Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PRODUCT EVALUATION r- 0. of')fI#G~1§''e~Bi~TOURS ;fir>' ~J~o~ I 7 HROUGH 'tJ. RIZqNIf:SrSCENI C TOURS INCLUDE: BACK COU!J/TR ~ • New lHuskys yto 5 day/ridesJ • Guides.and support vehicle • Rates'::::'" j .--:--... »: ... ---• LuncHes, lodging and PhojJe-(602) 966-6633 ----------c>rwrite to: transportation • RidesjtaiJorea-to your time - 1725- Wesr Uh iversity #6 schedule and abilities. Tempe, AZ 85281 If · . Q(") 00 O'l ...... I I SPECIAL INTRODUC"f@B¥, 'OFFER - $299.00 INCLUDES: • 2 dayS riding • lunches • 1 night lodging . 10 and from airport • transportation ~ DUE't 20-YlIlE u~n't,CfI29P~ (~~~~ "tia~) ExPr ffi d'i1fl A 1101N_US-EORJ=.ldN! ? I Arizona Motorcycle·Expeditions.lnc. U ' - . - / ~ ~> U LJ LJ \-.IL....rU Simpson off- road helmet When yo u h ead 1O th e tr ack o r tra il s for a da y of fun and/or co mpetitio n in th e din, one of th e m ost important th ings (lie CIRCLEOF WI you ' ll p ack is yo ur helmet. Simpson 's mod el #52 off-road helm et has met all our requirem ent s: It 's Snell '80 ap proved, is comforta ble, offers op ti m u m p eriph eral vision, has adequa te ventila tio n , a nd is cos me tica lly ap pea li ng. One p lu s wit h the Simpson is th at it comes in hat sizes, o ffering an exac t fit for eac h individual. T he inner lin ing is spongy, yet firm , an d has recessed space for yo u r ears to fit co mfortably. Foa m inserts are provided, wh ich ca n be fitted into th e ear h oles for extra so u ndproofing. T he h elmet stays in pl ace.o n yo u r head wi th ou t feeli ng tigh t. T h e wid e ch in stra p positio ns itself well near yo ur n eck, a nd o nce ci nched up will not m ove aro u n d and rub your skin. Model #52, released early in '82, has a n updated mout hguard sectio n wh ich fit s close to th e face, yet is un obtrusive. The slo tte d a rea of th e mo u thgua rd pro vid es ven til ati on throug h a wire mesh screen . The scree n is tough eno ugh to sto p a ro ck or branch , an d is a lso eas ily cleana ble wit h wat er a fter a muddy event . T he insi de o f th e mouthgua rd section is lined with soft foa m rubber, which will cushi o n the blow in the event o f a cras h. Simpson 's #52 offers protecti on, but wi thou t added weight - it weigh s in a t three pounds, two ou nces. New bo ld Simpson graphics and a lam inat ed fini sh that wo n 't chip o r scrat ch co m p lete th e package. Th e Sim pson model #52 retails for $139.95, a nd is availa ble in yellow, red and white. . lIS ...":" :::.:; ~:(':~:~.: ~:.~.:. .:'":>:::~vt'i':~':\:~ ~?~:.: ~::;:";;~: ~'~}~1:~:.:!~~~~:.~·!::~~f~t.::~\:.:::;f~~!::?~?:-~~:? ;...':' ::, 5t 2/ 12/ B3 Seattle, WA HANNAH DOUBLES ON DUNLOP BOB HANNAH Honda on DUNLOP Front 8< rear Continuing Storm Warningsl Hurricane blasts the top off the Kingdome ! Having BOB back on the track is bad weather news for the competition. Having BOB on the track ON DUNLOP is like the difference between a mild rainshower and a full force hurricane hitting all competitors. ..we More cycles on Dunlop than..,~~ tireinthe~~e ~DUN.£OP The Logical Choic:~ RS 9 OF THE TOP 10 FINISHERS AT BOTH EVENTS CHOSE DUNLOP. . Tom Mueller ~DUN.£OP Y [RICHTER) • Silencers. Gaskets A sk You r Local Dea ler 18051498- '1607 Hand W.att.bte Sta y Soft Othmlln D istributing Co . Box 356. San Luil Obilpo,' CA 93406 (80S) 544-6181 • Rid in g • RaCing • S treet GLO V ES Dea ler Inquiries In vi ted The Logical Choice M/C The Motorcycle Tire TIREWORKS and Wheel San Fernando VeUey 902 5 Sep ulli8da Sepu lli8da . CA 12131893·7806 Specialiltl Torrance-South 8 26023 S. W este rn Lom ita. CA (2131539·4 150 • 23

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