Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'77 IT400D M int Condition Superbikes take your choice Never bent. still has ori gi nal handlebars. runs grootl $550 OBO . Altor 6 p.m. (213) 888 -08 77 or (80 5) 25 5-1885. (10 617) Kaw asaki 10 25cc Club Superb ike or AMA F· 1, over $10 ,000 t o build, has everyt hing, $3 100 . Suzuki GS550 bored to 744 cc. EPM mags. 100 hors e power, has w on several AFM Club races. $187 5. 1973 Her tev-Davids on Sport ster, newtir es, $177 5. 1963 Tr iumph Cub, all new 200c c motor, missi ng ori ginal seal, $400. Call days (2 13) 78 1-6386. evenin gs (213) 988-4 198 Tom. (30 517) Weekend Getaway Luce rne V all ey. yellow ho use for sale within sight of Sog gy Dry Lake. 3 bedroom s. well. generator, propane, on 10 acre s. $60,000 FIRM . 1619) 8 68 5418 .1307 / 8) ****PRO-CYCLE KTM**** The KTM Specialis, sl (714 )772-8170. (20 6 / B) -_ I I _ 56 """24_6 ]) 57 25_1 l1J / 58 ' I 2 5.6 JU , ~~ ~~.~ ~ I JOE "MOTO" GO FOR IT GET WELL QUICK WE LOVE YOU, DAD & SUZANNE (10 7) Yl466 1980, EXCELLENT, buy $800 cash. (71 4) 646-4789. (10 7) '81 Honda XR 500R ENDURO TIMER/COMBO $89 . Doalo r inqui ri os in vited. Send $2 .00 for 198 2 catalog. CLAIRMONT CYCLE SUPPLY, 446 1 Cla irmont Mosa Blvd.. San Diogo. CA 92117. (714) 272-1162 . (203/TFN/ E) " 8 3 YZ 250K '82 RM 125Z Yl250K one month old. can 't afford. RM125 three months old. excell ent cond it ion . Both bikes st ock . Yl250 $1699 and RM 125 $899. Co li (213 ) 469· 8731 or (213)464-7137. (106 17 ) 1981 XR500 HONDA. PROLINK, excellent condi· uc n. ridd en twelve ti mes . MUlt see. $1500 OBO. Fren ch Quarter with th e purch ase o f a n ew Interstat e o r A sp en ca rle. G ot new bike fever a nd want [ 0 ex pe r ie nce DA YTON A ? W e've gO I th e perfect c ure. F ly to N ew Orl ean s where we'I l m eet yo u to l a k e deli v- Daytona ~OO ery o f yo u r n ew HONDA. Th en . w e 'll p rovide y ou with a Fren ch Qu arter h otel room a n d a night o n t h e l own FREE! T hen o n to DAY · TONA for Cycle W eek. Quanri t ies are lirn ited , so ca ll n ow ! Hon da of Cov ington 614 East Bosto n St., Covington, L A 70433 504/892-9730 Very clean, t rail ri dden only 6 ti mes. $1400 or best offe r. 1 213) 33 6 -2593. (10 7 / 8 ) Speedway Leathers Used, but in good cond it ion. Fits 5'10" ,166 Ibs. $125 or w ill trade for bra nd new Bell Mota III and new goggle s. (714) 997 -99 79 . (10 7) Frame Wanted Rolling Chassis needed for Yamaha TTSOO. Prefer C & J , Red Line , 'or Dick Mann MX frames,' nickel plated or pain ted . Call Mike at (406) 246 ·7917 . (207 / B) (213) 4 25 -98 76. (106 17 ) Kelvin Franks 500 Thumper FREE NEW ORLEANS VACATION 1982 YAMAHA Yl125J, EXCELLENT cond it ion , extras , $800. (7 14) 849-841 7. (107) Where are we going next week? See Calendar of Events Pros Use Durable Steel Structured Tote Wagon To Protect And Transport Up To Three Enduro Or . Motocross Bikes OPTIONAL ITEMS • Aluminum loadl... ramp • Work bench • Tle-down .)'Stem Regional Facilit ies And National N etwork Of Dea lers To Serve You, Very fast + relaible. 50 + H.P.. 238 dry we ight, $16 50 . Mu st sell . (6 19) 247 -4 697. (10617) 1980 HONDA XL600 M OTOR with electrical, $560. (213) 353·2313, (10617) Speedway Bike CALI. roLl. FREE 1.-{8oo/3*7553 FOR FREE SPECIFlCAnON BROCHURE Bates leathers. many extr a parts . price negot iable . In good cond it ion . (714) 770-5364. (106 / 7 ) ~~i;;,oo;~:""'....l"~~ '81 430 Husky IIHIIa~o"cf(2J9 2.......1 Wells Cargo, Inc. P .O. Box 728-381 Elkhart IN 465 15 Pro Circ u it ,p last ic, Asc h pipe . Ceet, super clea n, ru ns perfect, $1050 OBO. (714) 533-0334 or 533 · 71 94 . (10617) TZ250 E Fresh fr om gr oun d up. G top en d and pipes. New Lectrons. EPM w heels. glass and much more . This is a race ready w inner. Must see to appreci ate $2900. All ison (6 19) 277-1 420 . (30 617 / E) Jawa-Wenn Speedway Bike Clean and race ready, z- vei ve wi t h f resh engi ne, $800. After 2:30 1408 ) 372-4184 or (408) 646 6 591 . (107) 79 HONDA XL500 - RUNS perf ect, all extr as, $117 5. '78 KAWASAKI KL250 Thumper, $600. (7 14) 682-1030. (107) Ducati-Moto Guzzi Clearancel 9DOSS $4995; 900SD $399 5: 6DOSL$4799: CXl 00 $4500: loooG-6 $4600; V-60 Mon za $2760: V, 50111 $2695; RENAISSANCE MOTORCYCLES 5844 EaslSpeedway, Tucson, Ar izona B5712.(602)7472647. (107 / 8 ) $800 '82 YZ 250 Yamaha Mu st sell, excellent cond it ion. M ust see t o believe . (714)826-6579. (10 7) CR-YZ-RM-KX 1251983 Moto - Plat lenition The stOCk toy ign it ion s w ere desi gned for joy r id ing. not raci ng I Now YOU' LL have t he advantage w it h t he fu ll y adjustable MOTO PLAT IGNITION. No rev lim it er, 60% bett er spark, more horsepow er everyw here. A nybody can bolt one on in 15 minute s. ONLY $199.9 61Distri buted solely by: ROOST FACTORY (213 ) 530 -8401 and SO RACING (7 14) 841-0631 . (20 617 / E) 1982 RM125 Suzuki ~I' Excelle nt cond it ion , r uns great. brand new tires, extra s, $925.00 . (2 13) 6 33· 1867. (107) JIl!IPI~ Snet't 1982 Husqvarna CR500 $1850 Box st ock, low hou rs, skid plate. Aher 7 p.m . (213) B94 -4793. (107) 1975% Husqvarna 400WR Ligh ts, str eet licensed, gas Curnutts, M ikuni, new Meteeler. good cond it ion , trail ridden onl y. 8350. (806 )492· 16 66 . (10 7) MOTORCVCLES 108 OCTANE YAMAHA MAleC PUMP GASOLINE '81 Can -Am Super bike, new cond it ion, rel iable , Ohl ins , alum inum sw ingarm, never raced, ma ny extra s. $900. Eves. (21 3) 34 2·9 271. (10 7) CALL OR WRIT.E FOR YOUR NEA REST DAECD GASO UNE DISTRIBUTOR ... onECO 201 W ES T "0 '· STREET W I LM INGTON, CA 90744 (213) 549·0840 TELEX 664-834 HUSQVARNA KTM We r e known 10f OUf se r vice wl rh a smile! 756 3 INDIANA RI VERSIDE. CA . 92507 1714 1·68 7- 1300 ~.!!@~ Just en close S1.00 to cov er pos t age and ha ndling for latest st ree t and dirt bike accesso ry catal og an d rna " 10: MOTO-X FOX, DEPT. C, 520 McGLlNCY LANE, CAMPBEL L, CA 95008 U,S.A. Close Out Special $49.95 Kawasaki Triple Specialist ' Japanese Parts Dist., 24 17 E. Ma in Stree t, Visal ia, CA 93277. Inside Calif. (20 9) 734-0467. Outside Calif. (800 ) 344-7466. (106 /9EI XR750 1978 HONDA XL2 5OS, MINT condit ion, 2000 milea, $700 OBO. 1978 SUZUKI PE175, Wo rks Perfor mance shock s, STO bore, perfect cond it ion. $500 OBO. Please call alter 6 p.m. (2 13)907 -0883. (10 7/ 8) Latest model. Lawwill cams, igniti on, alu m. clut ch. Patrick exha ust, alum. prima ry cover , alum. for k hor ns, big valves, 25T pr imary, w ide wheels, com plet ely rebu ilt. fr esh, ready to race for t he serio us racer. $7,500. Call Steve Eklund, (408 ) 997-0608 or Ch uck Gardner, (30 9) 69 1·6554. (106 / 7 ) 197 8 Moto-Guzzi LeMans Huge cata log conta in s 20 .000 part num ber s and prices fo r Ducen. M ota Guzzi, Triumph. Nort on, and BSA. Send $6.00 to BRITA LIA MOTORS, 38 5 Tu lly Road, San Jose , CA 96 11 1. (107 E) 50 %-30% OFF: On new ' 81 & '8 2 HUSKY'S . Dealer overstocked. models li mite d. Part s discounts too. FREEDOM HUSKY M AICO KTM . Kansas City, 181 6) 7 61-6 62 1; Wa rr onsburg, M O. 1 816) 42 9 123 2. (207 / 8) Rctex pow ered M TR2, 811 late style engine , chassis. Specia l bra kes, w ide ri ms. box swi ngarm , Lectrc n. mu ch more . Lap record holder . Ser iou s ceuers oniv 1 5) 5 27-642 0. (10 7E) 80 Champion Yamaha & GPz750 WANTED: YAMAHA XR500 cylinder heed. 1516) 269-6663. (107 /9) We Reb u ild an d Restore Triples CYCLE DEVELOPMENT 2225 S. Huron Dr. ,.. . . . .-.. r!i;: ? NOW AVAlLABLEl I . I n Stock Now SUZUKI COUNTRY :206 N . Hamner Ave. #404 . (714)3 59·8546 ! (714)734-0640 ,/ ... . ,. . ! - - Santa Ana, CA. 92704 17141966-9119 British & Italian: Rare Partsl 15.000 miles , new tires, shocks, cabl es, new f ull road race style fa ir ing s, new Imron paint, w ell maintained. Call Charl ie. alt er 6 p.m. (9 01 ) 323 - . 0 180.110 7) Champi on Yamaha . Shell motor, Je mco Tf", lh mile pipes , Defortcs. spare moto r, $1 ,200. 19 82 GPz, 5500 miles. Bagman tankbsg , Sport Elite, excellent condit ion , $2 ,500. Days (303) 663 · 188 2. eves. (30 3) 638 -3409. 1107) C r an kshaft Reb u ild ing , Por ti nq , Bo r in g , Sle ev in g , Headwork , Big Carbu reto rs , Cu sto m Exp an sion Ch amber s Killer 125 W IC Roadracer 1981 3,4 430 CR Husqvarna Pro Circuit top end, flow bench port , Asc he pipe, Saf ety Ceet, 4 gal. tank. All W hite Factory plast ic, plu s all stock plastic &.stock parts. Three rail motor cycle trai ler . $1200 OBO. (213) 8 63· 0 362. (407) ' 8 1 Maico 250 Excellentcondition, $900.1213)426-4642.1107 / B) CYCLE SERVICE MAICO 4 Speed to Spider parte in stock , 1983 Spiders in Stockl \. ) 1503 So, Pacific. San Pedro ~~. (21 3 ) 5 4 8- 6 8 7 4 {(ey, 4 705 A rtesia, Lawnda le ' '..:,. - ' (21 3 ) 370-7771 'formerly OMG >ie'eo DEL AMO SUZUKI Help Wanted Suzuki Mechanic Sen satio n o f S uzuki 19040 Hawth orn e Bl v d .. Torrance. C A 90503 12131 5 4 2 -7 3 81 35

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