Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tech, and vocational education might just get UIed £or traction. We need your support and the support or your friends and ueighbon. P1eue read my paid ad in the Want Ada in tIUi-.e. Young motoreydiltl are traditionally _.¥OterI. It is time to c:haJJF that image and to protect our IpOrt and industry. Annually the representatives of the motorcycle industry meet at L.A. Trade·Tech to keep our ~ CW'I'etlt with industry. Now It'S time that local voten put elected officials into office that will increue the U.S. ~uctivity as high as the motorcycle industry productivity is. We need more than the projected 20 to 50% voter turnout. Mayor Bradley, who won re·election on April 14, is a friend of vocational education and was the main guest speaker at the Master AdviIOry Brealt£ast held at L.A. Trade· Tech on May 20. HopefuUy the 42% of registered voten who re·elected Mayor Bradley wiU return to support Bill Orozco and prove the ponlten wrong on June 2. So please vote and bring a friend along. ~ 00 (j) ~ \YIST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper SharoD C1ayron. Publiaber CaroJj"" Ceadry. Executive Seaetary to tbe Publiaber. Victoria Smith. .Advertiling/Editorial AIoiItant. EcIitorilil CharI.. Morey. ManqiDg Editor. Dale Brown. Editor. Mark Kariya. Editor. Advertising Skip johnlon. National Sales Manase'. Terry Prall. Sales Manager. Duane johnoon. West Sales Manager. Lincla Brown. AdvertiliDgCoordinator. PAT OWENS Temple City, CA Grephica and Production Mt. VIew problema Kristin Cooper, Graphic Artist. Barbara Traven, AlWtant. Marion Hatuhita. TYP'll"&phy. DenniI Greene. Laboratory. On May 5,1981, the Mt. VIeW Cyde Park in Sandy, OR, bolted the IecOIld meet of the Yamaha P ~ Gold Cup Series. If the conditions prevailing that Sunday are common to major motoc:rc. events, then it is no wonder that there is concern for the future of motoe:J'a. in this country. On the other hand, if the chaotic conditions and delays were due to lack of planning and administration by the local track, then the sanctioning body, AMA in this cue, and the Yamaha Gold Cup administraton should become more involved to UIUI'e a program both rid· en and speetaton can enjoy, rather than have to endure. I have elaborated on these problems in a letter to the owner/operator of the Mt. View Cycle Park, but for brevity wiU only outline them here. 1. Apparent lack of planning for this major event. 2. Inadequate and tmSUp~hiled pan. ing for both overrught campen and race-day-only riden and spectaton. 3. Incomplete pre·race publication of admission fees, rider fees and changes from usual trophy per' centages. 4. Not enough sign·up perIODDel to handle what should have been forseen as an over·flow crowd. 5. Late arrival of ambulance and media. (This alone caused an over one hour delay.) 6. A public adc:lre. announcer who seemed to know ~ about motoc:rc. or the people mvolved and who provided a1moIt no race Accounting Mille Klinger. Manase" Donna Bryan. Accu. 1lecei-tabIe. Pat Batty. "-t. Acet>. 1l«riYabIe. Terry DaiIoy. Credit Manager. Circulation Rheba Smith. Manager. Shirley Short. Michelle Bernier. Cherilyn Bernier. joanne McFadden. Aaots. DeeleralWent Ad. Yvette Goeken. Dealer/Want Ad Sal.. Manager. Service. and Support Chris A i I C h CI 0 n . Rcceptioniot. joe jamiJon. judy Brooks. S6:S. We.t 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach. CA P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 (215)427·7455: L.A. Line 656-8844. East 4190 Fi...t A.... Tucke.r, GA. P.O. Box 805. Tucker. GA 50084. (404) 954· 7850. Cycle News/West (USPS 141·540) iJ pub· liJhed weekly excepl the 6.... and lut week of the calendar year for $20 per year by Cycle News. Inc.. 220 I Cherry Avenue, Long Beach. CA 90801. Second clau pootage paid at Long Beach, CA. POSTMASTER: Send form 3I7lI to Cycle N - . P.O. Box .... Long 8Mch, CA 10801. Sublcription rates: One year, leCond cl_ mail. $20; two years. oecond cI. . mail. $35: three yea.... oecond cl. . mail. $55: 25 wee.... $1 I. Foreign ral.. available on request. Cycle News welcomes Ul'IIOlicited edi· torial material iocludin« ROries. carlOODl. photoo. etc. Such material. if pub· liJhed. becomes tbe exclusive property of Cycle News. Such accepted material is subject to reviaion as is nec.uu.ry in tbe onle discretion of Cycle News. Unonlicited material which is DOt UIecl will be returned if accompanied by a oelf adcl..-d Itamped envelope. All un· onlicited material will be handled with reuonable care. however, Cycle Neon ......... no responsibility for tbe wet)'. Ie:. or damage to such material. Reprinting in whole or pan only by per' million of the publilhers. Advertiaing . .lei and circulation information will be IeDt upon reqUelt. Sec S.R.D.D. CopyrIght· Cycle N_. Inc. '181. Trademerlc Cycle N _ ....I-.cI U.S. P8Wnt OffIce. All rlghta , . -.ved. ON THE FRONT PAGE: 1m.view IUbjec:t Scott Purson Ie C8UtIIht In ectlon on the femoua piece of ....1 estate known .. The Ascot South Tum. 8c:ott's hilS.. iew beIlIIne on p. 14. Photo by o.Ie Brown. 4 Thenk. to the bed guy? We just got rid of another attempt to pass a helmet law; we noted that after all the defeats in the past, some politicians just had to drag it up again. I really wonder why IIOtne politicians don't have better things to do with their time - like cutting the fat out of state budgets. I could really make some suggestions, couldn't you? Now that we have laid the helmet issue to rest (until the next politician needs some fresh exposure); I want to call your attention to a faT more important issue that is going to cause us more grief than a helmet law ever will. This State Senator Presley that is being thanked in Voices (Cycle News, May l!l, 1981) just harpens to be the author of Senate Bil No. 33. The guise of the bill is a yearly inspection of motor vehicles for smog; but smog doesn't seem to be the real purpose. I see the real purpose of this bill as getting a death grip on your most important asset - your wheels. If you don't think your wheels are your most important asset, try to work tomorrow morning. If Presley can get his Senate Bill 33 passed it means you are going to pay between $50 and $100 (plus wait in a very long line) just for a vehicle inspection; and that is each and every year. Whoever inspects your vehicle has complete control over you - you do what they say, or you don't get license tags for your vehicle. Do you trust a person to inspect your vehicle who probably Itnowa less about it than you do? Are you going to let a stranger dictate to you? State Senator Paul B. Carpenter's poll showed that ~% of the people don't want an inspection. Inspection programs have been turned down an astounding 16 times in the California Legislature. Yet here we have Senator Presley still pushing his SB33. To top that off SB33 itself has already been defeated in the Legislature, and here is Senator Presley dragging it back again (talk about wasting the taxpayen' time and money). I think the real truth is that Prop. l!l put a crimp in the spending habits of the group that palla out the money in Sacramento; they need more money to throw away, 10 the lUte is going into businal apirut you. The lUte charges you any amount they wish for an inspection, and if you don't pay, no license tags. At $100 or 10 per vehicle this is a real bonanza for the big spenden in Sacramento. If you have any doubts about what I say keep in mind iust this last week you received a 2 ~ per 15aUon tax increase (plus the additional sales tax), plus a raise in driver's Iiceme fees, plus a raise in vehicle registration fees. Did you want that? Frankly, I don't think we need people like Senator Presley working against us; and we sure don't need to be thanking him. M. BALDWIN Wilmington, CA Vote J~ne 2 in the Lo. Angele. General Election Bill Orozco is running for Office Four of the Board of Trustees, Los Angeles Community College District. Bill is a Trade·Tech graduate and very concerned about th~ future of Los Angeles Trade-Technical College and vocational education. Bill is facing Lindsay Conner, an attorney, who is backed by State Allemblyman Howard Ikrman and the Democratic Party. After the primary election on April 14, the L.A. Times reported that Orozco spent $3000 to finance his own campaign. In comparison, the backen of Conner spent $30,000. Governor Jeriy Brown got his start in state politics by being elected to the L.A. Community CoUege Board of Trustees. Conner has been identified as ha' great political potential and needs ~ position to spring board him into higher politics. Vocational instructors at L.A. TradeTech are scheduled to go from teach· ing 24 student contact houn per week to 21 houn a week. Industrious in· structon concerned about student education have come up with a team teaching schedule which will still en· able students in trade majon to be taught 24 houn per week. The union which represents aU teachen in the district intends to reduce teaching time even lower than 21 houn per week. This will kill the team teaching concept and vocational education. We need a trustee like Bill Orozco who wiU protect vocational education and its coat to the taxpayer.. Because organized labor has proven that they can deliver voteS, Bill Orozco, Trade· c:ommentary• 7. Delays and last minute chanp 0{ improvisations that changed an ad~ starting time of 9:50 a.m. to an aetualltarting time of 12:15 p.m. Pleue, for the sake of IDOtoerwI, will aU parties involved, particularly in u-e major events, and even in the routine weekly local events, do all they can to help one another to llIIUJ'e the presentation of a more acceptable pro' gram for both the riders and the spec' taton. GARY L. HUNTER Portland; OR

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