· l lordl. TEXAS BURl£SON MX S.uth.f f.n W.nh. TX. I· 3 ~ Sfrom Fort Worth to H .rdgrove la n•. u st 2 mi. and lum right after bridge. All cluses. Troph. thru 6th.• 1.200 purll paid p. r maloI nd overall(200% p.b. if th.n 10 riders/ cl'lsl. No pit riding or lale prac. Gal. 7 I .m. Split Ich. d: NOI/ pr.c. 8-8:30. Mini prac. 8:30-8:45. 111 9: 1m & Ex prac. apprOI. 12:30 p.m.. race 1. G te I S. . undl r-l0 & 01/er-60 free. Entry $10 Sptsmn 120E Inf. B I 71 29~·8908. . L March 6 AMA 0·36 SANT C R MX A LA A II" MXT"d<. Hwy 231 & Slntl C Grllt Am.rica Parkway. Sanla Cllfa. CA. All classes inel. Beg. Dinosaur & Woman. Bo troph. & 100%Prop.b. nul Track has b. 1A rt located; . 11 n.w. P, nl in the Pits. Concessions & food. No pit riding. Gl le 6 a.m.. sign up 6:30. prac. 7:30. rlCI 9. Entry S15 Sptsmn. 115 + s5 Pro. Wl lch S4 adult. s 1 6·12, under frll. Info ·6 41~ /886·~41 3. ERA OREGON MX Franklin. OR. Hwy 38 or FIOf. nte cunoffIhrough Ch.shirt 10 Territmial Rd. lurn left. track nelll 1 grade 0 school.AllCIIIIIS 5 ridermin l..s. . ./c 33.33%Spllmn troph.. 100%Prop.b. ProleCliVi clothing. 3 no. plat... h. lmel no. & muffl.r req'd. Sign in 9 a.m.. pr.c. 10. race II . Pro·Am memb. 110. Enlry Ie Spu mn. S10 Pro. add $1 if you forg'l Pro·Am tint I dd S2 for non-m.mb. Wltt h S3 . dult. $2 6-17 (with sludentbodycard).und.r·6 fr.e . Em.rl ld Racing Association. Info ~ 03 /68 8 ·1214 C ALIFO RNIA OEANZA MX DeAnli Cycle Plrk. Sunnymead. CA. 10 mi. list of Rivers on Hwy ide 60 1 Theodore Illil. AllC 0 IIlSIS. 30c.l' sama day Sptsmnlroph.. 100% Pit Wae troph, Ev. rybody galS 2 motos. Freecl mping. Plrk open 7 dayl. G ate a.m.. prac. 8:30. rIc, 9:30. En try.6 gat. + • 9 Sptsmn, 113 Pro; non· memb. edd 12. Inf. 71 4 / 6 ~ 3 · 8 0 6 B . ~840. 7919 e 2 9 ~·11 6 0. OMRA/MRA OREGON HARE SCRAMBlES Timber Here Scrambl.s. Ml df.rd. O . I ·~ t. Hwy 238 thr. ugh R Jl cu onvill••right onMaryAnnDr up . Jackson Cr tk Rd 2 mi lignl post.d. l " All cluSls. 6 rid.r min. 33 1/ 3% troph 4 11ps on 25-mi. courst of tr.ils. . logging & fir. roads. Dud engine GP slln by cllSs. SileRc. rl req'd. OMRA D sin poinu. Sign up 8·9 I.m.. rl et . 10. E ntry' 15 mail. 120 post. Mlil ,ntry t. : MRA. P.O Bo. 1471. Med· . f. rd. 0 1l97 ~ 01 . ln l . ~03 17 79·80B2. , ~3S·1273. AM 0·36 SHIRT JAZl MX A Fernley Lionl Club MX Tri ck" farnley. N . All cl, ss' l . 30% Sptlmn V tr. ph.. 10011 Pro p.b.lm.... All pro · ceeds go 10 Feml.y Ch'mb er of Comm. rc. Swimming Pool Fund. Camping OK ConClllions. Sign up 7 I.m., prlC, . 8. race 9. En 1ry112 Sptl mn. $15 Pro. Go.. 13. Inf. 102/32 9·1323 Idey). ~7~ · 2 B 9 B jm.). CALIfORNI OLOTIME MX A RS S. ddl.backP.ri, Orange. CA. Frwy 55 to n IIi!. list 7 mi. 10 Sanll.go Cl nyon A right to county d. fire Itarion. lett onrdpaslfirallation. MlSt.r. E Am & Nov cll sslS. 30% x. troph. 40 yrsold orolder 10 join. Rltel I V rywe. k. Gil' 7 I.m.. prl C 8. raCl l . 9. Entry 112 Int. 213/86 9·3802. 114/ 498·8719.

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