Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 02 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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4 N ex) HURR' a> .... >~ ON DOWN TOO/CD! 3 Wheelin' & Odyssey Country Plus a complete Trailering & 4WD Center NEW TRAtLER PARTS CATALOG, JUST 52.00. D'CO p ressure off a p erson. Wax fo ll ow ed with Spark y dropped out due to rubber arms. Ch ester fi lled in th e number three position with Ron H asse nail ing down fourth . Gary Menefee p u t in tw o fine rides, go ing 1- I. to ta ke ca re o f th e 250cc Inter medi at e class . George Freddie and j o h n Ka p elo H battled in each race and eve n traded off pos itions, bu t in th e end it was Freddie getting th e nod for second overa ll, Kap elo H followed in for third , T he biggest class of th e day wa s the 250cc j u niors . With a to ta l of 14 riders af ter th e gold, it proved to be so me h ea vy action. Bob Briggs was the man to bea t, putti ng in a I-I score to ta ke th e to p h onors. joh n Busi ck a nd Gl en Ell io tt ba ttl ed back an d forth with Busick tak in g th e silver in moto on e with Elliott th ird and Ran dy Castro fo urth. Mo ta two, how ever, saw Ellio tt o u t for reven ge. Busick was p us h ing hard in the n um ber three spot, but wa s unabl e to get by Elliott wh o had a ho ld o n th e number two spot. Bri ggs had th e go ld lock ed up , Elli ott follo wed in for second an d seco nd ove rall wit h Busick th ird and th ird ove ra ll. Cas tro 's 4-4 fin ish netted him fourth ove ra ll. ATV Results I 70 JA: 1. David Davis (Ho n). 11 0 MOD: t . Crazy Char lie (Hon). 200 INT: 1. Jo hn Neal y (Han). 200 EX: 1. Cu rt is Sparks (Ha n): 2. Tom Gaia n (Ho nl: 3 . Tim Hoy (Han ); 4 . Ma rt y Hart IVam). 250 JA: 1. Bob Br igg s IHo n); 2. Glen Elli ott (Honl; 3 . Jo hn Bus ick (Hon) ; 4 . Rand y Cast ro "(Hon). 2 50 tNT: 1. Gary M e nefee IHon ~ 2. Georg e Fred· d ie (Han); 3. John KapeloH (Honj. 250 EX: 1. Dean Sun dahl (He n); 2 . Mark w etsetdarl er (Hon) ; 3 . Ron Hasse (Hon) ; 4 . Steve Wright (Yam). , I . .. NEWSTOREI 1666 Megnollll Avenue EI Clljon, Cell'omle 92020 714/449-8282 I LD~ it in the dunes. - :.. . :-.., ; : .. • . COMPETITION POWER ,..--------------., llN1TSUPPU£R 0 o ............,...... ·'::·W:Ij1 Racing Fork Spring Kit PJ l 2O-Wt. Racing Fork on (pt.l .24.9& o Compe1ltlon Fork _ tRed or Bleck) o St8ge 1 Shock Mod & 1_. T......" o ATe 250R Suspension Improvements MUG ~N U SA CO .• LTD . 6944 San ta Fe Ave nue Heseeria. Calif o rn ia 92345 17141244·5425 Duler Inqul..... Invtted 2.75 7.9& 7S.00 Both low & hi ~ de,,_ olI1ll lmprov_ plus .n Inc:reIIM of nyel. Stege n Shock Mod & Incr. Trev••" 199.00 Same .. Stege 1 mod lfi_ but with the eddftion of our I8rU. oil raervolr which doubles the ohock'. oil cepeclty end ellml...... ohock de_1ng _ . AJoo lnc ludn our auin.... braided oil line end cu.tom mounting twrdware. • Our custom ahock tuning ..-quI,.. rider ', _ lght end cleoolflcetlon. o New MUGEN " ATC 250s Only" C8tlIlog plus aet-up tips end stIcke..-$1.00 HONDA WEST • New Honda ATe Racing SUpport Dealer· SpecIal Parts & AccessorIes DIscounts A vailable W ith Purchase ojAny New ATe or Odyssey at Sp ecial Low Prices. Come See Our A TC Complete Accessory Line. Help Us Be Your A TC Off·Road Headquarters. Honda West 2401 Linco ln Blvd. Santa Mo nica. CA 90405 (213) 392.9593 en ~ w ~ • Fiberg lass Parts • Bead Breakers • Eng ine parts · Valve Springs, etc . • Unbelievabl e selec tion of Tires & Wheels • Nitrous Oxide Kits • Carb ureto rs • Big Bore Kit s • Stroker Kits • Straker Cranks • Custom Handlebars • Complete li ne of Odyssey Goodi es dropped. Yamaha-mounted St eve Wright. aboard hi s 3-B Lightning 250cc. co m p letely bl ew a ll the big boys off. Into tu rn two it was st ill Wri ght. Dean Su nda h l. Mark " Wa x" Wi exe ld orfer , G eorge Nea ry, Ron Ha sse an d Sp arky. With ou t a doubt, Wright had th e horsepower a nd han dl ing to be a winner. Sundah l wa s pushing har d when Wr ight m issed a shift, a n d Sundah l took full adva ntage a nd moved by. Tha't left Wright a nd Wax to have it o u t fo r second. Sparky m oved to fift h an d was soon ni ppi ng at Neary's rear wh eels. By lap five Sparky h ad m oved by, a n d o n th e same lap Wa x nipped Wri ght for seco nd. As a ll the ac tion co n tin ued to be in the bac k, Su nda h l wa s gone. In fac t, at th e halfwa y point Su nda h l h ad almos t a q uarterlap lead . As th e last lap flag came o ut Sparky stuc k a wh eel insi de of Wr ight a nd was a ble to get by. Su n da h l took first foll ow ed by Wax . Sparky a n d Wr ight, who look ed like he had been -_ beat en ' up by ys! Moto two sa w Wrigh t jump off th e lin e first fo llowed by Su ndah l, Wax and Sparky . Into turn o ne Wrigh t's left rear tire sta rte d to ro ll off th e rim wh ich threw him o H. By th e tim e he go t go in g, Wright found h eigh th pl ac e. Sundahl sta rt ed pu tting distan ce between himself and Wax with Sparky ho lding o n to third . Sp arky was ge tti ng ver y tired by lap five as th e back -to-hack races wer e ta king th eir to ll. M ik e Chester pulled up to fo urt h w ith Ge orge Neary fifth . With two la p s to go, Su ndah l loo ked like h e wa s just h avin g fu n . A co m manding lead seems to ta ke a lo t of lD U. > ~ Parts in stock for 90, 110, 185S, 250R, Tri Moto & KL T! (Top) Premier Yamaha's Lonnie Orosco had problems all day in the 200cc class. (Above) Ron Haase put i n a 5·4 score to net third 250cc Expert. ::J ~ .0 Z There isno better p loce to shop for 3 Wheelin' and Odyssey goodies , .. we have the la rg est selection of parts around! We're not just parts either - our people are the best l . Know ledg eab le people who know 3 Wheeli n' a nd Odyssey parts , .. a nd how to g et the most horsepower out of every part. 323 En. Bell Road An.helm, Cellfomle 92805 714/956-2950 Ctl

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