Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TZ F Model w/aircooled MTR 'B3 Maico 490 exc.lI.nt condition. be.t oll.r. (714) 682 ·1244. (307) TZ 250 F with RD 350 b•••d motor TZ cr.nk. rod • • 374cc big bore . TZ750 re.d• • 34mm Mikuni• •4 & 5 rims. Fesma. COl, A ~ 11 front• .\·26 rear. RD400 heads. new piston & rings . Needs fairing. pipes motor by Shumake. • 2800 or trade for big bore street bik• . M.k. m••n offer - Plul (714) 529· 7939 . (107 /8 ) Ducati For Sale 2 weeks old 9OO-Darmah. 2 brllnd new Sell Star h.lmets. Mu.tsall . Kevin (714 ) 528-4112. (107 /8 ) Want the fastest, smoothest shif t poSSible?Dale Walker's or igina l Kaw . ' 'Z' ' and GS Suzuk i Electr ic Shi ft Kit allows full thronle shifts w ithout touching the clutch. ETimprovement up to 4 /1 O·s. Perfect for th e seri ou s drag racer , road racer and str eet ride r! (Beware of imitations .) CIII now OALE WALKER·S HP PRODUCTS. 3 11 Chestnu t SI .• S"n," Cruz. CA 95060. (40 8) 427 · 3625. (207 ) 1983 Racebike Calendar Thi. 1983 c.lendar/portfold conta in. 12 8'h XI I · B & W illustrationl of beaut iful motorcycles on coated paper suitable for fram ing . Plus Camel Pro Series schedule. '1 .00 for sample. $6.95 for cllendar . Torrey Heeb. 728 Mendocino Ave .• Sintl RO.I . CA 95401 . (107 19 E) ****************** '82 Honda CR 250 Bike perfect, stock. Safety Ceet. Answer silencer. otner extras . Must s.1I by 2-27·83. $1050080. (714) 636 ·9065. (307 /81 Help Wanted Sales Reps Wanted Aggressive M /C dist r ibuting company wants h ard working sale s reps. You must now be sell ing to M /C shops and want to add to your line . lBOOI 854 ·1060 or (7 14) 747 -1058. (205 /TFN ) ••Professional Motorcycle Salesman•• Motorcycle SIll. . experience. Excellent pay and benefits include: Profit sharing, med ica l and dental. C.1I8 ill McLe.n.t KOLBE HONDA. 7514 Resed. 8 Ivd .• R•••d• • CA 91335 . (2 1 3) 345 ·7616. (206 /TF N) Suzuki-Yamaha Parts Manag!lr Must have experience and sewy of all aspectS of Suzuki and Yamaha pans department. SAVALA'S SPORT CENTER. P.O. eo. 1361 . Rock Spring • • Wyo . B2901.(307) 362 ·553 1. Riih.rd (207/TFN/EI Senior Honda Mechanic 50/50 Split (or salaryl. 120 miles north of San Francisco. Small town, good bucks yea, around. i n the redwoods C.II P.ul. MOTOSPORTS OF UKIAH. INC. (7071 462 -8653 . (206n ) Uve to ride Ride to live ROYAL MESSENGERS is lookinG for n•• t appear- Asst. Manager for Dirt Bike Dealer Proper attitude and appearance most impo rt ant . Expe rience and knowledge can be learned. Spec ia l ~ il ing in cross-country HU5qvllrnli . KTM. Mllico and Can ~Am . Part·time student considered . (213 ) 337 ~ 6811 .(106/8 ) Suzuki - Yamaha - Mechanic Needs 5 years experience. own tools . neat, clean .nd referenc••. SAVALA 'S SPORT CENTER. P.O. 80.1361 . Rock Srping • • WY 82901 . (3071 362 · 5531 . Rich.rd. (207 /TFN/ E) ROCKY·S CYCLECO. INC. ··EAST·· i••eriously look· ing for : 1 experienced man or woman to cover a large prof itable midwest terr itory . tf you are the type of person who can accept chaUenges w it h competitive spirit and self stan att itude . th is cou ld be your opportunity to make some real money l Send resume in conf idence to P.O. Box 3. Bridge · port. N.J. 08014. AnN: JIM 8USA . (207 / 80 Los Angeles Reps Needed EXPERIENCED MANAGER to run Hi·P.rfor· mance accessory outlet. Sales displey. Inventory m.rketing nec....ry. Call Mr . H.yn•• (2131 901 · 0730. (206 171 Wante!t Service Manager MUll haw • . _ioncecl in Honda .nd BMW field. Contact 0... , (303) 772·e-21 . 9-5 Tu... thru Sat. (206/BEI FOR LEASE: Primo space for motorcycle ..rvice dep8nmem in existing pam and accnaory 110r . • S.n Forn.ndoV.lley.(213) 781·8388. (201117) ParU Person Wanted S...m-n California'. _ parts dopenmont ill looking for • qu.lifoed ...-.. e-io_ only Honda Suzuki Dealership For Sale GIANT TUSTIN HOND.... (7141 • Long Beach Honda Motorcycle is where it's happening . We need one .. ~ th.... 1IOl ~.II ,-,her. _ionca. MUll h.... rnolorc:yde . .100 All compony _ i t o• • uper _ plan to the right poraon. Call Carl Di.mond. (213) 423·1433. (206/8) _ Montebello Reopens Needs Good Help Immediately Following positions must be filled 1 Hrvicemllnager-pro. 1 ulnl'NlMger-proin . financing. 2 mechanics - expert• . tooll, 2 Ala m.nag.,• . Pi. . . . .pply quickly. Opening 2 to 3 w. .k• . (213) 790·2183. Contact D.vid ·Gre ••. l306n) Motorcycle Salesman W. need In Ixpertenced S11lesperson for our high volume dealership. 1) High motorcycle commis· lion. 2) Super F. + l. commission program. 3) Group 34 health/life insur. nce. 4) Profit sharing. 5) Best advertising program . 6) Gr••t working condit ion . JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM. WHITTIER KAWA · SAKI. 14043 E. Whillier. Wh illier. CA90605. (7 14) 994·1670. Ask for Tom or Jim. (205 171 TZ 250 Pipes now available . W inner of 4 Formula Two races in 1982. Wider powerband. bener accelera tion. dyno proven . Call now for Caytona delivery. BUD AKSLAND RACING.(209 ) 823 -8746 or (2091823·3578. 1307/9E) '82 YZ250J Six months old. hardly ridden . excellent condition. Matzele r tires and more. must sell. $1150 OBO. {7141780-3601. (1071 K.T.M. 504 Enduro, $2500 900 mil ••• A-l Mikuni. . ..r••. R.y(619)756·6046 or (819) 747 ·3045. (107 /8 ) 4 Valve Speedway Bike Business Opportunities need -'Y. Sse _ 568 ·9393. l2OlI-7) 1980 Yamaha 850 Special Only 2000 miles . lots of extras.••t. '1700. (7 14) 893-7478.(407) Attn: St. Louis & Southern Illinois Area Full or Part Time Sales Reps nO' /lOE) 1980 YT 465 Entry Level Mechanic Experienced H-D Mechanic au.lity brand. only. Contact: Chuck 665-4321 . 6919 Ald.r . Heusten. TX 77081 . 1982 BRACO 14 ' X 8' •• teetrie br.k••• workbench. doub l. re.r door• • spere•• '1695. RD400 1977 Cafe, pipes. rear-sets. Trlcev. etc. $995 . 1981 1T250• • xc.lI.nt condition. '795. Ev.ning. (402) 564-9516. (307) 1980 YAMAHA Y2465 w l'81 43mm forlt • • '8 1 swing.rm. Wh ite IT tank + plast ic IT headlight. lighti ng coi l. Wh ite Bros . lhock modI. K139 front. new Metzeler rear. never raced. Perfect DEZ/BAJA bik• • '1060. (714) 720-5352 day. only . (407 I B) Call SANTA ANA KAWASAKI to arrllnge intervi ew . (714) 541 ·5217. (207 / 8) GENERAL SERVICE MECHANIC with .bility 10 build and mainta in 4 stroke roadrace bikes. Full or p.rt ti7n . (2131781-6386 Mr . H.yner. 1206171 • Independent. commissioned representattves needed nationwide. Full line distributor expanding. Used Trailer & Bikes IT 175 E Terry kit. aluminum swingarm. Metzeler, excenent condit ion••700. (805 ) 522 ·3932 or (805) 583 · 3939. (307 /8) XR 750 Parts & Service We need ambit ious sales people. Full /pan tim e. C.II Jon (2131782-7225.(207) eau. HARLEY·DAVIDSON OF RENO. 3180 Mill St.• NV 89502. (702) 329·2913. (206I7E) PARTS 81KE '8 1 1000 Polic. xew••• ki. b.d frame . good eng ine. trent end. wheels. sw ingarm. etc. 1 5) 964 ·7893. (307) 80 STOR2 PERFORMANCE. 1362 To_r _2. V.ntura. CA 93003. (805) 654-8816. (207 / 16 / E) ing motorcyclist. Famil iar with LA. er ••, Fordeliv· .ring I.ller••nd .m.1I• . (213)786-0747. (20417) - Need mechanic with H·D dealership experience 10 work in clean. modern dealership. Send resume or 1983 KTM 250 MXC Excell.n, condition. (7141996-3241. (307 /81 NJ/NY retiring ro ..... _ishod 20 year.. owner New motor , extrl motor , extra rims. tires. sprockets . f.ndars. Loathers . boots. skid shoo.lika new. '2200. Ah.r 5 p.m. (714) 537 ·1279. (107) 1978 Yamaha Dirt Bike 500 Bika porfact concI~ion. two tanka. helmet. now riding ponts. All for only 1875. Phone (714) 738· 3825. (107) '82 KTM 496-'82 Kaw GPZ 560 KTM h.. low hours. _lien! 00-.0. F.... _ .... A .rrestor•• 1850 0801 tr_ for 1983 250 Honda. Suzuki. GPZ·3.5 II. Bena";' immaculate•• 12450. (4151 589-2374. (10711) Suzuki RM250D Pipe NOW IN STOCKI At DG PERFORMANCESPECIALTIES.This 20gauge stamped expansion chamber is routed 2" higher than stock to eliminate smashed head.r sections. Improvel mid-range Ind top-end hor••power. A MUST FOR ANY DEMANDING RICERI Retail price '104.50. Cealer fnc ut r jes invit ed. Cont.ct: D.G. PERFORMANCE SPECIAL· TIES. 1230 La Lom. Cr.• CA 92806.(714) 630-5471 . outside Calif . (8001854·9134. (207 /E ) 1979 Husky 390 OR Ridden twice in laat two, excellent condition. Ohlin• • '900. (213) 355·B562. (107) '78 Honda CR 360 AI Baker Mugen '81 MUGENongIne&,._modifications.Handloo Iik. 250 with llIlOn blka _ . BO forb. Thor swing.rm. 17Y.1 Fo. Shox. ....-Tr. . _'". '795. (2131946-3742 or (2131 899-2889 .fter 4:30 p_m. (107) fter 8 p.m_(201) 647 ·2513. (307110) MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSlAST _ _ capital for unique CO.-pt. . .leo/lOrvIco .nd tourlcamping options. Minimum" 50.000 +. Wr~. John Wood. eoxln. R_ng. CA 9llO99.ll07) For Sale Independent".. motorcyc" repIIir .hop lPKializing in HOND....S. E_li.hod 8 yea... tli5000 grooa. '25000. (2131 353·5328 or (213) 980·9579. (107/B) Yamaha Husky Dealership Bu ilding. lot. inventory. etc . Salmon. Idaho. • 155.ooll.oo '.rm•. BIG VALLEY REALTV. 515 W . Bridg• • 81.ckfoot .ldaho 83221 . J.rry 8ischoff(2081 785-0460 or 785 -1313 or 785 -4159 .v.nmg• . (307 /81 Accessory Store For Salel 1213) 915 ·2090. (20617) CRF Rocket Airboxes Cool in summer. warm in winter. p8dded denim . Limited to stock on hand (75 pairs) while they last. BC CYCLE SUPPLY. home of lowest prices. best service . greatest selection. 9025 McFadden at M.gnoli• • W.stminster. (7141891 -5286. (2071 WHITE POWER.hock for HONDA CR480R 1982. Exc.lI.nt cond ition. 125O/olI.r. Ask for Joe (2131 833 -1148. (307) TZ7500W House of Handlebars TZ750 OW Lectrons . clean. $4500 incl udes spare Mikunis. swi ngar m. ignition. fai r ing. tailpiece. Fresh spare motor . $1900. Bill (9161743·7285. (3071 81 - _. _- - - - - MOTOCROSS PANTS $14.95 'Works" airbous th.t incr .... airflow to the CIIrb with. larger fitt.r ar••, 2 stIIte fih.r included for '75.00. for CR125-48OR. Y28O- 125J·K. 10(60.80.125 ·B2· ·83. RMBO-25O.ATC 250R '81·83. ATC 200R . CRF. Bo.2084. Golat• • CA 93118. (805) 683-1426. Fr.. brochure. (207 /8E) 6th annual parking lot lale. 20 to 50% off . Saturday. F.b. 26th. Sunday. F.b. 27th. 801 E. Art••i• • Long 8••ch. CA 90805. (2131423·7936. (20 7) ~~ ~-- - --- -- -- ---- Lectrons.• • 4500 incl udes spar. Mikunis. swingarm. ignition. fairing, tailp iece. Fresh spare motor . '2900. Bill (916) 743-7295. (307 /81 '81 Yamaha YZ 465H Llk. new, very eleen . new chlin end sprockets. 1850.1213 1285-3498. (107)

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