Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 03 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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card. to him care of R.C. EngineerIng. 13300 Eav.... Gardena. CA 10248. HosPITal STOP: As an update on the two racen who crashed In the Long Beach GP Sidecar race, Bill Davidson, pilot of the 171 chair, will undergo surgery on Mar. 17 at St. Mary's Hospital in Long Beach to repair several broken hones in his right hand. You can send get well cards to him at Room 504, St. Mary's Hospital, 1050 Linden Ave., Long Beach, CA 90801. Pat Dunn, the passenger on the Davidson rig, was held for observation after the crash, then released. Any AMA Pro flat track.... who plan on entering either the Mer. XI or Apt. 3 Aacot half mile avena. the orgenizera have requeated that you aend them • poet card with your riding number. cIaaIfIc:atIon. name. hometown. type of blk. and aponaor they can get .11 that Info Into the progrem. Send the poet. card to Agelanian Enterpriaea. P.O. Box 98. Gardena. CA 10247. .0 Jack Johnson bliued his 490cc Maico to the overall win in the Silver City Scramblen M.C.'s Second Annual Bent Spoke Hare Scrambles near Jean, NV on Mar. 15. Third overall and fIrSt 250cc rider to complete the four rocky 22-mile loops was Yamaha-mounted Troy Fitch. Kevin Gashler, also Yamaha-mounted, placed sixth overall, fint U5cc bike. Coverage next week from Dr. Gonzo. And don't forget: .... XI Ie the . . for the V.... 4CIO dntwing. It happena at Ceaey Folts· Spartaman Cyde In La V..... The BLM has opened a Hollister Resource Area headquanen with a mailing addresa of P.O. Box 565, Hollister, CA 95205, phone: 408/657-8424. Dave Howell is the area manager, and according to the BLM press release, he'll be happy to answc.r any public inquiries regarding his area that you may have. Kaweaakl·. GPz1100 mad• • new reputation for ltalf under the guld.nce of WhItney B18k..... at the Mer. 1& ARRA race at WIIow Springe. Riding In (and winning) the Box Stock cIeaa. B18k..... pu.hed the GPz to • new !lip record (for Box Stock....) of 1:38.2. • veiy 1mpfI ..M time at WIIow. B.....I..•• Champion Cyclea blk. ran with S&W ~ ahoc:ka,. 4.10.1. Dunlop KB1 on front. .120lIO-18 PIreIII Gordon on the beck rim. and • Nt of .,lIiinMrtlat h.ndl.b... Other tt.n that. It wee atock Kaweaakl. Speaking of fast, KTM's lDOIIIter - the 495 motOCJ'Olller - just set a new top speed record in a Dirt BiJu ma~ test: 124mphl When asked if this was really necessary for getting to check points on time in a 24mph enduro, KTM's Don ROlICIle would only comment: "Could run a little hot. . ." The California Off-Road Vehicle Association held its annual convention over the Mar. 15-15 weekend in Valencia. 1980 Southern Region Director Chuck Hollingsworth was elected as State Director. Bob Ham continues as Vice President, while Donetta Adams was elected State Secretary. Rick "Thumper Freak" Gochnaur was appointed interim Southern Region Director. There'll be a Southern Region meeting on Apr. 11 at the VFW Hall in Duane. Everybody's welcome; call the CORVA Hotline at 714/685-0%86. .c- M.-ty Moatea i. acheduled to rIeIe the four-stroke exhibition race at HangtOWn Mer. 29 .Iong with "Rocket" Rex Statan. Steven Gall, ErIc McKenna. AI Bak.. Jim O·N.... Lance Moorewood .nd c.Iirornia .... 14. winding up In the hoapItal with • badly broken wrIat and • broken .nkle. Ru.. undel went aurgery on the right wrIat on Mer. 1&; reporta MY he'll hev•• eaat on that wriat for four to .Ix month•. Coliine .hould be out of the hoapltal by the time you read thl.. eo .end thou get-well In a pressday call to Suzulti, Darrell ShUlu had fluid removed from his injured left knee Monday morning (Mar. 16) and was feeling much better, according to Larry GriffIS who will assume the position of M ~ Team Manager when Mark Blackwell leaves -at the end of the month. GriffIS said HosPITal STOP: R.C. engineering'. Ruaa CoIllna wee Involved In .n ddant with . . Corveltll in 80Uthem othen. The MaIco Mega E ..... machiI... (the 410 Ie ahown herel otr. endwo hardwaFe Ilk.1Ighta end apark an-eator. new Mega frame and Corte Coaao pIggybec:k reaervoIr ahocka Nt for enduro damping. that Shulu will undergo a more detailed examination Friday to better detennine the extent and severity of the injury. Grehem Noyce .nd Nell Hudeon .re fighting tooth .nd In the BritI.h 500cc National MX Serle•. At the ..aeon opener. M•. 15 at H.wkeatone Perk, the two shared win••nd MCOnd pIacInga (Noyca. -2·1; Hudaon 1·2) with Noyce taking the nod for overall by • aim foursecond margin for total time' The Mar. 15 third round in the Belgian 500cc National MX Series was cancelled due to too much water on the track! It's been raining almost constantly for the past several weeks, and the course was literally submerged. Maico-mounted Ivan Van Den Broeck leads the series ahead of Eric Gehoers (Suz) and Andre Vromans (Yam). Juat In C8H you're confuaad: The Moriwakl Buperblke racing effort I. totally backed by Mamoru Mariwekl. flnancad by the .... of parte from hie Buzuka City "factory" where parte are made by hie 1&-18 empioyeea. He recaIvea no money from Kawaaaki. . Heard ahout KTM's new factory rider? They've signed Carl Cranke to ride all the lOSE Qualifying Series eventi and selected other off-road racesl Feel Oke writing • letter to • maga...1 ..... _ . . , . . . pubIIahad • IIat of the country'. 20 moat dangeroua jobe. taken they aid from the iMUranca WI itan handbook. .... Wrfta . . . . Number 14 Ie - you gussud It - "AnythIng to do with motorcycIea:. Do we really need thla7 Time to start kicking ... Don't miss the Din Diggen M.C. annual Dinosaur Race at Ascot Park on May 51. It's a full program for Novice. Amateur and Experts in all displacement claues, and it'll be run on Ascot's Pro IT track. Central Caeat Motorcycle Aaoelation he. joined the Cal Poly Penguine to fight PEBS (Pre-Enduro Boredom Syndrome). Saturday. M•. 28. the HI-Mountaln Enduro atarting . . . will be the aita of the flm Olde Enduro FaIre. The faatIvI. tIea Include product dlaplays. c:Inica, .0 demonatratlona and • barbecue. Falke . .ned up fer include KTM. O'Neal Produe:ta. S&W. HIPaint Racing. Countdown Engine.Ing. JART. Checkpoint. DIrt Me ..., . . . .nd others. The program begina around noon••nd the '-becue wII carry through Sund8y. FIlma from the ISDT on Satur· day night. HosPITal STOP: Motocrosser Jerry Costa underwent surgery on his ann Mar. 14 for the. fourth time in two yean. The three previous operations were unsuccessful at restoring the gripping power lost when he injured his arm in Baja a couple yean ago. Get well cards can be sent [0: Costa Racing, 4500 Gilbert, Corona, CA 91720. De.plta whet you m.y h.v. heard .bout the problem. at Gold.n State R.c.w.y .t Point. the Cycl. Weat/Suzukl aeries i• • cheduled to run •• p18nned. The raln-de18yed opening race Ie on M.r. 22.nd more Info can be h.d by calling 7071938 8448. Se.,. 2 What do you do when you're not out racing or testing bikes? If you're Mike Bell, you spend some free time

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