Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TEXAS AUSTIN MX Austin M0101110111 RlelWly, Aatin. TX. U.S. 113 S 10Smith Rd 1 0"'" ' of Motorol. plant). Howard Rd 1Y:t I. Witch tor .glS .ncl still I.WlII, fl mily orilnt.d !'Icing Info AORA. ,.08 E Gr.n.dl . : Rd .. PhOlni•. AZ 85006 0 ' 802 252·1900. no.s rlq·d. No bicydts, pit riding or m.dil;ll G,t. 8:30 ' .m., pile. 7:30. roco 9. Enlfy115 Sptsmn. $ 15 + • 5 Pro. Witch I••dult $ 1 child.Info 9161221·3116. 223·5600. March 12 ARIZONA IC ERACING Tuscon Community Clnt.r ArtM , TuKOn.A1.. Round fivI of1983Spltd· Wly lei ,R cing N.tion.1 Ch mpion· . . ship Sinn - Sicond I Mu.1 Bob H trick Mlmori. l r.ct. A splld· . wly bikes. cllh pursl. Rlcingblgins 2p.m. Internlf ion.1 ionlhip Ev. nt•. Inf 6021791-4101. 296· o 1345 (Gory O.nsfonfl. ligns. All c1U JII. SO.. lroph. through 5t11. 2001lEx. p.b. Con· unions, htl Clmping I. fil hing. StJlil schedule: Nov lign up 7 ' .m., pnc. 8. r1el 9; Int/b lign upnoon. , l c.1 :30. Gall' 5 adult. undlf·8 f,... Entry. ,0 Sptsmn. 115 ELInfo 5121443·7627. 327-5254 (Rocky). ARIZONA DEER V ALLEY MX Oil' V.II" eyel, Part. PhOtnfl" A1.. 7t11 Sl & Olt, V.II'r R All d. dl1l1S.3311 troph,.1D li P,op.b. N O o pit ridil'lQ. Ga 6:30 ' .m.. prK. 8. f1IC1 t, 9. Enlfy " 0 Spumn. . 15 Pro. I' . dutt.S2 und er·12. f'hDiniISuper· troI1 R lClwors. Inc. Info 6021867· 4769 (John). w _ ARIZONA CANYON ST&TT Canyon Raceway. 1' mi. Wi tt of h 99t11 A" & Canl te. Hwy. PhOOniL I Al.. AU d ••II •. 33.. Sptlmn troJIh. to 5t11. 1DOli Ex p.b. to 3311 of cia.. to 'd · Sth. ClISI CIrae. rlQ for Ex. "com mand.d for,II oth.,•. Gat. 10 I.m., ri6l(1 mllti ng 11. t'lCI ,ttlr prlCGm 10 14 odull .2 clrild undot ..: · 12. .5/bikl (dotIudlId II sign upl. Entty 110 Spllmn • 14 Ex. Inlo 8021 • 978·0881 (Rual. 583-0575 (Tom). AME CAUFORNIA MX Sprock". Port. _flro.ld.CA. All cll1l1'. Prop.b.& 301lSpismn IfOJIh. Frill DIN c.mpi g. Gl tl 7 a.m., prl Cn 8. '"CO 9. Entry .12 Spllmn. 117 Pro (.15 to p.b.): AMEmlmb .llq· It trICk ($101. Am.riCin Motouoss Ent ."ri.... Inc.• P.O. Bo x 1421. • Rnldl. CA. 91335 . Info 2131 881·5778. CMMC CAUFORNIA MINI MX BIrono Olb R _. flam.... CA. Hwy 87 10 !.IIlosidl. .111 .. N1aplmlW. norlIl on A"'-. up' Wlldell Cony.. R 11 m~I" _ d 8og. _ . OIN comping & COftCI.· _ _ Sign up _ 7:301!lIrp. Entry t1 D. ,lIrly mamb. 815 . Int o 714/581 ·73-44 (Goryl. 447·9348 (Olmisl· AMAD·38 MX OuaIifiIr for Kine of111. H~1 S _ finofI (Sori11 . . . . 2/13 II PIIiriI Citr. 2120. 3 /8 . 3/13. 4/10. Final 4/24 .. ArgrII PIRj. ArgrII CycIIa Port, on Hwy 111 11 mi. lOudo of 0 _ CA. All lJ.36 d_.. f\IlI tor _ . prins. BIt chltnpi..... p trop/I. &lYOm trop/I. Ovor tl 5.000in llrill prizu & CIIII_ . indudi g I Pro n TlICtrlil •11.200ingiftClflifiell'L • Hi·Point contin"nei". free RussOatnoll MX IChool Intrill &3 Mlico10· ,pOldbicyd.L PIf11 in"" PilL Nopit riding. dop or bicyd ll. Gill 6:30 a.m prlt. 1:30.race9. Q l lifi" entry .. U 115 S _ 120 + IS P,o. Enlfy tOf Finol 120 Sptsmn. 130 Pro lno gill fit. 1DOli p.b.). Info 209/529-0923 (Flldl. 916/678·3592 (8UlII· AMACAUfORIIIIA l1ASSASPEfOWAY Inl.nd Mototert:l. Spndwly. Sin Bernardino, CA.. Frwy 15E to N.tional Orange ShOWVrounds on Arrowhe.d AVI Spring Ca.lie llrill. r. in dati . 3/13. 111 Div Saltdl racinG only. TicklltllYlil. It Tieutron I nd It gl t. on rlCi day. Tick'tbooth opens noon. gatl 12:30. flCI . tlm 2. Witch t8 adult.$.6·'2, 5-&.-und.r frtl . Am.,iC n RaclWay•• Inc. Info 213/«6 · l 0969.714 /884-4092 (riCO d'r onlrl. AMA 0·37 COYOTE OER8YENOURO Red Mounta CA Limed tnm Hwy in. . 395 6: Trona Rd. All c1asSIS High . qu.lityMU for . 11 finishlrl. 3 3S-mi. loop.. laid DUI with IVQ rid" in mind. . H i·Point Goldin Stat. Enduro thlm· pionship Sori . ... nt. Crowing 2114. . Entry liB moil. 120 post .dd 13/3 · man111m. Send 2 SASl I ntryfll &: copilS of AMA &: D istrict c.ds to: Ch aparrals M 81'" PIHO Rio .e.. V .nI.. Aniho CA, 92607. In int lo 714/ 998·0797 I. niry). 714/ 528· 3007 (c.....). CAUFORNIA ARROYO MX Arroyo Cycle Pl rk.Si n Bem. rdine. CA. Tu. f.lm Av. exil 7 mi. Nof San Blr. on Hwy l SE. All duses. g.tes op.n 7•.m.. pr. c. 8. riC! 9:30. N o memb. "o'd . E 110. 115 torPro, . ntry Inlo 714/889 ·6114. CAUFORNIA BAT OBSERVEO TRIAL BAT End of Wint.r Obs.,...ed Tri.l. Port,Orongll. CA. Fwy 55 10Dtlpm.n Av. Ilit. E7 mi. 10S.nt i· .go Cyn Rd. Right to OPPOsitl county filll stltl on. All claus. Entry $8. sign· up 9• .m.. ItIn 10. 2011 A pt. & TA Iroph. Fill. school .hlt tri.l. mfo 213/326 ·1046 IM rIo • d....). 325· l 7422 IT. d · ....}. AMA 0·37 COYOTE DER8Y ENDURO T"gl. Wah &: Tronl Rd. m.rk.d from R.d Mou in &. Johannllbu rg. nt. CA. All CIIlSIl. Finidllr h.ts . Flmily type run. 3 loops; C. B &: Wom.n CIIlSIl go two . 8 ' .111.. It.rt. Entry "6 ml il, 120 pOIt. SendSASE forflye r &. .ntry form to: M.C., 6184 PnlO R VIfdo. An.hlim. CA 92807. io Info 714/528 ·3007 (co"". I. 998· 0797. 996-8844(. mry). OMC IDAHO INDOOR FLATTRACK ' Coldwill lD. IlIhind til. O 'Connlf Fi. ld House.t 21s1 &. CleWlllnd. All tI. SSIS up 107SOtt 12 cylindl r m' L) incl. Powder Putt Bon us to s.nIS . WlMen.t I nd of Senn on Mil' . 26. Indoor pining & concessi ns. tI . ss C o tin s on rllr (fronl knobbies OK) .nd sill nc1r1 flq'd; C tires optional for Mini. Microl PIt W... Sign UII -"6 p.m.. prK. 6. !'lei 1. Entry: $5 Mi i, n Mitnll. PII Wit; . to Beg; ItS b . Wllch 13 .d ult. . 1 6·12. frn to undlf·6. 0wyM1 Motor

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