Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Lucerne Valley - Red Mountain - Plaater City - Searchllcht - Sidewinder Road - Superstition Mountain - Jean - Rand Desert Hotline TNE _ GUYAHIAD OFYOU USEST IS. Once again Husqvarna star Larry Roeseler styled to the overall and Open Expert w ins at the Four Aces' Moose run , Roeseler: high card at Four Aces Moose Run By Shirley Upp FREMONT VALLEY, CA, FEB . 13 Husky rider Larry Roeseler overpowered over 450 riders and the elements in Fremont Valley this weekend as he took th e Four Aces 33rd Moose Run overall wm, AdVERTisiNG TIIATWORks JOHNS CYCLE M ETZELER COPY SALE 410x18 460x18 530x18 519 .9 5 527 .95 5 2 9 . 95 DUNLOP K138 K138 K13 8 K139 410x1 8 450x18 510x1 8 300x21 542 .95 5 47 .95 5 4 9 .9 5 5 39 .95 MAIL O R DE R SPEC IALISTS J o h n ' s Cyc le 717 S . Harbor 8 l v d . Fullerton. CA 92 6 32 (7 1 4 ) 87 9 · 8 611 . - - - .. -- - --_ ._--- - -" Th e Four Aces ha d laved out a 98 mile course. The first loop was 40 mi les of fast, fu n terrain with a few hills. The seco nd loop consisted of some "various assorted " riding.There were problems on the second loop as desert winds were carrying away 'a rrows and dayglow ca rds. Many riders got lost or ran ou t of gas . At 10:00 a.m. the banner dropped and the Husky riders took quick leads. Roeseler. had the lead at the bomb. Dan Smith (H u s) was closing in fast and passed Roeseler. His arms started to pump u p and he slowed to relax them. Smith blew a turn and at the bottom of the first hill after ' " Wh itys Wa sh " and it was once again Roeseler with th e lead. Next came DougWinchell, who has been having his share of bad luck lat ely, was pushin g his 250cc hard and running first in class. Next came Dan Ashcraft Iol lowed by Tom Kelly . Seventh was first Open Amateur Doug Clark. Up with th e front runners was Tom Elias at eighth and first C bike. On his ta il was Darrin Cartwright, another C bike rider. T h e Novice/ Beginner start was a big one. The first bike past " Wh itys Wash" was hard riding Bob Wells' C bike. Second was Fred Frenzel on his 250cc. Number 256 was third with Roger McCabe fourth. At fifth was a no the r C bike ace, Tony Stuart. After one loop it wa s Dan Ash craft th at h ad the lead coming into hornech eck. Not far behind was Roeseler. Dan Smith had taken th e lead again, but about halfway around his transm ission went, Corv•• • • • • •was • • • Timms • • • now It • • • • • . . .. .. . . . . . ~ third Open Ex pert. T om Kell y wa s in for the fourth spot aft er on e loop . H oward McCasland , ba ck o n hi s O pen bike, was do in g a fin e job a t holding fifth overa ll. Bill Saltzman wa s first Open Vet th rough a t six th with G ary Charters seven th . Eighth was a nothe r o f o u r top Vet rid ers R ich ard J ackson. On th e la st loop th e riders h ad th eir hands full with losing th e course a nd trying to sta y on th eir bikes. The winds were gusting so bad on the r idges that some riders were taking the short way down...over the sid e! With day glow ca rds gone, riders were hard put to find the course. RoeseIer said he stop ped four or ·five times tryi ng to decide which way to go. Ashcraft was having the same problem and the two changed places four or five times for the last 58 mi les. At the finish it was Roeseler taking th e ch eckered first with Ashcraft a cl ose second. Larry said that at one point he stopped and looked at Ashcraft and shrugged his shou lders as to which way to go. He said, at the alternate gas, McCasland caught up with them and found the course first. Ashcraft had a cut face after taking a rock on the bomb run. Third was Cory Timms (H u s) who wanted 10 thank his sponsor Up-tight Husky in Santa Ana. The first three riders toda y were on Huskys. In at fourth ov erall was Howard McCasland. Howard was one of our over-the-cliff guys today, luckily he was able to get out of the canyon and co me in for his well-earned fini sh. Ken Oviatt took fifth overall on his big KT M. Ken wanted to thank his sponsors B.C. Cycle Supply and Jesse's Cycle . Tom Mattox was the victor in the 250cc Vet duel tod a y, taking his first in class a t sixth overall. Another hard 'rid ing Mattox was Tom's brother Bill. Bill Mattox took a first in the 250cc Arnateur class tod ay a t seventh overa ll. Eighth - was second 250cc Vet J eff Vaughn . In for a ninth was T ed Hunnicutt. Ted went down hard after his• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •out• • • • • his front axle backed • • and .A ~ wheel ca me o ff. Luckily, he wasn 't hurt a nd was able to co nt in ue his ride. Ron Shuler h on ored th e 10th position a nd with it a first in th e Open Amateur class. It wa s Richa rd Jackson , on tw o flat tir es, in fora first in th e Vet Open cla ss. In th e Novi ce race, Greg johnston , on a 250cc took th e o vera ll win. First Beg inner overall was J eff Bouch illo n on his 490 Maico. On Saturday two of our top 250cc ri ders, An dy Ma th ew s a nd T roy Swafford, h it head-on while practicing the bomb run. Pre-rid in g the bom b run and returning on the sa me trail is just lookin g for trouble. District 37 will soon be making some new rules concerning this, keep informed or you 'll be finding yourself disqualified. Andy and Jeff a speedy get well to you both. • Unofficial Results OPEN EX: 1. L Roeseler; 2. D. Ash craft; 3. C. Timms. OPEN AM : 1. R. Shuler; 2. D. Alexander; 3. D. Klohr. OPEN NOV: 1. #220; 2. R. Guert in; 3. #241. OPEN BEG; 1. #209: 2. #247 ; 3. #207 . 250 EX: 1. S. Webb; 2. S. Zollinger; 3. B. _ er. 250 AM: 1. #167x; 2. D. Pairment; 3. B. Shaner. 250 NOV: 1. G. Johnston; 2. B. Shadd; 3. #555x. 250 BEG: 1. #IB9x; 2. T. Vo••; 3. #159x. C EX: 1. # 128c:; 2. 4440; 3. T. Elia .. CAM: I .J. Braasch ; 2. M . Day; 3. M . Monte rone. C NOV: 1. B. wen.; 2. #121c: 3. J . Rains. C BEG: 1. D. Childs; 2. #14 20; 3. M. Burr oughs. VET OPEN EX: 1. R. Jackson ; 2. #V23 6; 3. C. Wolfson . VET OPEN AM : 1. #V2 39; 2. D. Sheperd; 3. 1IV237 VET OPEN NOV: 1. 1IV242; 2. R. Curtsinger; 3. #V60 1. VET OPEN BEG: 1. #V232 ; 2. B. Van Dyke; 3. D. Erlem. nn. VET 250 EX: 1. T. Mattox; 2. J. Vaughn; 3. W . Anderson Jr. VET 250 AM : 1. R. Paproski; 2. G. Loren. VET 250 NOV: 1. #V95x; 2. #VB7x; 3. V66 x. VET 250 BEG: 1. #V9Ox: 2. R. Curts inger; 3. #V93x. SR OPEN EX: 1. A. Knapp; 2. W . Cooper; 3. C. Morris. SR OPEN AM : 1. 0070; 2. A. Cossio; 3. B. Burch . SR OPEN NOV: 1. #01 3; 2. W . Benning ton; 3. D. Wilcox . SR OPENBEG: 1. L Drewry; 2. 001 45 ; 3. H. Ryan. SR 250 EX: 1. D. Wh itehorn; 2. A. Guzman. SR 250 AM : 1. R. Watson: 2. Bill Healy; 3. R. W ill i s. C SR EX: 1. D. Kersting; 2. L Gordon; 3. 110290. C SR BEG: 1. P. Terp; 2. C. Henderson . WOMEN EX: 1. L Farmer; 2. D. Holeman; 3. D. Engstrom . WOMEN NOV, 'I : OW35; S. Dietz: 3. //W1 6. .... ..... z.

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