Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Northern California·Northern Nevada-Oregon·Washington-ldaho·Utah·Alask: ~.l,U FF N R E NDATELINE O TH R Sills slides to top of Spillway's Novices By Jim Pluhar SANTA MARIA, CA , FEB. 13 Spillway Park held their firs t motocross race u nder new management today. Even though the weather was poor th e previous day, some 50 riders came o ut 10 bra ve the m ud and pudd les a nd help the new owners initia te th e newl y designe d tra ck . T he most in ventive cou rse cha nge was th e movin g o f th e sta rti ng lin e from a point out in the " boo n ies," wh ere it was invisibl e to the ave rage specta tor , 10 a place near the fini sh line. T h is cha nge, no t yet in effec t, is a set o f aluminum bleach ers - o rde red to g ive th e spec tators a point o f relative com fort from whi ch to view the events. In th e Min i Junior divi sion, Paul B10mquest scored back-to-hack victori es In hi s mot os to ga in fir st pl ace for th e day, wh ile Dallen McKenney and Mickey Elsber y fini shed first a nd second respect ivel y in th e Mini Intermed iat e class. J eff Si lls wo n the 125cc Juniord ivision with 2-1 finish es, giving h im a tot al o f th ree for th e day. Mi ckey Elsbery was seco nd with five poi nts a nd Le la nd Ayer captured third wit h a seven point IOtal. Tony Toste had it a ll h is wa y in the 125cc Intermed ia te class with two first place finis hes; Gary R iekki was second with four points a nd Skeeter Lyer la came in th ird with a six point total. Another two time win ner was Kevin Field in the I25cc Pro d ivision. J im Keese fin ish ed second , to tal in g fo ur po ints for th e day.a nd Pa ul Villa was third with a IOtal of six. . The 250cc J u n io r/ Open Jun io r cla ss was won by Vic Scarbro ug h . wh o totaled three points for hi s two events; Mark Moore regi stered second for th e day with four points. T om MacFar lane won both halv es of the 250cc Intermediate/Open Intermedi ate class events to score a p erfect two for th e day. Bru ce Carlisle a nd Mike Pryor fin ished second a nd th ird , bo th wi th to ta ls o f five, but Ca rlisle had the better finish in the second mot a . In the 250cc Pro class, Brett Cross a nd Rob Mart in da le foug h t it o u t in both of their events wit h Cross bein g a lilli e stronger in lat e goi ng in both races. Cross took first with a IOtaI o f two whi le Martindale had to set tle for second with a fou r point ia lly. Storbeck, Jaimet hold GSS Amateur leads at Reef Ridge By John Bethea RE EF RIDG E, CA , FE B. 4 Huron Cycle Park was under water from th e rains, Faced with the fif th ro u nd of the Continen tal Mo tosports Club's/ P reston Peuy G olden Sta te Series to be held with no race track availa ble was a perplexing problem, bu t proma ter R ick Worth found a frie nd who had some la nd in some ro lli ng hills some 30 m iles to the west, and he said they co u ld use it for a one -time only race tra ck. Whaa-Laa! Reef Ridge Ra ceway was born a nd th e u:ack .ban nered o ff ' on Fr iday and whe n th e rac ers pu lled in o n Sat urday morning, the virgin la nd had them dazzled. Lush , gre en hills with lots o f tricky th ings 10 keep it interesting. A bi t co ld, an d a li ttle misty at times, but cons ide ring the rains a nd su ch this past month . it did sta nd u p well a nd th e racin g was rough, as usual. T he re are no mor e perfect scores through five weekends of cornpeti tion, so the overa ll races for the eig h t P ro -Am Tra ilers are rea lly gelling intense. H o wever, if he stay s true to form , it looks lik e T exan Danny Storbeck will be towing one of the p rizes home wit h him in a co u p le weeks. Storbeck won h is fourth series I 25cc Intermed iate event, ra ising his to ta l to 96, some 21 points a hea d of his closest rival, Tyson Vohland o f Sacramento. With 20 points awarded to the winner a t Hollister next round and 40 (double points) for th e fin al e a t Saddleba ck , it could c h a n g e abruptly. Kurt Henricksen finished third on th e da y a nd la ys in third in th e standi ngs with 72. Curt j aimet (H a n) got a li lli e help from Larry Lawrence (H a n) 10 win th e 250cc Interm ed iate d ivision two a nd ex tend his lead in the sta ndi ngs to 22. La wren ce won the first mot o , but fell back 10 a d isappoin ting ninth in th e seco nd. Meanwh ile . J aimet was runner-up to Lawrence in the fir st moto, but wo n th e second. La rr y di d get a sur prising th ird overall. Au relio Siracusa too k second over a ll wi th , a mazi ngly, a third and a sixth ! Top po int man in the 500cc Intermed ia te class is R ich a rd Boe (H us), bu t he co ul d on ly ma nage a third thi s ti me out. Ma rk Bledsoe , of Taft, rid ing his firs t race of the series, too k both motos. Do ug T a ft pu lled 10 withi n a dozen po ints of Boe wi th his seco nd th is weekend. Boe has 65 and Taft 53. T he three m ot or cycle classes for Junior s a lso each get a Pro-Am trail er. and leading the 125s, with a victor y this tim e out, is Mike Gilmartin (H a n) of En cinitas , winning both races. His score of 72 is 10 a hea d o f Joseph Crouch (Suz ) and 15 above . Dale Himmelre ich (Suz ). Ironicall y, thats how th ey finished up overa ll this weekend. Results 60 (THRU 81: 1. D. Huffman (Kaw ); 2. J. James (Kaw) . 60 JR (9-11) : 1. E. Alstrin (Kaw) ; 2. T. O'Rear (Kaw); 3. D. Piantanida (Han). 60 INT (9-11 ): 1. M . Pascarella (Kaw); 2. 8 . Antunez (Kaw); 3. S. Kotajarvi (Kaw). 80 JR (9-11 ) STK: 1. T. Pipes (Han ); 2. S. Bla nchard (Yam); 3. D. Huston (Vaml. 80 INT (9 -1 1) STK: 1. T. Voh land (Vam); 2. S. Kotaja rvi (Kaw); 3. M. Pascarella (Kaw l. 80 JR (9- 11) MOO : 1. T. Pipes (Han); 2. S. Blan chard (Yam); 3. D. Huston (Vam). , 80 INT (9- 11) MOD : 1. T. Voh land (Yaml ; 2. R. Densford (Hanl; 3. M . Pascarella (Kaw ). 80 JR (12 -16) STK DIY 1: 1. M . Kiedrowski (Kaw); 2. D. Snyder (Han); 3. A. Gayton (Kaw) . 80 JR (12 -16) STK DIV 2: 1. C. M iller (Suz); 2. R. 8ates (Yam); 3. J. King (Hanl. 80 INT (12-1 61 STK: 1. O. Matson (Vam); 2. C. 8urgess (Kaw); 3. T. Szucsko (Kaw ). 80 JR (12 - 16) MOD : 1. R. Bates (Vam); 2. A. Gayton (Kawl; 3. M . Kiedrowski (Kaw) . 80 INT (12 -161 MOD : 1. C. 8ranch (Kawl; 2. T. Davis (Yam); 3. T. Szucsko (Kaw ). 125 JR DIY 1: 1. R. Giroux (Yaml; 2. J. Wardell (Vam); 3. D. Hami~on (Vam). 125 JR DIV 2: 1. M . Gilmartin (Han); 2. J . Crouc h (Suz); 3. O. Himmelreich (Suz). 125 INT: 1. D. Storbec k (Yaml: 2. T. Vohland (Han); 3. K. Henr icksen (Vam). 250 JR: 1. M . Desbrow (Han!; 2. D. Moore (Vaml : 3. D. Quale (Yaml. 250 INT DlV 1: 1. D. Welsh (Han I: 2. C. McCov (Han); 3. L Deley ISuz). 250 INT DIV 2: 1. C. Jaimet (Han): 2. A. Siracusa (Han); 3. L. Lawrence (Han). - 5OOJR: 1. M . Garcia (Vam); 2. D. lundquist (Han); 3. M . 8rown (Han). 500 INT; 1. M . 81adsoe (Hen]: 2. D. Taft (Vaml; 3. R. Boe (Hus). 80 EX: 1. 8 . M oore (Vam!; 2. 8 . Manneh IKaw !; 3. W . Surr att (Kaw) . VET JR: 1. T. Stidham (M ai); 2. G. Trow er (Ma il . VET INT: 1. J . McCor miCk[Tim] ; 2. R. Cole (Ma i!: 3. J. Cook (M ail . VET MA STER: 1. C. Smart (Yam!: 2. K. Ratzlaff (Han); 3. B. Presser (Ma i). oT INT; 1. W . Pri tchell (Vam); 2. S. 8ussell Sr. (Ya m ). . ._ ~ I f I , ~ -. • • I ' .. • • • • • •• • that Does n! tmance Lab Nitro tive. It i much as rac ing See ' t from .~ r can Perf of f .95 for .50 per 4- o g . Ohio residents ad ~UIl ~ ~ II 183 East Washington Street Send lor FREE decal and inloon these and other fine products from the hi-performance fuel . ....rts . Chagrin Falls. OH 44022 0 ~ SUZUKI New 1982 RM80'. New 1982 RM2S0'. New 1982 RM12S'. Dealer inq uiries welcome $699 $1699 $1149 0 (216) 247-6546 SALE Cell For low Price. On Other Model. While They 18at TbeSeasalioDafSanld. Simi Volloy Cyer.. 2902 loa Angolo. Avo.. Simi Valley. CA 93085 (B05) 522-3434 Boulevard Beaull The KZ750 Spectre attains a new level of style and per' formance for high-profile motorcycles . Brilliant colors c!ndvivid gold accents leave a lasting impression. From its pullback bars to its plush, contoured seat, the Spectre is beautiful form without sacrificing func tion. A rugged OOHC engine combined with smooth shaft drive supply plenty of eyeopening performance. Air· ad justable suspension cushions the ride so you cruise in comfort. And look even better. Fast Kats· wear ·em! New M X Cat T-Shirts , T o order y ours, check out the Cycle News product order form on the D ealer Direc tory Page. Let the good times roiL The book for d irt rid ers! _ .. Now available at your loc Honda, Kawasaki, al Suzuki or .Yamaha dealership. .,..,. \. / . - . , . , ~. 490 Sand Spiders f? :\\ IN STOCK ,~ 7cael: '?z 7ravd .- 1537 E. W aln u t . Pa sad ena , CA 91106 3795,271 \ I " .25

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