Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Southern California-Arizona-Southern Nevada- Southern Californla-Arlzona·Southern Nevada- Southern Californla-Arlzona-S Western hotline (Left) Don Turk leads eventua l w inner Robert Nolin in Speedway 117 125cc Pro Action . (A bov e) Dave Gerig (1) bested Kirk Grisson (8 1) i n 500cc Pro. very hard working throttle wrist go t him ahead with fo ur minutes remaining in the rn o to . Dircks, now in seco nd, p ulled ove r with a problem th rottle, and a bigger p roblem with anxio us fans tryi ng to help. Blose pro tested , but track offi cia ls found tha t Dircks was not helped in a ny way and the p ro test was disa llo wed. With this fresh in bo th rid ers' minds, it would be a slight understatement to say that this was not a grudge mo ta between them in ro und two. Both came out the hol e th e same as th e first mota . It was a wa itin g game pl ayed by Dircks that paid off when Blose once agai n sho wed h is human side a nd sli p ped up. It seemed to be a comedy of errors when Dircks went ove r th e wa ll ber m, bu t not ma ny people laughed. H e straddled his Su zuk i mount just in time to see Blose fly by. However, Blose got too wi ld a nd ended u p taki ng a tri p int o o ne o f the many wi lderness areas o f the track. After comm u ni ng with nat ure, Blose seeme d to have lost a ll the momentum to catch Dircks who cruised in for the win and the title. Results 54 V·Zl NGER: 1. Chuckie Cook (Vemt. 2. Brien Cook (Yamt. 3. Timmy Clatone (ltil. PEE WEE NOV: 1. Chuck Berry (Vam l; 2. Kevin Cook (Yam): 3. Chip Voung (Yam). PEE WEE AM : 1. Brent Winelend (Yam); 2. Wes Perker (Yamt. 3. Grady Ingram (Yam). BO BEG: t . Rache l Hurlburt (Yam); 2. Pat Laugh ran (Yam); 3. Paul Pedersen (Vam). BO NOV: t . Billy Carlson (Vaml; 2. Tracy Reeves (Kaw); 3. Bobby Ar nold (yam ). BO AM : 1. Shaun Kalos (Suz); 2. Dennis Parker (Yaml; 3. John Moran (Yam). BO EX: 1. Bryan Br uner (Kaw); 2. StOY Brooks (Yamt. 3. Robert Mason (Kawl. 105 : 1. Bill Oalto n (Han I; 2. Robert Mason (Kaw ); 3 . Bryln Brune r (Kaw) . 125 BEG: 1. Blue Robinett e (Vam); 2. Duane Ramsey (Han); 3. John Humphrey (Yam). 125 NOV: t . Ed Harr ington (Vam); 2. Kip Schwabe (yam ); 3. Terry Cross (Kaw). 125AM: 1. Riche Dobbs(Yam); 2. Steven Belluzzi (Honl; 3. Paul Bowme n (Kaw). 125 EX: 1. Drewy Dirc ks (Suz); 2. Chappy Blose (Suzt. 3. Mark Meredith (Kaw l. 250 BEG: 1. Evan Estrate (Han); 2. Clay Shalley (Hanl; 3. Chris Strebe (Kaw ). 250 NOV: 1. Bob TomaW (Suzl; 2. Dave Derr in (Yamt. 3. Nic:Ic Frank (Suz). 250 AM: 1. Bratt Buckner (Hont. 2. Craig Stair (Yamt 3. larry Wm (Suz). 250 EX: 1. Bobby Bellum (Hont. 2. Rick Nagle (Hanl; 3. Marl< ~h (Kawl. OPEN BEG 1. John Hernandez (Hont 2. Marty : _ (Suzl; 3. Bill RemRY (Han~ OPEN NOV: t . Rick Hinch lil!; 2. Tom Hensley; 3. M ike Bee ny. OPEN AM: 1. Bill Wh ite (Suz); 2. Glenn Dawson (Hont. 3. Lar ry Noel (Vaml. OPEN EX: t , Jay Perkin s (Yam); 2. Brya n Hayes (Yam). OT NOV: 1. Robert Dean (Han): 2. Larry Rinehart (Hanl; 3. Jo hn Tur ma (Hus). OT AM : 1. Tim Kennedy (Yam); 2. Mo nte Whi· taker (yam); 3. M ike Mcin tyre (Honl . Shoemaker, Olson duel at the Dunes' OTMX By Bob A lloy VALE NCIA, CA, AP R. 18 The Old T ime r ac tio n today was at the Sha dow Glen at Indian Dunes an d a beautiful sp ring day it was. The track . had a few chang es, but there was still lots o f tha t ever-present sand. Fif tythree Ol d T imers were out there to ba tt le the six laps per class for top honors. Ma s te r L arr y Shoemaker and " Ma vin' Marv" O lson ca n always guarantee an exciting mota whenever they ge t together, and it is fascinating to wa tch th em . Shoemaker took command of the track a nd led for two la ps before " Mavi n' Marv" blas ted in the lead a nd stayed charged righ t up to the chec kers four laps later. Sh oema ker was there in second all the tim e in hot pursuit. The second moto began wit h Ol son o ut into the lead , but by lap two , Sh oemaker had taken over. T he battle wa s on . However , Sh oem a ker managed to fight Olson 0[£ and get the win wi th Olson right ther e for second. Expert Ted Holt found the win ning lin e right a t the start, a nd he didn't blow it. He just kept on lead ing all the ot he r Experts to the fin ish for the big win. Bob Cranda ll a lso knew the right th in gs to do for second. Hal G rady roared in with thi rd. Moto two bega n with Holt ou t the re with the po wer, a nd he held on for four laps, wh en Hal G rady passed by and just took over the lea d a nd won. Holt was there for second , a nd Chuck Na tion blasted in with th ird. Jim Cooke led 18 o ther Amateurs to the first turn and stayed in power for three laps. Gabe Gutierrez slipped by Cooke to tak e the lead which he kept to the checkers. Al Smith blasted through all th a t deep sand a nd fou nd himself in seco nd . Cooke go t there with third followed by Howa rd Davis . Lots of action was found in the second mota. T he lea d changed more tha n a couple of times. Beginn ing thi ngs was Cooke grabbing the ho leshot and lead in g fo r one lap before Davis too k com ma nd for a lap . T he n it was AI Smi th with the power, and he definitely wa nted the wi n, so he took the lead to finish with tha t we lldeserved first. Bu rley was in second, Gutierrez too k third, and Davis finished in fourt h . Novice Ray Montoya , who has been away for q uite some tim e, came back ri di ng a KDXI 75 Kawa sak i which reall y blasted a way for three laps. R icha rd Feuel then too k over a nd went o n to win. Ra y came in with second, followed by John Leisner and Co n nie H olt. The second rnoto saw Dave Blod gett lead for two laps. Montoya passed Da ve after lap two and carried it for two more la ps . R ich ard G u th rie then took the lead and went o n to win. Montoya was in for second, Leis ner third and Blodgett got fourt h place. Results MAS TERS: 1. Larry Shoemaker (Vam); 2. Marv in Olson ( Mai~ 3. Bob M illner (Vam). EX: 1. Ted Hal' (Vam); 2. Hal Grady (Hus); 3. Buzz Moe lle r (Hus). AM : 1. AI Sm ith (Yam); 2. Gabe Gu'ierr ez(Ma il; 3. Howard Davis (Suz). NOV: 1. Ray Montoya (Kawl; 2. John Laisner (Honl; 3 . Richa rd Fettel (Yam). Nolin, Gerig take points at Speedway 117 CMC night MX By Myron Hemley CH U LA VISTA, CA, AP R. 14 At Speedwa y 117 's weekl y Wednesda y night Continental Motosports Club MX, Robert Nolin took the win in both motos of th e 125cc Pros, a nd David Ger ig's 2-2 topped the 500cc Pros. In the first mota of the 125s, Nolin held the lead at the end of the first lap ahead of Terry Murra y, David Hopwood. Don Turk, Craig Dale and Jeff Prieur who lell at the start. Nolin felt a lot of pressure from Murray as they slowly pu lled away from the pack. Murray stayed wit hi n a couple of bike leng ths ti ll he fell in a turn after getti ng a li ttle crazy off a jump wit h no brak es, dropping to fifth. Hopwood moved into second bu t lost it two laps later to Turk over a series o f quick jumps. No lin too k the win with a IO-seco nd lead over Turk, Ho pw oo d , Dal e, Mu rray a nd Prie ur. In the second mo to, T ur k blas ted into the lead with No lin , Dale, Prieur, Murray and Hopwood all in tow. Mu rray moved into fou rth, passing Prieu r on the fourth lap . On the next lap , No lin passed Turk on the back side for the lead, and Murray moved into th ird wh en he passed Dale in the " 91X Sh ak an e." Dal e stayed wit h Murray and rega ined third, passi ng him over the q uadruple jump. When the checkered flag came out, o lin held a six -second lead over Turk. Murray finished third when Dale fell tryin g to pass Turk in the last berm befo re the finis h li ne . H o pwood moved up to fourth , Dal e remounted for fifth , a nd Prieur too k sixt h. At th e start of the 500s Ted Hoyt too k the holeshot over Bill J ewell , Dal e Anderso n, Kirk Grissom a nd Da vid Ger ig. Anderson slid o ut on th e th ird la p a nd dropped to fifth beh ind G rissom a nd Geri g. G rissom passed J ewell on the sevent h la p , taking over second. G rissom then mo ved up to battle for the lead till he fell and took Jewell with him wh en he tried to pa ss Hoyt. H oyt held o nto his lead for th e win wi th Ger ig taking second, Anderson third, Dave Eropkin fourth, Grissom fifth and Jewell six th. In the second moto , Ge rig took th e lead o u t of the ga te and into the first turn a head of Hoyt, Ra ndy Norman , Grisso m and Eropkin . Hoyt went do wn in the first turn and dropped to th e back of th e pack. G rissom pa ssed Norman for seco nd an d then passed Gerig for the lead over the last ju m p of th e lap. Anderso n moved into

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