Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Southern California-Arizona-Southern Nevada- Southern California-Arizona,Southern Neva hAKEWEJEJB '"ElNSA Western hotline ALLYEAR LONGWE SBJ.,SBJ.,SBI.. 1IIIS WEEICEM) WE'RE GOINGTO GIVE,GIVE, GIVE. -' . mediate ac tion despit e stro ng pressure from Maico -rnou nted Marc Crosby and Donny Ambrose on his first ride of the new Hon da CR480R. Wagner couldn't back up his earlier performance in round two. Maico rider Rick Gra nt found the fast lines and moved into the lead position as Wagner, Crosby and Ambrose argued over the runner·up slot. Crosby reached the checkers second behind Grant to clinch the overall win with a 2·2 score. Wagner placed second for the day with Grant picking up third place honors and Ambrose earning the foruth overall trophy. Resu lts OPEN PRO: 1. Andy Jeff..son (Hus); 2. Clark Jones IMai) ; 3. Gary Jones IMai). 250 PRO: 1. J im Tarantino IHon ); 2. Jeff Jennings IVam); 3. Robert Reising.. (Suz). 125 PRO: 1. Ted Bredy IHan); 2. Craig Dale (Suzl; 3. Win A FREE HONDA At Our Action at Corona's after dark motocross. louie France (Hon). OPEN HOUSE Saturday, March 20th bAKEW99B HEJNBA 11141 East Carson Street Lakewood. CA 90115 (2 13) 860-1345 Race Ready 50 + HOBepower ' 1800 ~~~ Slne 30mm to.eDrnm . RON WOOD IlACING PRODUCTS =~:~,=-UnltD. (7.4) "S"H~ You picked. fine time to lene me loose wheell ~~\ORCYCLE BOOKSTO RE ~\ .... ~ All the latest book tnles. plus lots of rep rints from da gone by - Parts Books. Manuals. literature. ys Photos and more' 1912 - Present. Write for catalog M otorcycle Specialties Co. 10709 E. SO\Ith St.. Surte 271/ Cerritos. CA90701 (213) 860-7330 .. 38 lI By Kit Pal",:,er CORONA, CA , FEB. 16 There was no taming of North High School tonight in high school competition at Corona Raceway. North gathered a 121 500cc CAN-AM ROTAX ENGINES to North's night at Corona HsMX 1 9 8 2 Race Schedule Mar 14 Riwrside Apr 'I O/II ·Sears Point Apr '24125·WillowSprings -Rider School 4996 Argyle Dr . (71 41 Buena Park , CA 90620 523-3892 point advantage in beating second place sc h oo l Esper anza , 238-117 . Redlands settled (or third with 89 points wh ile fourth and fifth went to the schools of Tustin and Matter Dei . North cleaned house in th e Mini Senior class after th ey claimed the first. second and third spots. It was Chad Barns (Kaw) wh o ca p tu red th e win fo llo wed by teammates G ary Dent (S uz) and Chuck Gatcombe (Ya m ). Winning both the 125 an d 175cc Senior classes kept Redlands ' Paul H erman (Su z) busy throughout the night, Herman had to contend with North 's James Conti (Yam) in both cl asses. In the l75cc Senior race, Herman grabbed the early lead fol lowed by North 's SCOIl Mapes (Kaw ) and Conti, The pack battled while Herman stretched his lead. Herman's lead wasn 't stretched quite enough. Working his way up from a poor start wa s Esperanza 's Kurt Strand. Strand held the throttle wide open to pass Herman with only a few laps remaining in the rnor o . H erman wasn't about to give up without a fight . On the last lap, Herman overtook the lead for good. Strand took second while Mapes settled for th ird. In rnoto two, it wa s Conti who jammed into the lead pursued by Herman and Strand. Throughout th e race, the three leaders stayed within inches of each o th er; neither of them was abl e to gain any a d va ntage o ver th e o the rs . Conti held on to take th e win ahead of Herman and Mapes. An other hard fought battle took pl ace in the 250cc Senior class between Redlands ' Tom Hodgin (Su z) a n d Esperanza's Bill Scott (Ya m ). H odgi n gr abbed th e ea rly lead in th e first moto with Scott o n H odgin's rear fender . The tw o riders were a t tim es side by side, but Hodgin held back SCOIl for th e moto win . H odgin stol e th e hol esh ot aga in in th e second moto. The duel wa s a s exc i ting as th e first. but SCOIl wa s a ble to take th e win and o vera ll after Hodgin 's front brak e ca ble kinked, a lmost pitched the Redl ands rid er over th e bars. Results HIGH SCHOOL M INI NOV: 1. Greg Trachy (y a m); 2. Andy Castro (Kaw); 3. M ike Meyers. M INI SR : 1. Chad Barns (Kaw); 2 . Gary Dent IS uz); 3 . Chuck G.tcom b (ya m). 100 NOV : 1. John Johnson (Kawl ; 2. Eric Olsen ISuz). 125 NOV: 1. Jay Spear IS uz); 2. Arth ur Duarte (Yam); 3. Ph il Pia IKaw). 125 SR: 1. Paul Herman (Sull: 2. James Conti (Hon l: 3 . Kurt Str and. 250 SR : 1. Bill Scott (Yam); 2. Tom m y Hodgins (S uz); 3. M ike Upton IHon) . UNATIACHED MIN I BEG: 1. Ban Pins; 2. Sean Oeivenne (Ya ml: 3 . Gary Benedict (Yam ). MINI NOV: 1. Greg Trachy (Ya m); 2 . Bre tt Gu yatt (Yam); 3. Ken Collier (Yam ). MINI INT: 1. Tommy Combs IKa w) ; 2. Pat Back ley (y a m). MINI EX: 1. M ik e Roberts (Yam); 2. WaferSchae'· fer (Ya m). 125 BEG : 1. Rob Edwa rds fYa m t; 2. Doug Hawki ns IKaw) ; 3 . Jim Becker (Yam). 125 BEG : 1. Mike Kleczko (yam): 2 . J ason A . Cooldagh (yam); 3. Steve W il liams. 125 NOV: 1. Paul DonneIlY IS uz); 2 . Bi ll weemerki li lSuz): 3. Jason Neuman (Yam). 125 1NT: 1 . Taylor Merrell (Yem); 2. Andy Kaplan ISuz ); 3 . Donn ie Luce (Yam ). 125 PRO: 1. Steve Sh ippy(Suz); 2. Chr is Heinrich (Ya m ); 3. Scott W ilk inson fSuz). 250 BEG : 1. Roger Loe Hers IHon); 2. Pa ul Walms· ley (S uz); 3. Laython Toop (Ha n) . 250 NOV : 1. Cra ig Edwards; 2. Scott Yenzer; 3 . J o hn Niunser. 250 INT : 1. Ric k Roar k (Hon ); 2. Rick Vanderham (Ya m); 3. Joh n Beg i n (Yam). 250 PRO : 1. Rick Rodgers IKaw); 2. Jeck Scott (Ya m ); 3 . Bill Keefe (Hu s). 500 BEG: 1. Ed CaYaugh ; 2. Richard Ander son ; 3 . Cave Coleman. 500 INT: 1. Dean W ilkinson (Hon): 2. Paul Schreffler ( H o n~; 3 . J im Vermillion (yam ). Tarantino tops show at SSM Wlnternationa/s By Terry Whytal ORANGE, CA . FEB . 27 Round one of the District-37/HiPoint Winternationals of Motocross was hosted by Saturday Saddleback Motocross to the tune of 250 riders and over $1000 in Pro rider payback. Honda support rider Jim Tarantino walked away with the day's big cash as he bested the efforts of 30 local 250cc Pros to take the overall win with a 2·2 score. Yamaha Pro Support rider Jeff jennings powered away with the first moto while Tarantino, Suzukimounted Robert Reisinger and Yamaha ace Juan Benavidez battled for second. Benavidez ran into trouble and dropped to ninth at moto's end as Tarantino placed second, Reisinger third . Craig Gormley positioned his Yamaha in fourth . Benavidez was on the gas in round two, leaving Tarantino and Jennings to duel for the runner·up slot -and the ' overall win. Benavidez was first to the checkers with Tarantino next to cross the finish line. Jennings had to settle for third place and second overall. Reisinger picked up third, Benavidez fourth and Gormley fifth. Yamaha rider George Wagner headed the first moto of Open Inter- OPEN INT: 1. Marc Crosby lMan; 2. Gaorga Wag_ (Yam); 3. Rick Grant IMan . 250 INT : 1. Mark Andarson ISuzl ; 2. Luc Deley ISuzl; 3. Rusty Hannah ISuzl. 125 INT : 1. Tracy Meeks IKaw); 2. Ryan Roberts (Han); 3. Ma rk Horton IVam). OPEN NOV: 1. Dennis Cox IHus); 2. J ohn MII2Ol' (Yam); 3. TIm Crisweil lHon I. 250 NOV : 1. Grog Piorkowski (Kawl; 2. Cal Stuobn.. ISuzl ; 3. Stave PolenskeISuz). 125 NOV: 1. Mike Brag in ISuz); 2. Tom Joysen IKaw) ; 3. Ted Stuobner (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Luis Rivera (Honl : 2. Scott Foster IHon); 3. Dave Edwards (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Eric Clemson (Yam); 2. Bud Hahn lHon) ; 3. Dave Buoncora lSuzl. VETEX: 1. Alan Olson IMa il; 2. Ken Ratztofl (Man; 3. J im O'NealiMan. VET INT: 1. Neil Stapleton IHon); 2. Jody Weisel IM0I1; 3. DaveWilson ISuzl. VETNOV : I. L.arrv Dunn ISuzl ; 2. Buzz Moeller tHu"; 3. Robert Berdvck IMan. 250 WOMEN EX: 1. Barbera Spielman CSuzl: 2. Debbie Matt-. (Yarn); 3. ChrIeen Ho (Yarn). 125 WOMEN EX: 1. Kim Douglass (Suzl; 2. Meroades Gonzales lSuzl; 3. Jan Murray (Yam). WOMEN INT : 1. lorie W"""", ISuzl; 2. Kitty Mayfield (Yam); 3. NatafI8 AJ1en (Yam). WOMEN NOV ; 1. Petti Steubner (Yam); 2. R_nne Ray IHen) : 3. laurie HammellKTM). MINI INT : 1. Nicky Pounds ISuz l; 2. Den Hammack IKaw); 3. Shawn KalasISuzl. MINI NOV : 1. Thayne lito (Yam); 2. Kevin Valentl IHon ). MINI BEG: 1. Frank Menges IKaw ); 2. Denon Wilson (Yam); 3. Troy Moore (Vaml . Atkinson, Monohan max out at CRC saddleback By Lee Taylor ORANGE, CA, FEB. 28 Despite a heavy draw on southern California racers from near by tracks. the California Racing Club and Saddleback Park treated its spectators to some intense acti on . In the Open Intermediates, a dav long duel went down between Foothill Yamaha's Greg Atkinson and his rival, Wheelsmith Maico-rnounted jim Belmick, The first round of action saw Atkinson out in front , leaving Beltnick to fight off a swarm of racers, including Jim Carter and John Anderson. Motocross racers , not politicians. Carter was smoking! When the moto drew to a close, Beltnick led the way with Atkinson and Anderson in hot pursuit and Carter a respectable fourth. When the big-bore machines blasted off the line for their second round , it was Atkinson out in front and already tasting victory. Beltinck was riding shotgun, followed by Robert Clark. Atkinson had his hands full and finally found room to tum his Yamaha loose. The top three pulled away from the field and into their own private battle. Anderson was making tracks! He ran fourth at the start and soon captured third place. An exhausting duel went down between Beltnick and Anderson for second and Clark found himself forced back to fifth .

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