Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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ada-Northern California-Northern Nev,
Ca rso n Yam aha 's Dick Bu ttn er
worked u p from a poor start to clai m
seco nd. Followin g Bu ttner , also out
of Carson Yamaha , Dan Do ssey took
th ird .
For the seco nd O p en Expert moto,
H eying repeat ed hi s wire-to-wire
domination. Dossey started o u t in
seco nd spot a n d See in th ird. Aga in ,
Buttner worked his wa y into seco nd
place for a while. Dossey reclaimed
n umber two by th e checkered flag.
T he overa lls went to H eying ( I- I),
Dossey (3-2) a nd Buttner (2-3).
T he Open J un iors ra n at the sa me
ti me as th e Expe rts a nd put on as
good a show. Mike Mieras (Yam)
wo n both m ot os to take th e class.
Leon ard Hornbarger, on a bra n dnew Maico Alpha I, and Werner
Martinmaas, on a Honda-enginedl
Suzu ki-loo king four stroke, battl ed
e l bo w to e l bo w all th e way.
Hornbarger p revailed in the last moto
for second pl ace and seco nd overall.
The I25cc Expert/Junior tea party
(beca use everyo ne was heating water
in th eir liquid-cooled models) wa s
a lso totally doninated by one rider.
Ch uck Beck (KT M) showed dazzl ing
speed to win bo th motos handil y.
Pressuring Beck wa s new Jun io r
Sha n n on H afj es (Ya m), just up from
th e mini ranks.
Merle Levrett (Yam) dom inated
th e 250cc Juniors with hi s 1-1 sco re.
Mik e Miera s, th is time on a Suzuki ,
to ok a 2-2 sco re after drivin g up from
down field starts, threat en in g Levrett
towards th e en d o f th e last rnoto, Bob
H ibdon (KT M) did th e opposi te with
seco n d and first place sta rts on ly to
fad e int o third for each moto .
The Open Novi ce bash wa s marked ,
as usual, by first turn pil e-ups that
made good foot age for the local T V
sta tio n cove ring th e races. Steve
Brown (Yam) su rvived it a ll to win
both motos. Bill Ro ach (Ya m) did
lik ewise for th e 250cc Novices.
Two large d ivisions of 125cc
Nov ices showed a lot of new faces in
th e local motocross game. In Division
one, Jay Pulite (Kaw ) a nd Chris
H arjes battled back and forth with
Pulite getting overall with his 2-1. In
Division two, E. Roberts (Yam) ran
off and h id from the pack to win all
th e marbles there.
The Mini's, Vets and Old Timers
all turned out in large numbers. All
told, about 135 en tri es showed up for
this off-season, n o-payback, nonpoints paying event.
This year there will be a special
Nevada state cham p ionshi p a warded
by District 36 to a ll classes. The
p oints-paying series will begin April
18a t Janesville. It looks lik e 1982 will
be th e strongest season yet for northern
Nevada motocross.
Deal er
Racer's World has developed the "Su perbiker" fork brace for the rider who wants the ultimate in handling using
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and mounts. It is designed to give you greater control under extreme braking & turning conditions. "Superbiker" also
decreases the annoying wobble experienced on rain-grooved pavement.
Available for most J apanese Fours. Yama ha RD400 and SR500. Ho nda CB)(. and BMW·s.
Retail prices start at $49.95. Also available in aluminu m. For fu rther information contact
your local dealer. Dealers please contact
825 Arpello Redwood City, CA 9 4063 (4 15) 364-5082
80 NOV: 1. J . Pecorilla (Hon). 2. M Lorson (Yam).
3. R. Dragoo (Yaml.
BOJ R: 1. D. Mc Combs (Yam). 2. G Kay (Hon).3 . D.
Zehne r (Yaml .
100 NOV: 1. D. McNeff (Suzl.
125 N)VI : 1. J Pul ite (Kawl. 2. C. Harjes (Yaml. 3.
B. Chandler (Yam).
12 5 NOV II: 1. E. Robens (Yaml. 2. T. Arndell
(Suz). 3. M . metcalf (Suz).
12 5 JR: 1. S. Harjes (Yam). 2. B. Lorson (Yam), 3 .
M . Torres (Kaw) .
12 5 EX: 1. C. Beck (KTM ). 2. D. Erqu iaga (KTM ).
250 Nov: 1. B Roech (Yam). 2. J . Hallaham (Suz).
3. D. Conway (Yaml.
250JR: 1. M. Lovren (Yam), 2. M . M ieras (Suz), 3.
B. Hibdon (KTMI .
OPEN NOV: r . S. Brown (Yaml. 2. R. Brock (M ai).
3. R. Frock (Yaml.
OPEN J R: 1. M . Mieras (Yaml. 2. L Hornbarg<
(Mai) . 3 . W. M an inm aa. (1). ....
OPEN EX: 1. J. Heying (Ma i). 2. D. Dossey (ya"".
3. R. Bunn er (Yam).
vsr NOV: 1. B. Anderson (Yam). 2. R. W ill (KTM).
3. B. Gill (KTM).
vsr J R: 1. B. Jones (Ma il. 2. T. Hensen (M ai). 3. A .
Bray (M ai).
vsr EX: 1. R. Wya nt (M ail. 2. L Ja mes (C·A).
DT NOV : 1. L Sheppard (M ai). 2. H Heit mill er
(M ail . 3. B Manning (Hus ).
DT JR : 1. R. Riipi (Yaml. 2. J . Robinson (KTM).
OT Elf: 1. R.,Marshrll.lKTM)• .2' · ~ ' IHalh~way , .
IM al). 3. R. Bogue (Mal .
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as the people behind it. At Esprit dea lers
thro ughout the nati on. Esprit,
455 McCormick Blvd ., Columbus,
Ohio 43213.