Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250Cc C class at the Coyote Derby Nation al Endur o. Howev er, ac cordin g to their brothe r-in-la w, it was Joe who was first, not Jack, as reporte d in our unoffic ial results in last week's story. Both tallied scores of four. The recentl y conclu ded Golden State Series was the last edition of that series. In its place. startin g next year. will be the Contin ental Motosp orts Club Nation al Champ ionshi p Series. The change will allow the CMC to expand its racing to places outside of Califor nia. and the winter series may be joined to and linked with a yet-to-b e-creat ed summe r progra m. In the works are provis ions for "nation -wide televisi on coverag e of the entire schedu le." which would benefi t both the Amate ur and Pro fessiona l progra ms. American Bernie Schreiber (SWM) won the third round of the World Observed Trials Champ ionship held Mar. 7. Eddie Lejeun e . Honda -mount ed winner of th e previous two rounds. finished second and was followed by Tony Gorgot (Mon) and Gilles Burgat t (Fan) . Americ an Scott Head (Itj) did not make the top 20. In points Lejeun e leads with 42; second -pla ce Schreib er has 39. It was a mixed week for eight-t ime Nation al Enduro Champ ion Dick Burles on in the Dayton a Beach, Flarea. On Thursd ay night. Mar. 4, he was honore d for his eighth enduro title and named AMA Amate ur Athlete of the Year. But that very mornin g he clipped a rock very hard with his foot in the Alligat or Enduro and it was initially feared the foot was broken . Burlas on sat out the Mar. 7 Tulsa On.Da y ISDE Qualifi er, but we're told by the folks at Husqv arna that King Richard is startin g to feel better, does not believe the foot is broken, and is prepar ing to ride the next On.Da y Qualifi er In Texas. was Hauser Rick Winsto n's unanim ously voted top Male Amate ur Hu la Dancer . Motorcycle Racing Comm unity Division . during Dayton a Cycle Week . Hauser . at the Hawaii an Inn to listen to Roxy Rockwood's Honda /Nava radio show . was coaxed on stage by hula dancers performing in the supper club show run prior to Roxy's appear ance . The spirit in the Honda camp - or more specifi cally, at their hotel in Dayton a Beach - ran so high that after Darrell Shultz 's Superc ross win follow ed Freddi e Spenc er's Superb ike victory, there reporte dly was quite a food fight. HosPIT al STOP: H usky support rider Da ryl Folks suffered a fractu red femur in a desert race outside of Las Vegas on Mar . 7. Eigh t riders were repo rtedly transpo rted to the hosptial from that race. Send those cards and let ters of cheer to Da ryl c/o Sports man Cycle Sales. 3475 Bould er Hwy.. Las Vegas . NV 89121. Arroyo Cycle Park, about 10 miles north of San Bernar dino, CA. is buildin g a speed way track in Speed way with collabo ration The track will be about the South. size of Costa Mesa's oval. Right now, though , plywoo d, four-by four studs, about 1000 feet of PVC pipe and plen ty of hard-w orking bodies are neede d to finish things e, ~P: !!!~! G2~_e Thurm an a call at Trying to decid e where to race on Mar. 21? Contin ental Moto-sports Club is doing their best to get your attentio n with their DG/IR C $5000 mo tocross at Saddle back Park. It fea tu res double points. Pro pa yback and Sportsm an me rchand ise awards . For more info call the CMC offices at 714/ 557·3323. If you're into pavem ent scratch ing and like the bright lights of Las Vegas to boot. the Southe m Nevada Road Racers will put on one of their road races at the Las Vegas Speed rome Mar. 28. They run classes from Box Stock to Open GP, and there's a new riders' school on Saturd ay before the race . Give club prez Slim Stephe ns a call at 7021384-2353 for more info. The. first D-38 amateu r TT and motocross was held at Ca rlsbad Racewa y Mar. 7 with a promis ing turnou t of riders. Among the TT winners were Jack Dannen berg (Ope n Expe rt ). Roge r Thomp son (250cc Ex.), Keith Lynas (Open Junior) . Doug Wabiszewski (Open NO vice) and Dale Hopkins (250cc Nov.). Motocross winners were Mark Booher (125cc Nov.). Colin Ryan (250cc Nov.). Kevin LeRoux (250cc Jr. ). Barry Marks (Open Nov.), Harry Backer (Open jr.), Roger Spencer (4stroke) and Chuck Rouse (Vet /OT). Husqv arna's Terry Cunnin gham took the overall and 250cc win at the Tulsa One-Day in Tulsa, OK, on Mar. 7. Finishi ng behind him in the 2508 were Ed Lojak IHusl, Frank Stacy IMail, Larry Roeseler (Yaml and Drew Smith IKawl. Mike Melton IHusl and Jack Penton IKawl went 1·2 in the 1258 while Jeff Fredet te ISuzl and Scott Atchis on ISuzl did the same in the 175s. Bob Rutten IMail won the 500cc class over Ray Cosgro ve IMail, Chip Howel l IYaml, Barry Higgin slMall and Dan Smith (Husl. World an d U.S. Speed way Champ Bruce Penhall kicked off his 1982 season by winning the first round of the Spring Speedway Classic series at Costa Mesa. CA . on Mar. 5. Following him in points that night were Bobby Schwan z and Gene Woods. The secon d an d fina l race of the series took place two days later at San Bernard ino. CA . with Mike Bast's five rides giving him the winning tot al of 14. followed by John Cook (13) and Penhall (12). Comple te coverage next week. Advan ce tickets for the Apr. 17 Sacra mento M ile go on sale Mar. 15 at the Howe Ave. Box Office, 925 Howe Ave., Sacram ento, CA. Promo ter J.C. Agajan ian has decided not to raise ticket prices, so reserv ed grands tand seats are still $15, box seats will be $17.5 0, and a limited numbe r of Turf Club seats will be availab le for $25. If you're going to the race and need a place to stay, race headq uarters will be the Sacram ento Inn, 1401 Arden Way, Sacram ento, about a half m ile from the track. Discou nt rates will be availab le to those mentio ning the AMA races when you make reserv ations . The phone numbe r is 916/9 22-80 41. Americ ans Marty Moates and Gary Semics have landed rides in Europe for the '82 season with H o n da Germany. Both will pi lot C R480 Rs. presumab ly produc tion bikes. in the 500cc ti tle chase. R ick Burgett has not landed a ride but wi ll be based in Paris for the year and is current ly seeki ng a ride for the 500cc series. His eighth p lace finish in the prest igi ous Le Touqu et, a three hour enduro / sand scra mble in France . shou ld help him find a ride. Gerard Rond, who was injured in a crash with wande ring specta tors that killed a girl at Le Touqu et, underw ent surger y to reset his arm withou t any pain killing drugs and later was moved to a clinic to have a disloca ted should er reset also. ' if you're itch ing to get yo ur ha nds o n one of the Turbo Suzuki s picture d here last week. you' lI have to sq uirm and wa it a little longer. unfort unately . The XN85 will not be avai lable in a couple of months. accord ing to the folks at U.S. Suzuki. and in fact will proba bly not be o ut unti l muc h later than that. Sigh... Califor nia Racing Club will have a free enduro timeke eping school the day before the Bobca t Endur o in the pit area at Red Mount ain, CA. That's Saturd ay at 3 p.m. on Mar. 13. If you're a poor timekeeper , it may be just the thing, so call 714/6 89-61 14 for inform ation and ask for Kathy. Jerry Greer. eN dirt track contrib utor and owner/ tuner of the Maico TT bike that finishe d fifth and fourth at the Ascot and Housto n Nation al TTs. called to say that Steve Wise would win the Peoria TT. ing fratern ity: ' on a mile-a nd-a. half course at Sunris e Valley Cycle Park in Adelan to, CA. If you're interes ted, give Bert a call at 714 / 244-6 396, or write to him at 1 611 6 Cajon St., Hespe ria, CA 92345 . From Englan d comes word of a new Trium ph. the TSS 750 twin. which feature s four overhe ad valves per cylinde r and less vibrati on. among other things. that boost power to 58 bhp and 124 mph top speed. The approx imate price is a healthy 2.399 pounds sterli ng. Also from Englan d ; The West M idlands police force are curren tly testing Norto n 1200c c rotary engine d bikes as possib le re placem ents for the BMWs they are now using. Last week. Pa pa to ld you about the $2.000 U.S. Suzuki is putting up for the top 10 non-fac tory Suzuki racers in points -payin g AMA Superb ike Series races. H o nda is doing th e same for H onda-m ounted p rivat eers. T he awards from Honda and Suzu ki will not affect distri bution of th e regular purse money at series events. ESPN, the cable TV sports network, will offer motorc yclists hours of covera ge of Dayton a Cycle Week '82. Film crews will be taping throug hout Cycle Week and racing will be telecas t as per the follow ing schedu le: Battle of the Twins road race, a 30 m inute show, April 7 & 8, July 3 ; Superb ike road race , a 1 hour show, April 6 & 7 , July 10; Formu la Two road race , a 1 hour show, April 9 , 10& 11, July 17; Superc ross, a 90 minute show, April 16 & 18, Augus t 7 ; Dayton a 200 road race, a 2 hour show, Apri l 10, 13 & 17, Augus t 14. Check local listing s for air times. Lin Kuchle r's retirem ent lasted a very brief time. The former executi ve director of the AMA has accepte d a positio n with the Nashvi lle. Tennes see. based operati on headed by Walter Hodgo n. H odge n. in additio n to backin g a NASCA R race car team. operate s severa l race tracks. New busine ss cards are in order for the AMA's Mike DiPrat e, whose title has been chang ed from Commissio ner (of Profes sional Racing ) to Direct or. That chang e came at the Class B Memb ership Annua l Meetin g which was held in Cincin nati on Monda y, Februa ry 22. Responsi bilityfo rdesig nating a member of the AMA staff for the positio n of Direct or of Profes sional Racing has switch ed from the Board of Truste es to the Execu tive Direct or. A letter from Bob R udol p h of Bat es Ind ustries was read at the Class B meetin g. Rudolp h. a Class B membe r who served as AMA Preside nt for three years. recomm ended the Board look into having individ ua l (Class A) membe rs serve on th e Boa rd . rather than the present mix of six i ndustry (C lass B) membe rs and si x Class A membe rs. Board Preside nt Chuck Larsen inform ed those on hand that a commi ttee was present ly doing so. Class A membe r reps Bill Ba ir d and Lynn Winela nd both said membe rs in their areas of respon sibi lity had express ed no desire for such a move as recomm ended by Ba tes. What do you think? Bert Valenz uela droppe d Papa a line the other day about a specia l race he 's helping put togeth er this fall . It will be a $10,0 00 purse race for "Veter ans, Sen iors and Elder Simm erma n are and J oe fe"smen of the motor c cre rae-" . " .; ., . . . " .. , _. Kreidle r, t he Germa n bike firm , has gone broke with debts of nearl y $14 m illion . The Stuttg art factory will close in March , putting approximately 40 0 emplo yees out of w ork .

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