Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I e u.s. ISDE squad named WESTERVILLE. OH. JUNE 23 FoIowfng an Intwr,.tIonaI SIx o.ys Endwo team ....ctIon meeting at AMA he&dquw1In. the AmerIc:en World Trophy and SIver V... "'ms . . . eIong ~ 1he remainder of a • rider cond"gent. The 1Ix-man World Trophy wII be comprIaad equally of Suzuld and H. . . . .ne ridw's. . . . . . .nthlll Suzuld are Frank Stacy. MIte Roeeo and Jeff Fredette. with Husky ridw's DIck BurIeeon. Terry eu..*lIIhwn and Mike Melton maIdng up the other half of the t&em. The four-man SlIver V... Yamaha'slMry Ra••• I.r. InJwad for much of tIw QualIfIer S&rIea. joining KTM pIIota Fr-* Gallo. lIod Bush and Darryl Kuenzer, The top 30 1att&r.of..JnWrt ridw's from 111& QualIfIer S&rIea are ....lbIe for the U.s. t&8m. eIong with ftve spots Iwld open for pro..n ridw's .,..... cIurIna the ...... but lIbIe to com.... In the ISDE. Along ~ the 8forementIoIi8cI riders. here Is the rest of 111& rider lit: Dean Joyner. Hey Colgrove. Scot twden. VIc Ely. Terry S ...... Bruce OgIlvIe. AIen ZItt8. Ed Lojak, Jack Johnson. &any Avery. Chip Howell. fritz K8dIec. Grey l.eOI_d. Scott Atchison. cart Cranke. Joe Lojak. DwIght Rudder. Wely WIeon. Rev Munoenaat. Kevin Brown:. John MwtIn. Merle Hyde. Matt c.-. and Orew Smhh. The ISDE will be held Oct. 6-10 on 111& IaIand of Elba. off 111& weat&m C08&t of hlly. . ,.med. t&&m t&&m"'" Reagan administration ,to review ORV use WESTERVIUE. OH. JUNE 21 The poaIbIIty that 1he R••pn Admill.lladcHI m.y be ravlaw:wlll fadanII policy govwnIlIg ORV 11M on pubic lands _ rev_.d June 1. when AMA Aaoclatia DIractor of GovernlllMt RelatIons. Rob Ruor. . . Mlead to aa.ncI a meeting with 1he Council on Environmental QualIty Ia W DC. The hastIIy-called m. .tlng _ lIi1wndad to caIac:t the of AMA and other motollzed recreetIon orpnlzadoi. towwd exIatIng fadaral policy and-what changea In poley they ,... might be appropriate. The meetillll _ attw.1dad a.o by ........lIt11dll8l of 111& MotDn:ycIa Industry Council and the b,t&i,.tIonaI SI-abl.1ncIuatry Aaociltlon. Rumen have ....... cIn:uI&tIng for IOm8 weaks about a pouible "draft" executive order that would .... or r88cind existing fadanII poley that ... evolved from Exaeutlva Orden 11844 and 11• . Exaeutlva Order 11844 ......... by Pr8lld&nt Richard Nixon In 1972 and rMUhaclln the laO'tI'lilzlng of offof'Oad vehicle rec:reatIon on public lands and 111& deveIopmant of agaacy reguIetIona to provide for ORV rnangamant. ExaeutIva Order 1 1 . _ ....... by PreIIdent carter and am_dad 111& original order by requiring that land rna....... cIoH federal ..... when ORV 11M _ dat&rmInad to cauu envlronmentwl ....... Offof'Oad vehicle orpnlzadoi.. including 111& AMA. are generelly agreed that 111& exIa1kIg exaeutlva ordera .......ntad an approprlet& federal rnpoMe to 111& growing vehicle rec:reatIon phenomenon of 111& 1170'. but that they are no long.- n••ded. At 111& meeting with new CEQ steff members. Rasor expreuacl the . .ntlrnentthat leglallltlon p... ad llnee the Iauance of E.O. 11144 has provided 111& manegement and enforcernent mechanisms neceaaary for ORV ~ "The ForMt . . . . Management Act of 1971 and the Feder& Land PolIcy and Management Act of 1171. combined with "dng agency reguletlona. provide all the guidance and policy direction nee ••••.., for mw......,..m of ORV niCI'88tIon. h Is appropriate thM the exII1Ing exaeutIva ordera are baing reviewed; after ... we .... the only rec:reatIon t&kIng piece on public ..... curr.1dy operetIng under pr.. ldentlal edIc:t." R..or . . . . The CauncI on Envtror-.mentII Quelty _ highly vIaIbIe In 111& development of 111& C&rt&r exaeutIva order In An early draft of that order _Ieeked to the ORV community and resulted In an uproar that eent over IO.GOO Iett&ra to the WhIt& Houee. PubIc outcry _ eo greet that cIraatIc 1II1&r8tIoI. In 111& Order ,...nd. rwuItIng In an exaeutIva order".... aecept8bIe to ORV II'........ The R.agan Admlnlllllalion to be COf1c.mecI about evoIcIIlII 111& pitfall of hi pn d. c..... and eought the advice of the ORV community prior to meIdng any fIneI cIecIIIao. on ...... 111 . . . . . poley. The AMA Ia hopeful that any aIt&ratIon of exII1Ing poley . . reauIt In an Incr•••• of acc ... to public lands by trail .... OWI*L R.-nt .tlltlilm8nta by Interior Seer.... , Jamee Watt 1ndIc:8t11 that Iw favora maIdng federal Ianda more _ l.bIa to the pubic. Ruman that suIIIBlt that the p.ndlng poley revlMlt orIgIMt&d In the 0ep8I bllent of the 1,,1IIrIor would ..... to cOllflrm this pa. . . .tr. Anr c1wnge In poley could occur rapidly. M.. Dlneh . . . . Deputy . . . . . CauncI at CEQ. indicated that time fremea very short for agency ,.,. In adcItIon to Ma, .... 111& CEQ _ ntad at the June 1 by Councl Membat OHIgnate James McAvoy and steff member MIchael C&Ine, 1m. points race at the time, crashed on the Both American chalJengaa for .the 500cc World Championship Road Race Seria crowD met defeat at 0perUn, lap. A drying track received a frah tprinkling of rain just prior to the Holland', AIIm circuit in the J_28 Dutch Grand Prix. Kenny Roberta did 6DiIb due to equipment problema, aDd RaDdy Mamola, who led the ltan which t'ut everyone busy changinf to ram Urea. During the ~ , Roberta' brake pucb were illltalled iDc:orrectly. and they locked 2 - up IOlid on the first lap. Mamola, riding midpaclt on the stan, wu blinded by waterapray and overshot a tum, ttepping off unhun. That left victory to the Italian challenger Marco Lucchinelli (Suz) who led Dutchman Boet Van Dulmen (Yam), AUllie Kork Ballington (Kaw), Suzuki rider loet andlaclt Middleberg (Suz) to the flag. In the clORly·fought series, Mamola and Roberta' failure to score any GP pointltet them both down at notch. Lucchinelli now leaclt with a 58-point total over Mamola's 54 and Robens' 46. Graeme is foonh with 42, and he's followed by Van Dulmen (41) and Barry Sheene (57). Sheene DNF the A.en race with electrical problems. Yamaha'. Haluln CarIqvIat won all three motoa at 111& June 28 IiOOcc Internetlonal held It VereouI. FrlInce. an off·weekend meet between GrInd PrIx. Second with a 2·2·2 _ Yamat.mount&d 2&Occ GP cont&nder N" Hudson. Melco·. He,. MeIac:h finished 3-3-3 on 111& very muddy courae. No Amerlc:llna raced, Heard of the KrallRr Rallye? To quote the KrallRr USA prell releue, it's "an exciting, fut·paced, three-day excur· sion that covers almlllt 500 mila of breathtaking scenery through Germany. Austria, Italy and Switzerland." OYer 500 ~ on 350 moton:ydes are divided mto IS groupe, each with a leader out front and a helper behind. aDd ride "in typical European style. in tight fomaatioll at an exuemdy brisk pace." Sound like fun? For more info OIl the Sept. 5-7 10th Annual Kra_ Rallye, contact Kra.-r USA, 6909 216th Southwest, Lynnwood. WA 98036. .rc;••• The 8t. LauIa 8Ire&t RIdera nt their . . . . Me In 8t. LauIa OW on Sapt. .13 wIIh a poker run. tIeId __ allow 7141780-8261 or Maely at 7141735· 0540. Inland Motorcycle Sp'.cIwar wi! ho&t hi annual 4th of July ce1ebration on Wedneedey. JuIr 1. at 111& track In San BernardIno, The dlapley win t8ke piece during IntermIaIIon _ ridw's tune their b1k_ for 111& final half of .p••ctwey competition for 111& .velllill. AlIa scheduled for 111& July 11t Is free admluion for all children up to . . . 13 when acc:ompenIecI by an adult. All fan club membera wII -be admltt&d free. with an adult. by showing their fan club cerda at 111& ...... Top ridw's are .xpect&d to &pp• • at 111& track to com for spots In 111& POInt 1t8I . . ....... to the Quallflera In' late August. The track Is Iocatlld on 111& NatIonal Orent18 Show fIIIrgrounda on Arrollllb..d Ave, In &an 8emar. cIno. From weItem . . . t8ke 111& I'JO freeway . . . to 111& 1&E turnoff. Tum off It 111& Orange Show Road exit. un right. Travel two blocks to and tum left. For further InfonnIIIIon. cell 213144. a ..... 111& track office at 71..... 4012. During intenDillion at the Sprite Superbawl of MotOCI'OII at the Los Angeles (CA) Memorial CotiBeum OIl July 11, there will be a special 15rider, lap. winner-take·all women', 250cc lace. It marb the first time in six yean that the pis have run on the SuperlNnrl tnek. Among the entraota are new 115cc champ Kathy Holman (who', never 10It a ltadiam race), Dede Cats, Daniele Picard and Carey Steiner. me ABC conuMlitlitor .... Poeey 1hoaght eo muah of tIw WOIIIM·. recIng at 111& 121cc Expert Nalloa_ that Iw addwI . . eo the ..... oat of hIa own pocbt. dance. .. aalliudance ..... and trophl•• EVW1t8 . . AMA _1CdoI.... ContIlCt Tom Ru. . . . . _ Oaage. at. LouIe. MO 13111 or phone 3f4l3l,. . . . Want to learn bow to ride tp«dway &om Mike But? There's a two-day schoolschecluled for July 18·19 at Ken Maely's ranch, or if you'd prefer private tutoring, But can help you there, too. On Tuetdays. Mike can spend time showing even Intermediate and Expert riders how to do it better sideways. ~ definite advan~ for the establUhed rider .since the regular schooll are uaually aimed at the beginning racer. Phone But at Road raceral There promiIes to be ODe heck of a race in Colorado over Fourth ofJuly weekmcI at CDR Teda Tndt in Cutle Rock. The Mount,in Road RaciDf AtIociatioawiB put up a $1,000 pune. ThiI is a one-shoe deal; if it a-0. they'll do more. Call Mike Cameron at 303/279-2633 for details. Motocrou riel. . who earn AMA NItIonaI C1wmplonahlp thIes In youth and amatwur competition this year wDl be rewW'ded with support rIdea In 1182 under K8waeakl Motors CorporatIon'. "T..m Green" program. Regard.... of the machine brand on which ridw's win. KMninld wII

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