Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Sou t h e r n California-Arizona-Southern Nevada- Southern California-Arizona-Southern Nevada- Southern Callfornia-Arlz« Western hotline th is week 's Saddleback Moto- Jeff Almond (306). 125cc Intermediate winner at Carlsbad. holeshots. Jinx of 1. 3th strikes CMC Carlsbad MX By Kenneth Stein CAR LSBAD, CA, FEB. 13 Although little else seem ed to go right at Carlsbad 's Continental Motosports Club MX th ere were plenty of exci ti n g races to help those in cha rge forget th eir troubles brought on by holdin g a race on th e unlucky 13th . Th e da y started out with morn ing breath. The start ing gat e was brok en , so each race had to be started wi th a flag. T he fir st tu rn was the scene of pile-ups all da y, a nd so much co nfusion ensued regarding who had fallen and been lapped in th e first moto o f th e 250cc Intermediat e class th at it had to be rerun; the fir st ti me in memory that th is has happened here. Jeff Almond's Suzuki was so mudcovered that his n umber plate became almost illegi ble, and he raced about bli ssfully unaware that the scorers couldn't find h im. The orga ni zers did th e only th in g they co u ld. and reran the heat. Alm ond improved h is cons p icuo us ness th ereafter, by gr abbing th e lead o n th e seco nd la p a nd holding it to th e end in each moro, In the first moto o f th e 250cc Pro class Mar c Howell (Yam) su rvived tu rn one beautifull y. jumping to an im med ia te lead. Robbie Nolin (Yam) foll ow ed wi th Bryan Maloney (H o n) and Don Turk (H on) in hot pursui t. Maloney moved to second on th e fifth lap. but could not catch Howell. Turk squeezed pa st a tir ing Nolin on th e 11th lap for third. The second moto began with Howell caught in the ceremonial turn one pile-up. Easily discouraged is not a good description of young Marc. After an l lth-place start in a 12-man race. Howell moved to fifth by lap two. Exiting turn one in last place was Nolin. Obviously refreshed by now. Nolin kept pace with Howell throughout the race. Meanwhile. Maloney. who had started in third. dispatched Turk. and when David Hopwood (Hon) crashed on the third lap, he inherited the lead. Howell and Nolin took over third and fourth at that time. Two laps later, Howell caught Turk for second. Nolin passed Turk on lap n ine, but neither could make any progress on the hard-riding Maloney, who walked 0(( with the winner's share of the prize money. Results • 24 125 INT : 1. Jeff Almond (SUl); 2. Randy Rush (Hont 3 . Mart ICing (Han) . 125JR; 1. DaYidS. Bowman (Yam); 2 . Tim Toms (Han); 3. Matt wanaca (SUl). VET; 1. Alon Oioon (ICaw). VET INT : 1. R. D. Tuzinlky (Vam). VET JR : 1. Dan Faatharinggill (ICaw). MINI JR: 1. Dale Welsh (Han) . 250 INT : 1. Lence Mason (SUl); 2. V ic Walker (Hon t 3 . Jeff Mason lSul). OPEN JR ; 1. Chr is Elder (Han); 2. Steye Bu ssen Sr . (Vam); 3 . J im Vou ng (SUl). 125 PRO: 1. M icheel Pre.ton (Kaw); 2. M ike Fisher (Yam): 3. Roger Heyes (SUl). 250 PRO: 1. Bryon Maloney (Han); 2. Marc How_ ell (y am); 3 _Raben Nol io (.Ya m~ • •• • OPEN PRO: 1. Scott Sargent (S Ul); 2 . Gordon Smith (Han). OPEN INT : 1. Vic Walker (Han); 2 . Don Manin . (SUl ). 2 50 JR : 1. Leon ard Johnson (Hon); 2. M ic ha el Bos... (Han); 3. Manin Groat (Han). King: ruler at Saddleback Speedway By Scott Daloisio ORAN G E. CA. FEB. 13 Bri tish League racer Lance King outclassed th e co m petition to wi n h is first race of th e year this afternoon a t Saddleback Park in th e Speedway P ro class. Kin g (PJ I/ J T Raci ng Wes) ga ted from the n umber th ree spot in the mai n and was th e leader head in g into turn one. Sha wn McConnell and Greg Ayers (Wes ) sli pped by Bob O tt (jaw) in the firs t turn to the seco nd and th ird spots. Mc.Conn ell (Va ns/ O a kley Jaw ) took u p the chase but was u na ble to catch th e strea king 1982 California Sta te Cha m p ion who took the checkered flag wit h a half stra ightawav lead. In' the first qual ifyin g hea t o f the a ftern oo n , Kin g saw h is h opes o f a pe rfect day go up in smoke whe n risin g star Ayers n ipped him at the lin e for the win. McCon nell a nd Oil came into th e main event with perfect scores o f nine poi n ts eac h. New g uy J eff Sp ringma n (jaw) handed Tom my Walton (2 Ken chu Ra cin g J a w) hi s first defeat of the yea r o n the lightnin g q ui ck Sa dd leback quarter m ile to wi n the Sem iPro main event. Walton went five for five o n openi ng da y and was three for three this a fternoon , in cluding a win o ver Sp ringma n head ing into th e ' ma in . As the pack jostled through the first bend. Trace Willis (jaw) h it th e d irt a n d was n a iled by Walton , who did every th ing bu t go down . The momentary problem by the clas s-C Junior plate holder allowed Springman to charge into the lead chased by Don Butler (jaw). Walton got back on track and was able to charge by Butler, but was unable to catch Springman. . Results PRo: 1. Lenca IC ing; 2. Shawn McConnall; 3 . Greg Ayara: 4. Bob Ott. . SEMI.PRO: 1. Jeff Springman; 2 . Tommy Walton; . 3. Don Butler; 4. Trace Willis. AM: 1. Rick Smith; 2. Joel Windham: 3 -.Terry C&8nton; .... BonDi Ellinor. Willoughby, Dymond, Campbell fly Saddleback's MX By Terry Whytal ORANG E, CA. FEB. 12 Australian rider Darrel Willoughby piloted his Yamaha lO , theOpen Pro overall victory a t . cross race. desp ite to ug h com pe tition from Yam aha riders Pete Sn o rteland a n d Au strali a n Na tio na l Champ Steph en Gall. . Ga ll an d Will oughby battled for th e lead a t the start o f th e first moto wi th Ga ll settl ing th e di sp u te q u ickl y and p u lli ng away wit h a safe lead by th e mid wa y point. Will o ughby continued to rid e smooth lv as Sn orteland ca me u p to cha lle nge for th e n um ber two slot . With two laps re mai n ing, Gall felt the front wh eel of h is brand new YZ beg in to wobble as the spokes loosene d, a n d he pulled to th e side o f th e track for a quick tighten job adm iriistered by Mr. Breker , fat her o f H onda team ster Goa t Breker. Willoughby in he rited th e lead a nd was fir st to the chec kers foll owed by Sno rtela nd and Suzuki rider Gar y J ones. Gall re-entered th e race a nd finished ni nt h . T he seco nd mo to was dom in a ted by Gall. T he flyin g Aussie ope ne d a h uge lead over Snortela nd a nd Willoughby, who contin ued th eir battle for seco nd . Will oughby earned the overall win wi th Sno rte la nd going home with th e runner-up sha re o f th e purse and Jones cla iming third. Gall 's pe rfo rma nce nett ed him fifth overall. H onda ri der C ra ig Cable to ok charge of th e first 250cc Pro rac e wi th p ressu re bein g su p p lied by Wheelsmi th Ma ico rid er Micky Dymond a nd Honda -mounted Boo Sti chter. Ca ble held on to to p the mo to as both Dymond a nd Stichter slow ed wi th min or mech an ical problems. Mot o two was a Dym ond specia l; the you ng Maico rider easi ly ru n ni ng of f wi th th e front position . Ca ble placed seco nd for th e mot o to finis h secon d overa ll beh ind winner Dymon d. Hon da rider Matt Tedder came from beh ind to p lace th ird a t th e chec kers a nd take th ird overall. Ka wasak i pi lo t Todd Ca m p bell swe p t both mot e s o f th e 125cc Pro class . Ca m p bell was clea rly th e fastest rider on the track - ou tdista nci ng h is rival s by a lar ge margin in each race . T eam Tamm/Honda rid er Jim Brodie sco red second overa ll ahea d of Yamaha-m ounted Dennis Hulen. Vet Expert winner Alan Ol son pi lo ted hi s Kawa saki to victory despite tough co m peti tion from Su zuki rider Marino Basti onell. Basnonell tri ed to mov e into the lead several ti mes in rnoto one, but Olson kept the door shut and Bastionell had to settle for second. Maicorider Jim Beltinck challenged the leaders in round two act ion, but once again Olson handled all comers and took the checkers first. Beltinck held of( Bastionell for second place in the rnoto but Bastionell scored second overall with Beltinck takina third, Results OPEN PRo: 1. Darryl Willoughby (Yam t 2. Pata Snonaland (Yamt 3 . Gary Jonn (Suz~ 250 PRO: 1. Micky Dymond /Mait 2. Craig cable (Hon t 3 . Matt T _ IHon~ 125 PRO: 1. Todd Campbell (Kawt, 2 . J im Brodie (Hont 3 . OJ Hulen (Yaml. OPEN INT; 1. Rusty Hannah (SUlt 2. Jeff Long (Hon t 3 . ICelly Saulie (Yam). 250 INT : 1. Glen Walls (Hon); 2 . Stew Waidler (Yam t 3 . Gary Sawall (Han). 1251NT: 1. Bratt Radman (Yam t 2 . Tarry Fowler (Yamt 3 . Paul Den il(ICawl. VET EX: 1. Alan Oioon (ICaw); 2 . Marino Ba ..ionell (SUl); 3. J im Beltinck (Mail . VET NOV : 1. Steye Dietrich (Sull; 2. ICun Sofka -(Vam l; 3 . Jerry Thayer (Han) . OPEN NOV : 1. Bob Watson (Han); 2 . Jeff Cleusen (Han) ; 3 . Bill Sylya (SUl). 250 NOV : 1. Jeff Purch (Yam); 2 . Many Desbrow (Han); 3 . Mike Musson (SUl ). 125 NOV ; 1. Tim Whit lock (SUl); 2. Richard Ol ive r (Vaml ; 3 . Bill Clemson (Vam). 250 BEG : 1. Chuck Coiner (Suz); 2. Steye John son (VIm); 3 . Oavid Corree (Y.m ~. 125 BEG: 1. Kenny Owens (SUl); 2 . Ter ry Rhodes (Han ); 3 . M ike Hooker (Hus). WOMEN EX: 1. Debb ie Mathews (Han); 2 . Hele n Leit n er (KTM); 3 . Cor i R ~senberg (Suz). M INI NOV: 1. Bobby Gordon (Yam ); 2 . J . Mendoza (Vamt 3 . Ward Basse t (Yam). MINI BEG : 1. John Re.t iyo (Kaw); 2 . Randy Danya (Yam t 3 . M ike Rei ley (Han). Dymond shines in th e rough By Terry Rezek ORAN G E. CA, FEB. 13 Micky Dymond overcame a disastrous stan in th e Pro event of today's California Racing Club Diamondback GP to stage a spectacular come-from-behind cha rge a n d ta ke first overa ll agains t powerful competit ion. Th ere were three bike cla sses a nd sta rts . T he big bor es were first a nd C h ris Cole wa s firs t o ff th at row. but Scott Cavness and his Anaheim Suzuki won th e drag race up th e h ill. Brad McLeod " mcleaped" h is Foothill Yamaha aw ay from th e ather 250's o n the seco nd row ove r Marc Joh nson and Mi ke Beier. Micky Dymond had a little troubl e wa kin g up h is bike and go t movin g 100 yards beh ind the o thers. The 125 's sta rted wi th a dead heat a mong Chris Taylor, Rod Rich ardson a nd Doug Dubach. With Cav ness leading th e way, Bruce McDougal sh owed up in second wi th h is Escondido Honda and Ron Utaski's OF Yamaha rounded o ut th e big three. Back in th e 250's. Beier had sli p ped a hea d o f McLeod for th e moment, Dymond was runn in g fo u rt h 250cc. Todd Campbell blasted h is T eam G reen Kawa saki pa st the knot of early leaders a n d was in fir m cornmand o f th e 125's. Ca vness a nd McDougal were getting mor e airtime tha n th e hel icopters flu tter in g a bo u t the area . In j ust three laps from the start. Dymond had moved to thi rd 250cc a n d was beginn in g to close o n McLeod . Cam pbell wa s sti ll leadi ng th e 125's. but Dubach ha d sha ken off the pack an d had h is Ana hei m Suzuki in Campbell 's sha do w. By th e fifth lap , Dym ond wa s in posit ion an d took second 250cc right in front of the pi t row crowd. Dymond passed Beier in m id -a ir for the 250cc lead. th ird overa ll . Ca m p bell showed a lmost the same style, movin g into fifth o vera ll . Cavness has ope ned up about 200 yards over McDougal , but Dymond has closed in from the other side and flashes by to tak e second. .He wants that first overall. Dymond was a m issile with his · tracker in the acquire mode and Cavness was the target. In one quick lap, the 200 yard margin was gone and Dymond was only a fender's width away. Dymond and Cavness were side by side going up a gnarly hill; Cavness got trapped inside where the track was roughest, and Dymond cut by and flew down the hill as if he had two more leaders to catch. He never backed 0(( and continued to open a huge lead, With Dymond gleaming in the distance, the battle now was for second. The last lap was as furious as the first, and Beier got to within inches of Cavness. McDougal moved up and by Beier to come in at third overall and second Open behind Cavness. Campbell maintained his pace to finish fifth overall and fir st 125cc. Dubach finished secon d 125cc. Result s • 125: 1. Todd campbell (Kaw); 2. Doug Dubech (SUl); 3 . Chr is Taylor (Kaw). 250: 1. M icky Dymond (Ma i ); 2. M ike Beier (Yam); . 3_Brad Mcleod (Yam ). <, OPEN : 1. Scon Cavness (Su z); 2. Bruce McOougal lHon t 3. Ron (Va m ~ •• • • • ."

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