Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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InIthern Nevada· Southern Californla·Arlzona·Southern Nevada· Southern Callfornla·Arlzona.southern Nevada·Southern Call In th e 500cc class, th e G S450 sponsored by Wildlife Perform a nce and ridden by J im Cox and Bob Jordan took th e class win after being challenged fr eq uentl y by th e Nevada Yamaha entry ridden by Mike Va nNatta a nd Jody Morgan. Steve Kopp an d J a n Kay, riding a n agi n g RD400, took th e third spot in this class. A little m ental ca lcu la tion pointed o u t that th e Cox /Jordan Suzuki co u ld have ta ken a th ird pl ace in th e Open class h ad th ey been entered in it. Not a bad sh owing by a ny standards and even m ore rem arkable when you realize th at bo th of th ese riders are rooki es! King, Hopwood assault Speedway 117CMCnightMX By M yron H emley CHULA VIST A, CA , AP R . 2 1 Wh en the racing was over, it was Mark King wi nning 125cc Junior and David Hopwood 125cc Pro tonight at Speedway I I7' s weekly Continental Mo tos ports Club MX . John Wh ite took the win in th e first mo to of th e 125cc J u n iors af ter a fourt h p lace sta rt . W h ite moved into third o n the second lap wh en Chris Carpenter C , dropping ou t of th e ell top 10. White took over second, passing Eric So lorzano and th en moved into the lead passing Ken H ardy. Finishing seco nd was King after h e got an eigh th pl ace sta rt and qu ickl y moved through th e pack into sixth on th e second lap and fourth place on the third. Solorzano and Hardy for ced King to work for second, which he did, till h e held iton overa jump and forced his wa y through th e inside of a berm on the ninth lap 10 take over second. In th ird was Solorzano after passing H ardy on the eighth lap, gi ving H ardy fourth. H olding fifth from start 10 fin ish was J im Breen . At th e sta rt of th e second rnoto , Breen took th e holeshot a head o f King, John Yonedura , Hardy, Wh ite and Solorzano . King to ok over th e lead on th e secon d lap when h e p a ssed Br een o ver th e quadrupl e jump. Halfway through th e same lap, Breen fell going off a jump a nd DNF the mOIO. White and Solorzano both passed Hardy on the fifth lap for third and fourth . Solorzano then went from fourth 10 second, passing both White an d Yonedura. Kin g held o nto th e lead for th e win wi th Solorzan o closing fast in second. Finishing th ird wa s White a fter di cing with Yonedura in th e last three laps before finall y pa ssing him on th e last lap. Hardy fini shed fifth to round out th e top five. In the I25cc Pros, Don Turk blasted out to an early lead over David H opwood, T erry Murray, Scott Meyer a nd Jon Faure. Hopwood slid out a t th e start of th e second la p a nd dropped to fourth behind Meyer. Murray moved u p to di ce with Turk for th e lead on th e eig h th and ninth lap. On th e 10th lap, Murray tried to Coree hi s wa y through on the inside of Turk in th e 91X Shakane but couldn' t hold th e line an d fell , dropping to fourth . Turk rode the last two la p s unchallenged fo the win wi th Meyer second, Hopwood third, Murray fourth and Faure fifth . In th e seco nd rno to , Hopwood held th e lead a t th e en d of th e first lap ah ea d of Faure, Murray, Meyer and Turk. Murray moved into second, pas sing Faure. Turk took over fourth whe n h e passed Meyer diving 10 the insid e of a tum , for cing Meyer to go off th e track. Meyer ca me back onto th e tra ck but n o t in the sa me place; accord ing to CMC rules yo u must return to th e tra ck where yo u leave. Turk moved up to dice with Faure on th e fifth lap bu t bai led off going over a jump, dropping back 10 fifth. Holding the lead wa s Hopwood , bu t o n ly till the eighth lap when he slid out coming out of th e PB Honda Big Berm. Murray moved into the lead but for onl y a lap when h e slid out and dropped 10 fourth behind Hopwood. Faure took over th e lead from Murray a n d h eld it to the end for the win. Finishing second was Meyer, though h e was scored fifth due 10 cu tt in g th e track, giving second to Hopwood, third to Murray, fourth 10 Turk, and Meyer fifth . Resu lts J R: 1. Eddie Gaumond (Yam ); 2. lars E. Larsson (Yam). MINI J R: 1. Larry Thom pson (Hon); 2. John Aores (Suz); 3. Da. id Utley (Yam). MINIINT: 1. Er ic Dickar hoff (Kaw) ; 2. Lance Bar nett (Yam); 3. Ramon Domi ng uez (Yam). 125 JR; 1. Ma rk King (Suz); 2. John White (Hon); 3. Eric Solorza no (Yam ). 125 INT; 1. Rodolf o Sevilla (Yam); 2. M alcolm McCassY (Hon); 3. Kan Dunlap (Hon). 125 PRO: 1. Da. id Hopw ood (H on~ 2. Don Turk (Suz); 3. Jon Faura (Han). 25DJ R: 1. Kurt Fry ling (Suz); 2. Rick Rom io(Y am); 3. Donald Connally (Hon). 2501NT: 1. Kevin Thompson (yam); 2. Brian Craw (Yam); 3. Br ian Showalter (Han). 250 PRO: 1. Seen Meyer (Yam); 2. Chris Har old (yam ). 500 J R: 1. Frank Th omason (Hus); 2. William Murray (Suz); 3. Steve Kosman (Yam). 500 INT; 1. TIm Henderson (Hon); 2. Keith Lyn es (Han). 500 PRO: 1. Kirk Gri ssom (Hon). CN 00 0') ~ Dircks digs in for Arizona MX championship By Pam Hardin P HO EN IX, AZ, APR. 25 Whenever th ere are two riders who are at the same level and always seem to be out of the ho le first a nd second, you can -e J be sure that there will be no love lo st between them. And when a win could mean the title of Arizona State Champion, yo u can a lso expect to see some hard, n o-hands-barred riding, as in the case of the 125cc Expert class today at Canyon Ra ceway . In the last race of the championship, Chap p y Blose got there firs t, but point leader Drey Dircks was close behind. After about three la ps of pressure from Dircks, Blose los t it over Dea th P it. Dircks seemed to have the momentum to take the win almost unchallenged as Blose was a good three seconds behind. Blose's never-sa y-die altitude and a N.W. RACING TT·RACING AT ITS BEST Over 50,000.00 Waiting To Be Won By You ~/IJI! .,,, CASTLE ROCK is back on the track at the same location CASTLE ROCK . RaceSchedule JULY 10 Se m i Pro $600.00 24 Pro TT $1500.00 28 Semi Pro $600.00 29 Pro TT $1500.00 (Semi Pro 80cc to 750cc) July 31 Reg. Championship $8,000.00 SUPER RACE WEEK $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Race Schedule Wed . 28 Sem i Pro $600,00 C .R . Thur. 29 Pro IT $ 1500.00 C.R . Fri . 30 Regiona l $4000.00 Oregon S .W . Sat. 31 Regional $8000 .00 C .R . May 21 28 Aug. Su n . 1 Regiona l $4000 .00 Oreqon S.W. June Largest Reg. Purse Ever August 7 Pro TT 21 Pro TT 28 Pro TT $1500.00 $1500.00 $1500.00 Mt. St. Helens M.e. P. O . Box 51 Castle Rock. WA 986 1 1 A ll Events to be held at Ca stle Rock Washington Fair Grou nds 24 Hour Race Info: (206) 274-8700 OREGON SIDEWINDERS July 24 Hour Race Info: (50 3) 659 -1022 (503) 659- 1830 $ 1500.00 $ 1500.00 4 $1500.00 11 $1500.00 18 $ 1500.00 25 Reg . $4000.00 July Ch am pionshi p Aug 1 Reg . $4000.00 Cham pionship 6 $ 1500.00 13 $ 1500.00 20 $1500.00 27 Reg .$4000.00 Championship 9 $ 150 0 .00 16 $1 500. 0 0 23 $1 500. 0 0 30 Reg . $4 0 0 0 .00 Cham pionsh ip Sout h of Sunnyside Road on 97t h. Or East of S.E. 82nd Drive on Law nfi eld Road. Near Clackamas, Oregon I 53

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