Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 10 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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special thanks to these people: Don and Ruth Scott at Scott Machine, Jack Siaemore, Bruster's Performance Center, Race Ready, George McMahan, Bill Wallace, Nub Stovall and most of all my mom and dad, who have helped me all my life. BUBBASHOBERT National Number 67 Lubboclt, TX Kaw triple Info sought Pa.ibly someone out there could help me. I'm looking for road tests on Kawasaki aiples, any year. I would also like to have the C,ele Guide test on the 250 and 7SOcc GP road racen. Pleue contact me with any information you may have on how I cou1d WBST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper purchase theIe ses, SbaroD Clayton, Publisber CaroIiDe Geaclry, Executi"" ~ to the Publisher. Victoria Smith, IUMBARNUM 1804 12th St. 15 Rivenide. CA 92507 AIoiotaDt. Thanks from the head of the Hungry Seven Edltorlel Dale BlOWn, Seaior Editor. Man. Kariya, Editor. Lance Bryoon. Editor. Advertising Skip Jobnaoa, National Sales Ma!IaF. Terry Prall, Sal.. ManaF'". OIlane johmon, West Sales MaJJaF. Linda Brown, CoordinalOl'. Grephlcs and Production Kriotin Cooper, Graphic Artist. Marion Hatubita, Typography. Dennis Greene, Laboratory. Accounting Mike JUi.nF'". ManaF'". Donna Bryan. ACClI. Receivable. SbelJy laionz, AlII. ACClI. Receivable. Terry Dailey, Credit ManaF'". Circulation Rbeba Smith, MaJJaF. MicbeIIr Bernier. Sanb Taylor, Lanra V ...... Aejsr·na. McQueen. LaNette Want Ads jocelyn McM......, Wam Ad Sales. Se.... ces and Support i CbriI Aite~, Receptioniot. Grqory ~,SlkS. Wast nol Cherty Awe., Long Beach, CA P.O. IIoJl 498, Long Beacb, CA 90801· 0498 (215)427·7455: L.A. Line 656·8844. Ea8t 4190 Fint A"".• Tucker. GA. P.O. IIoJl 805. Tucker, GA s008HI805. (404) 954·7850. Cycle News/W... (USPS 141·540) is pub· IiIhed weeItIy acept the lint and last .-It of the calendar year for $%0 per year by Cycle New>. Inc., nOl Cherry A""nue. Lo"ll Beach, CA 90801-0498. Second duo pootaF paid al L0"ll Beach. CA. POSTMASTER: Send form 3I7lI to Cycle N-. P.O. Box _ Lang BeKh.CA"'~ SubKnptiOD rates: One year. IeCOnd duo mail, $20: two yean, IICCOlId cluo mail, $55; three yean. IICCOnd cluo mail, $55; %5 weeks, $1 I. Foreign rates avail· able on requ.... Cycle New> _komes UDJOlicited edi· lorial material including stories, car' tOODa, phot.., etc. Such material, if pub· 1iIhed, becomes the aelllli"" property of Cycle New>. Such accepted material is .ubject to ~ as is neceuary in the oole ciiocretion of Cycle New>. Unoolicited material which is not uoed will be returned if accompanied by a telf addre.ed stamped envelope. AU un· solicited malerial will be handled with reaoonable care, however. Cycle News UlWDCI DO responsibility for the safety, lou or dam.~ to such matmal. Reprinting io wbole or pan only by per' mission of the publishers. AdYCTtising rates and circulation information will be sent upun requ.... See S.R.D.S. Copyright e Cycle N_. Inc. 1111, T.......rIt Cycle N _ .-g ed U.S. Pamnt Office. All righta ... ..,.,ed, ON THE FRONT PAGE: Bruce Penhall, who has cert8lnly proved hlmHIf to be et the top of hla field, .howa hla winning form. For more detaIa on Penhall'. Iatat Mcllped., . . . p. B. or tum tID en ....... on p. 14. Photo by Merk K8rIya. a'TJ 4 l.ew8on filM We just returned from the Daytona Beach Pro-Am where we saw Eddie LaWlOll clinch the Superbike title. We have had the great opportunity and pleasure to meet and taDr. with Eddie on three occuions and have found him to be a very polite and penonable young man. We are of the opinion that Eddie has heen overlooked by thOlle of you in the media and wish to inform both prell and public of a few of his accomplishments. I. PIattd higher than Freddie Spencer at Houston Short Track (1981). 2. Q.ualified faster than Wes Cooley or Freddie Spencer in the Suzuka Japanese road race (1980). 5. Won road race heat of Super· biken and was highest placing road racer against Spencer and Roberts. 4. Won second Superbike race ever contested, 5. Has WOD more Superbike races in previous two yean than any other racer. 6. Top combined (Superbike. 250 Lightweight, Formula I) points scorer previous two yean. 7. Won 1980 Daytona 250cc Lightweight race ~ f:~er, 8. SeYen IlJ'aight 250' . wins, 9. Has not crashed in 1981. 10. Contested tint Road Race in 19771 11. Has beaten Cooley and Spencer more than they have beaten him. We do not wish to take any credit away from Kenny Roberts, Wes -eooleyvr Freddie Spencer as they are, obviously, great riden and sportsmen; but we do feel that thOle of you in the media should give credit where credit is due. CINDY &: RUFUS PALMER Belden, MS Disagree. with Squirrel Rocky M. Squirrel has opened his mouth once too often, In concluding his coverage of the Aspen 6·hour he threw a jab at the AFM in rderence to the problem we had scoring the 6·hour at Rivenide. The problem with the system that day was that each team supplied its own scorer. These scoren misled a combined total of 20 laps. Had it not been for Paddy Shopher, who sat scoring all the teama for six hours things would have been wone. Paddy's accuracy in scoring and tabulating points is unaurp.-d. As for the rodent's previous challense for us "Califonua road rashers" to come up and "get your sborts blown off," we have nothing to prove. If you do, come see us. Remember, we're racing when you're knee deep in mow. JOMO Team Bozo Oakland, CA Triumph triumph. While sitting in my shop reading Cycle News (Oct, 7th iuue) I read something alarming, On page 55 Karl Okamoto wrote about the AFM race at Sears Point on Aug. 50th. In the results he had list Craig Weeks (Due) as the winner of the twin race. Well guess what? Wrong! I won it on a '75 Triumph 750 Tigerl The mistake was spotted right after the race fInished as I croued the line 12 bi.kelengtbs ahead of Craig. During the entry's I was put down as a thumper instead of a twin, so the results rear: Triumph fIfth in Thumper &: Ducati first twin. Vance Breese, the AFM North president, changed the results to n:ad: Triumph fu-..t ..iiei Ducati second. I hope we can see a reprint. MICHAEL GREEN West Coast British Racing Dublin, CA P.S.: We were the only Triumph at the 6·Hour again, 5rei year in a row, we'll fInish next year as our protype is now done. Thank. everyone' This is a letter of thanks to all the people who sent cards and have called me since my crash at the National in Peoria. The arm and shoulder are getting better and I'll defInitely be ready for Houston, I would also like to take this oppor· tunity to thanlt all my sponson and the people who helped me this past year; Megacycle Cama. Viper Racing, Castrol, KRW Helmets, Diamond Chain, Champion Plup. Maxi Steel Shoes, Tilley Harley-Davidson. And a February 9, 1977 was the fInt time I came in contact with the California Parks and Recreation Department in the selection of an ORV Park for all us enthusiasts. Over four years later we fmally have succeeded in having the California State Park and Recreation Commission adopt the General Plan for Hungry Valley as presented in January 1981 and amended in September 1981. This completes the ftrst step of a long battle that we, the Hungry Seven, (Hungry Valley Citizens Advisory Committee) have been working on with staff personnel of Parks and Recreation. We have come up with a plan, compromised in many areas, but basically a plan that we felt we could live with and make work. This latest statement is the most important of all. Imple· mentation of the plan is the next step and an advisory committee will be selected by Mr, Herbert L. Heinze, Re· gional Director, Southern Region. This committee will assist the-manage· ment team in implementing this plan and make sure that what we as ORVen wanted gets put into effect. The General Plan for Hungry Valley calls for many new loop trails to be built, location of which will be worked out with the Advisory Committee and planners. Trails will be added to thOl!e existing through the Grasslands Management Areas, With this new deftnition, Grasslands Management Area, we will be able to utilize areas before closed on the original plan, but with a responsibility to stay on trails through this special management area. Fmally we of the Hungry Valley Citi· zens Advisory Committee want to thanIt all the volunteers who have attended our monthly meetings throughout southern California. Thanks also to the Parks and Recreation staff, headed by Mr. Alan Kolster, for setting up meeting place for us and going back after each meeting to start the plan all over again. 1 personally want to thank. each member of the Hungry Seven for all the hours of work during regular and special meetin~ to get the plan we wanted. Thank you to Lonny Sheek, President of District 37, AMA, for giv· ing us the support of the district in this plan. We now have a fIne park. Let's all go out there and ride with gusto, follow simple guide lines, and we will be able to have fun for a long time in our ORV park. ED W ALDHEIM Chairman, Hungry Seven Member, AMA District 37 Published letter. do not nec:eaaariIy reflect the position of Cycle Newa. Inc. send letters 10 Voices. Box 498. Long Beech. CA90801.

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