Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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First appearance of this year's National Champion Shawn Moran Stateside debut of World' s Best Pairs Champions Dennis Sigalos and Bobby Schwartz Local favorites Christian , Bast. Faria and many more Cycle-Am Stadi u MX Grips are built wit h two wire-t ie grooves to p ro vide extra holding power o n rough terra in where grips can work loose. The cIutch side gri p is cut off to allow yo u to move th e clutch lever down th e handlebar without grip interferen ce with the clutch lever dog-leg. The grips come in black . blue, green, red and yellow. They sell at Cycle-Am dealers for $5.95 per pair. Am ' --- TIckets At TIcketron O At The r Gate Phot o by SCott Oalo is io Speedway Spring Classic '. Roadman Street ridi ng boots fea tur e ) sturdy constru ction of h ig h grade lea ther. T h ey a re p ull -on boots and. 1 a t 12 in ch es h ig h . co me about halfway u p th e ca lf. The seams ar e dou, ble stitched . T h e sale features a un i. q ue pat tern designed to aid the rider in wet o r slip pe ry co nditio ns rath er f tha n be just something to keep you r 01 feet off th e pavement. The boots sell for 579.95 from Roadrnan , In c., Dep t. C!\'. P. O . Bo x 78. Harrington Pa rk . I N] 07640. Fridav, March 4 Orange COunty Fairgrounds COSTA MESA Sunday, March 6 National Orange Shollllflrounds SAN BERNARDINO Gates Open 6:30, First Race 8:00 Gates Open at Noon , First Race 2:00 For More Information (7 14) 492-9933 For More Information (213) 446-0969 CONGRATULATIONS, AMA WRANGLER SEATTLE SUPERCROSS DOUBLE WINNER The " Hu r ricane " didn't look back as he t h ri ll ed race f ans w it h his sup erb back to back v ictories at t he Seattle Sup ercro sse s. " Hu rri cane" n ow has 2 1 Su percr oss vic t or ies . fa r ou tp aci ng th e com petiti on! The " Hu rricane 's" cho ic e of boot s is t he n ew Hi -Point Pro . They deliver the protect ion, comfo rt and f unction he req ui res in a pr ofe ssi onal boot. , -- - - - - - - - - - - - ...J i . T he MX L To u rl ig h t Faces hield is a ha lf-sized shield crea ted for th ose ,.. who ride beh in d fair ings or wind screens. T heTour lig ht allows p lenty l of air flow . is scra tch resista nt . a nd " co mes wit h clear a nd smoke tint q u ick-cha nge lenses. It fi ts a ll th ree or five sna p hel m ets. T he Tourligh t sells for $9.95 fro m dea lers wh o ca rry the MXL !Na tional H ydron lin e. • CHECK OUT THE NEW PRO AT YOUR HI-POINT DEALER HI-POINT * R&C'IG * HI -POINT RACING PRODUCTS 3 709 West Erie Avenue. Lo,~in. OH 44053 2650 -H M ercllnt i/e Dr.. RiJncho CordovlJ. CA 9 5670 HI -POI NT PRO BOOTS NOW IN RED. BLUE OR BLACK -

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